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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

“bad news is you aren’t going home for a little while mr. Cardenas. We’re gonna do the surgery here. It’s getting close to becoming inoperable if left any longer so we’re going to get that done tomorrow. Good news is after tests… it’s not spreading. Travelling as much as you have when you’re unwell as you are is a lot on the body.” He explained to them both.

One of the families who’d been in Starbucks as well was walking past with their kids when it happened and they’d gone straight over to see if they could help at all, calling an ambulance for them when Carmen wasn’t waking up
Max took a deep breath before thanking the doctor. She looked over at Clay and did her best but she soon broke down sobbing into the bed "I'm so sorry. Had we just atayed this wouldn't have happened." She sobbed starting to shake a bit as well.

Eddie continued to try and wake her up while he kept on checking her breathing as well. Once the paramedics came he moved out of the way and let them take over following behind in his car when they said they would be taking her to the hospital.
They only had him wait an hour or so before calling him through, someone taking him to a private room. “Take a seat mr. Munson. Your wife is doing well. She regained consciousness almost as soon as we got her here. Ran a few quick tests but I would like to have her speak to a psychiatrist. I understand that your family has been through a tremendous loss recently and I think the grief is causing this.” The doctor explained. “It may be best for her to do some inpatient treatment.”

He shook his head and smiled tiredly at her. “Way I see it we got me fast tracked to finally getting this surgery.” He chuckled quietly, rubbing big circles on her back.
Eddie frowned deeply as he listened to the doctor and shook his head some "No, she doesn't need treatment. Especially not inpatient." He said in a rather angry voice. He wouldn't let them take her like that, he was scared that they wouldn't let her back out and he kmew he couldn't stay in that house without her there.

Max took deep shaky breaths to calm herself down and gave a small nod "I love you so much Clay." She said quietly while looking up at him.
He frowned and paused before continuing. “Mr. Munson your wife is near enough catatonic.” He explained. “It would be in her best interest to at least see someone about this but we do need your consent because she is not in a place to consent right now.” He pointed out, frowning when he still refused. “If you won’t agree to it then we can let her go shortly. We just need you to sign a few forms.” He told him.

He smiled and kissed her head, leaning back to get some rest and hummed quietly. “Love you too sweetheart.” He murmured, keeping her close.
Eddie frowned deeper and shook his head a bit "What part of no do you not understand?!" He said before giving a heavy sigh "Just give me the forms. I can take care of my wife." He spat before watching the doctor leave.

Max watched him a moment before giving a heavy sigh as her phone rang "Its your dad...kida probably want to talk to us." She said softly before stepping out to answer and make sure everything was okay.
Carmen barely looked in his direction as he came in, still staring into space and seemingly going backwards rather than getting better but she got up and changed once she heard him say they could leave, following him to the car.

Lilah was on the other end crying and shaking. “I want daddy! Right now!” She sobbed, in complete hysterics over the fact she hadn’t seen him in hours.
Eddie came in and sighed heavily "Come on beautiful, lets get going." He murmured as he helped her up and got her dressed. He led her out to the car and kissed her temple gently "I love you beautiful."

Max frowned deeply at how hysterical her daughter was "Lilah...Lilah baby take deep breaths okay? Daddy is okay,he has to stay at the hospital for right now....no, no baby they can't have children here right now. You want to facetime him?"
She frowned and shook her head. “No! No I need daddy now!” She cried more, yelling when her grandpa took the phone off of her but let him pick her up and sit on the couch with her. ‘They won’t let her come down even for a little bit?’ He asked max while he rocked the little girl gently, trying to soothe her.

By the time they got home, mayas car was in the drive again and they’d barely made it to the front door when it opened and Maya was throwing herself at Carmen and holding onto her tightly, carmens arms instinctively holding her youngest by two hours close.
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "I'll see if they will. I'll call you back shortly." She said before going back into the room. She looked at Clay worriedly "When this is all over...I think we need to get Lilah help. She just called absolutely hysterical that she hasn't seen you."

Eddie gave a heavy sigh as they got home with Maya there. He gave them a small smile before getting them both inside "Hey sweetheart, what are you doing back in town?"
He frowned and just nodded, “this is getting out of hand.” He mumbled, struggling to keep his eyes open at all but not wanting her to be bored.

Maya frowned and shook her head, waiting til Carmen had gone up to bed. “Moms not in any state to be planning a funeral. Grace should be here in the next couple days.” She told him. “Plus Jack keeps calling us and asking if we’ve been allowed to see mom. He’s probably gonna try and come over again today,” she told him
Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Get some rest love. I'll see if she can visit." She murmured before heading out to the nurse's station.

