Dormer Academy

Katarina doesn't want to look at him, doesn't want to hear him speak; already she is sure she knows exactly what he's going to say. Her heart knocking hard against her ribcage, her mouth going dry, she tries to swallow, blinking quickly as she struggles to keep back the tears threatening all over again.

He was going to say never mind, that he wasn't interested after all, not after what he'd heard about her. He was going to say that he thought she was not his type after all, not the sort of girl he'd be caught dead with outside of class. He was going to call her a liar, say she hid important pieces of herself from him, and really, he'd be right.

She was expecting this, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

" don't have to say anything," she almost whispered, shrugging slowly. "I know...I know what you think, and what you want...I'm sorry. It' don't have to say it. I get it."
Bucky's eyes darken and he lets out a low growl without even realizing it. "You have no idea what I think Katarina..." he says softly. It bothered him, seeing her so closed off like this, how she turned her body from his. He thought things between them had been going so well...he had wanted them to be...could one little confrontation with her brother really change all that? Did she know what had gone down, truly? Or had Adrian filled her head with lies?

"What did that little fire-" he caught himself and paused, shaking his head so that his blonde curls almost bounced. "What did Adrian tell you?"

His eyes studied hers despite the way she tried to avoid meeting his gaze. He watched for any signs of anger, andcouldn't help it as he looked down at her arms, wondering when the last time she had hurt herself was. The idea caused his stomach to twist, that someone so beautiful, so pure could hurt themselves like he would do anything to keep her from all of that, if she'd let him.
Katarina flinched when Bucky growled, alarmed, and took a step back, fully expecting him to attack her. She didn't put up her hands or crouch as though to protect herself, however; she generally doesn't, when expecting to be attacked. Her parents have well-prepared her for being hurt, and as she had always preferred that they hurt her over her siblings, she generally does little to defend herself.

She has to look up at him to anticipate an attack, and she sees his eyes drop to her arms. Immediately her stomach plummets. Oh no...Adrian must have told him...

She pulls her sleeves down further and presses her lips together tightly, blinking again before she responds. It's a trick question; he wants to see how honest she is, she knows. Surely Adrian already told him everything.

"He said...he said...that I'm...doing extracurricular know, and...and he...said I'm...running around like a b**** in heat..."

Her voice drops almost inaudibly at the last bit. She again fully expects Bucky to leave her in disgust at this.
( Izabella Mochizuki : You don't have to feel bad about it, it's just how Nick thinks sometimes, she has abandonment issues from being abandoned so much.)

Ezra shrugged some, "I kind of think I was supposed to move on, I just didn't feel as if it was my time so I decided to stay. Maybe I'm stuck here now, which would probably be a very bad thing in the long run. But for now I'll just be happy to be here." he said with a small smile.

As Adrian asked if he had met a young girl named Alice, Ezra tilted his head to think about it, trying to remember the few ghosts that he had seen in his six months. "No... I haven't, though that doesn't mean that this Alice isn't out there somewhere." he said, he looked at Adrian, noticing the wide eyed look, the hope that was in his eyes even though his voice was calm. "Maybe she'll come here some day if she is a ghost, it's harder to be seen by those that don't have ties to the supernatural, so it gets lonely out there. Or it did for me." he said with a shrug. He didn't want to get Adrian's hopes up too high, but he did at least admit that even though he had never met a ghost like that that there was a chance that she existed.
*While Kat is climbing Jirro finds a dry spot to sit and meditate, trying to get back that focus he so much longs for from the days where his senses were so sharp he could detect a leaf falling miles away. But most important the space between him and Izabella is starting to kill him inside, he realizes that the only way he'll ever be whole again is to do something that he doesn't want to do again, seek revenge, he swore that after destroying the Clocks for their part in the assassination of his daughter Esme that he was done getting revenge. But just one more time so that he can go on with his life with his wife. And maybe if he's lucky he can find a trace of where his other daugther Mitsumi and Akira are. He knows they're safe and it was necessary for them to disappear and not tell him or Izabella where they were going for their own protection. So for them to come home Hardtime needs to be destroyed. Still how does he do that? Macal has fought him many times and has never been able to get rid of him for good. (Think your demon can reach him that far from the campus? I think Jirro would start blaming Macal for not destroying Hardtime, maybe Macal doesn't want to destroy him because he enjoys fighting him.)
He takes in her flinching and instantly feels bad. Did she really think that he would ever attack her, did what he was scare her? Shaking the thought off, he fought hard this time to hold in more growling as she tells him what her brother had said, what he had called her.

