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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "We're unsure right now Jose...we didn't want to say anything until we got all the information for questions you and your sister would have. Your father has stage three cancer...he just found out, its why he wasn't able to make it to your game. He was at the doctor getting tests done. You may not remember, you were so young, but your father has had cancer before. Right after he got back from prison, we were able to catch it in his kidney, but now its in his lungs." She explained gently to him

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh nodding some "I know princess. If I could make it to where everything was better I would." He murmured pulling her in close to him "Your mom tell you we're going to try and speak with him soon?"
She nodded and frowned. “I swear if he makes her go back to before then I’m throwing hands and I don’t care what anyone wants to do to stop me.” She muttered looking identical to her pissed off mother in that moment.

He frowned and shook his head “that’s not fair…. That’s not fair!” He yelled again. “I’m staying home.” He told her, going up and shutting his bedroom door just finding it all really overwhelming. More like his father than he cared to admit
Eddie gave a heavy sigh and nodded softly "I wouldn't stop you." He said giving a small chuckle noticing her face "God you look just like your mother, you know that?"

Max took a deep breath but nodded some letting him go. She called Lilah knowing it was her lunch time and sighed heavily "Lilah get your things and come home. I'm going to call the school now to let you go....I'll explain when you get here just please come home."
She smiled a little and nodded. “You tell me all the time.” She mumbled, “if mom is seeing Emily this afternoon can we go get a coffee now?” She asked him.

She frowned and started putting her stuff away “Mom? What’s going on? I know Jose got sent home but why do I have to go home?” She asked her, feeling the panic rise as she thought they’d found out what she’d been hiding from her parents
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Its your dad, he is in the hospital. Lilah I need you to come home okay? I'll explain everything once you get here."

Eddie gave a small nod and smiled "Sure, we can go do that. Let me just go let your mom know." He murmured before getting up and going upstairs
Carmen grumbled a little when he nudged her, opening one eye to look at him, hearing him say they were going for coffee. “One of those juice drinks please.” She mumbled, going back to sleep again.

Clay was waiting for what felt like hours after he had woken up for anyone to arrive, not expecting all three of them to show up at all
Max came into the room and gave a small smile seeing Clay awake "Hey handsome...sorry we're late...had to have some conversations." She said softly taking his hand in hers while she sat down and let the kids sit on his other side.

Eddie smiled some and gave a nod "You got it beautiful." He murmured before going down to Maya. As they arrived back home they found Emily already there and both her and Carmen were in the lounge talking.
He frowned but nodded, reaching for maxs hand. “I don’t know what’s going on. They haven’t checked on me since I woke up and I don’t… I don’t know what happened.” He mumbled

She smiled a little as they were looking over the sonogram photos. “Oh he’s definitely a Munson. Got the big ass head.” She smiled some. “So… what’s your budget for a place?” She asked her, going to get her laptop and smiled at Eddie and Maya coming back in. “Hey, you guys were longer than I was expecting.”
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "How long have you been awake?" She asked. She stood up immediately when he said over an hour and went to find a nurse. She sighed heavily as she came back in to sit with him kissing his hand gently "A doctor will be in soon."

Emily smiled softly as she sat with Carmen chatting about the baby. She waved at Eddie and Maya as they came in when Carmen left the room.

Eddie chuckled softly handing her the drink they had gotten for her. He nodded some and smiled "Yeah, Maya wanted to stop at bath and body works that was near by....I got you a candle too."
He nodded a little and just squeezed her hand, looking back at the kids. “You guys okay? You did a good job Jose.” He told him.

She nodded, leaving Maya to chat with Emily. “She’s got no one Ed…. Her parents haven’t spoken to her since she left home. She was never really friends with the band… and she’s carrying our grandchild. I don’t want her far away if she’s happy being in Hawkins.”
Max gave a heavy sigh when neither of them spoke and gave his hand a squeeze "You did do a good job honey." She said softly before biting her lip gently "You guys want anything to drink?"

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Shit I had no idea....yeah....whatever she needs alright? We'll help her out." He said quietly
Lilah nodded, standing up to go with her mom to give the other two some time alone, clay struggling to keep his eyes open but watching Jose a little. “I’m sorry I couldn’t,.. get to your game.” He told him frowning.

She nodded and sighed a little. “And I spoke to Jack. He can meet tomorrow morning.”
Jose shook his head some and frowned deeply as he stared at the ground "I shouldn't have yelled..." he whispered before taking a deep breath "Are you going to die?"

