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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Max frowned softly at Jose and gave a heavy sigh "And how old is this friend? Will there be an adult there?" She asked shaking her head when he said it would only be them and the show was in the next town "Then no...I'm sorry Jose, but if no adult will be there then the answer is no."

Maya sniffled quietly looking up from her photos of all them together when she heard the knock at her door "Hey...I um...I'll be alright." She said quietly
She frowned and went to sit with her, pulling her in close and smiled at the photo album a little. “This is one of my favourites. You kids had all been at each others throats five minutes before I took this. It took ice pops all round to get you all to quiet down.” She smiled. “You stole Tilly’s thought and you were straight back to arguing.” She smiled, kissing her head.

Clay frowned a little “hold on… how much are tickets. Cause if it’s not bad then I could go with you guys and just hang out there. Let you guys go in the crowd.” He pointed out. “We can talk more on it later.” He muttered, getting up to go use the restroom.
Maya gave her a small nod and smiled "Those were the good times...after she died...everything...everything changed." She said quietly letting a few tears fall "It was like I lost all of my older siblings."

Max gave a heavy sigh as they got home later that evening. She looked at Clay as he came in and gave a heavy sigh "Love...talk to me...you haven't been yourself recently."
She frowned and just nodded. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t as good a mom as you needed after that. I put so much attention to Jack and your father and then Lucas. You girls seemed like you were coping and I just let you slip through.” She frowned. “It doesn’t change things but you and your sister have our undivided attention now. And you know we love you both so very very much.” She murmured.

He frowned and watched her a little, setting everything down and checking out their bedroom door to make sure the kids weren’t listening in before shutting it and going to sit down. “You’re gonna be the end of me you know that right? Can’t keep anything secret from you.” He muttered. “Honey… I… I told you the health check went really well.” He started, taking her hands in his tightly
Maya gave a heavy sigh and nodded softly "Grace and I know that you did the best you could for us all." She said softly before resting her head on her shoulder "I love you too by the way."

Max sighed softly "Thats what happens when you've been with someone for over 20 years." She said as she held his hands in hers "Yeah? You said it was good, clean bill." She said starting to get worried.
She smiled a little and kissed her head. “God talking about neglect I have neglected this family’s hair for too long…. Have you seen the state of your father?” She smiled, trying to cheer her up.

He frowned a little and shook his head. “That wasn’t entirely true. I’m not going to work tomorrow. I’ve got an appointment at the hospital for an MRI and a couple other tests…. There’s a possibility that I’m in sick again. But they don’t know where it is yet. Routine blood work came back bad…. I didn’t want to put any stress on the kids. Or you.” He muttered.
Maya started to laugh some and gave a nod "We tried to get him to go somewhere else to get his hair cut, but he said he couldn't cheat on his hairdresser." She said giving another laugh.

Max took a shaky deep breath and watched him "What?" She asked in disbelief before letting a few tears fall "Don't hide this stuff from me okay? I know you meant well...but don't hide this from me.."
he frowned and shook his head, wiping her tears. “Babe I don’t even know everything just yet. I wanted to have the answers for you before I told you.” He pointed out.

She smiled and wiped her daughters tears, holding her close. “You as well baby girl. But your father knows better. He went to someone else once. One time and it was awful. Even after I kicked him out when you were a baby I was still doing his hair for him.” She smiked a little.
Maya gave a small laugh and nodded some "He's definitely gotta get a hair cut soon, its bad." She murmured yawning softly

Max gave a small nod and held him tightly "I love you so much Clay..." she whispered kissing him lovingly
He smiled and kissed her back, rubbing her shoulders “You wanna give me pity sex when the kids go to bed then?” He asked, chuckling as she smacked him. “Oh alright alright.” He smiled, going to get a drink and go to lay down, frowning a little at the pain going through him but soon settled again. It was a little nice to not have to hide it anymore now that he’d told her.

Carmen smiled a little and nodded. “You find what you want as well and I’ll get you sorted okay?” She promised. “I’m gonna go check on your dad but you need anything just say okay? Love you baby.” She smiled, kissing her head and left her to it
Max smacked at his arm playfully before kissing him gently and letting him leave. She frowned softly seeing him wince in pain before cuddling up to him "You think its in the same space?"

Eddie came into the room with his face stuffed with a sandwhich he had made "Hey...everythhing okay with Maya?" He asked with a mouth full of food.
He shook his head. “Baby I don’t know. That’s why I didn’t wanna tell you yet. Cause I wanted to have the answers for you before I told you. And I don’t know how to even begin explaining it to the kids.” He sighed, starting to fall asleep.