"He...he called you a..." Swallowing hard, he quickly looks away so that she won't see how his eyes shift and canines lengthen. It takes him a moment to calm down enough where he can face her again, but there's still a faint hint of gold in his eyes, glowing slightly.

"I'm so, so sorry Katarina..." For once, the way her name rolls off from his tongue doesn't bring him any joy. All he feels is guilt for being the cause of this. "I shouldn't have..." Sighing he shakes his head and scratches at the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. "This is all my fault, he never should have spoken to you like that...I'm sorry..."

Reaching out, he takes one of her hands in both of his, looking her over for any signs that there might have been more then just words exchanged. "He didn't...he didn't hurt you did he? Because after Macal stopped things, he had seemed very...well, heated..." Bucky's eyes are filled with nothing but concern for her. If Adrian had laid a hand on her, he didn't even think Macal would be able to stop him.
Adrian's expression fell slightly as Ezra admitted never having seen Alice, but he wasn't entirely discouraged. After all, if there was one ghost, there must be more. Maybe Alice just couldn't find him or Katarina. Maybe she was angry with him for having accidentally killed her. Maybe she was still trying to figure out all the details that went into being a ghost, and once she did, she would catch up to him and Katarina.

But it was possible. If Alice was a ghost, maybe she had been watching them all along. Maybe she was the fully invisible kind. Adrian would have to start paying attention.

Clearing his throat, he inclined his head towards Ezra in a somewhat awkward acknowledgement before starting to pack away from him. "Right...well, uh, it was nice to meet you,, this is really interesting. I hope you do like it here.


(it may have been attracted outside by others, Jirro, Izzy and Nick were outside too, after all...and it's not KAT climbing, it's Sheena :P )

It's when Sheena gets about midway up the waterfall that she really starts to have some difficulty. The water's volume is thicker and faster now, and closer to her skin, soaking her hair down over her back and shoulders and getting in her eyes and up her nose if she's not careful. Sputtering, she tries to keep her face tilted down to avoid this as she continues to cut the water with the sword, though it is more difficult to do one handed now. Sheena struggles on, almost numb with cold, her heart beating rapidly with her increased adrenaline as she tries to avoid letting the water press her against the wall. It has been over an hour before she reaches the top at last, and as she pulls herself up in triumph, she is exhilerated, grinning from ear to ear as she thrusts the sword over her head with a shaky arm.

"I made it!"


Katarina had thought that Bucky would respond coldly in some way. She had almost expected him to say that Adrian was absolutely right. But instead, he took her hands. Instead, he apologized, and she struggled to understand this, blinking with some disbelief as she looked up at him.

"It''s not your fault," she said softly, shaking her head. "I was the one who...who made it's not your fault."

He was holding her hands, and she knew she should pull away. But somehow she couldn't bring herself to. Instead, she lightly squeezed his hands, taking a deep breath before shaking her head.

"No...he...he didn't hurt me."

Chameleon listened to Liza as she talked, frowning lightly, "You were bad? Why?" From what he'd seen of her in the Academy, Liza had never been bad, at least not killing people sort of bad. He watches her speak to the dogs and scold them, maybe they're shape-shifters like him? Probably.

Chameleon could have literally frozen there and then as Liza mentioned his 'girlfriend' He knew she was talking about Raina, who else would she mean? It gets even worse when Liza actually turns to him, pulls on his arm and asks where Raina is. He could have sworn someone had just injected him with some sort of 'your-body-can't-move-right-now'. "Can you tell her that I miss her and I love her and I hope she's not being bad no more 'cause she really isn't?" Yeah Liza, if he could, he would. If he could only tell her that he misses her, that, it can't be, not yet.

