Dormer Academy

{Jirro felt Macal coming before he even appeared, his teleporting is preceded by a slight pressure in the air, when Macal appears, Jirro looks up at him, his features still normal at the moment as he turns square with Macal.} What have you done! Why would you break your word to me? {He shakes his head removing his sunglasses, showing his eyes now blacken and his fangs extend} I will not be locked away like some animal Macal, I am sorry but if you think I would let another F#CKING GOD LOCK ME AWAY FROM MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER YOU ARE MISTAKEN! {Bring his sword up in his left hand and his draw hand moving along his side he moves into a stance to draw. His eyes move along the treeline and the moment of the security guards coming} Just let me go, Macal I've not hurt anyone here so just let me go.

(I'm sorry I've been out of town this week, so my post have been slow and short)
Izzy, still charging through the woods in her wolf form, pushes herself to keep running as Macal's voice, once again, invades her mind. He wanted to lock Jirro up...could he even do that? And why did she care so much...he had done nothing but abandon her and lie to her since his return...she should be used to him not being around...shouldn't she?

The white wolf comes to the edge of a cliff, and stops finally, breathing heavily, her fun glistening. Her nose twitches as the scents from the earth tickles her senses, and throwing her head back, she howls. The sounds echos, loud enough that further off she can hear a few birds take off in fear, the sound from their wings almost going unnoticed due to the roaring sound of her blood, pulsing through her veins.

The further she got from the campus, the better she felt...until she sensed her husband and Macal's presence further off...

No. This was wrong. She couldn't let them do this to Jirro. She wouldn't let this happen...

Letting out a growl, she takes off running again, her pace quickening when she catches the scents of the approaching guards. She manages to beat them to Jirro and leaps in the air, landing directly in front of her husband, her claws digging into the dirt there. She turns on Macal, her canines bared, and lets out a low snarl, pacing the small space which separates the two men. She knew what she was doing was stupid. Out of everyone, Macal was her oldest friend next to Faith, but Jirro was her husband. She had to protect him.

Shifting back into her human form, she blocks Jirro from view, her eyes still glowing golden. It doesn't even seem to phase her that she is naked, as she keeps her gaze fixed with the god's. The anger from them fades, and they waver slightly, slowly starting to brim with tears. "Please....please just let him go...I can't....I can't keep losing him..."

Her head jerks slightly at the sound of the nearing guards and she tries one more time. "I'll watch him myself...keep him locked down in our place...I'll take full and total responsibility for anything he does...I swear it..." her voice raises as she grows more frantic, one hand reaching back blindly for her husbands and when she finds it, she grasps it so tightly, she nearly snapped bone. "Please...just don't take him away from me again..."



Bucky flinches when he sees Izzy run off and if it wasn't for Kat, he would have gone after her. Looking down at his human, he forces a smile onto his face and nods at her suggestion, saying good bye to her friend as the two of them start down the hallway.

He was getting her safely back to her room. That was it...he'd be damned if he let anything else happen.

((sorry writer's block for Buck and Mitsy at the moment :/ ))
*Mac watches Jirro move into a stance, if all things were equal Jirro is probably one of the few people in existence that is as equally skilled with a sword as he is, they both spend insanely long sessions training daily. Jirro has everything Mac would consider to be to dangerous to let go if he thought he was a true threat to anyone. His is dart to the side, then follow Izzy as she arrives on the scene, he takes notice of he snarl towards him and then when she shifts back and starts to plead with him. He stares at her, his eyes start glowing with lighting bolts coming out of them. As usual the signs of his powers start to show, the sky darkens, the ground starts to shake and thunder and lighting fill the skies. He draws his sword off his back, that action alone fills like it blow a normal person off their feet, he squares his stance and brings his sword back as if the throw it like a javelin and aims it at Jirro, not seeming to care if Izzy is standing in front of him. Then suddenly he changes direction and aims his sword towards the empty sky and launches it..The wave of pressure hits the trees behind him knocking over the trees along the path the security were taking blocking it. Mac looks at Jirro and Izzy and shrugs*

Looks like I lost my weapon, I couldn't possibly consider taking on someone like you two without my weapon, I guess I should go find, maybe I'll get those nice security guards to help me find it. *As he says that the sky clears and the ground stops shaking* I suggest you two use this time to go for a long walk, I should be ready to fight again in maybe 48 no make it 72 hours..That's if I can find you. *His eyes glow again and set of keys and a data pad appear in front of Jirro.*

It's an Omega Class Safe house about 50 miles from here, only I know about it..Go there, stay there until we figure out a way to draw HardTime out...Izzy if he kills anyone, I will not be able to turn my back again, is that clear? Now do your ninja thing and vanish..And don't worry about the security teams they are no where near capable of tracking you. *Mac vanishes but doesn't return home instead he travels to a place outside time/space,..Despite the voices of every living being on the planets thoughts flowing though this place, Mac has always come here to think and he had lots to thing about now..*
Lil looked after Kat and Bucky as the two left and Adrian asked about what she knew. He was the assistant teacher to that Lycan woman, right? The one who taught firearms. Lil had taken one of her classes before but with the noise and the force of the recoil, she had determined that a gun was not the weapon for her. Needless to say, with just that one class being the only time she had even seen the man, she had never spoken to him and didn't know much about him. Bucky seemed like the type of guy that was the topic on girls' tongues and Lilith was more inclined to spend her time with guys.

Tilting her head slightly, she furrowed her eyebrows as if in thought. "Sorry," she said. "I can't really tell you much. I know he's rather popular with the girls. I think it's the accent. Why the interest? Do you know a bit about him? Or maybe the girl he went off with?" It was most likely that latter of the two, seeing as if Adrian knew Bucky, he'd be asking about the girl, not him.
Raina let out an exasperated sigh as Faith told them everything she already knew, then added on that they weren't allowed to leave the damn school grounds! She'd do whatever the hell she wanted to do, if she wants to leave then she damn well will!

Faye meanwhile was biting her bottom lip worriedly, she had already gathered that something evil was affecting them - she wasn't as stupid as everyone seemed to think she was. But it was still worrying, especially since anyone who knew her knew that Faye had the temper of a raging thunderstorm with some added in fire bolts. Pyro's always seemed to have issues with their temper, maybe it came with the fire.

Speaking of which, Faye had spotted that Pyro boy from earlier coming over and she gave him a small smile, but before she could speak to him there was a teasing voice behind her and she spun around to come face-to-face with Lilith. She tensed straight and when it clicked in her brain that Lilith was teasing her, teasing her after what she had managed to trick them into doing, oh no, Faye wasn't standing for it. She felt herself beginning to heat as she glared openly at the angel, she opened her mouth to tell her to very rudely p*ss off when Adrian spoke up and began chatting with Lilith like she was a meek little school girl.

"Don't you dare start trying to get him to think you're an innocent little girl! And what are you even doing here?!?! Why hasn't Mel killed you yet for what you did to her!?!" She was seething now, and a flame leapt from her arm and hit the floor to puff out. "You tricked us all into hurting Mel and then you show up here like you're the victim!!"

