Dormer Academy

((I guess Izzy could be part of the first batch too, would make sense considering everything. Just tell me what to do...))

Izzy continues to shake her head, even as Jirro wraps himself around her. Her whole body is shaking, not from anger anymore, but fear. Fear from the thought of losing her husband.


Swallowing hard, her mind races at what to do, who she can go to first as she presses her face against Jirro's chest, hiding it so that he won't see how upset this is making her. She had only met Master Stick in person, and wasn't sure if going to her enemy's father was such a good idea, and Faith would worry to much...but she kept these thoughts to herself, her cheek resting above her husband's heart and she stayed silent as she focused on it's beating.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally lets out a tiny sigh, and allows her arms to circle Jirro's waist, squeezing him gently. "Fine..." she murmurs softly, her voice muffled against his shirt. "I'll do it...not that I have a choice...but I'll do it..."

Pushing away from him now, she sniffs loudly and wipes at her eyes with the back of one hand. "Don't you have another class today?" she questions, trying to change the subject.


Bucky can't help but frown and his arms drop to his sides. "Uh, yeah of course...alright..." he forces himself to stand up a bit starighter. "I should probably go check in with Izabella now anyways..."

Cracking his neck slightly, he leans down again to kiss Kat's cheek and lets his lips linger there a second longer then need be before standing back up. "Maybe I'll catch up with you in the cafeteria again tonight for dinner? Will you be there?"
*Alex took one look at his very first ghost and geek out.* You're a ghost, a spook, specter, Apparitions, disembodied spirit?? Cool!, I just have one question for you, how do you go to the bathroom? *He smirks, stepping next to Sheena who seems to forget he's fully capable for fighting for himself.* Just kidding, anyway I'm Alex, this is my girlfriend Sheena, you must be new here? Well welcome to the Institute for extraordinary gifted youths..Oh wait that's the X-Men. *He turns to Sheena and grins.* You think he'll let me study him in my lab?

*Stick looks up at Kat and Bucky and for a second he buys into what Liza is saying but quickly shakes that off.* Perhaps you're right, maybe I should have...Hey wait a second don't you try to trick me into feeling guilty Princess, this is hardly my fault..I think it's not. Besides didn't you skip our lesson for today to study with your mother, who I don't see here with you.

*Mac continues to walk but stops for a second, he thought he sensed something but when he can't lock in on it he just thinks it's nothing.* That was weird, something was there and then it wasn't like a ping from a ship's radar. Anyway I'm going to get a workout in and then head home.
Evan waved off Adrian's concern at the idea of him not showing her his ability and cracked a small smile, "Hey, I'd love to see it. We can just have someone standing nearby with a fire extinguisher or something, no biggie." She rose to her feet and picked up her plate and empty container of juice, walking them over to deposit them in the trash. "So I'll see you in class tomorrow or whenever."

She left the cafeteria and started down the hall, absently wondering whether or not Faith would hold class anytime soon, though as she looked around and saw other people that she recognized from her class, she somehow doubted it.

There was always the option of going back to her room, however, she had already been there for over a month and had done very little socializing, more out of the knowledge that there was a spectacular chance that she would forget the person. As she made her way down the hall, her eyes trained ahead of her, looking for a familiar face when she walked through an area that felt a few degrees colder.

She paused, confused for a moment and scratched at her nose, quickly shaking off the chill that rolled down her spine. Furrowing her eyebrows, she continued her walk and made her way outside.
Ophelia Lambert had stayed quiet during her first class. Luckily for her, she was no stranger to guns, having spent most of her life in Texas, where pretty much everyone and their dog owned one. So it was a relief to find herself starting with such an easy subject, especially on her first day. She had to admit this place was still so weird to her. She had spent the last few years thinking that she was a freak, alone…but here…she was just another face in the crowd. The lady that had done her paperwork had never even heard of a Valkyrie before, and Ophelia had felt a little foolish with her jumbled explanation. She was still only learning what she was herself. A quick demonstration of what she could do, let her feeling a little drained and it had taken her a few minutes to recover as her class schedule was printed up.

Weapons 101 with Izabella Mochizuki, it almost sounded too easy.

At the teacher's praise on the way she loaded her glock and how she stood, she had merely offered the woman a small smile, instead focusing on her target and kept focusing on it until the class was dismissed. There had been a few other students around her, but making friends had been the last thing on Ophelia’s mind. She was here, at this place, to get a better control and understanding of her powers, of what she was…

She couldn’t risk hurting someone she cared about again…

Her shoulder brushed against someone as she moved through the halls and after a mumbled apology she continued on towards the cafeteria, craving a quick snack. She still at some point had to find one of the Cords and figure out final placement for her. She wasn't too sure about being put up in a room with a complete stranger, didn't really trust herself around anyone like that. She was really hoping, especially if she begged enough that they would

make some sort of exception.

((not sure who all is where, student wise anyways))
He still kissed her. He kissed her AGAIN, even with Liza and Stick watching...even if they all thought she was doing something wrong or embarrassing, even if he was embarrassed, he still kissed her again.

He REALLY must like her.

