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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Max gave a small nod and thanked the doctor again before looking at Clay. She held him and sighed softly kissing his hand repeatedly "Do you need anything?"

Eddie frowned deeply as he heard Jack's voice shaking his head some. He went to the door and opened it only briefly "Jack, I told you once, your mother is in no state to see you. Now leave before I call the cops."
“No state to see me? And she’s doing so good with just you?!” He questioned him, shoving past him to get into the house “mom! Hey mom?!” He called, heading through the whole downstairs til he got to the kitchen, “Maya don’t you start as well. She was my mom first.” He muttered.

He shook his head then frowned. “I wanna see Lilah. If I gotta wait a couple days anyway I wanna FaceTime her.” He mumbled
Eddie frowned deeply and followed him to the kitchen carefully watching as he tried speaking to Carmen.

Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Alright love." She said quietly before she called his dad to see if Lilah was okay to facetime.
Jack grit his teeth when she wasn’t hardly blinking, turning back to Eddie and shoving him a little. “What the fuck did you do to her?! She’s this bad and no one fucking called me?!”

He leaned back a little and frowned, grabbing at her hand when she went to hit dial, gripping it right as he could. “Wait.” He grunted, pain shooting through his abdomen
Eddie frowned deeply "She's in fucking shock Jack! She lost your brother and she is in fucking shock!" He yelled before taking deep breaths "She was fucking alone with him, heard him say Tilly's name before he fucking went." He explained having never told them that Lucas had said Tilly's name.

Max frowned putting her phone down immediately when he squeezed her hand. She saw his pained expression and pressed the call button hoping a nurse could help him.
She came through a short while later and checked his chart before going to get some painkillers for him, getting them into his IV and kept checking him over until they’d kicked in enough he was falling asleep. “You doing okay? It’s hard seeing them go through it.” She gave max a sympathetic smile.

Maya frowned a little more and got Carmen up, gently guiding her through to the den and away from the yelling, just sitting with her again and listening to Jack screaming at their dad about how badly he must be taking care of her.
Max gave her a small nod and took a shaky breath "It uh...its not the best thats for sure." She said trying to keep herself together wiping her eyes quickly "I just want him home with our kids." She whispered

Eddie frowned deeply shaking his head as he listened to him "And you're the one who helped put us all in this fucking situation!" He yelled back at him.
She smiled and handed her a few more tissues “he can have more painkillers in four hours.” She told her gently and left her to privacy again.

Jack shook his head. “You really think it’s my fault he died?! Not that maybe it was the drugs or the fact he had seizures on almost a daily basis that ruined him?! Or maybe the fact that he was so hurt over his parents getting back together and all they did was fucking ignore his stress over it and push him away?!”

Maya was sat with Carmen and reached for the phone, calling the cops to come remove him from the house before anything escalated further, leaving Carmen to go to the kitchen. “Jack the cops are on their way. I know you wanna see mom but this isn’t gonna help her right now. You’re doing more harm than good.” She muttered.
Max gave a small nod and thanked her quietly before taking Clay's hand in hers. She gave a heavy sigh and kissed his knuckles repeatedly while she silently prayed for anything good to happen to him.

Eddie glared at him more and shook his head "No! We fucking did what we could for him!" He yelled before taking deep breaths as he heard Maya. He shook his head some and left the room going to find Carmen.
Clay woke up a little while later and just stared at her frowning for a while. “It’s getting worse.” He mumbled, his hands shaking badly

Maya glared at her brother abd continued blocking him from getting to the rest of the house. “You were great til you got that girlfriend. I don’t know what she says to you but when she dumps you, don’t come crawling home. Even if mom and dad forgave you I never will.” She spat at him
Max saw his shaking and gave a deep frown "They can't give you pain killers for another hour....but let me call them." She said before pressing the call button multiple times seeing it getting worse.

Eddie sat at home with Carmen both of them staring off into space a bit. Maya had stayed back after the funeral, while Carmen was still out of there, Eddie was in and out. This being a time he was out of it. He had found some of Lucas' writings and it had hit him harder than he had ever thought it would.
Maya sighed quietly, going to get some lunch sorted, pausing as there was a knock on the door, going to get it and stared in shock at Emily stood on the front porch, very clearly pregnant “Emily? What… what are you doing here?” She asked, letting her inside.

Clay shook his head and frowned. “That’s not… not what I meant. I mean that this surgery is taking so long I’m getting worse.” He mumbled, apologising to the nurse that came in and let her know it was a misunderstanding.
Emily gave Maya a small smile and waved "Hey....I um...I was wondering if I could talk to your parents?" She asked softly before coming inside when Maya let her in "It's Lucas' baby.." she said when she noticed Maya staring.