Raina was watching with a small frown, she had gotten Macal's message, which made little sense to her but she pushed it away for now and focused on making sure Faye wasn't about to start another fight. Raina herself hadn't been there when the others had attacked Mel, she had been too busy sorting out her own issues at the time, and she had had little contact with the angel in front of them, but Faye had blurted everything out to her and it was oh-so easy for Raina to recognize the fakery in front of her. After all, you have to be a faker to know one, right?

But still, Faye was beginning to heat and Raina stepped forward, grabbing her little sister's arm despite the sting that came with it, "Come on Faye, she's not even worth it and if you burn down the school Faith will be p*ssed off, and as funny as it would be to annoy her, that's not really the sort of thing you need to be doing right now." "But she's trying to trick Adrian into thinking she's nice so she can use him like she used me!" "And? It's his fault if he wants to believe she's an innocent little sweetheart when she's really a manipulative b*tch, he should be smart enough to see through her."


Chameleon had stood through Faith's little speech and frowned lightly. An invisible force affecting them all? He was glad he hadn't been affected yet properly. If he went into his 'fighting mode' and was unable to get out of it due to anger he'd be seriously concerned about how many people he'd end up killing by accident. He really didn't need anymore blood on his hands.

He glanced around to see mostly everyone had cleared out, and spotted Faye, Raina, Lilith and a new guy standing together. Faye looked she was about to blow her top, but Raina was more than capable of looking after her and since the event earlier in the canteen he'd thought it best to leave them alone for a bit.

Another glance and he spotted a small girl standing all alone with a bear clutched under her arm, was she lost? He knew he wouldn't be much help, but it was still polite to ask, so he headed over to the girl and stopped just behind her, "Excuse me? Are you okay? Do you need any help with anything?"

(Chameleon is speaking to Nikkie, just in case you didn't notice xD )
Within her bedroom, Katarina pulled Bucky in behind her and shut the door, leaning against it heavily for a few moments, as though this motion exhausted her. Letting out a sigh, she moved forward from it and sat on her bed, casting a slightly embarrassed look around her room, as though she were ashamed of its contents. Or rather, its lack of contents. Her room had few possessions and little personality within it, mostly because she and Adrian had arrived at the school with little more than the clothes on their backs. She hoped Bucky wasn't the type to notice how little she actually owned as she gestured for him to join her on the bed.

"This has been such a weird day...sort of scary. Have never saw anything like that before? Everyone getting so mad at once?"

She paused, then added, "Bucky, what is your room like? I mean, since you're a it different than mine?"


Faith continued to shout at Macal, not failing to notice that he was not responding to her any longer. He was IGNORING her? Why, because she was too right for him to deal with? Or more likely, was he dismissing her as the "unreasonable woman" and simply blocking her out? What the hell was he thinking, how could he possibly behave like that, make decisions like that?

When she realized that he had gone outside time and space and literally wasn't available to hear or contact her, that only increased her anger. She could feel her body starting to shake, the rage building within her until she could hardly see, and the violence that flitted through her thoughts was enough for her to know she had to remove herself from the building, immediately, or risk committing an action she would deeply regret. She almost ran through the halls to the front entrance, and once outside and pacing at a rapid clip, she felt herself return to a more manageable level of anger.

What was she going to do?


"The girl he's with is my sister," Adrian said to Lil stiffly, only briefly looking at her as he watched until both Katarina and Bucky were out of sight. "My twin sister. She's...she's not very smart about guys, sometimes, and she's all I have left...I want to make sure she's safe, but that guy..."

He let the words fade, fully distracted from his train of thought as Raina suddenly started to yell at Lil. He was used to the volatile girl by now, but he couldn't make a lot of sense of what she was saying. Lil trying to trick him? She hadn't said hardly anything, though, certainly nothing deceptive. It was just Raina, she was half crazy.

When Faye said it was his fault if Lil manipulated him, Adrian's fists clinched at his sides, and he almost snapped back at her before taking in a deep breath and turning to Lil. "Does everyone hate you like that? Do they even know you?"

It reminded him of himself, how the others were with her, giving her no chance before she'd even done anything against them. He wouldn't blame her if she was mean to them, just because they forced her to be.


Sheena stared down at Liza, not understanding most of what she had said, but nodding as though she did. Hoisting her to her hip, she smoothed a hand over Liza's hair, clearing her throat.

"Uh, something strange is happening, Liza. I don't really understand it either but I'll do the best that I can to make sure people are okay, all right? But I don't think going to Dad right now is a very good idea. If he wanted you to stay here with me and Mitsy-"

"He didn't say exactly-" Liza began hopefully, but Sheena was used to Liza's truth stretching by now and shook her head, bopping a finger on Liza's nose.

"Something tells me that's not true, little girl. Come on, let's go...uh, play...Batman and Batgirl and Batwoman, or something. You can be Batman."

She looked up at Mitsumi, hoping she would play along, more concerned than ever now that Liza was talking about all of this as well. What she really wanted was to follow after her sister or her father and help, but if she was supposed to babysit...why did they make her stay out of it anyway, she was eighteen, she was a junior teacher, this was stupid.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she began to feel, and Liza noticed her tensing against her.

"You feel weird, Sheena."

Realizing this, Sheena tried to settle herself, biting the inside of her cheeks. "Liza...if I start to get like that to me, okay? Say nice things so I'll stop."

"Okay," Liza said agreeably enough. "I still get to be Batman."
Ezra nodded some, "Yes, it will end badly if everyone manages to be affected." he said quietly, he really didn't think there was anything that he could do other than possibly be able to alert people quickly since he was able to go through walls and get places faster. He blinked and looked at Riff as he mumbled something, he barely caught what he said, but did notice who he was looking at. He didn't know why he would be upset about the young woman being there, but he wouldn't push it if Riff didn't want to talk about it, considering what was going on he didn't want someone else getting angry and it being his fault. "I really should sign up for some classes, but I don't think I can do many of the physical classes yet, I would have to join classes that deal more with thinking and planning... though I really don't know how good I would be at making plans for things." he said with a small chuckle. He was a little glad of the change of subject.


Nickkie was standing there, just watching everyone with her dark sapphire eyes, she had a serious look on her face, she frowned as she noticed Izzy running off, then after a bit when she watched a young woman starting to get angry and fire appeared along her arms, she had been about to see if she could help when another young woman said something to her and seemed to at least be helping to calm her.

Suddenly someone was talking to her, she turned to him and looked up at him, slowly tilting her head, then she smiled a little. "I'm fine. Just.... watching everyone, Faith said that was probably the best way I could help." she said, she absently reached up and pulled one of the long silver braided pigtails over her shoulder to play with it with one hand as if she was a little nervous. She wasn't normally worried about things, but with how many powerful people were here and with how easily angry they were becoming it was dangerous. Even Nick could cause a good amount of damage if she lost her control. "I don't need help, unless you are going to help keep an eye on everyone too? It is a huge job." she said, then she blinked as if she just realized something, she let go of her braid and held her hand out to him, "My name is Nick." she said, offering her nickname instead of her full name. "And you are?"