This was enough for Katarina to smile again, her embarrassment tempered by pleasure as she accepted his kiss, nodding in response to his question. "Yes. Yes, I will."

Faith's first class of the day was cancelled, but she does have her second class to get to now, and so as she pulls away, she heads to the training room on the third floor. Although Faith had told them it would be an outdoor class for the most part, they customarily met inside and headed out, and so Katarina went to wait inside the classroom. No one else has arrived yet, including Faith herself.


"I did!" Liza declares, nodding. "I did train with my mama. Plus also with Nickkie. Plus also with a ghost guy named something weird. But we are all done. So I can train with you now I think. I'm ready. Are you gonna be in a better mood now? Are you gonna be nice?"

Unaware that pretty much no one but her could get away with talking anywhere near this manner to him, she reached up for his hand and swung it in hers. "I'm ready to do wind stuff now. Can we go?"


Noticing Macal's pause, Faith too stops, looking around herself, but she senses nothing, sees nothing, and hears nothing out of the ordinary, and so shrugs it off. She does not have the ability to naturally sense evil, not having the "sixth sense" or even extraordinarily heightened senses of smell, sight, and hearing that Sheena, as a Lycan, has, so nothing registers on her "radar" at the moment.

"Alright, see you later," she tells her husband, having to stand slightly on her toes to give him a quick kiss before heading off her way. Katarina is the only student already in the classroom, and she gives her a smile and brief pat on the shoulder as she comes in.

"Hey Kitty. How's it going?"

She is fairly astonished when the girl gives her a smile that is almost glowing. Katarina was customarily shy and uncertain around her and from what she could tell, everyone else, even with the encouragement she'd been trying to throw her way whenever possible, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her smile like that without having to work for it for a while.

"Good," Katarina told her, and Faith raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like it." She doesn't have to ask to suspect a boy must have something to do with it.


Thanatos hardly knows where to begin.

As he lurks within the hallway, just outside the cafeteria, a steady trickle of students pass by him, all young, all vibrant with life and emotion. So much feeling within these walls, so much sets him pulsing even before he has latched onto any particular person, any particular depth of anger, and he can only imagine the heightened state of his power when he chooses to do so.

For now he lets the surface energy of emotions drift over him, giving brief surges towards him that energize him without sustainment, allowing him to choose between. Two children in particular who pass him, a boy and a girl, give him pause. He does not yet know their names, not that names are important to him; a human, however, would have identified them as Evan and Adrian. He knows only that the female-shaped child had given a slight start as she passed, that the current of feeling within her seems somehow muddled or blocked, which intrigues him. The male-shaped child, however, he can tell even on surface level has strong emotion, strong anger, and Thanatos almost chooses him immediately.

But soon after the male passes by, an adult approaches, and this one in particular grabs his interest. In fact, this one, he decides almost at once, will be the first to latch onto.

(doesn't matter to me if Ophelia finds Faith or Macal first. also, I figured the Mochizukis could be a group effort for Thanatos, so if you'd like to bring one or both of them down the hallway he would notice them and latch onto them or something with them, probably, though Evan and Adrian passing him would probably get a rise of him too. I think he'll notice Evan and Adrian, maybe be deciding between them and then latch onto Mochizukis more "fully" first)
Ezra blinked, tilting his head, he watched the defensive movements that Sheena made without realizing it, "Currently I don't think I could even hurt you if I wanted to." he said, which he didn't want to hurt anyone, though he did like being seen, so he would try to learn what he needed to in order to stay there. "Buffy? Faith mentioned her as well... I take it she dies often and just keeps coming back?" he asked, then shook his head, he couldn't help wondering if he would ever get to meet this 'Buffy' person that it seemed everyone knew, or at least those he had talked with.

He listened to her as she explained all the times that she had died, speaking of vampires and lycans and all sorts of things that he had only heard about in movies and books. "Wow... You know... this is really going to take a lot of getting used to. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I'm a ghost, even after six months it is still a little hard to believe, and now I have to get used to the fact that basically everything else exists as well." he said with a chuckle, it seemed strange to him, but it seemed that this was what his life would be like from now on. "I saw a little girl levitate a weight with wind today, it was certainly something I didn't expect, and another little girl was able to lift all kinds of weights with seemingly no trouble at all."

Ezra couldn't help shaking his head again, then he smiled some at them, "Well, it was either move on or stay behind for me, and I figured I wasn't done living, even though my body decided to disagree with me on that." he said with a small shrug. He blinked and tilted his head at Alex's question, and then smiled some as he said he was joking, though he did have an answer to that. When he asked about studying him Ezra quickly shook his head, "Woah... no... no studying... I don't really feel pain, but still..."


