Dormer Academy

Looking between Bucky and Ezra, Katarina looks a little guilty as she tries to decide what to do. What she really wants to do is go to Bucky, apart from everyone else, out of the cafeteria, period, even. But Ezra has been so nice to her, and to leave him standing alone would be such a flaky thing to do. Bothered by this, she walks forward to Bucky with a glance back at Ezra.

"Um...Ezra...this is Bas...I mean, this is...Bucky. This is Ezra..."

She hopes that the boy will offer to leave or sit somewhere else on his own as she slips her hand into Bucky's, unconsciously standing close to him. To Bucky, she says quietly, "Yeah, I'd sort of rather not be's...crowded."

She wonders where Adrian is, after what had occurred between them and Mel. Maybe he had argued with her or even fought her; she hopes not. He couldn't afford to get in more trouble. She was surprised he hadn't come looking for her yet.


"Aunt Izzy isn't here," Liza announces to Mitsumi, still dangling from Faith's hip, one arm around her neck. "I don't even know why. She just isn't."

"Liza, she's HERE...she's here," Faith tried to explain to Mitsumi, gesturing with her free hand in the general direction of the room at large. "In the school. Living here. Just not in the room at this moment."

"I bet I could find her," Liza declares, wiggling as though wanting to be put down. "I could find her real fast. Super fast. Want me to find her, Mitsy? Want me to?"

"No, Pip, stay here," Faith tried to tell her, giving her leg a light squeeze. "I need you to...uh, set the table..."

"Mama, we don't set the table here," Liza shook her head. "That's silly. I'm gonna go find her, okay?"

Leaning close to her cousin's ear, Sheena whispered to her, eyes on Faith, "Something's up. I know they've been fighting, those two, and Faith walked out earlier. I haven't seen Izzy today yet and she's been...sort of different. I don't know, it's kind of creeping me out a little. Your dad too."

Faith is saved from having to answer Liza when she sees Izzy come in through the cafeteria doors. Automatically she tenses but tries to smile as she points her out to Mitsumi.

"There she is, see?"

(maybe Ezra could hang with Vash and Riff?)
Ezra looked between the two and smiled some, "Nice to meet you Bucky." he said, he stood up, then looked at Kat, "Well, I hope that you feel better soon." he said, then he spoke to both of them, "And you two have a good day." he said, he could tell when people would rather him not be around, or maybe it was just him wanting to escape the possibility of awkwardness by him staying around. Either way he left the cafeteria, just going through the door.

He walked through the halls, he stopped when he noticed a guy with blond hair who's nose was bleeding. He blinked, "Are you going to be okay?" he asked, he wasn't sure where the nurse's office was since he had just arrived the day before.

(all short and stuff, but it gets Ezra away from them so that the awkward can be avoided :P )
(I did ask earlier about changing Raina's eye colour back to blue - since the actress who plays her has blue eyes and the only reason they were black was because of Fire of Hearts' rules about vampires - but since I thought it would be a bit weird just to change it now, I thought I would have it be that during a fight Raina gets acid thrown in her eyes that blinds her temporarily for a few days, once her eyes heal they turn a blue colour. I was also thinking of having a side-effect to her vision like the possibility of her being able to slow down people's movements in her sight but I'm not decided on that yet. So, does anybody want to have their characters throw acid in Raina's eyes? If not I'll have a random NPC do it.)

Faye and Raina had just grabbed their food, and took a quick glance around the room. It was Faye who spotted the Cords' - of course Raina had seen them as soon as she entered but entirely ignored their presence - and almost bounced up and down in her spot as she began to hastily drag Raina towards their table.

"Come on Raina! We can go and sit with them! I'm sure Liza will be happy to see you!" "I saw her yesterday and we are NOT sitting with them!" She hissed her words lowly at her little sister but Faye barely seemed fazed as she continued to steadily pull closer to the happy, smiling table. No frickin' way. Raina dug her feet into the floor hard enough to make Faye stumble slightly and she glared up at her big sister. "Why can't we sit with them? I thought you said it would be good to make friends here!" "I meant it would be good for you." She nodded to the Cords, "And they look like they're having some sort of Mother's day frickin' happy family brunch, we can't be a part of that." Faye could swear she heard envy in her sister's voice there, but she kept it to herself and nodded, "Oh right, come on then." Raina, satisfied that she had stopped Faye from dragging her over to the Cords' table, sat down beside Faye on another table and nudged her in the side.

"How about we change this day? Instead of Mother's day we can call it Sister's day, yeah? We can go out later and do something fun." Faye gave her a soft grin as she plopped her head onto Raina's shoulder, "Yeah, that'd be cool." Raina smiled at her and ruffled Faye's hair fondly. She remembered there was a time when she would have never done that, she would have been much more likely to tear Faye's head off. But that was before they found out they were sisters, and before Myra had been taken from Faye. Raina had finally grown up after that shocking death and realised that Faye was all she had left, and Raina was now all Faye had left. They had to look out for each other.


Chameleon had finally managed to get out of bed this morning, and the thought of possibly seeing his Mother's fake face today had made him feel sick enough to skip breakfast and take a peaceful walk instead. It was pretty nice out today, they were some students milling about, some boy was being praised by his Mother. He stopped in his walking as he spotted none other than Mel sitting down on the grass. He hesitated for half a second before deciding to join her, Chameleon wasn't one who was all too bothered by rejection - excluding a certain black-haired vampire from this equation - so even if Mel told him to get lost or if she simply got up and walked off, he wouldn't really care. So he was heading over to sit with Mel when a sickly sweet voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Chameleon." With his back turned to his Mother, still facing Mel who he seemed to have forgotten was sitting there, his mask of calm fell and complete and utter hate took over his facial expression for a moment. Had he been too optimistic in thinking that maybe, just maybe his Mother would be too busy with something else to come visit him? Was it cruel of him to wish she would call and tell him she was held up brutally torturing some innocent kid and couldn't make it today? He reigned his emotions back in, unaware that they had been exposed for a moment too long, and forced a polite smile onto his face as he turned to take in the beautiful, sick-minded woman that was his Mother. "You haven't forgotten what day it is now, have you?" Felicity titled her head slightly, giving him that everlasting fake smile, the one that fooled everybody except Chameleon....and Raina. He ignored the annoying whisper in his head, "Of course not Mother. I just thought I'd take a walk before coming to find you." There was a flash of something in his Mother's eyes, a warning then, before she stepped forward and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, her grip tight enough to make Chameleon wince in the slightest. He was glad he hadn't eaten that morning as his Mother put her lips to his ears and whispered in a low hiss, "Your smile is slipping, son. Don't get too comfortable here or else me and your Uncle will be forced to remove you." The whole way through the threat she kept her smile on and released him as she finished speaking.

