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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Max let out a sigh of relief and nodded some "Thank you so much, I'll wait for your call about the paychecks." She said softly before hanging up and taking her son back to get Clay. She gave a soft smile seeing him asleep and sat down across from him letting Jose go play with a few toys she brought for him.

Eddie held her the entire time not saying a word as well. As days went by they watched as their son started to deteriorate further. He was at home with the girls for the time being setting up their graduation plans while Carmen was out grabbing a few things for Emily.
Grace finished sending off the last of the forms for the apartment they’d found for her in New York, sighing quietly as she glanced over at Lucas in his chair and their dad trying to stay awake, moving over to nudge him. “Hey, go lay down. I’ll do this.” She smiled at him a little, switching spots so she could give Lucas his lunch. “Grunt twice if you want me to change the channel.” She told him, smiling a little as he gave her an exasperated look. It had become quickly apparent that while he couldn’t move the rest of himself he could still move his face and had become very good at giving people side eye.

Jose played quietly for a little while but soon got bored and got up, wandering over to the bed while his mom was distracted by the tv, trying to clamber up onto it and just about managing, moving to cuddle into clays side happily.
Lucas gave his sister the side eye had perfected before grunting once letting her know not to change the channel. He had been home for a few days, but he was ready to go, he was in constand pain and he hated how everyone was waiting on him. He wanted them to go on with their lives.

Max frowned softly when she heard soft little grunts and looked over going wide eyed as ahe saw Jose get onto the bed. She was about to stop him but didn't when she noticed him cuddle up close to Clay on his good side and start to fall asleep.
She just nodded and leaned back yawning a bit. “You remember how much we used to terrorise mom while dad was on your. Trying to imitate all the stunts from this?” She told him, seeing as they were watching total wipeout. “Jack used to tell us off al the time.” She smiled, finishing the whole thing off once it was empty and got his blanket back around him, sighing as he ended up asleep within a few minutes and so she left him to it, going up to see Eddie, sitting at the end of the bed. “He fell asleep… you sure it’s okay for me to still go to New York? I don’t mind waiting a year.” She told him quickly.

His nurse popped in to check on him and smiled at the little one cuddled up to him. “Looks just like his dad this one.” She told max. “They’ve sorted his prescription and he can go home in an hour or so. They’re gonna give you guys his next few appointments before he can leave though.” She told her, “here. Support systems for spouses. You might not be sick but you’re still having to deal with it all.” She told her gently.
Eddie looked up at his daughter and shook his head some "No, everything is going to be fine alright? I don't want you placing your life on hold." He said softly giving her a small smile "You need any help with packing?"

Max looked over at the nurse and gave a small smile "Thank you for your help." She said softly as she took the pamphlet from her before she started to clean up the room.
She just nodded and frowned. “I know I’m just gonna be waiting for that phone call every day.” She mumbled. “I’m gonna pack when I’ve got two weeks to go.” She explained quietly, heading the front door opening and her mom and Emily’s voices coming through the house

Carmen greeted the dog and took her bags upstairs to their room, smiling at Grace a little, “hey sweetheart. Go ask your sister what you guys wanna do for dinner, I’m gonna head to the store in a little while.” She told her, moving to sit with Eddie for now though

Clay woke up when they were trying to get him discharged, mumbling about still being tired but made sure they’d told max the days of the appointments before he signed the papers and chucked his clothes on that she’d brought him, wandering out to the car with her. “Do we need to get likah yet or we goin home? Oh, hold on, don’t we need to go to CVS?” He asked her quietly.
Eddie looked up when he heard Carmen's voice come through the door "Hey beautiful....he had an okay day today. Better than yesterday " he said softly reaching for her hand.

Max helped him to the car and started it up "I'm gonna drop you at home. Then I'll fill your perscription and get Lilah. You need to lay down though." She said softly smiling some as Jose piped in sounding like he was agreeing with her "See? Even Jose agrees."
She nodded and kicked her shoes off, moving to sit next to him, “We uh…. We found a ring in his suitcase this morning. I spoke to josh and he said he’d been planning to propose to Emily once your finished.” She told him quietly.