Nick was still sitting outside, her eyes closed as she continued to meditate, she looked almost as if she was asleep, the only movements being the rising and falling of her chest as she breathed. She had her legs crossed and her hands lying in her lap, she seemed to be completely relaxed and at ease, she obviously didn't think anyone would bother her where she was.
((I'm gonna wait for Jirro to do my next post, I'll probably have Iz out in the hallway looking for Nick so she can get latched onto then if that works))
*At first Alex's eyes sadden with Ezra said no to him but being as Sheena said spending way to much time with Macal his cross both his eyes and gave Ezra the craziest mad scientist look he could make holding his hands out in front of him rubbing them together.* Oh come on I won't hurt you...much! Bahahaha Bahahaha...Just kidding say you know someone that would be a good person for you to talk to, Jirro, he has all these things he can do with his mind like moving stuff, I've even seen him block bullets with a look, he's kind of a bad ass..Then again just about every teacher here is a bad ass. If you want you could come to class with me tomorrow or you could find him in the staff quarters.

*Stick looks at Liza exhausted, he's only been talking to her for 3 minutes and the child has tired him out trying to wrap his mind around her "Liza Logic", he rubs his temples and lets out a slow deep breath* Fine fine...We can train for a little bit. *He looks around* I guess this room will do. *He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bag of hard candy, he takes a piece out and holds it in the palm of his hand till it starts to float. * Today's lesson use your wind to take away the candy, if you win you get to keep the candy but you will lose if the candy breaks or hits the ground or I eat it. Remember Princess my wind is stronger then yours you can not take it on head on, you must used your wind to alter mind until you can get the candy. (Basically she can't hit the wind head on she must use updrafts and downdrafts to get around his. Think of it like this his wind is a wall on all sides she can't get through them but she can go above or below the walls...Of course he's also going to be moving so can't make it to easy for her, so she can use any trick she wants to stop of slow him down.)

*Macal leaves Faith's side and heads to one of the training rooms especially made for his kind of training, sealing the door behind him and moves to the center of the room.* Computer run Cord Training Program 12 set gravity to 400. *The room darkens for a second when it lights back up it's changed to a desert setting and right away Macal feels the pressure from 400 times Earth's gravity pulling on him. Drawing his sword off his back it slams into the sand, all around him that sand starts to move and suddenly out of it a group of large combat robots jump out at him. He quickly raises his sword and charges forward as one robot fires a massive blast of plasma at him, sweeping his sword out in front of him he bats the blast away before planting his sword threw the head of the robots sending it flying and it's body explodes. As the rest of the robots start to move, Mac stops and and holds his sword at his side.* COMPUTER FREEZE PROGRAM...End Program. *Just as before the room darkens and then comes back to normal.* UGH THIS IS SOOO DAMN BORING! I haven't had a real fight in ages...WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THE BIG BAD EVIL IN THE WORLD I NEED A FIGHT OR I SWEAR I'M GONNA LOSE IT!
{Jirro reaches up and wipes away her tears} I have one more but I can cancel it if you like. {He moves in front of her pressing her against the wall, showing her his fangs, moving his hand to move her hair off her neck and notices that there isn't as much as usual there.} Izabella did you do something to your hair? {He steps back retracting his fangs, shaking his head in disbelief} I'm such a fool and selfish husband, I didn't notice you changed your hair, I'm sorry can I make it up to you tonight before we have dinner with the Cords, perhaps we can spend sometime alone?

(Oh crap this post stinks I'm sorry, I'm just tired)
Izabella can't help but feel herself flinch at first when her husband's hand touches her face. Since her time being tortured the slightest movement, an unexpected touch, caused the hybrid to freeze up in an instant. Letting out a shaky breath, she swallows hard, and covers his hand with her own, pressing her cheek against it. "I refuse to live a life without you in it again..." she murmurs softly, almost to herself.

She lets out a tiny gasp when Jirro moves, and suddenly presses her back into the wall. She can feel her heart quicken at the sight of his fangs and her eyes darken, her breath becoming more ragged as her own fangs lower. Her skin breaks out in goosebumps, and her eyes close as he nears her neck, swallowing hard. But suddenly, she can no longer feel his breath on her skin, and she frowns, her eyes snapping open at the final mention of her haircut.

Hiding her disappointment, she forces a smirk across her lips and looks up at him through half closed lids. "I needed a change...I was wondering when you might take notice..." Her heart continues to beat just as quick as before and she leans in, resting her hands against his chest, palms open. "I would very much enjoy spending some alone time with you tonight before our dinner...however..."

Without another word, she presses her lips at the base of his throat and kisses him gently. "I suggest canceling your next class..." Her fangs have remained lowered and she brushes them above his jugular, letting out a low growl and her hands have moved to grip onto the muscles of his arms and biceps, her nails digging into his skin through his shirt. "Because I have grown quite hungry...and quite impatient my love..." Her fangs lower and pierce his skin.

"Oh, you probably could if you tried hard enough," Sheena shrugged. "If I was a normal person, anyway. I mean, I've got some pretty intense healing powers with the Lycan half of me and all. I get hurt and stuff but I heal up pretty fast. It would probably take a lot to kill me now, which is kind of crazy considering how many times I've died before."

At his mention of little girls, Sheena grins, exchanging a look with Alex. "Sounds like my sister Liza...pigtails, talks about a million miles a minute? Two little girls, though? Maybe she moved so fast you got confused and thought she was twins, I could totally see that happening."