Eddie gave a small nod and frowned deeply "I've gotten most of it planned, but you and your sister's help will be appreciated." He said quietly before frowning deeper at the mention of Jack "He does not come in understand? Your mother is in no state to see him."
Maya frowned and sighed. “You sure mom doesn’t need to see a therapist? She doesn’t talk, barely looks at anyone. She’s not okay right now.” She pointed out, frowning when he snapped at her a little.

His nurse smiled at her a little “how can I help? We’re gonna let you stay the night but if you need to go you’re going to have to wait until after the surgery to come back. We don’t want to risk anymore delays for him.” She explained.
Eddie frowned deeply glaring at her "She will be okay!" He snapped before going to make a drink for himself.

Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Our daughter...she is very close to him. Is there anyway that she could visit for just a little bit?" She asked almost desperately
She shook her head. “I’m so sorry but this ward is where we have a lot of patients who are immunocompromised.” She explained. “Children are not allowed here.@ she told her. “Soon as he is moved to a recovery ward she can come see him.”

she sighed and just shook her head. “You’ve never been a good liar dad.” She told him and headed up to her room to unpack for a little while.
Max gave a heavy sigh but nodded some "I understand, thank you again for all your help with my husband." she said before she went back to Clay's room and called Felipe back.

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh as she left. He was trying his best to keep himself together but he too felt himself starting to slip as well.
Carmen rolled over when he came to bed that evening, moving to slip her arms around him tightly, burying her face against his shoulder.

Clay ended up being in and out all night long, by morning running a slight fever and wanting to see the kids but being told he wasn’t allowed to and at this point max wasn’t letting him FaceTime lilah because they were worried that if she saw him not doing great she’d be more panicked.
Max gave a heavy sigh as he held him that morning while they waited for them to take him in for surgery. She was beyond exhausted and just wanred them home. Dabbing at his forehead gently with a cool rag trying to cool him the best she could "They're gonna get you fixed up today babe."

Eddie woke up that next morning frowning deeply when he saw Carmen staring at the ceiling. He gave a heavy sigh and kissed her cheek gently "Good morning love, come on, lets take a shower together yeah? Grace should be here today."
He frowned a little and just nodded, giving her hand a squeeze. “They might not if I’m sick.” He mumbled, closing his eyes. “I’m sorry. For everything. All the shit I’ve put you through.” He mumbled “you deserved so much more than I could give you.”

She frowned and looked over at him for w moment. “Grace.” She mumbled, letting him move her.

Maya looked over when they both came downstwirs and nodded towards the counter. “Coffee is made.” She told him “Your face is all over TMZ and buzz feed and stuff by the way.” She told him.
Max shook her head some as she held him "Don't start on that mister. I love you okay? More than anything." She murmured softly

Eddie came back down and frowned gently "Why? What are they saying?" He asked as he poured coffee for the two of them.
Maya frowned and shrugged. “There were some photos taken of you that night you met everyone. They’re saying you’re hanging out with college kids and it’s weird…. I’m even in the damn photo.” She told him. “People are saying that they’re getting weird vibes from it.”

He frowned and shook his head. “I’m serious. It’s stupid it’s taken this long for me to realise just what I got… I’m sorry,” he murmured. “And I love you. And the kids.” He told her.
Eddie frowned some and rolled his eyes a bit "Well people are fucking stupid." He muttered before sitting down and helping Carmen to sit as well "When should your sister be here?"

Max gave him a sad smile before kissing him lovingly "I love you too Clay, so very much." She said softly
She shrugged. “I dunno. She hasn’t talked to me since we spoke about coming home.” She told him, going over and sitting with her mom, holding onto her tightly

Clay smiled tiredly and glanced over when his doctor came in looking disappointed. “Bad news I’m afraid. We can’t do the surgery today. You’re not well enough right now and you would be too high risk. But what we can do is keep you here a couple more nights and help this clear up then do the surgery once it has.”
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod to the doctor "Is it the cancer that is giving him these fevers? Or something else?" She asked quietly

Eddie gave a heavy sigh but nodded giving a small smile as Carmen held onto Maya as well.
“Most likely no more than a common cold or something but we dont want to risk complications.” He explained to them.

Maya stayed there with her until they heard a car pull into the drive, about to get up when she thought it was Grace but she heard the banging on the door and soon heard jacks voice.

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