(Very sorry for having such a long delay, everything was kind of crazy here, but now things should be getting back to normal and I will be trying to be here and replying more often.)
"Oh" was Lilith's first response to Adrian as he confessed his worries about his sister's taste in men. She didn't really have much to say on the matter as she didn't really care or know what to do in this situation. Lil personally felt that Adrian should just leave the little sl*t alone. If she got screwed over, it was her own fault. Touching his shoulder in a reassuring way, she smiled at him. "She's lucky to have someone care about her that much. But I think she'll be fine. She's not a little girl after all and Bucky doesn't seem that bad, does he?"

Then came Faye's anger fueled attempts to "warn" Adrian about Lilith and her true intentions. It was laughable actually. Despite her personality, Lilith was still, strangely, an angel. And Faye was a prime example that anyone would be more willing to believe a "soldier of God" more than anyone else. She let her eyes fall to the ground, putting on a rather hurt face in front of Adrian and anyone else watching. "Faye, why are you being so mean? And you should know that you can't kill anyone on school grounds. At least without a proper reason. And seeing as Mel isn't allowed to even touch me, I've done nothing wrong to her."

She brought herself closer to Adrian when he asked if everyone hated her that way, pressing her body against his arm and placing her head on his shoulder. The lumps of fat on her chest were heavy as @#$% but they did come in handy when dealing with guys. "Not everyone," she said. "There are some that are nice to me. Like you. But . . . I don't know why so many others hate me so much. I haven't done anything to them."

At this time, Lilith walked toward Faye, making sure her back was to Adrian. There was a huge smile plastered on her face. Whether it was a fake one put on to keep up appearances or a real one put on because she knew she was winning this fight was unclear. Perhaps it was both. "You know, Faye, I'd really like to be friends with you. You seem like a really nice girl, even if you do hate me. Maybe we could start over?" She then hugged Faye, bringing her lips close to the half-breed's ear, whispering soft enough so that only Faye could hear what she was saying. "It's your word against mine. And I think more people would believe an angel over a girl so emotionally unstable she can't even keep the blade away from her wrists*."

(If it wasn't clear, Lil is talking about Faye trying to kill herself. I'll also post for Riff later.)
(Ouch. That was low Lil, poor Faye D: And Faith, you got Raina and Faye mixed up xD Faye was shouting and Raina was saying let Adrian be tricked :P Oh, just a heads up, Raina's about to freak out, someone like Faith or Macal might need to intervene or something, if not I could try making Chameleon calm her, but she might just stab him as well... xD )

Faye watched, getting even more angry as Adrian seemed already caught in the web of lies, "I only hate her because she tricked us all into actually almost killing another girl in our last school! She'll do the same thing to you if you're not careful!" When Lilith then went and played the 'victim' Faye's heat intensified, flames licking her arms now as she glared daggers at the angel, "She can't touch you because all that sh*t happened in the old school, you just ran away so that so you could get away with it since you can't be punished for something you did in a different academy!"

Faye's eyes were a flaming red now, flames bursting off her skin and hitting the ground, her fury only increasing incredibly as Lilith hugged Adrian and said she had done nothing wrong. Faye was ready to sink her fangs into Lilith's dainty little neck when the girl actually HUGGED her, like they were friends or something! She was about to shove her away and send a foot to her face when those lips were suddenly at her ear, whispering about Faye's weakness, her insecurities pulled out from inside and dangled in front of her.

A girl so emotionally unstable she can't even keep the blade away from her wrists. She stepped back immediately from the hug, her flames had died out with those words Lil had spoken, her eyes wide as she stared at the 'angel' in shock. She couldn't speak. How could she when Lil was so right? She was emotionally unstable, a wreck, an absolute loser and a failure. She could feel her body trembling now, as though Lil had delievered a physical blow, and knew her face was as pale as a ghost. She was right, she was right, she was damn right! And Lil's words had only reminded her that everyone knew! She was such an idiot that she had blurted it out back in the canteen, and now they all knew what a freak she was, they were all disgusted with her almost as much as she was with herself.

Myra would be ashamed.

She didn't register when she was suddenly pushed by, not noticing that Raina had stepped right infront of her, glaring at Lil with seething eyes, and she only came back when she heard Raina's words, "What the f*ck did you say to her?" She glanced up with distant eyes to see Raina was speaking to Lil now, and with a numb mouth and head Faye spoke hoarsely, "She's right Raina. Who's he going to believe? An angel or a girl so emotionally unstable she can't keep the blade away from her wrists?" She repeated Lil's words dumbly, feeling as though she wanted nothing more than to not be here anymore, than to just curl up in a ball and no longer exist, they all knew.

Raina on the other hand was at the opposite end of the spectrum, it had been even too much when Lil had actually hugged Faye, but when she had seen Lil whisper, when she had noticed how Faye had turned immediately pale, shaking with wide eyes as though she had just re-witnessed Myra's death, well, that's when her anger hit the bar and tipped it right over. She was only able to just hold herself back long enough to ask what the hell Lil had said to her little sister, and when she heard the numb Faye speak she knew her baby sister was just repeating Lil's words like a parrot. She snarled openly then, her eyes pitch black and her fangs elongated, "You fuckin' b*tch! You think you can run around playing the innocent little victim, giving off those fake smiles and baby pouts and then turn around to my little sister and make her feel like sh*t just because she's had a few self-harm issues?!?" It was then that she snapped. F*ck Faith's rules, she would kill this b*tch just to make sure she could never hurt Faye like that again, if Faith didn't frickin' care that Lilith had just hurt Faye in ways deeper than any physical pain and decided Raina needed to be 'punished' then she would just take Faye and get the hell out of here to somewhere where she could actually HEAL, not be ridiculed.

She lunged at Lil with a furious growl then, a wildcat at work as she first dropped low and did a sweep-kick across Lil's feet, then slammed her fist into the girl's gut and spiked her foot up to try and catch her chin, from there on she punched, kicked and bit whatever the hell she could grab. Her mind was fogged with anger, and she was ready to reach for her dagger if needs be. No-one hurts her little sister and gets away with it.


Chameleon looked down at the somber little girl and gave her a soft smile as she spoke about watching everyone to help Faith out, she was sweet, but yet he could see so much wisdom and seriousness in her youthful eyes. When she asked if he would like to help her with helping he titled his head with a chuckle and nodded, "Sure," He couldn't say much else then, as she seemed to remember something, then held out her hand with a name offering.

He took her hand and shook it politely, "Hey Nick, nice name, and I'm Chameleon, but that's a bit of a mouthful, so you can call me Leon if you'd like." He paused for a moment then carried on, "Or Leo, it's up to you." He was unsure about offering his second nickname - since it was the one Raina came up with for him, but then he remembered that Faye uses it too, so he can't specifically link it to Raina anyway.

He then noticed the bear in the little girl's arms and gave it a small frown for a moment, as though it were familiar, and then the frown turned to a smile and he nodded to it, "That's a cool bear you got there, does it have a name too?"

(Serenity, I'm curious, is anyone here supposed to recognize the bear or is it something another one of your characters is supposed to pick up on? You said something about it being linked to her past?)
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(Well, I'm no Faith or Macal, but will a Mel do?)