Remove him in what way? Chameleon knew it could be either. Removed from the school, or removed from life. He just hoped for the former if either. "Now then Chameleon, aren't you going to show me around your new school?" He knew this was a cruel trick on his Mother's part, she knew he had only been here a day, barely that, and she was just relishing the chance to see him embarrass himself.
If there was anything Evan could possibly understand, it was not knowing. There was a small stab of guilt in the pit of her stomach, momentarily feeling as though she were rubbing that small shred of memory in Nick's face. The corners of her lips turned downward as she continued to listen to her and nodded sympathetically, "I get that." It was quiet at first, and she cleared her throat, "I mean... I'm pretty sure I'm human aside from whatever it is that makes me... 'special' or whatever, but I don't know anything about where I come from either."

She smiled sadly and sat back in her chair, crossing her legs at the ankles beneath the table. "It sucks. But at least this way, we get to make up our own histories, you know?"

Hold onto the memory. Evan almost laughed at the hilarity of it. Sure, she'd be able to hold onto it until her brain decided to pull a memory dump and it'll be like it never happened. Even if she were to try to hold onto it, it would only slip through her fingers for some other, more important piece of information and that blue dress wouldn't exist anymore. While she knew what the younger girl had meant, she still couldn't help but feel bitter, and even a little resentful of her, for having a memory at all.

Evan had just been opening her mouth to say something else to the girl when she too heard the shouting across the cafeteria and glanced over. "Looks like a pretty crazy party."
((SorrowfulJoy: Is Raina a vampire, or a Black Blood because I know you had asked about the BB's earlier, both of my Mochizuki character's as well as Jirro's eyes go fully black when in "vamp mode". Izzy's are usually golden since she was originally a Lycan, and then was turned becoming a Hybrid and then hers and Jirro's daughter (my other char) Mitsumi, has blue/gold eyes which go black/gold))
Mel saw Chameleon heading toward her but paid the boy no real attention. Who cares where he was going? It had nothing to do with her. And if it did, she would simply turn him away. But she had no idea what he was doing so it'd be best to just ignore him and hope that he would walk right past her.

But then a voice called out to him that caught her attention. It was a woman, his mother apparently. Watching the interactions between the two, Mel couldn't help but find this woman extremely hateful. It wasn't due to some sixth sense of a hidden side or anything like that. And it wasn't completely due to Mel's indiscriminate hatred toward any and everyone. The woman just seemed too . . . sweet. Sickeningly sweet. Enough to make even Mel, in her current body, sick enough to throw up. A well adjusted member of society that seemed to have everything going for them. Mel hated these people with a passion because due to past experience, those were always the types of people who would stab her in the back while still smiling at her with the false sense of pride from "saving the world from evil."

The more Mel looked at her, the more she found Chameleon's mother to be something especially hard to look at. In fact, she was an eyesore. Finally sick of looking at her, Mel stood up and called out to the shifter prince. "Hey, Lizard Boy! Can you take that hideous hag away already? Her face is already making me nauseous. If I look at her anymore, I'm going to throw up." She then turned to Felicity. "And you, old crone. Your son just arrived last night. Did you really think he could give you any sort of tour? Or are you incredibly stupid on top of being an eyesore."


Riff was on his way to the infirmary when he caught sight of Ezra and stopped in his tracks. A ghost . . . Well, that's something new. Traveling the globe with Mel, he had certainly seen a lot of different types of creatures, but there were some that he had never seen as well. One was a unicorn. No matter how much he had always wanted to see one, they had never come across one. But another was ghosts. It was odd since they pretty much spent all their time killing people and yet, no ghosts. Not even a poltergeist, although they have come across zombies. But that's really the same thing, is it.

The first thing he noticed about the boy before him was that he had no scent, which was probably why he could surprise Riff so easily. Though, could a ghost even have a scent? There was no physical form to produce odors, was there. Hm . . .

Staring at the transparent apparition, it took Riff a while to realize that he had been asked a question. "Oh. Um, yes. I'm alright. I just . . . sort of . . . ran into a wall back there. It's nothing big. I'm just on my way to the infirmary to get some tissues. I've been through much worse scrapes than this."

"If you don't mind me asking, are you new? I don't recognize you from anywhere although I've only been here two months."
(Ha, Mel just described Chameleon's mum perfectly ^^)

Chameleon was about to respond to his Mother's ludicrous request of showing him around - of course he'd say yes, any other response and he knew his Mother would make him pay in one way or another - when there was a shout from behind him, and he turned to meet Mel's gaze as she shouted at him to 'take that hideous hag away already'. He ignored the lizard boy comment, not really bothered by it, but as she continued to insult his Mother a slow, unstoppable smile crept onto his face and he was damn glad his back was to said Mother or else she would most likely punish him by killing another one of their townspeople and making him watch, again.

Of course, the smile was totally in Mel's view, and she could most likely see how genuine it was. Yeah, Chameleon was glad someone else could see past his Mother's fake image of being a perfectly caring lady, and it was his Mother's infuriated tone that made him get rid of the smile and turn back to her, "Chameleon! Aren't you going to teach that horrible child not to speak to your Mother like that?"

Felicity of course was absolutely fuming, how dare that doll child call her hideous and old? And stupid too!?! Felicity knew she was beautiful, she was a Queen! Admired and loved by all! And being called old was a downright outrage, she was NOT old. Stupid was the worst of all though, she was not stupid. She was most possibly the smartest woman on Earth; who else would have the brains to kill off their husband successfully and remain Queen with a perfect puppet son to control once their own rule was over?

"I'm sorry Mother but I can't." He almost flinched at the heated glare sent his way; he knew he was going to pay for that comment. "And why not?" "Because. We're on school grounds and it's not my place to." He wasn't going to mention the third reason which was that he completely agreed with every word that came out of Mel's mouth; he hoped she had understood that from his smile he gave her.

Felicity though, would not be swayed by her son's weakness - she would make him pay for that later - and turned to glare at the doll girl. "I demand an apology right this moment."