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod apoligizing to the nurse. She watched Clay with worried eyes "I love you Clay." She whispered
He smiled tiredly and reached for her hand to give it a squeeze. “Love you too birdy.” He murmured, closing his eyes again. “We need to talk about lilah.”

Maya frowned and just shook her head. “Em it’s not…. It is?! Did he know?” She asked her. “It’s not a great time to talk to them. They’re both a little spacey right now.” She mumbled. “It’s been hard.”
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Yeah we do." She said softly before rubbing her eyes some "I think we need to find a way to get her to see someone, she isn't getting any better."

Emily frowned deeply and gave a small nod "I know I just...I need them to know." She said before watching Maya "Please...even if they barely hear me."
Maya sighed a little and shook her head. “Give me a minute.” She told her, heading to the living room and nudging Eddie until he looked at her. “Dad Emily’s here…. She’s pregnant. Says it’s Lucas’s baby.” She told him, frowning as he got up quickly to head into the kitchen.

He nodded slowly and rest his head back frowning again. “I just want our little girl back to being her happy self. She’s too young to be this stressed all the time.” He mumbled, glancing over at the door when his doctor walked in to speak with them.

“Sorry to bother you both, I got some news. Latest results are in from the tests we ran when you got here. We need to take you in for this today. You’re getting dangerously close to this spreading. We’re gonna get you set up and taken down for this.”
Eddie looked at Maya as she came into the room and frowned some. He went a bit wide eyed and quickly shot up when he heard her going straight to the kitchen. He took a deep breath seeing the pregnant girl there "Emily....how...how are you?" He asked

Max frowned deeply at the doctor and gave a nod to him "Thank you." She said quickly before looking at Clay "I'll call your dad once you're back there, let him know whats happening."
She smiled a little, leaning on the coffee table. “Coping. Just about. I uh, I brought some of his stuff that you might like with me. I’ve left the rest untouched for you guys to go through when you can…. Eddie I’m having his baby. I couldn’t… he didn’t know. I didn’t want him knowing that he wasn’t gonna get to meet them but I think his dads family should be in his life if you all would like that.”

He nodded tiredly and smiled at her. “Home before we know it right?” He murmured, squeezing her hand again, just hold onto her. He was scared of this but he wasn’t about to admit that.
Eddie took a deep breath and gave a small nod to her before pulling out a chair at the breakfast nook for her so they could sit down "I know that I would like that a lot." He said as he sat beside her "Carmen though....she uh...she hasn't taken this well at all. She barely talks these days, but maybe this will help her to know we'll still have a piece of him here." He said giving a small smile "You far enough along to know the gender yet?"

Max gave him a small smile and nodded some. She knew he was scared, who wouldn't be? And she could tell from his eyes just how bad it was "You're gonna pull through this okay? We'll be home with our babies before you know it." She murmured before kissing him lovingly right before they came in to get him prepped.
He nodded and gave her hand a tight squeeze, waving as they moved him down the hall, trying to just ignore everything that was happening.

Emily nodded and smiled. “Six months in. It’s a boy.” She told him happily. “Lucas always liked the name Andrew for a boy. So I’m going with that.” She explained. “She called me on the day. Let me talk to him for a while. No one deserved this.” She sighed a little.
Max waited for hours while they operated on him. She stood quickly when his nurse came out and took a deep breath "Is he okay?" She asked as she approached her.

Eddie gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Andrew is a great name." He said quietly before glancing back towards the living room "Maybe.....maybe if she sees you...maybe it'll help her some." He murmured before looking back at Emily
She gestured for her to follow to where they’d taken him. “He pulled through. There were some complications. A bad reaction to the anaesthetic but he should be okay, we’re keeping him closely monitored. With a bit of luck your children can come see him tomorrow.” She told her, leaving her in the room with him. “He’ll be awake in about an hour.”

Carmen was half watching the tv that Maya had put on and glanced up when Ed came back in, seeing Emily following and just watched her a little, looking awful herself
Max thanked her profusely before sitting beside Clay again and kissing his cheek gently. She refused to move until he woke up feeling relief wash over her when she saw his eyes open "Hey there handsome...you did real good."

Eddie looked at Carmen and gave a small frown "Carmen....Emily is pregnant, with Lucas' son. Our grandchild." He told her softly as he sat beside her "She wants us to be in his life."
She frowned and looked over at her again. “It’s really his?” She asked a little hoarse from lack of using her voice

He watched her frowning some, giving her hand a quick squeeze and just went back to sleep, in and out through the rest of the day and evening, finally waking up properly the following morning and just tried to reach for her to wake her up.
Eddie nodded some giving a soft smile as Emily pulled out a sonogram photo handing it to Carmen "Yeah...thats our grandson.." he said quietly

Max groaned softly when she felt a piece of paper hit her in the face. She opened her eyes and gave a small smile seeing Clay laying there "Good morning to you too." She said quietly before getting off the small couch and moving to sit next to him.

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