Before he can even try to find the cure for his 'your-body-can't-move-right-now' virus, another guy enters the scene, he recognizes him as Alex, Sheena's boyfriend, and of course he has to go and mention Raina too. He stays silent, hoping that they'll just forget and go away, and for once the gods are on his side and Alex manages to distract Liza away. He sighs, then looks around once they are gone.

Crap. He still doesn't know where to go.
(Macal is with Faith and Izzy meeting for birthday dinner. Alex is with Liza taking her back to them...guys I wish you'd just look back and see instead of making an ooc post)
*Alex and Liza had reached the Cord's Quarters, he reaches out and opens the door for her stepping in after her.* Now Liza are you going to be able to stay here and not go wandering the halls cause if I have to I'll assign a guard on the door. *He pats her on the head then exits waiting a few minutes to make sure she doesn't come running right back out before he finally heads back to his own quarters.*

(I assume they got there shorty after Alex left)

*Mac leaned down for Liza scooping her up* We have some time before we have to leave soo we could have our own little party right now Princess how would you like that? *Carrying her to the kitchen counter and setting her down on it.* And I bet if you're real good I will bring you back some ice cream. And tomorrow how about we go riding together, we haven't done that in awhile but you have to be good and not sneak out when we leave. Just because this place is protected doesn't mean I want you out in the halls or the grounds at all hours of the night. *He holds out his pinky for her to promise him.* Remember be good and you get ice cream and get to ride horses tomorrow.
"Daddyyyyy!" Liza bellows, her arms wrapping around his neck tightly enough to strangle the average person. "I madeded you a cake. Plus also a card. Plus also it's your birthday and you're old."

"We smell it, Pip," Faith said wryly, shaking her head. "Seems like you left it and forgot about it the whole time you were gone."

"Uh huh, that's what I did, but it's okay," Liza dismisses this, wiggling and kicking her legs back and forth on the counter. Her face falls as she realizes Macal has no intention of bringing her with him. "Awwww Daddy, I can't come? I guess that's okay...but I wanna do the horses. I'll be good. So good you won't even believe it, probably."

"Probably not," Faith agreed, but she only mouthed the words to Macal, smirking. "Come on, Pip, let's get you tucked in."

She goes into Liza's room and emerges a good thirty minutes later with Liza finally asleep, Casey guarding her at the foot of her bed. Rubbing against Macal from behind, wrapping her arms loosely around him, she kissed the highest point she could read without standing on her toes, which was somewhere on his back.


Sheena- with Jirro

Katarina- with Bucky

Adrian- with Ezra
Ezra watched as the look on Adrian's face went from hopeful to slightly sad, though he did still notice the look of hope on his face, he couldn't help wondering what this girl was to him. "Well, if she is a ghost, maybe you will find her someday, but she might have moved on as well." he said, he wasn't sure that he would want a young child to be stuck as a ghost like he was, those months where no one saw him weren't easy to make it through, and only now was he starting to feel like staying behind might have been a good idea instead of a bad one.

He tilted his head as he noticed Adrian backing away, "Oh, right. Nice to meet you too, have a good night." he said with a nod and a smile. "So far I do like it here." he added, he watched him a moment, then turned to go on his way.

(Nick at the gym where Evan and Riff are)
From the silence that took hold of the room, Riff concluded that it might've been best to leave Kat alone for now. He had no idea of how they were supposed to act or what they were supposed to say should they catch up to her. He glanced up at Evan. She must've felt horrible. Most teenage girls felt like that about something or other. Right? Well, every 'normal' teenage girl he's come across either felt like complete sh*t or were completely full of themselves. He should probably recheck his facts on that.

Soon another person entered the room, a young girl. He had never seen her before and couldn't recognize her scent. Most likely they've never passed eachother before. Judging by her appearance, she was probably a grade school kid, somewhere between the ages of 7 to 10. So they couldn't have shared a class either. "Hello. If you're here to use the gym then feel free."


Mel and Vash were about halfway back to their rooms when the doll suddenly stopped walking. Vash looked up at her back. Was there something wrong? He couldn't see anyone else in the corridor. Maybe Mel saw something out of the window next to her. "Mel? Why'd we stop?"