She shifts her eyes between the two as Alex offers to study him, laughing aloud and rolling her eyes when Ezra expresses trepidation at this. "Don't blame you, Lady Gigabyte here likes to go all tech on everyone and take the joy out of living sometimes...or unliving, in your case. So you were totally normal before? See, for us, THAT is the weird side of life...what was that like?" It's a genuine question. Even when Sheena was human with no powers, she had not had anything approaching an average life.


"That's not the best kind of candy," Liza declares, eyeing the hard candy floating around critically. "I like Snickers best. And Reeses."

Still, she concentrates, more because she wants to win than because she wants the candy. Of course, the first thing she does is try to hit his wind head on with hers, regardless of what he said, to try to force it past, but it doesn't take very long of her struggling to realize every time she tries this she hits a "wind wall" and can't succeed. She grunts and huffs in frustration, almost giving up concentration with her irritability over this, but then remembers finally what he said and tries another way, sending her wind down beneath the candy to send it up higher, then trying to adjust it by frequently hitting with puffs of wind from both sides and up down as well. When it starts to move some she almost loses concentration totally as she lets out a delighted yell to celebrate, but when Stick starts to move, moving the wind and candy with him, she stops, indignant, for a moment.

"You are cheating, Mr. Stick!"

Huffing again, she tries all over, arms crossed over her chest now, her bear sticking out from beneath her arm at a ridiculous angle as she takes another strategy, blowing all the wind she can at Stick's legs full blast. She hopes he'll trip or that she'll make him so cold he can't move, and then she can fight his wind better.

(were you going into the hall, Izzy?)
When Evan saw the girl Liza had been playing with that morning, she hesitated before walking over and sitting next to her quietly. For a while, she didn't say anything, thinking the child might be asleep. But when she checked her breathing, it proved otherwise. Taking a deep breath, she stretched her legs out in front of her and leaned back on her hands.

"You'll like it here." She said quietly, giving the girl a thoughtful glance.

Evan paused and opted to lie down on the ground, her legs crossing at the ankles and rests her hands on her stomach as she looks up at the sky. "So what's your story?" She smiled weakly, "How'd you get here?"
Ezra blinked as Alex suddenly started laughing insanely and crossed his eyes, "Right." he said, not sounding so convinced. As he mentioned someone that Ezra might be able to learn from he couldn't help but smile, "Thanks for the suggestion. Faith said that we had to find out if I could even fit in here, and since this is a place for learning to fight... I would need help since touching things isn't easy." he said with a nod. "I guess I'll follow you to one of his classes, I wouldn't want to bother him if he isn't in class right now." he said, he didn't know what the teachers did in their off time, and figured it wouldn't be a good idea to track one down during that off time unless it was really needed.

Ezra shrugged some, "I'm not normally very violent, though, if I could learn to fight and such, I would do so when I needed to." he said with a nod, meaning that he had no intentions of hurting anyone unless he had to, and only if he could learn. Ezra smiled some, "No, there were two of them. Liza and a girl named Nickkie. They don't look anything alike either." he said with a small smile, he could understand Sheena thinking that Liza had been moving fast, the girl did seem to constantly be in motion.

"Yes, I was totally normal. Trust me, you aren't missing a whole lot... I fought with my parents, hung out with friends, went to school and did homework. There wasn't much that was exciting in my life, and because of a stupid fight with my parents I ended up going for a walk to calm down and the next thing I knew I'm getting ran over, and then I'm like this." he said with a nod, his death was really the most exciting thing that had happened to him, though he didn't really view it like that since he would rather still be alive. "After that I kind of realized how stupid I had been, how stupid the fight was, I wanted my parents to know that I was still here, but that just made them a little crazy. I guess normal people aren't able to handle being around a ghost..." he said, though he had noticed that most people around here seemed to be very surprised at meeting him, so maybe they found him strange too, at least here he wasn't giving people mental breakdowns.


Nick had heard the quiet movements that Evan made as she walked up, though she had continued her meditation, the presence of the young woman didn't bother her, she would be able to continue meditating as long as she wasn't spoken to, but when Evan did speak to her Nick slowly opened her dark sapphire eyes and turned her head to look at her, she didn't want to be rude by ignoring someone that was speaking to her. "I do already like it here, though I am still adjusting." she said.

When Evan asked what her story was, Nick shrugged slightly, a small frown crossing her face before vanishing again, "I keep getting abandoned by those who take me in, after the last time I decided that living on my own would be easier, or at least less painful... So, I was living on the streets, doing the best I could to survive when Liza found me and brought me here." she said, it wasn't the best of stories, and certainly wasn't a very happy one, but it was her's. "In a way I hope to remain distant to this place, not accept it as a true home, maybe then it won't hurt so bad if I have to leave." she said, tilting her head.