(Feel free to harm Felicity if you wish xD I know I would want to.)
Nick was actually glad that someone else could remember, even though it was more than she had, she would be fine with it, the only part of not knowing that bothered her was the fact that she didn't know what she was. She didn't really care about finding her mother, or maybe that was just what she told herself. She tilted her head some as Evan talked about making up their own histories. "I can't make one up for myself. Comes with the 'not being able to lie' bit. If I don't know it's true, if there is doubt and I don't fully believe it, then I can't say it." she said with a small shrug, "So, I guess the actual past that I remember will just have to be good enough." she said.

Nick smiled a little as she looked toward the table where the mother's day celebration was happening, she couldn't lie about the fact that she was a little jealous of the fact that she didn't have anyone to share the day with, and that it seemed almost as if those that did got the chance to flaunt it to those that didn't. Though she thought she could understand being happy about having that chance. "Yeah, seems a little crazy... But, it also seems fun." she said.


"Oh... Yeah, it might be a good idea to watch out for those walls, they can be shifty." he said, he was joking, but not trying to make fun of Riff. Ezra had never actually ran into a wall, but he had run into doors a few times back when he could still run into things. He smiled some, "At least you'll be alright though. Um, want me to walk with you?" he asked, he would at least make sure that he made it to the infirmary, not that he even knew where it was, but maybe company would be good. "Yeah, I just arrived here yesterday. Faith said I could stay for now, see how things work out."
(guys, feel free to be affected by Thanatos if you want in this scene...or not to be. It's your call)

It was the hostility that attracted him.

There was so much of it, all at once, all gathered in the same room. Feeding off each other even without his influence, buried just below the surface but on the verge of bubbling over and helping to heighten the energy already coursing through his core. So much anger running so deeply from within, so much resentment, fear, so much was irresistible to Thanatos, and so he came, drifting within the cafeteria's confinements like a moth to the flame. It was the largest group gathered that most drew his notice, and as he sought them out, latching onto several, they hardly had time to notice the change taking place within them, the suddenly flood of adrenaline and the rush of heated thought coming into their minds...thoughts that could not be contained. They must be shared, immediately, and they wasted no time in doing so, talking all over each other at once as they sought out the focus of their fury.

"Do you really think you can do this?" Sheena shoved herself away from Mitsumi, standing abruptly. Her body was rigid with anger, and even as she spoke little tufts of fur briefly shot up and down her arms and neck before retreating back within her skin again, as though she is on the verge of wolfing out. "You leave for who the hell knows where, for who knows how long, you don't call me, you don't text me, you don't give me a CLUE where you are and all of a sudden you're back and I'm supposed to pretend you're still this awesome cousin that loves me to death and is loyal to me? You and your parents, what the hell is your deal?! I know I"m just a half blood, but that doesn't mean I'm not as good as you are, that doesn't mean you can just dump me whenever the hell you feel like it! I'm just as good as any of you, I'm learning, I can do whatever you can!"

"And you!" She turned to Macal and Faith, jabbing a fierce finger at both of them, eyes shifting from their usual blue to black and back again several times. "You two think you're so much better than me! Just because you're older than me, Faith, just because you're so wise and redeemed or what the hell ever...who the hell are you to act like you know so much more than me, I'm older than you, I remember what you used to be, I'm the only one who ever will, so don't forget what you were when you look at me like I'm just a kid! And Macal- DAD- don't think I haven't f****ing remembered how you were to me when I came. You will NEVER love me as much as Liza, you thought I was your damn charity case, you didn't want me, you thought I was nothing more than a drunk stupid wh*re getting it off with Logan, you think I forgot how you screamed at me and said you'd never forgive me over ONE NIGHT, ONE MISTAKE, you don't love me, you love what you want me to be, you will only love me if I'm a good little girl like you want me to be, or some shadow of your wife!You say I'm your family, I have no family, my family is dead! How the hell is it fair that you get your family plus others and I get nothing! And you!" she turned to Alex now, her fury coming in and out rapidly at this point.

"I will never be more than a wh*re to you, you will ALWAYS judge me for how I lived like you're so innocent and pure in comparison, you always want to make me out to be this girly girl, just put on a dress, Sheena, come on, Sheena, and only when you're p*ssed is it LEGS, I am not worse than you are!"

For her part, Liza too was suddenly stormy-faced. Kicking her feet beneath the table hard enough to crack it, she too started to express her displeasure, though she was not as adamant as Sheena.

"You guys never let me do nothing! You always tell me what I gotta don't never let me do nothing 'cause you think I'm not a big girl! I AM TOO A BIG GIRL, I AM VERY BIG PLUS ALSO I AM STRONG! And I don't like you when you're mean and fight and go away! You are all being very mean and I don't like you!"

Her hands are starting to crackle with an electricity that looks suspiciously like lightning about to be thrown, and she holds up her hands threateningly, even as Sheena fully shifts into her Lycan form.

And then there was Faith. She had a lot to say too. Eyes dark slits in her now taut features, she seemed to outwardly smolder as she turned to each person in turn, jabbing an aggressive finger at each.

"All Mochizukis are just alike, take off whenever and however you want, never mind what mess you leave behind, then when you feel like getting in your little family fix of the decade or else using us as punching bag or a contact to save your ass, there you are again acting like none of the rest of us matter or have feelings either. What do you think, that you can wind back time and be bestest friends ever? Wake the hell up!"

"You two," she jabbed a finger at both Liza and Sheena, "are spoiled brats, and yes, Sheena, YOU ARE A CHILD, you're an irritating little girl who doesn't know her ass from her elbow and manages to screw up every single time my life is starting to go okay. You think I can really forget that you let my Watcher die to save your own ass? You think I'll really be okay that you stripped me and Macal of our powers and now nothing in our lives will ever be the same and we might even die because of YOU and your ridiculous insecurity? Your sister killed people and you let it happen and you think that's okay? You think you can EVER measure up to me or do what I do? You live one day, one SECOND in my life and you'd have a friggin' breakdown before I could snap my fingers, you're good at those! It wouldn't be the first time you slit your wrists or drank bleach now, would it? I have sacrificed for you both the second you were in my lives and you're STILL NEVER HAPPY, you still screw up my life! And you're no better, who the hell do you think you are driving Sheena to the brink of insanity every time we turned around, hanging on like you're wanted, acting like you think you're so much better than everyone because you have a computer in your brain?" she threw in at Alex.

