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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Eddie calmed down eventually and looked at her cupping her face in his hands "I love you so much Carmen." He whispered just staring at her for a moment trying to figure out what to say but he had no idea.

EZ looked over when he heard his brother's voice and gave a wide smile "Hey there, it has been." He said before going over and pulling him into a big hug "Its good to see you Clay."
She frowned and just leaned into his touch, not saying a word. Eventually she headed up to bed, needing to lay down, leaning into him when he came to join her, holding him tightly.

He smiled a little. “Yeah you too. Pops said you got a couple more kids now.” He smiled, thanking max when she handed him his meds and some water, taking it
Eddie held her the entire time they layed there staying silent as he thought through everything "How....how did Emily take it?" He asked quietly after what seemed like forever.

EZ nodded happily pointing outside seeing all the kids playing together "Yeah, got a little girl thats three, and a son who is almost a year." He said quietly "Heard your little girl is the biggest Daddy's girl. Mine can be at times, but she loves her momma." He said with a small chuckle.
Clay chuckled a little and watched the five of them running around. “We are done with two.” He told him. “And we’re working on the attachment issues at the minute.” He pointed out, going to help felipe with some of the grilling outside, taking him a beer, not feeling much better after his lie down but not wanting to seem like he was laying about anymore either.

She shook her head and frowned, not answering him. She’d had Emily on the phone during his last few minutes but she didn’t expect to see the girl again.
Felipe gave a small smile as he watched his grandkids play. He worked the grill and thanked Clay as he came out to help "You know, if you are still feeling bad, you can go lay down. We understand." He said truthfully to him while keeping his eyes on the food.

Eddie took a deep breath and nodded softly kissing the top of her head repeatedly "You haven't eaten have you?" He asked quietly giving a heavy sigh when she shook her head "Let me make you something small, you need to eat love."
She frowned and just shook her head again. “Not hungry.” She mumbled, rolling over to bury her face into his chest, falling asleep in his arms after being awake almost an entire 24 hours.

He shook his head and frowned. “I’m fine pops.” He assured him, smiling as he saw likah helping Jose with whatever game they were playing. “Max has done a great job with the kids.” He mumbled
Eddie gave a heavy sigh and kissed the top of her head before he started to fall asleep as well from exhaustion.

Felipe gave a nod as he watched his son a bit "That she has, and you have as well. You have to give yourself some credit there." He said quietly
Clay shrugged, leaning back to sit on the edge of the table, “what credit? I wasn’t around when she was a toddler. Then I disappeared from her life for two years.” He muttered, frowning some as he looked at the floor, starting to feel more than tired. He was starting to just feel weird and he couldn’t put his finger on it.

There was a loud knocking on their front door a couple hours later and Carmen was still sound asleep, the banging not stopping until Eddie answered the door. It was jack on the other side. Clearly distraught and still shaking. “Is it true?!” He questioned bin.
Felipe gave a small frown when he noticed the color drain from Clay "Clayton? Mijo you okay?" He asked but quickly rushed to his side trying to catch him as he start to fall. He yelled for EZ and Max needing their help with his weak frame.

Eddie frowned deeply when he woke up to hear a banging at the door. He got downstairs quickly and opened the door frowning even deeper when he saw Jack. They hadn't spoken since he left and he was still angry with what had happened. He gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Yes....your brother passed early this morning." He said quietly
Clay frowned a little, heading him ask bud he hadn’t been able to respond before collapsing, his eyes rolling back before he started seizing.

Jack frowned and tried to step into the house to go and see his mom but frowned when he got stopped, looking up at Eddie. “Dad… I just wanna see mom.” He frowned.
Max rushed out when she heard Felipe and quickly got to his side to helo get Clay down in the grass. EZ's wife had ushered all the kids inside while Max did her best to stay calm "Call an ambulance...he shouldn't be seizing."

Eddie frowned deeply as Jack tried to walk past him and shook his head "No she is resting right now, she needs to rest Jack. Leave her be."
He frowned and shook his head. “I wanna see my mom!” He muttered. “You’re really gonna stop her from seeing her son?” He muttered, still trying to push through. “Dad… you can’t be serious.” He muttered

It only lasted a couple minutes and he was starting to gain consciousness again but he was only aware for a minute before blacking out and going into another one, this one harsher on his body than the last and he couldn’t breathe after it was finished.
Eddie pushed him back as he persisted and frowned deeper "Your mother just lost a child, something I pray you never know. She has barely slept this past month, let alone since Lucas got sick. She needs to rest before she pushes herself too far. So yes I am keeping you away from her because you'll only cause more fucking stress after everything that happened." He said in a deathly serious tone.

Max went wide eyed when he stopped breathing. She immediately moved to perform CPR until the paramedics were being rushed through and took over for her.
EZ had pulled her up and back from him, holding her tightly to stop her from getting in the way and just tried to soothe her “hey hey, let them do their job. I didn’t think he was that sick?” He asked her as they had got him breathing again finally and were already loading hjm to take him in.