At first, she didn't respond to the metal dog, only stood still. "Mel?" The second time seemed to catch her attention as she briefly glanced at him. And although he knew perfectly well that her current face wouldn't allow expressions, somehow she looked distant and . . . weak. Vash opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when Mel threw the leash and his clothes at him, with her own showing the same cold facade it's always had. "You're seriously heavy. Go change back over there. I'm tired of pulling your weight around."

Maybe it was because he knew better or maybe it was because it was getting late and he was just tired. But whatever the reason, Vash didn't feel like resisting her. Taking his clothes in his mouth, he dragged them around the corner to change back to his human form.

With Vash gone, Mel gained a few minutes to think some more. She really hated today. Not only did she have a less than savory experience with Lilith, but now Raina and Faye were at this school. Mel didn't have anything personal against them. They weren't eyesores* either. But Mel didn't like remembering her time at the old academy she went to. It was bad enough with the Cords there, but now two more little ghosts floating around, it was getting harder to forget.

To forget the humiliating defeat she suffered at the hands of that glorified wh*re. To forget the high hopes she had for that place. But most of all, to forget those idiotic eyesores* that dubbed themselves royalty, one of them being Faye's little vampire (ex)boyfriend (Since I'm assuming Mel doesn't know they broke up yet.). The ones who actually told her that it was her own damn fault that she was attacked, because she didn't get along with others.The ones who pretty much said she much said that she deserved to die because she didn't fit in. As if she didn't already know that. She was such an idiot to place her hopes on such grotesque* hypocrites, the very sort of people who put her in this situation to begin with.

Now seething with anger, Mel slammed her foot into the wall, shattering half her leg with a loud crashing sound. The loss of it caused her to become unbalanced and Mel fell onto the floor. Okay. That might not have been a smart decision.

Alerted by the sound, Vash rushed out from behind the corner, fly still down and shirt half on. The first thing he noticed was Mel, who had been standing when he had left her, now on the floor, the second being the shards of porcelain scattered on the floor. "What happened?!"

"There was a spider and I decided that it had to die, you pervert," she said rather calmly. Vash didn't understand the pervert comment at first until he looked down at himself. Face now red, he rushed back behind the corner to fix his attire. "Hurry up," Mel yelled to him. "I can't exactly walk so you'll have to carry me back." Damn, if she allowed Lilith, anyone really but mostly Lilith, to see her in this condition, she'd never be able to live it down.

(*Another part of the trio's "slang". It's pretty much a code that lets Vash and Riff know how Mel feels toward certain people. If she says that you're a little hard to look at, then she hates you but not enough to really do anything about it or feels nothing toward you. If she says that she doesn't mind looking at you, then that's pretty much her saying that she likes you (as a friend or comrade) or barely tolerates you. And if she calls you an eyesore or grotesque, then she wants you dead and most likely in the most gruesome way she can think of.)
{At the bottom of the falls slowly but surely a strong rage starts to stir inside of Jirro, he strikes the ground not very hard at first but suddenly over and over each one getting harder and more violent, breaking the ground open.} DAMMIT, DAMMIT THAT DIRTY BASTARD DID THIS TO ME! HE MADE ME AN ASSASSIN AGAIN A COLD BLOODED UNFEELING MURDER! IT'S HIS FAULT I'M LIKE THIS! {Normally small cuts and scrapes would heal automatically but this time they're not as he strikes the ground now with both fist over and over.} IT'S HIS FAULT, IT'S THEIR FAULT MACAL IS JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME AS HIM, THIS ENDLESS GAME THEY PLAY WITH PEOPLE BEING UNWILLINGLY DRAWN INTO SOME SICK TWISTED FEUD BETWEEN THEM, NEITHER WILLING TO GET RID OF THE OTHER FOR GOOD BECAUSE IT WOULD END THEIR GAME! {Suddenly the ground crumbles leaving a crater at his feet. He looks confused at what he's was just thinking, is he really so mad that he's blaming Mac also for what Hardtime did?
(Aw, well I'm glad that Mel doesn't want Raina and Faye dead..? xD Heh, I do like their slang though. Oh, and Jirro I hope you don't mind but I'm putting Jirro as Chameleon's mentor since I think Macal has quite a few already xD Trying to balance it out)