But she had saved her real fury for Macal. Turning to him, she seized his upper arms with both hands and looked him directly in the eyes as she nearly hissed each word, with them sounding all the more hateful because she didn't yell them than if she had screamed each.

"And you. From the second I met you, you've been nothing but a condescending @ss to me and every woman you came across. I don't care what you say or how you come across with it, you can't stand the idea of a woman being every bit as capable as you are or more so. You want to make us weak. You want to see me as weak and less than you and you try to make me into that, and if I don't fit in with your image of how I should be you try to cut me down and mold me into your idea of a "perfect, proper" little wife for you. I know you judge me if I even glance at another guy, I know you watch me if I look at or touch anyone, I know you judge me as some half reformed sl*t who will never quite be as good as you are. But you know what the really amazing part is? If I for one second live up to what YOU WANT out of me and show that I have feelings or I'm not f***ing super woman, you slam me down like you're completely disgusted with me and like I'm this big childish melodramatic disappointment to you. You don't love me and never have. You love what you want me to be, and guess what, Macal, I'm not your little fantasy. I'm not just your wife and I'm not just Liza's mother and I DON'T WANT TO BE. I'm Faith LEHANE Cord and don't you ever forget it!"

As all this broke out, Katarina, still holding Bucky's hand, squeezed hard, her eyes widening, face paling as she stared in the direction of the action taking place. She could not believe it...cheerful little Liza shouting? Sheena, who always seemed fairly even tempered most of the time? FAITH...Faith, headmistress Faith, shouting at her family in the middle of the cafeteria for all to see?

It reminded Katarina of her own home life, of the many scenarios she had similarly endured, and she found herself frightened. Squeezing Bucky's hand, she backed away towards the door.

"Something's wrong," she breathed. "This is...something is wrong."
(Ooooh! Fury time! I wanna get Rai and Faye to join in!)

Raina and Faye were busy giggling on their own separate table as the Cords' and Mochizukis' table just exploded in anger, Faye watched with wide eyes as Sheena, Sheena who yes lost her temper, but never this badly, shouted at almost everyone in anger, then it was LIZA, little sweet innocent Liza who started to shout at her parents, and then finally Faith, who was supposed to be the headmistress of this school, was shouting, no, screaming at everyone, everyone on her little table. Faye was almost terrified at the sudden anger that swept across the room, so frightened that she barely noticed Raina get up from the table and stalk over to the group.

Raina was annoyed. No, she was FURIOUS. Her and Faye were having a good time, laughing for once in their damn hectic lives, and then the Cords' who had everything going for them in Raina's opinion, just burst out in arguments and starting scaring the shit outta her little sister! No. She wasn't going to stand for this. She made her way straight to Faith, the one she had the most anger at right now, and grabbed her shoulder to spin the slayer around to face her, Raina's fangs were already out.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you!?!?" Raina was snarling at Faith already, Thanatos having latched onto her new found fury and amplified it, "Why are you screaming like a stupid little b*tch when you have your own perfect f*cking little family here to eat frickin' brunch with you!?!?!?" She waved her hand dramatically to emphasize her point, "I hate how you're always damn screaming about how shit your pathetic little life is when you have THIS!" She was almost at screaming point now, "YOU HAVE A FAMILY!" Now she was screaming. "You have people to watch your back and look out for, people who CARE about you and you're still whinging about how screwed up your life is!?! At least you can trust yourself enough to have them!"

She stepped closer now, her voice a low hiss, "Face it Faith. You're just an older version of ME. You're so screwed up you can't even keep a family because you're scared you'll stab them in the back, or that they'll stab you in the back. That's it, isn't it? You know you're not good enough, you're not worthy to have them in your life, so you try and make it seem like they're the ones who are doing it wrong. But it's all YOU. You're the problem, NOT them."

She is about to continue, about to scream at the woman, even feeling the urge to attack her that her anger at Faith is so strong, but then there is a flash of red and Faye is there, glaring at Raina, "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that you're gonna stab me in the back Raina?!?!" Raina turns her attention to Faye, and the more she looks at her, the angrier she is getting, "Well maybe I f*cking will! It seems to be the only damn thing I'm good at!" "You're such a b*tch! How the f*ck do you think you can try and take care of me when you can't even take care of yourself!!" "I DON'T WANT TO TAKE CARE OF YOU!" This is an outright screech in Faye's face, and flames began to leap from the teenager's skin now as she screams right back at Raina, both have their fangs out, Faye's eyes are now black and they are openly hissing, "THEN WHY DID YOU?!?" Faye finishes her shout with a shove to Raina's shoulders, pushing the older vampire backwards as she carries on, Thanatos feeding off the fiery's girl temper, "Why the hell did you stop me from dying then! I WANTED to die Raina! I didn't try to kill myself just for you to show up and f*cking stop me!" Raina is so far gone in her anger that she doesn't even register the words before they fly out of her mouth now, "Because killing yourself is the f*cking cowards way out Faye! I had to put with Kol's shit for seven damn years and even though I tried I'm still damn here! And just because he kills your sister - who was a pretty damn crap sister in the first place - you go and give up, you're a f*cking COWARD Faye!"

Faye lets out a furious yell then, and throws herself at Raina. She is on fire now, attacking her older sister with all she has, and both are openly throwing blows strong enough to seriously harm the other.
(Hm . . . another invitation for a fight . . . Tempting, but too bad Mel is never the one to throw the first hit unless you make her REALLY mad. And that requires no less than attacking her servants in an underhanded way. If you attack them head on in a fair way, she doesn't give a sh*t, but if you gang up on them or attack from behind, she will be on your tail faster than you could land a hit. Okay, not literally that fast but she'd attack you fairly quickly.)

Mel was a bit confused at Chameleon's smile. She was insulting his mother . . . and he was happy about it? Then the memory of the shifter's tone last night when talking about his mom and uncle came to mind. Maybe he hated her? Either way, it was none of Mel's concern. She wasn't doing this for him or anything. This woman was just an eyesore. Watching Leon's mom get angry entertained Mel greatly, even more when the woman demanded an apology. Like that was going to happen.

Letting out a chuckle, she spoke to the woman. "An apology? Or what? Are you going to kill me?" She made no attempt to stop the soft laughter from escaping her immobile lips. "Trust me old lady, many stronger people have tried and failed. Certainly better looking people have."

The doll then gave a little twirl before singing a childish rhyme to taunt the woman even more, her haunting and slightly husky voice contrasting with her childish form.