Mel watched Vash quietly as he continued to sleep on the floor chained up within the Devil's Trap. Everything seemed in order. The lines of the Traps were untouched. The chains showed no sign of rust or weakening. Although Vash had already gone through half a bucket of holy water, drinking it and simply pouring it over his head. He told her it stung but at least it worked. She'd have to get more tomorrow so she'd need to see Faith about some permit or whatever. Jumping off Vash's bed, she let out a heavy sigh. It was honestly tiring, trying to be a good person, trying to follow the rules. Even with the constant running, being a villain was so much easier, so much simpler.

As she made her way to the door, she caught sight of something on the desk by the door. Her old mask. The one she used to wear at the previous academy and everyday before then. She thought she had thrown it out back then. Seemed pointless to keep it since everyone already saw her face, especially the eyes she had hated. Running her finger along the edge of the mask, she looked over to Vash, particularly his bandaged torso. The gauze had already turned a dull red. He was still losing blood. She may have turned him into a demon but he was still originally a human, and had the healing capabilities of one. And there was only one way to help him without turning to that eyesore's faculty for help.

Mel placed the mask on her face, tying the strings behind her head extra tight since it was a little loose on this head. And taking a few minutes to grab some things from her room, she was gone. She had made her mind.


Lil only smiled wider as Faye seemed to break under her words. After centuries of playing with people, it was still so much fun to watch someone break down. Then Raina stepped in, fangs out and yelling at her now. Lilith tilted her head as if in confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about, Raina. But if Faye is hurting herself, she should stop. Suicide is a sin after all and whatever drove her to it, God surely has a plan to heal her heart." Then Lil added in a whisper low enough so that Raina could pick out the words with her enhanced hearing, "Although I can't help but think that she may not have tried to join her dead sister, if her other one was strong enough to deal with dear old daddy in time."

As Raina dropped down for a leg sweep, Lil jumped in the air, small wings sprouting from her back to keep her afloat. She learned from her past mistakes and had actually been training in Mel's body to get the hang of her limitations and abilities. She had not been able to dodge the blow to her gut though, or the kick to her chin, being thrown back by the impact. After that, she did her best to block and dodge Raina's spontaneous blows. Her anger was slowly rising until she heard a voice.

"Get away from her, Sunshine. I still need her." It was Mel only she was now wearing her old mask although Lil couldn't figure out why? And was the doll protecting her? This was getting a bit confusing but she'd take it. Waiting for Raina to stop first or for someone to pull her back, Mel walked toward the angel. "I need blood. My blood. Vash's wound isn't closing."

So that's why Mel stopped the fight. She needed something from Lilith. She had to bask in the deliciousness of this moment later on, but first she was going to have a bit of fun. Trembling slightly now she looked at Mel. "But it's going to hurt, isn't it? And it isn't normal for someone to just ask for blood. Unless you're a vampire I guess. But if you're willing to ask 'nicely' for it, I wouldn't mind giving it to you."

What happened next surprised Lilith greatly. Mel got on all fours, face close to the dirt. "Please give me some blood. I'm not losing this one as well." The angel was speechless. was this really happening? The princess of Lucifer was bowing to her. At this point, Lilith forgot Adrian was there and that she was in plain sight. She was enjoying this too much. She placed a foot on the doll's head, pushing her face into the dirt. "Now that's not the proper way to beg, is it?"

Mel pushed her head back up, looking at the face print in the ground. "I didn't come here to beg, Lil. There is more than one way to get blood." This last statement put the angel off guard as the doll shot up and made a slashing movement. Lil jumped back, spotting a thin cut on her left calf. Looking up she saw Mel standing before here, wiping the dirt from her face and holding a rather large syringe in hand.


"We should probably go see Faith then. She'd have more knowledge on this." Riff then led the spirit over to the headmaster but stepped back when he saw how angry she looked. Did something happen? Maybe this wasn't the best time to talk to her. He turned back to Ezra. "Maybe we should come back later, Ezra. She seems a bit . . . um . . . busy." Riff's gaze then fell back to Lilith for a moment, more specifically the trouble she seemed to be causing. Was that Mel there? It looked like she was getting into a fight. He took a quick look around. It seemed like most of the staff was gone. Faith was the only one he could see. Instead of backing off like he had suggested to Ezra before, Riff walked up to Faith trying to distract her in hopes that the woman wouldn't notice what was going on in the yard. "Mrs. Cord? Is there something wrong?" (He could fail though. Actually, going by what might happen, he'll most likely fail.)
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"He's a Lycan," Adrian blurted, even as he calmed slightly under Lil's touch. "He could kill her even if he didn't mean to, she's only a human. She doesn't have any powers at all, and she's so...she could never hurt anyone. You just have to know her to understand."

His cheeks reddened slightly, and he quickly lowered his eyes as Lil pressed against him, reacting in spite of himself to her closeness. She was a very pretty girl, even if it was actually Mel's body she was in, and Adrian couldn't deny liking the feel of her so near him. He cleared his throat, awkwardly putting a hand on her shoulder in an effort to comfort.

"Uh...I don't understand either. You seem nice to me...I don't think you seem the type to really try to hurt people on purpose."

When Faye shoves away from Lil's apparent effort to make nice, Adrian frowns, thinking her rather harsh, but when it becomes soon apparent that Lil has said something very cruel to her, judging from Faye's reaction and then Raina's, he steps back, confused. At first it seems he should side with Lil, and he starts to shout for them to leave her alone, fire automatically rising to his palms, but then Lil seems to turn the tables when Mel shows up, forcing her head down to step on. Now he really doesn't know what to think or what to believe, and he shakes his head, deciding it might be within his best interest to just leave.


In fact, Faith had not noticed what was going on. Between her anger and her attempts to focus solely on self-calming, her efforts to reach out to Macal, she was looking only straight ahead in a tunnel vision fashion, and she had managed to block out most of the shouting as well. But when Riff comes up intending to continue to distract her, the opposite affect is caused. Instead, she turns to look at him and takes in what is still occuring between Mel, Lil, Faye, and Raina. Seeing the syringe in Mel's hand, the rather hostile arrangement of her and Lil near each other, and a fanged-out Raina nearby, she sprinted towards them.

"HEY! Stop it right now, all of you!"

Coming up alongside Mel, she made a move to snatch the syringe from her and positioned her body to grab and restrain anyone who made a threatening move. "Do not touch each other! Someone tell me right now what the hell is going on!"
(If you want Chameleon to recognize it, then you can. That is why Nick carries it, she kind of hopes that someone recognizes it and can tell her what she is since she doesn't know (oh, Nick is half faerie btw.).)

Nickkie smiled some as he said that he would help and then nodded as he said that Nick was a nice name, "I like Nick better than my full name, which is Nickkie." she said, it wasn't so much that the name was bad, just that she liked the sound of Nick better. "I like Leon, so I'll call you that." she said after thinking about his name for a moment.