"What about you? How did you come to be here?" she asked, she was also curious about what Evan could do, but she wasn't sure if that would be considered rude to ask or not, instead she would see if Evan would offer the information on her own, though Nick hadn't offered to tell what she could do.
*Alex's smiles at Ezra stepping closer to him* Well technically this is a combat academy but really it's about teaching students control and focus, without either of those most the students here are more of a danger to themselves then anyone else. Of course if you ask Macal he says this place for creating the next generation of Guardians for the planet, trust me they're all watching the students and soon they will pick out the few that will be offered a chance for special training..Depends on who your teacher is determines what they pick you for, even I'm not completely sure what they're looking for this year but if you like I can give you a breakdown of who they are and maybe you can figure it out for yourself. *Holding up his right hand a silver and black wristband appears and he starts to type on it, a small holographic screen appears between the 3 of them.*

Let's see there is the Mochizuki, Jirro and Izabella, of course you know neither are human, Jirro is what is called a Black Blood, a Vampire with a soul is the only way I can describe him. But he's leaps and bounds more powerful then the oldest vampires you'll ever encounter Jirro has crazy powers but they're nothing compared to him with a sword trust me you never want to be on the wrong side of his sword, I don't care if you have a hundred guys with machine guns they are nothing to him. Izzy sorry Izabella was a pure breed lycan alpha she was bad ass just as that but when she married Jirro despite it being forbidden he turned her, her lycan and new black blood genetics combined making her the first recorded hybrid in the world, making her the new definition of badass, even though black bloods exclusively only used swords Jirro gave her permission to used guns and she's really really good with them, I've seen S.H.I.E.L.D records of their combat style it's really impressive, she offers cover fire and Jirro charges. Still not sure what's faster Jirro or her bullets. There is also Bucky but I don't know a lot about him other then he was part of Izzy's original pack and he seems to be a bit lazy but I haven't spent anytime with the man to really say that.

Next is Master Stick, I doubt you'll get anytime with him he's pretty much here only to teach Liza, the girl you met, daughter of Faith and Macal and Sheena's little sister. Stick..Stick was originally Macal's teacher, he's grumpy according to Macal but he's the most loyal adviser and has been at Macal's side since he was born, Stick from what I understand used to be the master of a Ninja group here on Earth called the White Lotus, most were wiped out but there are pockets of them all over the place now and their numbers are coming back but Master Stick no longer leads them..Hmm oh Stick can manipulate wind and if there isn't any he can make it with his staff which he always has with him. To be honest I don't know to much more about him then that and that he and Macal aren't from this world.

Lastly there is the Cords, Faith the Head Mistress, she was originally a vampire slayer and was pretty badass, up till recently she was the last slayer on the planet until Sheena's powers awoken, Anyway Faith is more of a hand to hand fighter, don't let her small frame fool you, as well as being a slayer which enhanced just about everything about her, she's a queen of the Gods of War now which came with it's own bag of tricks but where is excels is killing vampires, demons and generally all things that go bump in the night. Macal where to start? He's the king of the Gods of War for one, he's a universal force, mastered so many hundereds maybe thousands of styles of combat I guess when you've lived for as long as he has that's to be expected, he likes to use a combination of sword techniques, firearms and his own godly powers, I'm not saying he's the most powerful being in the universe but if there is someone more powerful I haven't met them yet. Oh I forgot Macal is a Paladin to the core which amuses the hell out me because it makes it impossible for him to lie to anyone without suffering intense pain, sometimes I like to mess with him and see if he'll lie to me to spare my feelings or something, so far it hasn't worked but I'm gonna keep trying.

Well that's basically everyone, I don't think I left anyone out but I still think you're better off with Sensi Jirro.
“Hey, fighting can be fun,” Sheena said with mild defensiveness, shrugging. “Not to mention necessary. You wanna stay here, fighting is sort of part of the deal. You have to know how to protect yourself and other people, you know, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

She listens to his tale of his normal previous existence with something between envy and wistfulness showing in her eyes, for to her, “normal” sounds like a nirvana compared to her childhood. How often and how strongly had she longed for her own father to be “normal,” to actually care whether she did her homework or if the house was clean, to even care if she was present in the house at all? How many times even now did she wish that her mother was alive to do the typical “normal” things that mothers did, even the annoying ones? It was true that she was happy with the family she had now, that Macal was a better father to her than she felt she had any right to or could expect, and Faith and Liza were great “sisters,” with Faith often acting in the role of a motherly figure as much as a sister as well. Still, she knew perfectly well that their set-up was hardly normal, given that her “father” was married to her “sister,” and something like Ezra’s family sounded so nice.

“It sounds cool,” she told him genuinely. “Sounds…really nice.”

When Alex broke down the instructors to Ezra, Sheena listened with raised eyebrows, then laughed a little when he had finally summed it up, elbowing him in the ribs. “Holy sh*t Alex, I didn’t know you were a writer too. Damn, can you tell he’s got a little hero worship going or what?”