He chuckled a little and rubbed at his face. “Yes ma’am.” He told her, watching her. “You know how much I love you?” He asked her once they’d pulled up at home and he was getting out. “Jose you make sure your mom doesn’t overdo it.” He told him, making his way into the house.
Eddie frowned deeply as he listened to her and gave a small nod "Are you going to give her the ring?" He asked quietly

Max arrived back home an hour later looking more than a little exhausted. Both kids were full of energy right now and running all over the place while she tried to get dinner started.
She nodded. “Emily found it. He bought it for her. It’s not an heirloom.” She told him, scooting a little closer to him and rest her head on his shoulder. “I sent Jack a text this morning as well. Told him I want to see him for coffee so we can talk things over.” She mumbled, yawning. “You look tired love, go to sleep, I’m gonna join you in a nap.” She told him quietly

Clay made his way downstairs to the kitchen, rubbing at his face and frowning at the kids running around screaming. “Hey hey… Guys… I love that you two are having fun and I’m loving how much you play with each other. Your mom and I are super tired though and I’m still sick. So we need you to keep the volume down just a little okay?” He told them both before sending them off to the den, shutting the door so the sound was muffled a little more. “That’s better.” He mumbled, going to stand in the kitchen, swaying on his feet a little bit wrapped his arms around max and kissed her head. “You doing okay?”
Eddie gave a small nod and yawned "Okay...you be careful though." He said quietly before starting to nod off with her.

Max gave him a soft smile and nodded some "Just tired, you'll need to take your medicine after dinner. Then after breakfast." She said quietly before turning off the stove "Go sit down, you don't need to be on your feet so much." She said tiredly.
She smiled and just nodded, drifting off with him for a little while, waking up to the sound of chatting downstairs, stretching out a little and heading down there. “Girls what time do we need to be there tomorrow?”

He gave her a salute and kissed the Sadie of her head. “I love you.” He told her happily. “Very much, I’m okay babe. I wanna keep moving. I feel like if I stay in place too long. I’m gonna be a worried” he ticks her quietly.
Grace looked up at her mom as she came downstairs and smiled happily "We need to be there by noon on the dot. Ceremony is at one, but our class is actually sizeable this year, so they want us to be in perfect placement." She explained.

Max gave a small smile and nodded softly "Alright then get me a few plates down, I'm just about done." She murmured before getting the last few bits they needed.
She nodded and yawned a bit. “Alright. And you guys are going with friends after aren’t you?” She asked, going to get a red bull from the fridge and lllked through it to see what they could do for dinner.

Clay nodded getting them down and went to grab the kids, lilah attaching herself to his leg after not liking that he’d not been there when she woke up that morning. She’d been more anxious than ever since he’d been home about him leaving.
Grace nodded happily with Maya at that "Yeah, but we already promised Dad to be home by 1 if it goes late." She said going over to her mom "There should be stuff for spaghetti in there, I can make it if you'd like."

Max sighed softly seeing Lilah attached to Clay's leg as they came back in. She was hoping that with time this anxiety would fade about him leaving, but she knew it was going to be a while.
He got sat down with everyone, just sipping his water slowly and helping Jose eat so that max could focus on her own dinner, not thinking g much of it until likah piped up. ‘Daddy how come you’re not eating?’ She asked frowning while clay immediately looked to his wife for help. He’d barely processed the whole thing himself let alone thought about how they were going to explain this to lilah.

Carmen shook her head and smiled. “No sweetheart you go relax. You’ve been doing far too much looking after the rest of us lately.” She told her, glancing over at Eddie when he came downstairs. “You have a good nap?” She asked him, leaning back against him while he stood behind her.
Max frowned as she heard Lilah before looking to Clay "Daddy is sick baby, you know how sometimes you don't want to eat when you don't feel good?" She asked watching as their daughter nodded "Well, Daddy is feeling the same way. He'll eat some, its just gonna take him a minute because he isn't well." She explained hoping this could be enough for now while they worked on a better way to explain this together.