As he looked at the bear and commented on him she looked down at the bear in her arms as well and gave the bear a smile that was reserved for something very familiar and loved. "His name is Donnie. My mother left him with me when she left me at the orphanage." she said, even though she tried to fool herself into thinking that she didn't love the bear, she did, he had been a constant companion to her through her life. Though she didn't carry him only because she loved him, she hoped that someday someone might recognize him, and maybe know who gave him to her, know who her mother is, and therefore, what Nick is.

She turned, tilting her head as she heard the shouting and really realized that something was wrong. She listened, getting an idea of what was going on, looking at the woman that was supposedly an angel, she watched as she pressed the living doll's face to the ground and then she frowned, a look of disgust crossing her face at the way she was acting. She shook her head, she should go to get Faith, but almost as if on cue, when she thought that Faith was running in and getting between them. She looked at Chameleon, her face once again nothing but serious, "Maybe we should finish this conversation later." she said, then she started walking. She wasn't going to get in the way of Faith stopping the fight, instead she walked toward Faye.

She could tell that the young woman was hurting, it was in the way she looked, how she stood, she needed help. She walked to her, one arm still holding Donnie to her chest, but with her free one she reached out and took the woman's hand gently, looking up at her with her dark sapphire eyes. It was true that Nick was serious for her age, as well as wise beyond her years, but there was also a kindness to her, as well as sadness, she smiled gently up at her, "Everything will be alright." she said.


Ezra had nodded as Riff suggested they go see Faith, she would be the one who would know which classes would be more available to one in his situation. When he noticed the look on her face he stopped, "Um.." he said, tilting his head, he nodded as Riff suggested coming back later and had already started to walk away when he heard Riff talking to Faith, he tilted his head and turned to look at him, then he noticed the fight.

Before he could say anything Faith was running toward the fight to stop it, he sighed a little, they hadn't even made it through one day before another fight had started, but at least this one seemed to be on a much smaller scale. He blinked as he noticed there was a little girl near those that were fighting, he hadn't even known there were children so young there, then he frowned thinking that it wouldn't be a good thing for a child to be there during that. He started to walk toward the fight, not sure what he could do, then stopped as the girl took the hand of a young woman, maybe she would be alright after all.
Raina was fuming. No doubt about it. She was at the point where all reason was gone. Not that she ever had much of it anyway. The only thing that mattered to the vampire anymore was her sister. That was it. That was all it had ever been. Anyone who Raina considers a sister is someone she would kill for, someone she would die for. She didn't care what happened to her, she hadn't cared about that for a while, but mess with her sister and you'll have hell to pay.

Lil's words stung about not stopping Kol, and Raina could barely find in it her through her rage to snarl out, "He's not my dad.", before continuing with her attack. Though, oddly enough, the mentioning of Kol did something helpful for Raina just then. It happened just when Mel arrived, and Raina remembered one of the 'teachings' Kol had given her that had helped in situations. To calm. He had always told her that letting her anger overtake her would get her killed in a battle, and annoyingly enough the little pr*ck was right. So when Mel stepped up, Raina was still ready to kill a dozen men all at once, but she managed to calm herself enough to step back; it helped that she knew Mel hated Lil too.

Raina held back her snarl as Mel actually got on all fours and bowed to Lil! What was she doing? But her anger only heightened when Lil pushed Mel's face into the dirt, in fact, she even moved forward to attack the angel once again, but it seemed Mel knew she was she was doing as she in the blink of an eye she had gotten up, stabbed Lil with a syringe and was now standing up facing her.

But then Faith was there, intervening as always, and when she shouted to know what the hell was going on, Raina was so fuckin' angry right now that she actually snarled threateningly at the teacher and snapped her words out, "Why the hell haven't you kicked out that stupid a*s angel yet?!? Or better yet let Mel or someone kill the b*tch! I'm willing and ready to rip her soul out of that body after what she just said to Faye, I'm sure you'd understand how cruel someone has to be to make fun of someone because they've tried to kill themselves!" Raina's body language was clearly threatening, but you could see just how much she was holding herself back by the ways her curled fists shook and her body trembled with the want, no, the need, to rip someone apart. Even she didn't know if this was Thanatos or just her own protective urges kicking in. She had seen how broken her little sister had become after Myra's death, she was the one who sat there night after night just holding her while she cried, she was the one who had rushed into that bathroom just in time to pull the blade away from the suicidal girl; and had to deal with the painful reminder of when she had been the one holding the blade to her own person with the same intentions. None of them had seen what Faye had been like, but Raina had, she had watched her little sister crumble and anyone who thought they could use that against her were sorely mistaken.


Faye couldn't breathe. She felt like she was suffocating. Everyone was shouting and fighting, Raina was snarling, then Mel showed up and bowed to Lil and Faye thought maybe Mel knew she was such a useless loser that even she was joining up with Lil now to humiliate her. Then Faith decided to join the party, trying to fix what had already been broken, as usual. Then Raina was snarling and snapping out words and they sounded so loud in Faye's mind, whipping back and forth like angry bees. So emotionally unstable she can't even keep the blade away from her wrists. She's had a few self-harm issues. Faye is hurting herself. Suicide is a sin. Tried to kill themselves. She was ready to run then, to flee from here and just let her feet take her somewhere far, far away where no-one would know her and no-one could judge her. She was trembling, she knew and she was just about to bolt when she felt a small hand grab her own, making her jump, and she looked down with wide, terrified eyes only to see a small girl looking up at her with brilliant eyes, full of happiness, sorrow, a hint of seriousness and much more wisdom than expected for one so young.

Everything will be alright. It seemed that one simple sentence rang louder than the others in her mind, though this one felt good, it didn't sting or throb like the others, it was...soothing. It gave her the strength to stay. After all, if a child younger than her own teenage self could comfort her like this and tell her it would be fine then how weak would she be to just run like a coward? No. Even if she was weak, she wasn't allowed to be. The terror from her eyes slowly faded and somehow she managed to give the little girl a soft smile, an unconvincing one yes, but a smile nonetheless.

"Thank you," She managed to choke out two words, though she was still shaking slightly, "Wh-what's your name?" She paused, as though needing the courage to speak, "I'm Faye"


Chameleon nodded as she decided on his nickname and smiled when he noticed the tenderness in the child's eyes when she gazed at the bear. It obviously meant a lot to her. When she mentioned it's name was Donnie, the familiar feeling Chameleon had gotten earlier tugged a bit harder, why was it he knew that name? And why was the bear so familiar? As the Prince of Shape-shifters, he had met and seen a lot of people in his life, from various parts of the world and races, so maybe he had met this girl before? No..that couldn't be it, she was too young and surely he'd recognize her? He had no time to longer think on it though, as Nick was telling him they could finish talking later and it was then that he noticed the commotion that the little girl was heading over to. He frowned, not at all surprised to see Raina trying to kill someone - it happened more often than most thought - no, what he was frowning at was Faye, she looked as if she had just been shot or something, or seen a ghost, from how fragile she looked.

He followed Nick over then, deciding maybe he could try to help as well, he knew Faye, even before Myra's death, and it did actually hurt him to see the younger girl so upset; someone with a heart of gold like Faye shouldn't have to be upset.
Obviously, the situation was out of control. As Faith tried to keep herself in between the most aggressive of the fighters, eyes scanning between Lil, Mel, Faye, and Raina, she saw that Faye was withdrawing, upset, and knew she would have to address her later. But if Faye wasn't starting a fire now and Raina seemed determined to kill, and god knew what Mel and Lil had been up to, they were the priority.

