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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

He smiled sheepishly at her and just reached for her hand. “I got bored.” He mumbled, “kids. FaceTime.” He told her wuietly just wanting to see his babies.

She nodded, staring at it for a little while and smiled at Emily. “He would have been thrilled.” She told her, wiping her eyes and holding Maya close, showing her the sonogram as well.
Max rolled her eyes and laughed lightly "Alright let me get that handled." She murmured before calling Felipe to see if the kids could talk.

Emily gave a small nod feeling a few tears fall "Yeah he would have....listen I...I'm going to most likely have to stop modeling after he is born. I um...I wanted to move out of the city to raise him, I was thinking somewhere close to here."
She nodded a little.he glanced over at her again and frowned, hearing her talking to his dad. “What are… no don’t talk to him. Why are you talking to him?” He questioned her, still on very strong painkillers and confused.

She just nodded a little, holding onto Maya tightly, letting her chat to Eddie about property for a little while before she had to leave back to her hotel, just sitting back and looking at her youngest. “You look sad baby.” She murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear
Max frowned softly looking iver at him "He has the kids baby remember?" She said kissing his cheek gently before going back to talking with Felipe. It was another minute before she pulled her phone away and swiped okay for face time smiling as Maya's face popped up on screen "Hey there baby girl, I got someone here who wants to see you."

Maya gave a small nod and let a few tears fall "It just....it hurts that he didn't even get to know about the baby." She whispered
She nodded and continued to stare at the photo, keeping Maya close. “I know. It wouldn’t have done him any good though.” She mumbled

Clay smiled and took the phone, “hey there princess. You okay?” He smiled at her some.
Maya sniffled and gave a nod "I know it wouldn't , it still hurts though. Knowing that he really is gone...he could have been a good dad." She whimpered finally feeling herself start to break down a little bit

Lilah gasped when she saw her dad and smiled widely "Daddy! When are you coming home?! I miss you and Mommy! I wanna go home." She said quickly frowning as Jose rushed over trying to take the phone "No Jose hold on! I'm talking to Daddy!"
He smiled and watched her, shaking his head at how she spoke to her brother. “Lilah share. You can sit together.. I don’t know when I’m coming home sweetheart but hopefully soon okay? I gotta go princess but I wanted to tell you I love you both and I will see you soon as I can okay?” He promised

Carmen frowned and held Maya close while she cried, rocking her gently not saying anything though, seeing Eddie come back in the room looking fairly pleased. “You okay?”
Lilah pouted but nodded and let Jose say Hi to them "Okay Daddy, you'll call later?" She asked hopefully smiling when her mom said yes and quickly said bye to them giving the phone back to her grandfather

Eddie gave them both a small nod but frowned deeply when he saw Maya "Princess whats wrong?!" He asked worriedly as he rushed to her side and held her as well
She just shooo her head and pushed them both off, going up to her room for a little bit just wanting some time alobe

Carmen sighed a little and glanced after her. “She’s been looking after us. Not taking her time to be upset…. We gotta get our shit together ed. the girls need us still.” She muttered,

Clay smiled and waved for her a little, waiting for max to finish talking to his dad before looking over at her. “I woke up. Like halfway through.” He mumbled, rubbing af his face and looking around for a way to get the bed raised so he wasn’t so uncomfortable
Eddie looked at Carmen and gave a small nod "Maybe...maybe we should go see someone. Take some grief counseling together?" He asked softly

Max frowned a bit and handed him the remote to help him sit up "They didn't tell me that....thats not good that you woke up during it." She murmured
He shook his head and frowned. “Bad reaction to the knockout stuff. Cmere” he muttered, reaching for her. “We’ll be home before we know it. Back to normal.” He smiled a little.

She shrugged a little and reached for him. “Maybe.” She sighed, slipping her arms around him once he was closer, burying her face into his shoulder.
Max moved to lay with him and nodded softly "Yes we will be." She murmured to him. They made it home a few days after that once everything was completely clear for him. The years passed and things could not have been better for their family once Clay recovered. Lilah had gotten the help she needed with her anxiety and was now nearing the end of her highschool days while Jose was just starting them. Max was doing well with her photography work, and Clay was now basically running the Teller-Morrow garage on the legal side of things.

Eddie wrapped his arms around her as well and sighed softly "We'll make this work. I know we will." He murmured
“Alright go show your mom then we’ll go get your insurance sorted.” Clay had taken lilah to do her driving test that morning and taken her for Starbucks afterward, incredibly proud of how much his little girl had grown up. He was content in life these days with work but mostly happy with his family. Even when the kids were being bratty teenagers he still felt grateful that he had made it through to see them grow up.

She frowned and swallowed a little before responding. “He couldn’t breathe…. He couldn’t. It got to the point his body didn’t know how to anymore and I had to watch him suffocate. There was nothing we could do to help him or make him comfortable.” She finally told him.
Max smiled widely when Lilah came into the house flashing the new ID "Oh my goodness great job darling!!" She said happily before pulling her in for a tight hug. She looked at Clay with glossy eyes smiling happily "Our little girl is all grown up now." She said as she let Lilah run off.