She smiled a little at him, for a moment seeing Eddie at 21 years old when he’d spend every morning walking round the house in nothing but his sweatpants and often have at least one baby in his arms. Back before any of the bad shit started and they were broke and stressed but happier than ever. “It’s been a long ass road.” She mumbled to herself before answering. “Yeah she’s okay. Tomorrow. First thing. You’re getting a hair cut.”
Max gave a heavy sigh but nodded softly as she watched him "I'm not sure either." She said quietly before she started to fall asleep as well.

Eddie ran a hand through his mess of curls and chuckled softly "It is pretty bad right now huh?" He said with a small smile.
clay left early the next morning. Not wanting to have the conversation with max over how the day was gonna go but it was getting to the time for Jose’s game and he hadn’t been able to get finished yet. Still not there when Jose arrived with his mom. “I told you he doesn’t give a shit.” He muttered, upset that his dad had been consistently missing games lately

She nodded. “And I’m glad you know better than to go to someone else.” She told him, pecking his cheek and going up to bed for the night
Max had been a worried mess all day when she woke up to find Clay already gone. She had tried distracting herself but nothing was working and by the time they had gotten to Jose's game she was at her wits end. She shook her head some and took a deep breath "Your father loves and cares for you Jose. He wants to be here, there is just somethings going on at work that are causing him not to come."

Eddie chuckled softly "I did that one time, one time and it was the worst decision ever." He said as he followed her up.
She smiled and shook her head a little. “I’m glad you worked that one out.” She murmured, going to lay down with him after going through her nighttime routine for the first time in a while, curling up close to him.

“Right cause they’re definitely stopping him from coming aren’t they. They never used and they wouldn’t start now. Not when he’s a manager there.” He muttered. “Lilah his favourite anyway. He makes that perfectly clear.” He spat, getting out the car and storming off to get ready.
Max frowned deeper doing her best to hold her tongue knowing now was definitely not the time to say something. She pulled out her phone and quickly dialed his number just hoping to talk with him a little bit before the game started.

Eddie smiled happily seeing her do her nightly routine for the first time in forever. He pulled her in close as she layed with him and peppered gently kisses all over her face and neck "I love you so much Carmen, I hope I've made it known." He said softly
Clay frowned and answered. “Hey, I’m not gonna make it down. I’m waiting on an X-ray and then I got a little bit more to do then i gotta make the next appointment. I’m gonna need to go home and lay down after this.” He muttered. “Is he pissed?”

She smiled a little and pushed him off to look at him. “Go to sleep puppy. Long day tomorrow” she murmured, kissing him once more and drifted off to sleep
Max gave a heavy sigh as she listened to him and nodded some "Yeah, he is majorly pissed. After these results come back we need to have a long chat with them. He thinks you hate him." She explained softly

Eddie gave a small smile and nodded softly. He woke up the next morning groaning quietly as the morning sun peered into their room through the curtains. He got up slowly and trudged his way to the window pulling the curtains shut as quickly as he possibly could.
He frowned and rubbed at his face a little. “You mean today? They’re rushing things through for me. Pays to have samcro on your uniform as it turns out.” He sighed. “I’ll see you at home okay? I gotta go.” He muttwred, hanging up.

Carmen frowned hearing what he was doing and stuck her head out the bathroom. “Ed. It’s not too early. Mayas gone on a Starbucks run.” She told him, going to get set up in the kitchen.
Max gave another heavy sigh but nodded softly "Alright babe,see you later." She said before he hung up. She went to take a seat in the bleachers smiling when she saw Lilah there with a few of her friends too.

Eddie frowned softly and gave a small whine "Finnneee." He muttered before going into the restroom with her to brush his teeth
She sighed a little, pulling out her phone to give Grace a call to check in on her as well while she waited for him to be ready.

He ended up not getting home until after the others had, pulling into the driveway, and trudging into the house, dropping his keys in the bowl and wandering through to see the three of them in the kitchen while he stood there looking utterly defeated
Eddie came out a few minutes later much more awake and gave a small sigh "Alright, I'm awake now." He said giving a small smile to Carmen "You alright beautiful?"

Max looked at Clay as he came into the room and gave a deep frown seeing the look on his face "Hey there, dinner just got ready." She said before standing up and going over to him "Whats wrong babe?"
He just shook his head, pecking her cheek and going to grab a drink out the fridge, moving to kiss lilah head and Jose’s before going up to their room, not saying a word to anyone.

Jose grit his teeth and scoffed. “He didn’t even ask about the game mom! You’re still telling me he doesn’t play favourites?!” He questioned her.

She nodded and got him to sit down. “I just called Grace. She said she was gonna come down for winter break. I uh… I’m thinking Christmas this year we just go out for lunch. The four of us. Maybe Emily if she wants to come over later on…. Something really low-key this year.” She told him,
Max frowned deeply at Jose and shook her head again "Jose your father is dealing with things right now that are unfortunately more important than a baseball game at the moment!" She yelled

Eddie gave a small nod and sighed softly "Yeah I think that sounds like a good idea." He said pulling her in close to him

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