(if anyone wants Faith’s class, cool, if not I’ll just sum up her and Kat in my next post. Izzy or Jirro or Evan, if you get into the hallway I’ll attach to you as demon)
Not writing a book or anything, I am an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D knowing details is sort of what we do, just because you're to lazy doesn't mean I am. *He smirks at Sheena and reaches for her pulling her close next to him and putting his arm around her waist* So Ezra how did you become a ghost? Did you die or did someone kill you? Or could it be you just don't remember. You know I bet if you really want I could probably design something that could help you manipulate stuff like weapons....Maybe with sometime and work. Anyway we're heading in I'm starving since someone denied my request for breakfast this morning I haven't eaten yet, If you like you can tag along maybe we'll run into Jirro or Izzy.
Ezra listened to Alex as he described the teachers that were at the academy, "It certainly sounds like you know a lot about them, and maybe have a certain amount of love for them. You make it sound like all of you are one big family, which isn't a bad thing at all." he said, he really saw it like that, if they all had each other, then at least they should be alright.

Ezra looked at Sheena, "I'm not saying that it isn't, it's just something I never did before, and I'm not even sure I can now since I have trouble even touching things." he said with a shrug. When she said that being normal sounded cool he tilted his head, "Well, nothing really happens, honestly... it's calm. But I say that you should be happy for what you have, you have a place here that you can be yourself and not hide, obviously you have people who care about you." He said as he looked between Sheena and Alex, "Maybe things weren't always this good, but they are now, so there is that fact."

"I guess you could say I was killed, I was ran over, I stuck around because I didn't want to move on, and got to go to my funeral and hear what the police thought happened. They said it was probably a drunk driver, they haven't caught the person yet." he said, then he shrugged, obviously it didn't matter, what was done was done, and catching the person wouldn't change anything for Ezra. "That would probably be very helpful, if it made it where I could move things easier..." he said, sounding thoughtful, he did seem to like the idea of it, at least he would be able to be helpful there if something like that was created. "Sure, I'll tag along, better than being on my own." he said with a smile.
Evan's lips turned downward as she listened to the girl's story, her hands knotted together in her lap. "That sucks," she said quietly, unsure how else to answer. "I'm really sorry."

When asked how she got to the school she cleared her throat quietly and shifted. That, although recent, was still incredibly difficult for her to recall. It took several seconds for her to even pull up the vague memory of someone approaching her during the fights, and even then, it was nothing more than small flashes of chaos and a smiling face.

"Uhm... someone just found me and brought me here, I guess." Evan said, finally. "I don't really know. A lot's happened since then." Embarrassed, she cleared her throat, "I can let you get back to meditating if you want. I didn't mean to interrupt."
(Macal, you left out Stick and Liza post? Also, someone's gonna have to walk past the demon for him to latch on, or else I'll have to migrate him myself or have Adrian be the first he latches onto. He's in the hallway outside the cafeteria, so since it looks like these guys are headed this way maybe Alex or Sheena is first then? Or both?)

"Okay, Mr. Details, if you're so friggin' smart how come you didn't already hear the first time he told us how he died?" Sheena shot back, poking Alex in the sternum, but when he puts his arm around her she leans in close to him, letting her fingers twine with his. "Yeah, you should come with us to eat...except I guess you can't? Well, it might be sort of fun to go in and spook everyone...literally. Can you walk through walls? That would be the best way to make a cool sort of entrance, you know? Just float through the walls and everything."

Sliding out from beneath Alex's arm, she still held his hand as she pulled him forward with a little tug, looking back at Ezra. "Have you met Faith yet? I bet she totally got a kick out of this."


Liza is still scowling, her little face stormy, her pigtails blowing in all directions as she directs all her wind directly at Stick's legs. Her small skirt is flapping dangerously around her legs, but she barely notices this as she determinedly tries to bring him down somehow. Eyes narrowed, she is blowing with her mouth as well as through her ability, as though this could lend extra strength to her efforts.


The number of students in Faith's current class is small, and she goes through the self-defensive procedures she has in mind for them today on an individual basis. They are all beginners and lacking physical strength, not gifted with supernatural strength or endurance, and so she has to give considerable more explicit instructions and repeated demonstrations with this particular group, especially with Katarina. She can tell that Katarina is trying hard, and she is sure to praise her efforts and what improvements she sees, knowing how much the girl needs and craves validation. By the time that the class is winding down and most of the students are trickling out, she notices that Katarina is still hanging around, seeming to be dawdling, although she has already picked up the equipment she has used and has no reason to stick around, other than simply wanting to do so.

Turning to her with a teasing grin, she claps a hand on her shoulder, giving her a brief, playful shake. "So you were all smiley today. Not many girls can keep smiling when they're dripping sweat and barely able to catch their breath. Maybe you do have a super power, blinding people with those pearly whites?"

Katarina ducked her head, smiling down at her shoes with some self-consciousness, and Faith kept hold of her shoulder, all the more curious now. "Spill, Kitty-Girl. Who's the guy this time and how many pieces of the moon is he promising?"

Katarina looked up with wide eyes, as though astonished of her insight, though to Faith it was obvious. Pretty much the only thing she had observed always working to make this girl smile was attention and praise, lots of it, and considerably more so if it came from a male.

"How did you know?" she asked, and Faith widened her eyes back at her in a teasing manner.