Chameleon, after leaving the weight room, finally managed to bump into a nice group of students who pointed him in the direction of the front lobby to get his keys and room number. He approached the lady behind the desk and gave her a pleasant smile, after a brief conversation he was given his keys, room number, his timetable and apparently he now had a mentor? Jirro Mochizuki was to be his new mentor apparently. He was on his way to his new dorm, swinging his keys lightly in his hands when he paused mid-walk. Uh...was that Mel? With...a broken leg? Yeah...he had been informed about her 'showdown' with Lilith and had seen her doll form around school afterwards, but, uh, right now it seemed she had shattered a leg, and appeared to be alone, though he was pretty sure Vash or Riff must be around somewhere. Either way, it wasn't polite to just leave her on the floor after having seen her.

He calmly slipped his keys into his pocket and walked over to the powerful doll - she was still pretty powerful in his eyes anyway, just because her form had changed didn't mean anything, Chameleon as a shifter knew this pretty well. "Uh hey, you need a hand there Mel?" He offered out a hand to help her up and she were to take it he would support her weight like you would for someone with a broken leg.

Plus, besides the whole being polite thing, Mel was the only student in this entire school so far that knew of his royal heritage, and he'd rather keep her on his good side so that she wouldn't tell - he didn't want anyone else to know he was a royal.
Adrian is still thinking about Alice as he walks away. Every day he thinks about her, as much as he tries to push thoughts of her aside, and he knows that his twin does too, though they rarely speak of her to each other. Alice, being only seven when she died, had been more like Adrian's daughter than his sister, and he misses her with a depth he can barely stand to feel sometimes.

He knows that Katarina misses her too. He can tell that her self-esteem has been even shakier than usual since Alice's death, and before they were living in the academy, he had heard her crying every night, trying to muffle the noise in her pillow or the crook of her elbow so he wouldn't hear. He knew she didn't want to bring up Alice and his role in her death to him, for fear of making him feel guilty...but he should feel guilty. It had been an accident, but nevertheless, it was his fault and no other's.

As he thinks of his sisters, he finds himself realizing as he walks towards his own room that he should apologize to Katarina, try to talk to her. She had been startled and hurt by the way he talked to her, and he knew it had been out of line. He should clear the air with her, make sure she isn't too upset. As he starts towards her wing of the academy, he is trying to figure out what to say to her.


By the time Sheena reaches the top of the waterfall at last, she is breathless, her limbs trembling slightly with her exertion, and yet she is smiling widely, triumphant in her success. With a grunt she pulls herself to the very top, balancing and planting her feet firmly as she throws back her head, water dripping down her body and her hair as she calls out, "I did it! I made it!"

She looks down to see if Jirro is watching her...but he is not looking at her at all. He is hitting the ground, over and over, and then, he begins to scream. Shocked, Sheena stares down at him, her mouth open, clutching his sword tightly in her hands. What is wrong with him? Why is he screaming like that...blaming her dad? Her dad had nothing to do with anything...what had brought all this on?

"Jirro..." she called, but when it seemed obvious he was not listening, she began quickly to descend the waterfall, this more difficult because she is already wet and slippery as well as alarmed. It is quite some time before she is back down with Jirro, and she stares, aghast, at the crater now at his feet. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you totally insane?"

Before she can understand it, her own anger flares, and she snarls at him, not yet wolfing out, but close to it, every muscle taut as she gets in his face, invading his space. "You're acting like a psycho! You're supposed to be teaching me, watching me, and you're throwing a fit like a kid and yelling about my dad when he didn't do shit, it's not his fault! Don't you f****ing dare say things like that about my dad again! You and Izzy, always the same, everyone's fault but yours, no one is as good as you!"
((Is someone coming to get Izzy or is she waiting for Jirro to come home?))

Bucky swallowed hard and nodded, forcing himself to keep his anger in check. "Alright...good..."

Looking deep in her eyes, he squeezes her hands. "Katarina...if us..." he pauses and shakes his head. "If me liking you is going to cause a problem...I don't want to come between you and your brother...I..." He can't seem to find the right words and growls softly in frustration, dropping her hands suddenly and takes a small step back.