"Beware the lady walking by~

Making all the children cry~

Do not look her in the face~

Protect your mirrors or they'll break~

Come on by for all to see~

The scariest face on Halloween~"

Mel knew that it wasn't very wise to taunt people. It wasn't very wise to insult anyone either. But honestly, she didn't care. The lack of bloodshed, that included her, was making her bored and this was certainly more fun than the mundane honor student life she had been told to get used to. Even if this hag could put up a fight, Mel was prepared with hidden blades and weapons inside her body in case she was attacked.


Riff laughed at Ezra's comment about the walls. "Well, I suppose so." It was a nice distraction from the growing red stain of his jacket. Hearing the boy asking if he could walk with Riff, the blond smiled. This kid was a regular Casper. Weren't ghosts supposed to be driven by their attachment to earth? "I don't mind," Riff said. "I'd actually enjoy the company. My name is Riff by the way. It's nice to meet you."

Along the way to the infirmary, Riff listened as the spirit explained as to why he was here. It didn't seem that strange to him. This academy accepted all manner of life, after all. It probably wasn't strange to see a spirit or two, like in Harry Potter. But there was one thing that he couldn't really wrap his brain around. "If you don't mind me asking, if you are dead, why did you choose to enroll in a school? I'd imagine spirits would enjoy their freedom by traveling the globe, haunting venues or even peeking into girls' rooms. Why did you choose to stay a student?"


Vash was surprised when everyone seemed to be fighting so suddenly. Or maybe they've always been fighting and he just didn't notice because of the bacon. Voices were raising, insults were being thrown and . . . Oh sh*t! Faye and Raina looked like they were trying to kill eachother.

Turning himself into metal, in order to avoid getting burned, he went over to the two to try to pull them apart. He didn't even touch them before he started getting a few missed blows, wincing as he was hit with Faye's fire. His metallic form didn't prevent him from feeling the heat from her but at least he was malleable now. Should he melt, he could easily repair himself by eating more iron and such. "You guys! What are you doing?! You should be lucky you still have eachother!!"

Between the heat from Faye's flames and the hits coming from Raina, Vash was getting seriously pissed. Why doesn't anyone listen to him? How could Faye and Raina be fighting? He didn't even have his sister anymore. Why . . . couldn't they just die already?

Vash stepped back from the two and allowed them to fight. His face was calm but he was seething with rage inside. "You two should just kill eachother," he said, voice as steady as the expression on his face. "There'd be two less pieces of sh*t I'd have to look at. So annoying. Everyone should just drop dead. You lot are nothing but self indulging hypocrites always looking to play the part of the tragic hero. You sicken me."

As he spoke, the crystal on the choker around his neck began vibrating. It's usual sealing capabilities were at its limits trying to hold Vash's anger fueled power suppressed. Sadly, it seemed to be losing as it cracked. Vash's head started to go blank as his pupils became slits. "You all should just burn in HELL!!" The last words came out as more of a raven's caw than words, as the white haired boy's arms transformed into black wings and his teeth became sharp and jagged.

Vash flew up to the rafters in his partially demonized form, screeching and cawing as he perched himself on one of the support beams. "Show me your rage!" he screamed.
At her cousin's outburst, Mitsumi's eyebrows shot up and her hands went up defensively as she backed away, noting how quickly the hostility was turned away from herself and onto the others in the room. Movings towards the back wall, she watched in curiosity as the normally calm and collected people she knew started to go after each other. This seemed all to familiar and the Hybrid could have sworn she had seen this on the road before, some mission... Prague she thought. Or possibly Rio...

The sound of kicking drew her attention to Liza at the table and her eyes narrowed. Whatever this was, was attacking the kids as well, and judging on everyone in the room, this wasn't ending anytime soon. Pushing through a few arguing bodies, she came up behind Liza and grabbed her from under her arms, and quickly headed in the direction of the exit, trying to keep the child calm as she struggled. She spotted Bucky and his human close to the exit, but it was her mother who she went to.

Izabella's eyes went wide at the sight of her youngest daughter, and her mout started to open, struggling to form words when she felt a hand pressed at her chest as Misty pushed herself and Liza into the hallway.


"Not now...take Liza...there's something in there, everyone's gone nuts..." She tried to offer her mother a smile, but it wasn't happening. "Look, just stay out here, keep Liza safe..."

Heading back inside, she made a bee-line for Bucky and barked the orders at him to take his human out of the cafeteria. Once that was done, she moved back inside, knocking people apart. She came up besides Fay and Raina, hiding her surpise at another Black Blood and pulled them apart, throwing one girl to the side, knocking away the flames that licked at her arms.

"ENOUGH! This is insane! Snap out of it!"
Katarina had been shocked enough when the Cords and Sheena appeared to have lost it. But as Raina and Faye join in the screaming, then outright attack each other, Faye on fire and rapidly spreading it all about her to anyone and anything that might get in the way, she starts to back away, pulling Bucky back with her towards the doorway and pressing herself close to his body.

"Oh god...Bas, what are they..."

And then...that guy, Vash? Was that his name...She had just thought the others were bad. He was screaming too, telling people they should kill each other, burn in hell...and then he was changing into...what was that?! A demon, a monster?! What was he?!

Whatever it was going on, it was terrifying, and Katarina froze for several moments, barely able to breathe or think. When she felt Bucky trying to guide her towards the exit she abruptly regained control of her limbs and began to run, her heart racing, numb with fear.

As Mitsumi grabbed her up, Liza kicked and writhed, yelling like a human child having a tantrum even as she sent bolts of lightning from her hands, narrowly missing several students and scorching the wall behind her. "No no no I don't like you, you are mean and bad and I DON"T LIKE YOU MEANY MITSY! YOU PUT ME DOWN, YOU ARE ALL BAD!"

It's not until she is outside the cafeteria that she seemed to come back to her senses. Blinking, her struggling stops, and she looks up at Mitsumi with a dazed expression at first, her body going limp, before she suddenly seems to remember her own behavior. Her features collapse, her eyes wide and stricken with horror.

"Uh oh...I was bad again. I was real, real bad."

Sheena, however, was still in the cafeteria, Thanatos still feeding off her anger, and now shifted in her Lycan form, she snarled and lunged at several students, swiping out at them intending to hurt them. They either leapt out of the way, fled, teleported away, in one case, or threw themselves beneath a table where she could not get to them as much.