"I'm psychic too. Ain't no skill I don't got, haven't you figured that out?" Seeing Katarina eyeing her like she believed her, she laughed, squeezing her shoulder before releasing her and stepping back. "Isn't hard to figure, Kitty. Let's say you've got some pretty firm patterns set. So who is it, for real? I hope it's not that new kid, because he seems a little odd, honestly. Not the ghost, though he's pretty odd too when it comes down to it, being see through and all. Making out with him might be an issue."

"I call him Bas," Katarina blushed, not even seeming to notice Faith's slight detour in conversation. When Faith looked at her blankly, knowing that no kid named Bas was in the place, Katarina reddened further, explaining.

"Bastian...Bucky? Izzy's brother?"

"Oh s*it," Faith blurted before she could restrain her tongue, and when she saw Katarina flinch, looking at her in a wounded manner, she tried to qualify, sighing. "Look, Kat, he's older than you, you know? Way older. And he's Izzy's cousin...and sort of your long have you known him, exactly?"

"...a day?" Katarina mumbled almost like a question, not meeting Faith's eyes, and Faith sighed again, barely restraining herself from rolling her eyes too.

"Girl, you're gonna try really, really hard to make me put myself in the middle of things I don't want to stick myself into, aren't you?"

When Katarina just blinked at her again, biting her lower lip, another sigh escaped Faith, and she said somewhat reluctantly, "You're eighteen, you're gonna do what you're gonna do...just watch it, okay? No one likes seeing you get hurt, and if Iz's bro ends up hurting you that's gonna put you in a hard spot with her and me both, you know? Not to mention if I know my husband he's gonna stick his nose into things, and then there's your brother and how he's practically trailing after you wanting to stick you on a leash to keep you safe or whatever...just think things through."

She patted her shoulder again before walking towards the door, Katarina following close behind her, frowning.


Adrian had not been signed up for Faith's class that morning, but he had decided on spur of the moment to check it out anyway, at least if it wasn't too far into its beginning. But as he had come to stand outside the doorway, which was partially ajar, he had realized that not only was it already over, but that only his sister and Faith remained inside, involved in a conversation. He had started to call out to them, but when he heard his sister say Bucky's name, he stopped, ducking out of view of them both, and began to listen instead.

It was Faith who did most of the talking, but it was more than enough for him to get the gist of the discussion. Katarina already thought herself in love with the guy. What had he been saying to her? What had he told her? What had they already done together, this guy who was way older, who was her teacher, for god's sake? What the hell was he doing?

He didn't wait for the conversation to come to the conclusion; he couldn't stand to listen long enough to do so. Instead Adrian pulled back, walking down the hall and towards the cafeteria at a rapid clip without really knowing where he was going, knowing only that he was pissed off. Why couldn't guys leave his sister alone? Why did she have to chase after them the way she did and always end up getting HIM involved in it?
*Stick feels his legs almost give out underneath him when the wind hits them and almost drops the candy but sweeps his staff in front of him pushing Liza back a few feet.* Didn't you father ever tell you there is no such thing as cheating in war. Now you better hurry cause I'm getting hungry. *For an old man he moves pretty quickly, flipping and spinning to avoid Liza's attack but eventually he loses his footing and starts to fall backwards, for a brief moment loses control around the candy and it starts to fall to the ground.*

*Alex nudges Sheena as they walk* I guess that part escaped me, sorry Erza I sometimes get distracted and miss details when people talk to me which is why I have Sheena here to remind me of them otherwise I'd probably forget my pants, I know ironic right I have an iq as high and the National Debt and yet sometimes small things get pass me like that, so you have to excuse me if I get like that sometimes. *He smirks at Ezra* Man if I had know you when I was a kid, I could have figured out a way to rig you with a camera and sent you into the girls locker room.
{Jirro's body stiffen when he felt Izabella's fangs sink into his skin to someone that has never experienced the sensation it's almost better then sex, and to the weak willed it's damn near addicting. He wraps his arms around her waist squeezing her tightly against him, his breath and heart both speeds up.} You're making it hard for me to refuse you Bella, I will cancel my class and stay with you. { He allows her to feed for a minute or two more then pushes her off of him, his eyes darken and uses his hidden hand to press her against the wall and hold her there, he smiles at her showing his fangs have extended again, with a wave of his hand her hair moves off her neck, he walks up to her taking her hands in his and pins them above her head. Slowly letting his fangs scrape over her neck, drawing blood which he licks off her neck. Finally sinking his fangs into her neck. Slowly he drinks from her for about a minute before pulling back, licking his fangs and lips then kisses her.} You're a bad influence on me Bella, making skip class.

(I thought the demon found victims, I didn't know I had to go to him)
(he'll be able to do that after he initially latches, but right now, if Izzy or Jirro want to be the first, they have to walk past. Otherwise, it makes no sense, because he wouldn't simply ignore all the easy prey right in front of him in the hall and drift on to their room, he wouldn't even know they were there)

"Well my daddy cheats too, Mr. Cheatpants!" Liza hollered. She increased the force of the gust of her wind against his knees, and began to walk forward as well so it blew that much harder against him from her closer status. As Stick begins to trip, and the candy falters, Liza lets out a whoop, redirecting it back towards her and catching it in her outstretched hand. Holding it up over her head, she does a victory dance, waving it around for him to see as she grins widely.