"I can't be the cause of your pain..." he shook his head. "I don't want to hurt if you would like...I won't bother you again...I swear..." He looks down at her weakly and swallows hard again against a sudden lump in his throat. Running a hand through his hair again, he stood there and waited.
He is leaving her. He doesn't want her after all. He doesn't like her...Adrian was right. Adrian was that he heard what Adrian thought, he's leaving her.

This isn't what he's saying at all, but this is what Katarina hears, how she interprets it. As Bucky drops her hands, stepping away, she lets her hair fall forward to obscure her features, swallowing several times in unconscious reflection of him before she shakes her head slowly, whispering.

"Bas...Bas, don't...bother me...aren't you...I'm...I"m sorry...I...I understand if you...don't want me."

It's hard for her to speak, and impossible to look him in the eye.
((oh god, I'm so sorry, I haven't been getting any notifications! I'll get caught up and post shortly)) 
Evan hadn't had the slightest idea as to how to respond to Riff's question. She wasn't even completely sure as to whether or not she needed to go do damage control with the talk she'd just had with Kat. "I don't really know," she answered finally. "People aren't exactly my strong point."

Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, she rubbed her palms together and let out a breath, almost not even hearing Nick's greeting. At the sound, she managed a small jump and turned to face the girl fully, an awkward smile briefly flashing across her face.

"Hey there." Evan waved and clasped her hands in front of her, "Sorry again for interrupting your meditation earlier. You're welcome to use whatever you want to."

She hesitated and then made her way back over to her computer, mentally kicking herself. Sitting with her back against the wall, Evan just started clicking through the related videos sections of the gymnastics routine she had learned before the gym seemed to turn into a breeding ground for conflict. Her thumbnail picked absently at her lower lip as she scoured the internet for something that looked as though it would keep her busy and would distract her from getting into the middle of anything else that didn't concern her.
{Jirro looks at Sheena, he's not really sure what just came over him. What he was yelling and the crater at his feet. He looks at Sheena's hand and reaches for his sword.} What the hell did I just do? Sheena I'm sorry I didn't mean any of that, I don't blame your father for anything. {He looks at his hands their finally starting to heal} We should head back it's late and I'm sure you wish to spend your father's birthday with him before it's over. {Taking his sword and sliding it back inside it's sheath and heads out the falls getting back onto the path towards the the academy}

(Going to move them back so Sheena can be free to visit her father.)

{Once back at the main building Jirro stops in front of Sheena} I'm sorry for my behavior today Sheena, I hope it won't keep you from coming to me for further lessons, if you wish to try this again we can actually spar with swords. {He gives her a very weak smile and heads in the other direction towards his and Izabella's quarters.}

(I'll have him find Izabella on my next post or she can meet him in at the door, which ever you prefer.)
Raina didn't like leaving Faye alone for too long after what had happened with Myra - let's just say her little sister wasn't always in the right frame of mind - but Faye had practically shoved her out the door with instructions to go and get some popcorn for them to munch on while they watched a film together in Rai's room, so she was currently trudging the halls in search of some popcorn, did they have any in the damn kitchen area...wherever that was?

Of course, in her busy state of thoughts, Raina had failed to notice she had gone and landed herself right outside the Cords' living quarters, and on her butt for she had just bumped into Sheena damn Sadovsky. She jumped up almost immediately and of course in her usual way snapped angrily at the girl, "Mind watching where the f*ck you're going for once pup?" Of course, her voice was quite loud with her annoyance at the moment, and she had no idea that Faith and Macal most likely could hear her swearing at their adopted daughter.

Popcorn forgotten, she waited for Sheena to snap back. She was still annoyed that the Cords' were back in her life.

(Sorry for that, I kinda wanted Raina to see Macal and wish him a happy birthday - besides Liza, he is currently the only one of the Cords that she will openly show a like for xD )
((Izzy's kinda spacing out at the moment so someone should probably find her...))

Bucky's eyes widen and he shakes his head in disbelief. "D-don't want you? Katarina..." he let out a tiny laugh, suddenly appearing sheepish and very boyish and for a moment he even feels his cheeks flame slightly. "You're all I've been thinking of all day...the mystery human girl who was able to catch the wolf's attention..." Shrugging, he closes the space between them more, still keeping a respectable distance and smiles softly at her.