Faith, though, seeing Liza carried out and Katarina and Bucky fleeing, steps back from Macal, slowly releasing his shoulders. Her mind seems foggy and unclear, and it takes her a moment to shake the strong impulse to attack him she is harboring. As she looks around again, seeing the chaos taking place around her, her anger falters, then fades, and she too is stricken with horror. She has completely lost control not only of this situation and her students, but of herself. How can she fix this now?

"Oh shit..."
Evan watched the table with mild interest, a little thrown by how jealous she was at the fact that everyone could sit calmly and act like a family. She wanted that, but it just wasn't possible. Maybe now that she was here, with people constantly familiar, something similar would open up for her. Just as another burst of jealousy started coiling around her, the table seemed to explode.

First, one person was shouting and then it seemed like everyone else wanted to join in on the melee. When one of the girls wolfed out, Evan flinched, her legs pushing her chair back slightly as adrenaline flooded her legs. Once the attacks started, she looked over at Nick, eyes wide as she rose slowly to her feet, trying hard not to attract the attention of the werewolf.

"We should get out of here."
Ezra smiled some, "I'm Ezra, and since I have no idea where the infirmary is, I'll just follow you. It's nice to meet you too." he said. As Riff asked his questions Ezra tilted his head some, "Well... I came here because no one here is really normal... so, everyone can see me. But outside this school, most people don't see me. I'd rather not be invisible all the time." he said with a shrug. For him it wasn't so much coming here to be a student, though he would play that role to stay, he just wanted to be seen.


Nick watched with wide eyes as everyone at the main table seemed to suddenly go crazy, even those that went to try to help seemed to go crazy and attack each other. She watched as Sheena shifted into her wolf form, and then noticed a bird like guy fly up to the ceiling. "This really isn't good..." she said quietly.

Nick tilted her head as the attacks started, she quickly pushed her chair back and got out of the chair, grabbing Donnie quickly. "Yeah, getting out of here sounds like a great idea." she said, she grabbed Evan's hand to start pulling her toward the door, not that it would do much good, she was a very small girl, and not very strong at all.
Raina and Faye, both so consumed by their desire to harm one another, did not notice nor care for Vash's attempt at trying to pull them apart, she didn't hear his words and didn't notice when he stepped back. Of course, later she would hear his words, when not in the heat of battle, but for now it went unnoticed.

Of course, when another girl showed up and physically threw her and Faye to other sides of the room, it might have been the way Raina hit her head on the wall, or just the distance, but her head spun with confusion and suddenly her rage was clearing, diminishing. What..what had she just said? Oh god no, Faye...she had just tried to KILL her baby sister, and by the various cuts on the flaming girl and the smell of blood in the air it was evident she got pretty far in her attempt.

She quickly glanced around the room, Sheena had wolfed out, there was some demon guy looking like a giant raven and screeching at them all, was that the Vash guy shouting at her and Faye earlier? People were running from them all in terror, Liza was being dragged out of the room? It seemed though that Faith was having the same realisation as Raina was, having also snapped out of her enraged state, and she looked just as shocked as Raina knew she did.

Raina's eyes locked onto Sheena now, who had leapt at a defenseless student who was currently hiding underneath a table to escape her claws. Raina shook her head, taking a deep breath before speeding over to the snarling Lycan. She reached Sheena just before the girl's claws snagged the student under the table, and threw her back with a yell, though she wasn't angry anymore, "What the hell Sheena! Calm down! Everyone calm the hell down!" She was shouting out her words, but she was still confused rather than mad, and she sent a glance back to Faith.

"Faith! We need to get them out of here before someone gets killed!" It is unclear whether she is talking about the enraged students or the ones trying to run, because just as she shouts this out she has turned her attention back to Sheena in case the girl tries to attack her again.


Faye however, even as she is pulled back by a stranger, does not feel her anger diminishing, no, in fact it is growing, and her flames show no sign of stopping - despite the various injuries she has received from fighting Raina. "Get the F*CK off of me!" She screeches at the woman holding her, shoving her back roughly before showing her fangs at the woman in a loud snarl, her eyes black.

Without even thinking about who the woman in front of her is, or why she is trying to stop her, she gives another feral snarl and leaps at her, desperately trying to do some sort of damage to the woman with her flaming fists and fangs.

To Faye, this is just another person in her way, stopping her from getting what she wants.


Felicity was growing more and more furious by the moment. Even before the doll started singing Felicity knew she would have to be gotten rid of. But it was in the woman's nature to get others to carry out her dirty work for her, so instead of leaping at the child and tearing her apart like she would much like to do, she instead settled for a smile at her disobedient son; seemingly ignoring Mel now.

"Well Chameleon, it seems that I actually have something that needs to be sorted out back at the Palace." Chameleon hid his wince at that, if she had said that in front of anyone else at this Academy he'd have a lot of explaining to do. Felicity stepped forward then and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, whispering coldly in his ear, "Don't think that your act of disobedience earlier won't go unpunished son, and tell your little dolly friend to watch her back." She said all of this with a deceiving smile on her face, and despite the fact that she was threatening him still made it seem like she was a sweet Mother hugging her son goodbye.

She left then without another word and Chameleon rubbed his back lightly before turning to look at Mel with a small smirk, "Well that was fun." He felt no need to hide his dislike around Mel, she already knew more about him than anyone else at this school did anyway. He frowned lightly at her now though, "Just uh, watch your back okay? She might send a few assassins after you, so if you need any help let me know." He said this all with a genuinely concerned tone; he hated it when people got hurt because of him.
The grip on her hand was helpful, at least, in keeping Evan grounded as she and Nick made their way to the door. The closer they seemed to get to the door, the more overwhelming all of the noise was and, tightening her grip on Nick's hand, she sped up a little, wondering if she would be able to just lift the girl and carry her out if things got even more out of control.

Evan pushed the door open and half shoved Nick through the door in front of her before slipping through herself, heart still pounding rapidly. What the hell was wrong with them!? Not only were some of these people teachers, people who RAN the school, but they were going to get the entire damn room killed if they kept it up. Wasn't it Mother's Day? Weren't they supposed to be celebrating family or whatever the hell?! No, instead, they were at each others' throats in front of the entire damn cafeteria.