Taking hold of Raina's shoulders firmly, she looked her in the eyes, using some of her strength but not enough yet to hurt to keep her from rushing after Lil as she repeated herself. "Tell me in a more civil fashion what just happened. You said Lil was talking badly to Faye, mocking her? So, what, you tried to kill her, then she and Mel ended up trying to kill each other?"

She looked around at some of the others gathering. "Anyone else see this? I want to know what happened, but in the end, it comes to this. There is a huge danger in this academy without you all trying to kill each other without it. This won't be tolerated and it will be dealt with. I want to know exactly what just happened."
Nick looked up at the young woman, watching as her face changed and soon she smiled, though it was a forced one, at least she was trying. Nick continued to hold onto her hand, it was her way of trying to comfort her since she certainly didn't know if she would want a hug. "I'm Nick, it's short for Nickkie. It's nice to meet you, Miss Faye." she said, she was still smiling gently up at her.

She slowly looked toward Faith, Mel, Raina, and the angel, then she looked back up at Faye, her young face was more serious, though there was still kindness, "A little advice... Don't listen to those who don't care about you, their opinion doesn't matter, look to those that do care about you, they will be willing to help you through whatever you are going through. You're still here, so... move forward with your life." she said, though Nick didn't know her, she at least cared enough to give her some advice, though the advice would probably seem strange coming from one so young. She looked back toward the group with a frown on her face, she knew that people were getting angry easily but it seemed almost like this didn't have to happen.

(Ezra is just watching, so, nothing for him currently)
Raina shoves Faith's strong hold away from her almost as soon as she is grabbed with her own considerable strength; she is way too volatile at the moment to be touched. But she glances back to Faye, checking on her, and she feels her anger start to fade slightly when she sees Faye is smiling at a little girl - very weakly, but still smiling - and she looks back to Faith with her eyes slightly less mad - yet still angry.

"Yes Lil was talking to Faye fuckin' badly." She still can't keep herself from spitting out the swearwords, a shoulder grab and a fake smile isn't going to suddenly make her calm again. "And yes, I was going to kill her and I still fuckin' will." She paused then, before speaking a teensy bit more calmly, "Mel wasn't trying to kill Lil, she said she needs her blood to heal Vash. And since Lil is the b*tch who stole Mel's body in the first place Mel wasn't really even stealing anything from Lil, just taking back what's hers." She said this just to add to the fact that Lil was the idiot who should be killed here; she didn't really give a damn if Mel got in trouble or not.

When Faith glanced at the others and spoke about it 'not being tolerated' Raina rolled her eyes, "Oh please, you can barely deal with anything anymore what with your own issues you've got going on. I mean, you're still letting this sorry excuse for an 'angel' run around in someone else's body. Fair enough if killing her will make the school look bad or whatever, since it's something you idiots seem to care about, but you could at least kick her out and let Mel take it from there."


Faye's head tilted when the little girl spoke, "It's not Miss Faye, just Faye," She smiled a bit more, "Miss Faye makes me sound old and I'm only fifteen." The smile fell when Nick carried on speaking, and Faye even felt her heart warm a little. She was right. Faye wasn't really one to judge on age, since when she was younger she was so sick of people doing it to her, so she wasn't incredibly surprised because of how young she was, but how right she was. She was still here. Myra wasn't. Myra didn't get that chance but Faye did. And now she had to live for the both of them. She had Raina, Raina helps her, all the time. Even now, as Faye glanced over, she realised Raina was willing to kill for her - not the best way to go about it, but she was still doing it to keep her safe.

A larger, more genuine smile came across her face then - as Faye was known for her incredible mood swings, even if it was going from upset to happy rather than the other way around - and she wasted no time in dropping down and almost crushing Nick in a hug, "Thank you Nick," She whispered softly so only the child could hear, "I think you just saved my life." And it was true as well. Had Nick not come over and spoke to her, Faye would have ran, she would have ran and ran and when it became too much she would have taken that blade and tried again. She stood back then, not wanting to bombard the girl if she was the type to not like hugs, and glanced up to see Chameleon standing a little way behind Nick.

"Oh hi Leo!" Chameleon smiled back at the girl, seeing that Nick had done a remarkable job of breathing back some life into her, and nodded back, "Hey Faye, uhhh, is Raina alright? She looks like she's about to tear someone's head off.." Faye glanced back then to see Raina throwing some heated words at Faith and she frowned lightly, "It's nothing, just something Lil said made me upset and Rai got mad, but Faith seems to be handling it." She looked back at Nick then, "So do you go to school here as well then Nick?"

Chameleon watched as Faye spoke to Nick, she seemed better now, but despite her now-real smile he could see in her eyes that she was still not quite right, he could tell she was still fragile by the way she stood curved in on herself and he knew whatever Nick had done, it had only been a temporary fix. After all, a bird who had broken their wing would never be able to fly in the same way it did before.
(God, this feels like such a cr*p post. If it's too much, I'll change it.)

Mel jerked her hand away as Faith reached for the syringe. She couldn't let the woman have it. It wasn't much but there was about half a centimeter of blood in it. Probably not enough to do what she needed it to do but it was a start. She needed it.

Her eyes fell to the ground as Faith grabbed Raina and told everyone that this behavior wouldn't be tolerated. Clutching the needle to her chest, she was now trembling, not out of fear of punishment or anything like that, but out of a mixture of anger and helplessness. Her hands gripped the syringe tighter. "Why won't you let me help him?" she muttered. Her voice tense. Was she not allowed to do everything she could to keep him alive? Was she supposed to watch him die like she did with Cobra? Her hands tightened further as she recalled her first servant, how he had reached a code break and uncontrollable fire covered his body. How she tried to die with him but blacked out when he punched her in the stomach. The next thing she remembered was waking up, floating in a river. She still had no idea how it happened, so she couldn't exact revenge on whoever provoked him into it. Was this going to be like that?

Then she heard a crack as the glass part of the needle broke and fell to the ground in small pieces, bringing the blood with it. A small bit of dirt darkened by her feet as a few small green sprouts emerged from beneath. The doll dropped to her knees and began digging at the dirt as if trying to find the coppery liquid pooled up just beneath the topsoil. It wasn't. Mel couldn't hear anything. Not Faith demanding a play by play. Not Raina's rant. Not Lilith's small giggles at her predicament.

This has been such a sh*tty year, hasn't it? Ever since she enrolled in the previous school, she had lost her body, her powers and Riff (her own messed up thinking) . . . That's right. All this happened because she became a student. Student Mel was powerless. She had to follow the rules. She couldn't do anything. The Princess of Lucifer, however, got things done. She had the power to make sure she got what she wanted. A soft laughter escaped her. "That's right. If the school has nothing to do with it, I can do whatever I want, can't I?"
As Mel spoke, Faith turned towards her, still holding onto Raina with one hand. She had noted the vampire girl's objections but Mel was the more immediate person who needed a response now. Locking eyes with her, she said quietly but firmly, "No, you can't. Listen to me, Mel. If you and Lil have something to settle, then you settle it outside of the school grounds. I can't let you put other students in danger with it. Mel, if you need Lil's blood to help heal Vash, then you may have it, and Lil, you will provide it. Lil..." now she turns her full attention to her, speaking in a harder tone.