"I winned! I winned! I got you with my wind and I winned!"


"I don't mind much when you forget your pants," Sheena grinned, exchanging a mischievous look with Alex, her hair dipping in front of her eyes. "It kinda makes an interesting look."

The locker room comment is greeted with yet another sharp elbow to the side. "You GOTTA have a permanent bruise there by now, seriously," she muttered as they turned the corner towards the cafeteria. She can see Adrian passing by and waves at him, calling a greeting, but the boy has a strange look on his face, all the muscles of his jaw tensed, and when he passes by he seems almost to be running. Sheena frowns, a flash of irritation that is surprisingly strong running through her, and she turns sharply, almost screaming something back at him, but by then she has reached the cafeteria door. When she steps through it, the anger fades to irritation. She thinks nothing of it for the moment, but she does notice the small shudder that runs through her.


It had been Adrian's intent, as he passed the cafeteria, to go inside again, though he had already eaten, to see if anyone he knew was still in there that he could talk to, cool down with. He knew Bucky and his sister wouldn't be there, since both had already eaten, and it was the one place he might be able to cool down enough to think more logically about all of this.

Katarina had gotten through these crushes of hers before, Adrian knew. She was stronger than she looked, though not nearly as strong as she needed to be to keep from getting hurt any worse than she already had been. But why did she have to keep all of this from him? Was she afraid of talking to him, afraid of what he might do?

By the time he had come into the hallway he had just begun to calm. He would talk to her. He would tell her he was concerned with her, that she might even be breaking a school rule. He would sit down and talk to her, and say-

But as he steps into the hallway a strange thrill runs through him, almost like an electrical charge. Adrian can feel it humming through his body, energizing him, almost painful, and along with it comes a sudden sharpness to his thoughts, a sudden intensity of feeling that leaves him nearly breathless.

And he's pissed off. Without knowing how or why, the fading anger in his system has now become almost overpowering.

That b******* Bucky, what the hell was he doing screwing around with his sister? And Katarina, what was she doing sneaking behind his back, lying to him? Did she want to piss him off? Were they laughing at him, her and Faith both?

He almost shoved past Alex and Sheena down the hallway, not even noticing Ezra.
Ezra smiled some and shook his head, "No, I don't eat, but I do walk through walls, and people, and anything else that gets in my way." he said with a shrug. He started to follow them, "Yes, I met Faith, she had the same reaction you did, jumped back and was like 'what the hell?!'." he said with a small smile, it was a little funny when you thought of the reaction these people had to meeting a ghost considering all the things that they live around and with.

Ezra shrugged a little, "It's okay, I have to get used to it, it is now part of my life, or death or whatever..." he said, shaking his head some. He smiled a little as he listened to Alex talk, he couldn't even begin to imagine being that intelligent, yet he still forgot things or didn't notice, the human mind would always forget a few things. Ezra laughed a little, "Come on... if you knew me when you were younger, I'd be alive. I've only been dead for six months." he said.

Ezra tilted his head as he saw someone walking right toward him, he stepped out of the way quickly so that this person would avoid walking through him, which he had noticed could cause chills. "Hm... Looks like that kid is lost in his own world..." he said as he looked toward Adrian, he shrugged it off and followed them into the cafeteria, walking through the door as Sheena had suggested he do, though he also didn't want to bother working up the concentration to be able to actually open it. He looked around at some of the students' reactions, as some of the stared and some dropped their forks back to their trays, there wasn't mass panic though, which was good. "Hi! I'm just your friendly neighborhood ghost!" he said with a wide smile.


Nick shrugged some, she looked down at her own hands, "It has shaped me into who I am today, and it led me here." she said, her voice had a touch of sadness to it, but she smiled and looked at Evan. "Well, at least you are here now, better than being out there." she said with a small nod.

Nick shook her head, "Nah, you can stay. I can always meditate later, I was mainly wanting to do so since I hadn't tried meditating in a while." she said, she really sounded like she was fine with Evan being there, and the fact that she couldn't tell a lie made it to where it had to be the truth.
Evan, more than a little shocked at the way the girl beside her spoke, managed a weak smile and nodded. "It's absolutely better than being out there."

She almost felt embarrassed at how moronic she must sound, having never been one to use such refined language. It was never easy for her to express just how she was feeling verbally, her video diary spoke of that often enough whenever she had time to sit back and watch them, to catch herself up on what she had missed or forgotten about her life. The videos, especially since it often just consisted of her sitting in her room, alone and stammering like an idiot as she recounted the recent events of her life to a camera of all things, were almost painful to watch.

"I'm Evan, by the way." She said finally, not extending her hand but offering a small smile instead. "Maybe you can teach me to meditate sometime. I think we could all use some good grounding techniques, especially with how intense the classes can be sometimes."

Watching the girl carefully, a little unsure as to whether or not it would be crossing the line to ask, Evan cleared her throat and carded her fingers through her hair. "Can you do anything? I mean, do you have any abilities or anything?"

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