"I can't BELIEVE them!" She blurted, more to herself than the girl beside her as she kept moving, having decided to put as much distance between herself and the dining hall as she could, breathing rapid as both outrage and anxiety flooded her chest. "Everyone's losing their damn minds."
It is Raina's yell, of all things, that snaps Faith fully back into an alert and proactive state of mind. Raina is exactly right, they need to get people out of here, now. This is far beyond normal student skirmishes or flares of anger, far beyond something they can reasonably contain or control, and the cause is almost surely supernatural. Hadn't she herself felt helpless to her own rage, unable to think about or control what she said or felt? Hadn't she felt violent, truly violent, towards her own family members? Even hated them, in those moments?

She had no time to think about that, to feel horror or shock towards this, or even to feel guilt. She had to deal with this now, immediately try to regain control, and so she raised her voice above the din, making sharp slashing noises with her arms as she bellowed, "EVERYONE WHO ISN'T ANGRY, GET OUT, RIGHT NOW!"

She saw that some students were already fleeing and only hoped that they wouldn't start attacking each other out in the hallway where she couldn't see. Right now Vash was a huge issue, and Sheena, Faye...they were the main priorities, to calm and neutralize them before anyone else was seriously hurt, and so she turned to Izzy, Mitsumi, Macal, and even Raina, trusting her then nearly as an equal due to her renewed calm as she said to all of them at large, "Get the injured or frightened ones out, Raina, Alex, please...Mitsumi, can you handle Vash? I'll get Sheena? Macal, wherever you think...and Izzy will get Faye."

With these instructions given, she hurried across the room to Sheena, seizing her from behind and wrenching her from the student she was threatening, rolling with her to take her down to the ground. Sheena snarled, trying to break free of her hold to claw her, and succeeded in raking claws deeply over her shoulder and chest in a manuever that would likely seriously maim the average person. Still Faith held onto her, shouting into her face, "Calm down, Sheena! This isn't you! It's me, it's Faith, and THIS ISN'T YOU, you don't want to do this, CALM DOWN!"
(Not sure where to start so sorry)

*Alex is completely blindsided by Sheena's yelling at him, he's done nothing to her, she had no right to speak to him like that. But he actually felt betrayed by her, she knew about his past, he wasn't living in luxury before Macal brought him home, in fact he spent the majority of his teenage years in forced labor for S.H.I.E.L.D under the threat of prison if he didn't work for them. Always under guard, looked down on even though his tech had been saving lives the whole time. In fact if he hadn't been framed for stealing funds by that corrupted Director of the black ops divison, Macal probably wouldn't even have known he existed, truth be told Macal only wanted to burn Niven and was willing to use him to do it. That is the only reason he took an interest in him. So Sheena had no right to say what she said to him..He and her were suppose to be in all of this together she made it sound like he was just using her. It was him that was being used by everyone. He was sick of people using him. Sick of all these leeches. He reaches to his hip where his sidearm is, his eyes had scanned the room for all his targets, he intended on dealing with everyone else first and save Sheena for last. He heard the snap on the holster as he lifted it with his thumb, his hand barely touches the gun, when Faith's orders hit his ears but it's not until he feels Macal's heavy hand on his shoulder squeezing it the weight starts to snap him out of his anger and haze, without realizing it he snaps his holster close again. His eyes lock with Mac then Faith's and he nods, suddenly remembering her orders, pulling free of Mac's grip he goes to the nearest student and begins to help them to clear the room. Still he looks back over his shoulder at Sheena, not angry anymore but still hurt by her words. It's not long after he leaves the room with the student that she feels well enough to go about her business, not being hurt but clearly disturb enough to need help to get away. After being thanked and left alone, he stood in the hall trying to decide if he should return to the others but again Sheena's words echo in his head and he can remember clearly he was mere seconds away from drawing his weapon, not because he was in danger but because he was pissed and wanted to hurt everyone, he decides that he'd be better off just returning to his room and staying out of the way.

*Still standing with Faith and the other's after Alex leaves, Mac decides not to address the words exchanged just yet, he felt himself losing control of his temper, if not for his own mental training and the sound of Faith's voice calling for cooler tempers, he's not sure what he could have done or said. As his senses begin to return to him, he can feel the presence of evil in the room, however it's eluding him the exact nature or location of the source but there is no doubt in his mind that some great evil has entered the room. However not being able to waste time to track it's location because of how quickly it's fading away, he decides to also do as Faith said and begins to aid students get clear of the room. Pressing his comm he calls for medical staff to come and help the students in the room and a security team to sweep the halls for any fighting going on in the halls.*
Faith can only peripherally notice that Macal and Alex are listening to what she asked of them, helping to get students out of the area and to aid those who are injured. It seems that the severity of injuries is not severe, thankfully, and if Mitsumi has Liza, this leaves her free to focus only on Sheena, who is still fighting her, snarling loudly.

Faith has no weapons on her, and even if she did, she wouldn't have wanted to use them against the girl she thought of as her sister, regardless of the words that had been exchanged between them. Instead she proceeds to hold Sheena down the best she can, even as Sheena strains and snaps her teeth at her, trying to bite her as Faith presses her head down to the ground, trying to keep her skin out of her reach.

"I said stop it, Sheena! Stop it!"

It takes a few more moments and Faith repeatedly saying Sheena's name before Sheena slowly stops fighting her, eventually going still. Regardless Faith remains on top of her until she feels the first signs of Sheena's body beginning to shift back to its human form. As Faith, heedless in the moment of her unclad state among the others, regards her, making sure she's fully cooled down, then hauls her to her feet to drag her out, Sheena is wide-eyed, panting, her eyes darting before they stare at the gouges in Faith's chest and shoulder.

"I...did that?"

"Yep, pretty much," Faith muttered as she continued to drag her. "Let's just get out of here. Now..."

She looks over her shoulder to see if Izzy, Raina, and Macal have things under control.
(I thought Mitsumi was the one holding back Faye and that Izzy was out in the hallway with Liza?)

Raina is glad when Faith finally shouts out instructions, taking control of the situation, and the fact that she had been included in the 'team' to help out doesn't even cross her mind at the moment as she solely focuses on the task at hand.

She lets Faith take over with reining in Sheena, and as she ducks around the various fighting people she thinks how amusing it is that Raina, the supposed badass b*tch who only looked out for herself, is now helping students to escape from the fights of others.