"This has gone on long enough. You will give up Mel's body and you will reverse what you have done to her, or you are off these grounds immediately if I have to take you off myself. This has gone on far too long and I'm not putting up with it anymore."

She continued to eye Lil, waiting to see what she would do with this ultimatum.
Nick tilted her head, "Alright, I'll just call you Faye then." she said with a small nod. She looked up at her, watching as her expression changed, then when Faye gave her a real smile Nick couldn't help smiling as well. Suddenly she was being hugged, she gasped, as much from the suddenness of the hug as for the tightness of it. She hugged her back with one arm while the other still held onto Donnie and listened to Faye as she whispered to her and Nick closed her eyes, whispering back, "You're welcome, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I will be willing to listen, and give advice if I know any good advice to give." she said. She looked up at Faye as she pulled away, then she looked over her shoulder at Chameleon.

She turned her attention back to Faye as she asked a question, Nick nodded, "Yes, I came here not long ago." she said. Then she turned and looked toward the group that wasn't far from them, watching to find out what was going on now.
Raina merely scoffed when Faith seemed to ignore her and turn to Mel instead, she glanced at the doll girl, and she had noticed Mel's reaction to dropping the blood. She really wanted to save Vash didn't she? It was then that Raina glanced at Faye behind her, watching her little sister smile and interact with the little girl and was that Chameleon? She'd ask later why he was here again. But she sort of understood where Mel was coming from. If she needed someone else's blood to heal Faye she wouldn't hesitate in taking it. Did Mel feel the same way about Vash that she did about Faye? She supposed he was the only one who really hung around with Mel; at least the only one she had noticed with her recently. He must have some sort of importance to her.

She then glanced back to Lil, maybe if Lil refused to give her blood then Raina could help take it. All it would need was for her to stab her fangs into Lil's skin, or cut her with the dagger in her boot. Then Mel could take it back and heal Vash. Yeah, it would be easy.

Wait...why did she care if Vash lived or died? Why did it matter to her if Mel was alone or not? She doesn't help people; she's Raina. It's not one of her rules and it never has been. She does what benefits her and that's the way it is. So....why does she want to help? She rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Damn Faye rubbing off on me."

Raina's attention was drawn back to the three infront of her when Faith spoke about Lil either giving up blood or being kicked off the grounds. A slow smirk spread across her face at that one, it amused her greatly to see Lil stuck between two bad choices - for her at least - and she was sort of hoping the girl would choose the latter. That way it would be easier to Raina to track her down and slice her head from her body.

"By take her off the grounds do you mean in a coffin? 'Cause either way I'm still planning to kill the b*tch." 
Faye smiled at Nick and nodded, "Thank you, I might just do that, and I'm sure you will, you're much smarter than I've ever been." She nodded as Nick told her she arrived not too long ago and Faye's smile grew, "Yeah, me and Rai only just got here as well, you too right Leo?" Chameleon nodded at that, noticing that Nick was looking curiously over at the others. "Why don't we head over and make sure they're all alright?" Faye looked up at Chameleon's words and glanced back to the others, she tensed at the thought of going back and facing Lil when she might say something awful again, but when she glanced back down at Nick, remembering her kind words, she gave a small nod, "Yeah sure, we better head over before Rai kills anyone, you coming Nick?"

Chameleon, as soon as Faye agreed, headed over just to make sure Raina wasn't going to freak out, he of course got there just as she spoke about killing Lil, and he rolled his eyes as he stood slightly behind and beside her, "You're not killing anyone Raina." Her response was to turn her head and glare at him sharply, "You think you can stop me lizard boy?" "I can try." "And fail." "See, I don't think I would Rai, since you've tried to kill me about three or four times now, and I'm still here." "Don't call me Rai." Was her only comeback, and Chameleon looked past her to take in Mel, Lil and Faith. He noted Mel was crouched on the floor, hands covered in dirt as though she had been digging, and he frowned lightly before heading over to her fearlessly, he stood beside her and even knowing there was a 95% chance that she would reject, held his hand for her to use to get up, he didn't ask if she was alright, since he could tell someone serious had just happened with Lil.

(It's alright, I feel like what I just did was a cr*ppy post xD )
{Jirro knew that once he drew his sword against Macal it would do little depending on Macal's mood and decision on how much power he would use. Given he's a god he could just crush Jirro with the pressure of his aura flexing or he could decide to amuse himself and actually fight him fair and square. He fully focuses on his flash draw, a high speed drawing of his sword combined with his hide hand which results in a devastating slice or crushing blow depending on which Jirro prefers to do, either way little has been able to withstand it since it happens so quickly it puts an enemy at a complete disadvantage. In his mind he's committed he will not be taken away from his family again even if he has to fight his best friend to stay with them. As he starts his motion to flash draw Izabella leaps in front of him in her wolf form she stands between him and Macal, she growls at Macal and then shifts to human and pleads with Macal for him.

Moving out of his stance he and loosens the grip on his sword, again he feels ashamed of himself, after what he's done and acted she was still willing to step between him and a God of War.} Izabella?? Why would you do this for me after all the wrong I've done, I've lied and withheld things from you. I've dishonored myself and my blood and allowed myself to be controlled which resulted in the deaths of many humans. Why would you still want to save me? {He realizes the irony of his words when only moments ago he was ready to fight for the chance to stay with his family and now he's asking her why would she save him, why would she do this after how he acted. And in the end the truth be told he was afraid that at any given moment HardTime would resume control of him and make him harm her.

{He's shocked when Macal says he's letting him go, to use one of his safe houses. Again he's ashamed he thought the worst of his friend and considered him no better then HardTime. He starts to question his motives of why he would just let him go if he knows the dangers of him but stops himself and gives Macal a weak smile, taking off his leather jacket and stepping behind Izabellla and putting it around her.} Thankyou Macal for trusting me. However my daughter just came back and I can not have both her parents leave her behind again. I should go alone, Izabella you should stay here with Mitsumi, she'll hate us both if we leave her behind.
Mel ignored Chameleon's hand, only laughing lowly when Faith said they'd have to take their business off of school grounds. To her, the words were just a big fat yes. She'd just have to become a murderer again. If a hero couldn't do anything, then a villain could.

Lilith rolled her eyes at Faith's ultimatum. She was definitely too old now to be scared off by a simple ultimatum like that. Especially when it was given by someone barely old enough to be considered a child compared to her. "Look, even if I knew how to reverse this little situation, I wouldn't. And I'm certainly not giving blood to something like that demonic little bit-"

Lilith's sentence was interrupted with Mel's shoe on her face, as the doll practically vaulted off of the angel's face. She landed cleanly on her feet after a small flip. Running off toward the edge of the academy grounds, she turned around briefly and flipped off the crowd with both hands, shouting, "Consider this me dropping out then!"