Jack glared at him shocked. “No fuck that I wanna see my mom!” He yelled at him but froze when he heard his dad threaten him with the cops. “You would t call the police on your own son.” He muttered, Leila in the car waiting for him the whole time anyway and watching the interaction.
Max took deep breaths as she tried to calm down giving a small nod "He....he didn't want me tellimg everyone...he didn't want to back out and have you think that he was faking it." She said quietly before she got out of his grip and ran to follow to EMTs.

Eddie glared at him not wanting to pull this card but when he realized Jack wasn't backing down he knew he had to. "Don't make me call the cops Jack." He said as he watched his eldest look at him in disbelief "I am more serious than I have been in a long fucking time. Get out, you obviously are only thinking of your fucking self in this situation if you won't take no for an answer because it is for the betterment of your mother's health."
He grit his teeth and just glared at him. “Even dead he’s causing drama for everyone.” He spat, turning around and going back to the car and leaving with Leila.

Clay was in and out of consciousness for the next couple hours until he woke up to both his father and max in the room, frowning a little and groaning quietly to get their attention, reaching for maxs hand. “What happened?”
Eddie watched him leave and shook his head some before closing the door and locking it again. He glanced over at the stairs seeing Carmen at the top "Hey there, go back to bed beautiful."

"Hey.....you had two seizures babe. We're at the hospital and they're running some tests." She explained quietly
He frowned and just swallowed a little, reaching over for her hand tightly, starting to shake a little. “No. No it’s not allowed to get worse.” He muttered, crying a little and reaching for her, not caring about being like this with his dad in the room.

She frowned and just nodded, turning to go back to bed and letting the dog follow her into the room, curling up under the covers again. She stayed in bed for almost a week after that, only getting up for the restroom and to let the dog go downstairs but Eddie had woken her up early that morning and insisted they leave the house. She barely spoke a word these days either so she hasn’t had it in her to protest, getting in the car with him, still in scruffy clothes and stared out the window the whole time he drove.
Max moved to lay with him and held him close to her "I know love, I know...we'll get this surgery soon and we'll be okay." She whispered letting a few tears slip down her face as she grew more concerned that it might be too late now.

Eddie had been doing his best to try and get Carmen up and going the entire time. Though he really only made sure she ate and showered, restroom she thankfully took care of herself. Finally though, he had her up and hoped maybe a small spa day could help her start to come back to herself. As he pulled up to the place he looked over to her and smiled softly "I uh....I booked us a spa day, thought maybe it could help us unwind some."
She frowned a little and shook her head. “I don’t want to be touched right now… by strangers.” She mumbled, frowning when she heard the sigh out of him and the car got started up again, just staring out the window a little longer until they pulled up at a Starbucks, reluctantly getting out with him as she started feeling a little woozy.

He eventually calmed down and fell asleep again, felipe sighing as he watched them. “I’ll keep an eye on the little ones. You stay here long as you need to.” He assured her.
Eddie gave a heavy sigh but nodded and started up the car again "Alright,then starbucks it is." He said softly just wanting her to get out for a little bit. He pulled up to the nearest one and helped her get out "Come on, just for a little yeah?" He asked softly.

Max looked at Felipe and frowned giving a small nod "Thank you Felipe. I'm sorry this all happened like this." She said sincerely before giving a heavy sigh.
She allowed it this time, going inside with him and letting him get their coffee. She was too in her own world to notice they were being stared at. Hawkins was still the small town it had been when they were kids and everyone still knew everyone’s business. On top of Eddie being as famous as he was. It was a blessing she was so unaware right now.

Clay woke up a little while later and just stared at max frowning. “If this is getting worse. Go to the club. They will look after you I promise it.” He mumbled.
Eddie thanked the barista as she gave him the coffees making his way to Carmen as quickly as he could. It was taking everything in him to not shout at literally every person in the shop staring at them. He smiled some at Carmen turning his attention completely to her "I got your favorite..."

Max frowned deeply and gave him a small nod "I will, but right now we don't need to think like that okay? You're gonna pull through this." She murmured
She just picked it up, taking a sip and leaning back, still not saying anything. The news had spread like wildfire that she wasn’t handling it well and then the rumours had started in town that she had actually helped Lucas on his way and was just feeling guilty now. She was still feeling off when they finished and headed to the car, swaying on her feet a little as she followed Eddie but soon collapsed as she reached the car.

Clay nodded and held onto her gently, resting his head back. “I love you.” He murmured. “More than you know.” He smiled a little at her, looking up when the doctor came to speak to them. ‘You want the good or the bad news first?’
Eddie frowned deeply when he heard a loud thud behind him as they made their way back. He turned around going wide eyed and rushed to Carmen's side lifting her head into his lap "Carmen?! Carmen baby wake up!"

Max frowned as the doctor came in giving a heavy sigh "What um...whats the bad news?" She said quietly giving Clay's hand a tight squeeze.

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