Eddie gulped as he listened to her and kissed the top of her head repeatedly "I love you so much beautiful....I love you so much." He whispered while trying to keep himself together.
Clay jumped out of his skin, stuffing the letter he had in a drawer when he heard max right behind him. “Oh I know.” He smiled, pecking her cheek and heading upstairs to Jose’s room, knocking before entering. “Hey, turn the games off we’re going out for lunch.” He told him.

Carmen frowned and just held onto him. “I know I signed up for a lot when we had the kids. I know I signed up for a lot more when I kicked you out the house when they were little. But I never signed up to watch my babies get hurt like this.” She told him, shaking a little now.
Jose groaned some looking up at his dad the spitting image of his mother "Fiinnee, let me just save it." He said before getting to a save point and turning off the console. He made his way downstairs and sighed seeing Lilah just staring at her license "Must be nice, don't know why mom can't even try to let me learn." He muttered

Eddie nodded softly and just kept her close to him "I know love, but they have been blessed to have you as their mother through everything and they know it too. Its why Jack keeps trying to come by, and why Maya stayed back to make sure we were okay.",
Clay rolled his eyes and just went to grab the keys. “Cause we don’t have room in this family for two law breakers. You just gotta wait three more years.” He told him, herding everyone out the house and glanced over at max who was just staring at him. “You okay? Come on slow poke we aren’t beating the lunch rush if you’re just gonna stand by the door.” He chuckled, trying to brush off what he knew was her suspicious look.

She frowned and looked up at him. “Jack came over? Did he … is he coming back again?” She asked him
Max followed slowly behimd them all getting a bit concerned with how Clay was acting. He had been skiddish around her lately, always jumpy when she found him alone, coming home super late some days. It was an all too familiar situation that she hoped they weren't falling into again. She got in the car after a minute and sat beside him in the passenger's seat taking his hand in hers.

Eddie frowned some and gave a small nod "He did...twice...but I'm not sure if he will come back. Do you want him to come over?"
She shook her head and frowned. “Not here. But we should sit with him. Have a talk… I can’t not try.” She sighed. “You remember when we found out I was pregnant with him?” She smiled a little. “How scared we were until we told Wayne.”

He smiled a little and gave her hand a squeeze. “When we get home I’ll sort out her insurance.” He promised. “Jose have you got your uniform sorted?” He asked him. He was in a few different sports but baseball had quickly become his favourite and he was proving very good at it too. “I’m gonna try and make it but I can’t promise. Depends what mood Jax is in tomorrow.”
Eddie gave her a nod in agreeance and smiled softly at the memory "I think I legitamately shit myself." He said with a small laugh keepimg her close to him "Remember when you went into labor? How hectic I was being?"

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "That sounds like a plan." She said before smiling as Jose nodded "I'll make sure to take photos and videos if he decides to be a hard ass." She said squeezing Clay's hand gently
He nodded. He wasn’t going to work tomorrow but he didn’t really want to admit even to himself where he was going tomorrow. He parked at the restaurant and got out, grabbing his wallet before pulling lilah in tightly for a hug. “My baby girls growing up too fast. Now no giving rides to boys. No speeding. Nothing that’ll get you locked up.” He teased her.

She shook her head a little. “I think you were worse with Tilly. The only time ive ever seen you drive slow.” She mumbled. “You never could say no to her.”
Lilah laughed as she hugged her dad tightly "I promise Dad. Only boys I'll give rides to are you and Jose." She said sweetly before following them into the restaurant still the biggest daddy's girl ever.

Eddie gave a small smile at the memory and nodded some "What can I say....first daughter had my heart in a vice grip." He said softly before giving a heavy sigh as he remembered his times with her and the fact she was still gone.
She smiled a little. “She loved you so much. Her number one person in the whole world. She wanted to come live with you. Always said she was gonna be a guitarist like you…. She might have gone to college. She might even be married by now.” She mumbled, starting to fall asleep, worn out from the morning.

He smiled and watched her bickering with Jose, sitting down in the booth next to max, glancing over the menu and finally sitting back to watch all the people. “I’ll have a water thank you.” He told their waiter while he got their drinks. Not having a beer despite them celebrating and he frowned as max just stared at him a little “what? I’m driving I wanna be sensible.”
Eddie took a deep shaky breath and let a few tears fall before giving a nod. He held her close that entire time not letting her go until she eventually started to wake up "Hey....you want some food?"

Max stared at him and frowned softly as she watched him "Right..." she said before giving his hand a squeeze "I'm sorry, I just...you've been acting different lately." She said quietly to him so the kids didn't hear.
He frowned and raised an eyebrow at her. “I don’t think I have. I don’t think right now is the time to talk anyway.” He muttered, turning to Jose when he started asking about going to some concert with a friend, “where is it? What friend? And how much are the tickets?” He asked him. Generally the answer would have been a flat out no but he wanted to let Jose start growing up a little more now and he was trying to work on being a little more lenient.

She shook her head and sighed a little. “Not right now no… I’m gonna go check on Maya.” She told him, getting up and heading up there, knocking before entering and went to sit on her bed. “You okay baby?”

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