Steam practically blew out the angel's ears as her face turned red. "You little b*tch!" she screamed before allowing her wings to grow and impulsively flying after the doll. "I'll rip you apart!"

Nearing the ten foot wall, Mel made a bee line for a nearby tree, running up along its trunk for as far as gravity would allow her before jumping off it. Her hands barely reached the top of wall but luckily they did and she pulled herself on top, jumping off and running into the forest. The wall wasn't an obstacle for Lilith though, who just flew over it and after the doll.


Meanwhile, back in the castle, Vash's head was filled with a sharp pain. Mel was in some sort of trouble. He pulled desperately at his chains to no avail. The Devil's Trap and all that holy water, along with the blessed silver chains made his extremely weak, reverting him to almost completely human.


It wasn't long before Lilith made it to the clearing where Mel waited. "Slow to the party as always I see." "You have made your last mistake, Mel. I'll make sure to send you straight to Hell, right here and now." The angel's threat was met with only a soft giggle though as Mel cocked her head to the side. As stoic as her face was, she seemed to be . . . smiling? "You don't get it, do you? We're off school grounds. I'm no longer affiliated with that academy. Rules don't apply here. Which means . . . I can do whatever the Hell I want to you."

These last words sent a chill down Lil's spine. She stepped back a step. Should she run or fight? Mel was just a doll but something about those words sounded like there was something to back them up. The decision was made for her when one of the doll's hands fell to the ground and a small sword slid out. Mel charged toward Lilith, lunging the blade at her. The angel jumped to the side, only to meet with Mel's foot to her stomach, making her stumble slightly.

As Mel made another charge at her, Lil sent a gust of wind her way, sending the doll flying back to a tree. But soon Mel was up again and ran toward Lil, aiming a kick to the angel's head. Lilith retaliated with another burst of wind, shattering Mel's foot. She really should've gotten Vash to build her with stronger materials. With the uneven length of her legs throwing herself a bit off balance, Mel retreated a few feet. The angel took this chance to be the aggressor herself, flying toward Mel. Pulling her left hand back, a ball of concentrated white light formed, strong enough to at least burn the little Dolly Dearest.

Seeing Lilith approaching, Mel threw a knife, attached to a long black ribbon, at the angel. Lilith scoffed at this, easily dodging it and continuing her attack. Mel took hold of the ribbon and pulled it back hard. Just as Lil's ball of light was about to hit the doll's face, she felt a sharp pain in her back. Her attack fell and seemed to explode into a silent flash of white light, filling the clearing.

When the light dissipated, Lilith opened her eyes to see the burning remains of the doll. However her little victory party ended when she saw another figure stand up out of the corner of her eye. It was Mel?! And in her own body this time. The angel didn't quite comprehend what happened exactly during that last attack until she saw Mel twirling the knife she had thrown by the ribbon tied to it. It was the knife Lil had first used to claim Mel's body in the first place.

Wait. If Mel was in her own body, what happened to Lilith? Standing up, the angel looked down at herself, expecting her old preteen body, but instead was met by her old body, the one she had before she even met Mel. She smiled widely as she realized that she was back. "Haha! Looks like I'm back to me gorgeous self. What do you have to say about that, Mel?!"

Mel looked at Lilith for a brief second before saying, "Mine are still bigger," referring her her bust size. Smirking as Lilith's face turned red, she suddenly noticed how cold it was. It shouldn't be cold. It was still summer but Mel decided it was due to Lilith's skimpy choice of clothing that was making her cold. God, even her stomach was showing. She looked like some cheap wh*re.

(I'll continue this later. I suppose anyone's welcome to watch but I hope I'm not asking much for people not to interfere. If someone gets in the way, no matter whose side you're one, Mel will attack you. She doesn't do 2 on 1 unless she is the 1.)
Well, there was one problem resolved, anyway. As Faith noticed the light come on in Mel's eyes as she realized her options- dropping out of school and getting off the grounds meant she was free to do whatever the wanted to Lil, and Faith would not stop her- she simply watched Mel make her escape, Lil pursuing, and did nothing to stop her. If anything, she felt a tired sort of relief. One less problem on her hands.

She didn't know how this would affect Riff or Vash, but she supposed she would deal with that later. Right now she still had to make sure Jirro was leaving the school, to check in on Mitsumi and Izzy to see what they were going to do, to check in on her own daughter and sister and Alex, and her stupid husband, not to mention the force of whatever in the school. There was a LOT to be done, and she hardly knew where to start.

Turning back to Faye and Raina, she shrugged. "Looks like some problems work themselves out, Raina. Listen. If there's another problem, let me know it, don't take it up on your own hands, because with this anger thing going around, you could end up killing your own sister in one of these impulse fights, and I know you don't want that."
Nick smiled a little up at Faye as she said that she was smart, the problem was that some of the things she knew she didn't even know where they came from. Though some of them were from the things that she had been through, she did realize that she had a different way of looking at things than a normal child of her age would. As Chameleon suggested going to see if everyone was alright Nick agreed to go with them, as much to see what was really going on as to make sure that if the angel did say something to Faye that she would at least get some help. Nickkie blinked as she listened to Raina talk about killing the angel and she slowly tilted her head, "That wouldn't work, would it? If you killed the body then Mel wouldn't have a body to return to." she said.

She watched as Chameleon walked over to offer Mel a hand up, but at that time Mel suddenly attacked the angel and talked about leaving the school, she couldn't help frowning some, she could only hope that things worked out good, or the person Mel was trying to save might die. She watched as they both left the school, she wanted to follow, she wanted to know what would happen and how things would turn out, she bit her lip and held Donnie closer, not sure if she should follow them or not, especially with Faith having told everyone to stay on school grounds, she didn't want to get expelled from here since this was the only place she had to go other than back to the streets.
*Since time flows different for Mac when he steps outside time and space a week passes for him there but when he returns it's only been a few hours when he steps through the portal back on the training grounds a few hundred yards from the main building. He looks around at the sky and sighs before he reaches out to the minds of his wife and daughters.* Come to me on the training grounds all of you, we all need to talk, I'll be waiting for you all.

(I'm just bring Alex home, if Jirro wants to say Akira came back that's on him)

*Alex's shuttle touches back down at the base and after some annoying paperwork he walks his motorcycle off the shuttle and after getting on he pulls off down the underground tunnel which gradually inclines up towards the hidden entrance and the surface, from there it's only a 20 minute ride back to what he hopes is still his home, to his surprise the gates still open for him and the garage even accepted his code so he could park his motorcycle. He decides to head to his room and shower before going to find anyone, he really wishes he had enough time to get a nap in before the yelling and cussing starts. But as far as he's concern he completed his mission and recovered his agent. Rather or not Akira stays here is no longer his priority. As he reaches his door he notices the it's unlock, he can't remember if he locked it or not before he left..It didn't matter to him at the moment he just wants a shower, fresh clothes and a hot meal.*

(I'm not sure how much time has past, I really can't remember, so if Sheena and Mitsy are still in his room it's up to you two.)

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