"I thought that would've been obvious the way I've been courting you around the campus, like a trained pup..." he chuckled again.

"I don't want you doubting my feelings...ever...I said I cared, that I wanted to learn more...I wasn't lying to you...and I'm not going to run away just because you have a past...I'm pretty sure everyone in this place does..."
Nick looked at Riff as he spoke to her, she smiled some and nodded, "Don't worry, I will try to stay out of the way." she said, she just wanted to make sure that they knew that she would be out of their way. She held Donnie to her chest as she started to walk toward a section of the gym that was away from them, though she stopped as Evan talked to her, she smiled at her and waved one hand at her, as if waving away the apology. "It's fine, really." she said, then she set Donnie down out of the way and began to look around, she wanted to make sure she didn't try lifting too much.

As she looked around her stomach growled and she frowned some, really realizing for the first time that she was getting hungry, especially when she remembered that she had only eaten breakfast that day. She sighed a little, deciding that she would get something to eat sometime soon.


Ezra just wandered around, not really sure where he was going to go, or really what he wanted to do. He slowly wandered outside, looking around, he wasn't used to being in a place like this, but figured that he could get used to the quiet, or at least the lack of cars.
Sheena continues to stare at Jirro, not yet accepting his apology. She can see that he seems to be calming down as he looks down at his hands, then his sword in her hands, and when he tries to take it from her, she at first tightens her hands around it, not wanting to release it to him when he was so angry and blaming her father for...for what? What did Macal have to do with anything?

She feels her own anger drain away as Jirro seems to come back to himself to apologize, and after a few more moments and several intakes of breath, she finally inclines her head in a brief nod, pressing her lips together and looking away before speaking somewhat stiffly. "Yeah. I's okay. Maybe you, go to sleep or something..."

She is quiet as they walk back together, still worried, wondering, but she manages a smile when Jirro offers to spar next time as they arrive back at the academy front entrance. "Yeah. Maybe....whoa, wait, it's my dad's birthday?! Shit!"

She takes off running down the hallway towards the Cord living quarters, well aware that she is still damp, somewhat sweaty, her hair tangled down her back, and hardly appropriate to go out like this. It is because she is running that she runs into Raina, and at first she can hardly even believe what she is seeing.

"Whooooa what are YOU doing here?" she blurts.

Inside their living area, Faith sighs, growing impatient when Izzy still doesn't answer her phone and Sheena has not yet returned from her waterfall climbing. Nudging Macal, she heads towards the door, calling out to him, "I'm going to get Izzy myself, then round up Sheena if I can..."

As she opens the door, seeing Sheena and Raina standing outside it, she just raises an eyebrow at Sheena's appearance. "Uh, lovely? What, Raina, you wanting to come too or something? Liza's already asleep, or did you want something else?"


Katarina's breath catches, and as her face blooms with color, a disbelieving smile curves her mouth. He could not be speaking the truth...after all this, could he really want her? Could he really still like her?

He said he did. He said he still cared. He said he had thought of her all day...that he was courting her. He said...he said he wouldn't run from her. Oh lucky could she be?

"I...I wont' either," she said softly, and then, taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, tilting her face up towards his. Cupping his chin in her hands, she drew forward, pressing her lips against his, soft at first, then more insistently.

(lol just realized we totally forgot Sheena's birthday too, hers was April 19, and then Alex's AND real person Macal's is let's just say happy birthday all around Macal, no point in trying to celebrate them when we forgot Sheena's and didn't even finish Macal's yet. And happy early birthday to you!)
*Mac gives Faith a nod.* Yeah I was just gonna suggest you go check on her, she's probably messing around with Jirro or Bucky, maybe she could have been distracted still unpacking or her and Jirro could be doing. *He holds up his fingers to make air quotes* things with each each other. *He grins* So don't take to long cause I plan on us. *Makes air quotes again* Doing things to each other. *When Faith opens the door just as Raina's outburts in Sheena's direction, Mac steps to the door behind Faith* See I told you this door was Awesome Faith, people can't help but come visit it. *Pats the door* So what's going on out here and Sheena why do you smell like a wet puppy?

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