She immediately goes to the student trapped under the table who was trying to escape Sheena and slings her arm around them to pull them out from the cramped space, obviously, as they had earlier seen her fighting with Faye, they try to push her away but she just grips them tighter, "Hey, calm the hell down. I'm not gonna hurt you, alright?" The shaky student seemed to accept that and they let Raina lead them out of the room. Once she saw them safely out she told them to get back to their dorm just in case and then headed straight back into the canteen.

A few moments later the room is empty of any non-angered people, with the exception of those Faith had singled out to help, and Raina glances around, seeing Vash still up in the rafters. She speeds over to stand a little bit below him as she shouts up, "Vash! Calm down!" She glances back then to see Faith has managed to calm Sheena, and gives the older slayer a sharp nod as if to say, 'we're cool, get her out of here'

She then turns back to Vash, "Vash you gotta snap out of it! Me and Faye aren't fighting anymore! What would Mel do if she she saw you like this?!?!?" She idly notices out of the corner of her eyes that Faye is still attacking Mitsumi fiercely.
(If you're still fighting it's up to you to decide if you're affected by this or you've calmed yourself down.)

*Despite, the security team arriving and the majority of the fighting ending, Mac watches as some other students and even staff continue to fight each other and some of the more powerful giving the security a hard time. When one of the students goes flying pass him and slams into a wall so hard he can hear her bones break, that was to much for him to stand. Moving to the the center of the room and closes his eyes visualizing all the people in the room and the halls that are still fighting, he targets them all with his mind's eye, he holds out his hand materializing his sword and slams it into the floor.* ENOUGH! *His eyes glow and the room shakes, outside the sky darkens and roars with the sound of thunder, suddenly a single bolt of lighting crashes through a window striking the hilt of his sword down the blade into the floor, from there the bolt splits into multiple smaller bolts and begins seeking out anyone fighting that he had targeted. By the time they reach their targets there was only enough energy to stun them and even knocking out the weaker fighters. Afterwards all the effects in the room and sky dissipates. As he looks out at his security and medical staff stunned at what just happened all around them, He gives them an exhausted look and begins to start checking on the students on the floor.* Don't just stand there looking stupid, do your damn jobs, get the injured to the infirmary and the rest back to the quarters!
Outside the cafeteria, Katarina watches with huge eyes from the end of the hallway, still clinging to Bucky with her fingers tightly wrapped around his. She sees the other students stumbling out in various physical conditions and can still hear the fighting going on inside, and she trembles slightly, astonished by how long and viciously this has gone on. Tugging on his sleeve, she says breathlessly, "We should go. Or else...should we help them? I mean...I can't, but you..."

Although Adrian had reported to detention, the teacher in charge had left as soon as he heard the commotion going on to help, and as Adrian waited, anxious as well because of what he could hear, it dawned on him that Katarina very well could be involved in it, or other students he knew and liked. He wasted no time in heading towards the direction the sounds seemed to be coming from, needing to see for himself what was happening and to check if his twin was okay.

In the hallway with the others, Liza's head twists back and forth as she takes it all in, horrified. "They're all hurt! I gotta heal them up!" Breaking away from Izzy, she started to run up and down the hallway attempting to heal every injured person she saw. As Sheena appeared in the doorway of the cafeteria, joining the others in a still-stunned state, Liza stopped and stared, pointing at her. "You don't got no clothes on."

One of the medics handed Sheena a blanket as Faith checked behind her, watching Macal's manuever and hoping it will work. Faye had still been fighting Mitsumi, so if she resists his attempt to stop them all, Faith herself will have to go help subdue her.
Faye is at this point still fighting on, her flames having destroyed a hell of a lot of items in the room by now, and even as Macal yells for them to stop she is still too consumed by her rage to listen to him, she flings another punch at Mitsumi but before her fist can reach the other girl Macal's bolt hits her and she lets out a cry before hitting the ground, being stunned by the lightning bolt.

She stays on the ground for a moment, her body shaking from the attack before a pink glow comes over her and she is healed from it. She slowly gets to her feet, unsure of herself. Her rage has gone now, as quickly as it came, but as a security member comes over to her she shakes her head and pushes them away lightly, " leave me alone." It is a whisper, so it is clear her rage is gone, but now the other emotions are returning. She is disgusted with herself. How could she have lost control like that? Said those things to Raina; the only one she has left. How could she have let it slip that she had tried to commit suicide? She is gripping her arms painfully now, looking down at the floor, and feeling utterly pathetic. Everyone knows now, anyone who saw her and Raina's fight might remember what Faye had said about wanting to die, about trying to kill herself, and then if they hadn't seen the fight they would just hear it from someone else. Then the whole school would be talking about how despicable she is, how's she's such a damn loser. she can't take this.

Another security member is coming over to her now, in her ragged state with her shorts torn at the edges from the fire and her top also ragged and torn from the flames and her fight with Raina, and she in her self-hating state can't stand for anyone to touch her, so as this second person approaches her she looks up with wide, teary eyes and throws her arms forward, "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yells this at them, but tears are starting to flow down her cheeks and her voice cracks in the yell, she barely sees the person fall backwards from the force of her throw as she feels like the world is crushing down on her, everyone, EVERYONE is staring. She begins to shake and she shakes her head, hating how weak she looks right now.

Everyone can see! Everyone can see her and how ugly and hideous she looks, how disgusting she is, she..she can't handle this. She's a failure, in every right, just like her parents had told her all along, just like Myra would be telling her right now if she was still here to do so. A disgusting, pathetic failure.

(You can Faith try and help her if you want, Rai's a bit preoccupied at the moment)
There were so many things Faith needed to do at the moment. She had dozens of students who were certainly frightened and confused, some injured as well, several badly so. She had her daughter to look out for and check over, as well as her sisters- both Izzy and Sheena. Her niece Mitsumi and Alex too, and Macal...all deserved an apology from her, explanations, and she needed to know they were okay.

But she could see Faye on the ground, still in the cafeteria, Faye who had fought Mitsumi so valiantly, looking utterly weakened with shame and perhaps a sapping of adrenaline as well. Faith herself felt somewhat shaky with delayed shock and guilt, as well as the sudden loss of emotion the anger had provoked, and it seems Faye is faring not better. She needs to get up and out of the cafeteria and doesn't seem to be allowing the others to help her.

Faith hesitates, then goes to her, giving her a quick but sincere hug before pulling her to her feet. "You have to get out of here, now, it's not safe. You screwed up, but so did a lot of people. So did I. I don't think it was entirely our fault. Now come on and get out of here...if you won't walk, I'll drag or carry you, but we have to go."

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