Eddie wrapped his arms around her instinctively and gave a small nod "Mhmmm sure did, had some good dreams too." He murmured quietly in her ear giving a small chuckle "You sleep good?" He asked softly as he nuzzled her neck some.
She rolled her eyes and just shook her head. “Only for a little bit… so I was talking to Maya the other day. She’s getting really nervous about moving out.” She told him quietly. “And as much as I love her along with the rest of them… she is the biggest daddy’s girl I’ve ever met and she’s a little nervous to ask but she really really wants you to go up to Chicago with her to move her stuff into her apartment.” She told him. “Grace has demanded she do it on her own. But Maya wants our help a little longer.” She told him

He breathed out a sigh of relief as that slanderer seemed to satisfy her for now, getting Jose cleaned up and put to bed after dinner while max sorted out lilah and eventually met back with her in their bedroom later, reaching towards her. “I love you.”
Eddie gave a small nod and bit his lip "What about Lucas though? I don't want you alone here with him..." he said quietly not wanting to say no to Maya, but also not wanting to leave his son.

Max made her way to their room after getting Lilah down and smiled softly "I love you too." She murmured as she went to him and wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you so much." She said before kissing him lovingly "We gotta figure out how to tell her...using the Daddy is sick line will only work for so long."
She frowned and shook her head “His nurse will be coming over by that point. Emily has some family stuff to do but she’ll be back just after you are” she told him.

He frowned and said nothing, pressing his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry we’re having to deal with this shit. I didn’t want more chaos. I wanted things to be calm finally. I wanted peace and quiet family life.” He mittered, starting to shake a little as he was crying.
Eddie gave a small sigh but nodded softly "If he is doing good, then I'm more than happy to go." He said quietly before kissing her temple "You want some help with dinner?"

Max held him close and gently guided him to the bed "I know baby, we'll pull through this though okay? They're gonna get this shit out of you and we're gonna relax." She said gently as she kept close to him.
She shook her head and smiled. “Just company would be nice.” She told him, getting him a drink and carried on. “Did I hear you talking to Jamie on the phone yesterday? How’s he doing at the moment? Him and Jess doing good?”

He nodded and frowned just wanting things to be okay for them. A month later he was still waiting on a date for surgery while they were keeping him medicated to stop it from getting worse and he’d had to stop working all together for now. Treatment had made him sick enough he barely had energy most days and the most he could manage was doing a few chores around the house and the rest of the time was spent on the couch. He hadn’t had energy to do anything at all that morning though and he’d been sick all night when his phone started ringing so he grabbed it off the nightstand to answer, hoping it was someone telling him to come in for surgery but he tensed when instead it was his fathers voice on the other end. “Pops… hey. What’s going on?” He hadn’t spoken to his family for almost five years now so this was the last thing he was expecting.
Eddie leaned on the counter as she started to cook and smiled a bit "Yeah, they're both doing real good. Living in London for the moment, but they're both real happy." He said giving a heavy sigh "He says Hi by the way, and gives you all his love."

Felipe gave a heavy sigh "Son, we're having a family reunion here this weekend. Your brother and his family, plus some extended family. You should come down, bring Maxine and the kids. It would be good to see you." He said genuinely down the line. It had been so long since they last spoke, and it hadn't ended on good terms, but he did miss his eldest terribly.
She nodded and smiled. “I’ll send him a text later. He’s been a good friends tk you Eds.” She murmured, calling everyone down for dinner once it was ready, seeing Emily come out of their room as well and tell them Lucas was asleep for the moment.

Clay frowned a little but nodded slowly. “This is a little out of the blue. Why now?” He asked him frowning, immediately suspicious of any generosity his father extended.
Eddie gave a soft amile to Emily "Come join us for dinner then before you go back." He said softly before sitting next to Maya "So your mom tells me you'd like some help with moving? If you want, I'll help you if everything is good here." He told her quietly just so she could hear.

Felipe gave a heavy sigh before responding "Maxine called, she didn't want me to say anything abou it, but I can't lie to you." He explained before running a hand over his thinning hair "She told us about your health and whats been going on. I know the last time we spoke was not on good terms, but I miss you Mijo, truely I do." He said geuinely hoping he wouldn't just hang up and ignore him like he used to in the past.

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