Max walked with Lilah to the vending machines and frowned softly seeing how out of it she seemed "Lilah? Honey you okay?" She asked as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Alright we'll hopefully get that settled." He murmured
Clay sighed a little and frowned. “I don’t know kiddo. I’m gonna do what I can to stick around with you guys for as long as I possibly can. But I could do with some help. I need you to make your moms life as easy as you can right now okay? You gotta rein in this behaviour. I get it. Fourteen is shit.” He mumbled, trailing off when he fell asleep mid sentence.

She jumped a little and frowned over at her. “Mom… this is probably a really bad time but I fucked up.”

Carmen nodded and sighed a little, moving closer and slipping her arms around his neck. “You’re finally starting to go gray.” She mumbled smiling at him teasingly
Jose gave a heavy sigh but nodded letting a few tears fall when he finally fell asleep.

Max frowned some and moved to take her to sit down "What happened honey?" She asked quietly

Eddie chuckled and nodded some "I'm officially an old man now." He said kissing her gently
She smiled a little, swaying with him. “I like it. You look … established.” She giggled.

She shook her head, bouncing her knee and chewing on her lip nervously. “I’m pregnant…. We thought we were being really careful but maybe not enough,” she told her.
Eddie chuckled softly and smiled at her "You are so beautiful you know that?" He murmured gently

Max went wide eyed and took a deep breath "Who...who is the father?" She asked not knowing Lilah had a boyfriend at the moment "Lilah why didn't you tell me you were having sex? I would have gotten you on the pill."
She smiled and nodded. “I do actually. I still like hearing it from you though.” She murmured

She frowned and shook her head. “It wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t wanna tell you guys I had a boyfriend cause dad would have scared him off!” She told her, “now I don’t wanna tell dad cause I don’t wanna make him get worse “
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "I know it wasn't on purpose....your dad could have and would have been dealt with had you told us you were dating." She said before pulling her daughter in close "I'll schedule you an appointment with the doctor okay? Then we can figure out what you want to do. We'll support you no matter what."

Eddie smiled widely down at her and just swayed lightly with her "I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife."
She smiled a little again and pecked his lips, pulling away when Emily stuck her head in to say she was leaving, “text me when those viewings are if you want me to come with you sweetheart.” She told her before waving her off, turning back to Eddie.

Clay came around again with the girls walking back into the room and just frowned a little seeing the state of Lilah. “Did they come back to talk yet?” He mumbled.
Eddie looked at Carmen with pure adoration smiling wide "I can't wait to meet the baby you know. It'll be fun to have one around again don't you think?"

Max shook her head some "No not yet, soon I hope though." She said softly before sitting beside him and taking his hand in hers.
Clay nodded and sighed a little. “Lilah… you wanna take your brother and go home? You both look tired. We can call when we know what’s going on, order a pizza or something if you like okay?” He murmured, not liking how uncomfortable both the kids looked.

She smiled a little and nodded. “First grandkid…. Such a weird thing to think about. I’m just glad none of them were out there having babies in high school. Glad they didn’t follow our example.” She murmured.
Max nodded in agreeance with Clay and walked the kids out to the car "I'll call you guys later okay?" She said softly before going back to sit with Clay chewing on her lip as she thought about how to tell him about Lilah. She looked up though when the doctor finally came in to speak with them.

Eddie gave a fast nod and smiled "Oh yes, I am very glad they all made it to adulthood without children." He said before giving a small sigh as he thought over everything "What do you think would have happened had we not had Jack until we were out of school?"
She shrugged a little and watched him. “I don’t think we would have had all five kids. I’d like to think we wouldn’t have lost two practically three…. And I think we would have split up and gone very separate ways.” She told him. “There are things I would change about life but the kids and you is not one of them.” She told him.

Clay frowned some and just rest his head back, reaching for maxs hand, worrying about what they were going to say for him.

“Sorry it’s taken so long, we’re a little swamped here right now. Good news is you can go home tomorrow morning mr. Cardenas. There’s not really any reason for you to stay longer as long as you stay stable overnight…. Bad news is unfortunately next. We ran a few tests earlier to see what was going on aside from the obvious. I’m afraid that stage 3 was ring optimistic. There isn’t going to be anything we can do now to cure this. But we can keep you comfortable and we can help you survive this as long as possible.” He explained to them.
Max felt her stomach drop when she heard what the doctor said and shook her head some "No...no there has to some way to help this." She said in disbelief starting to take deep breaths as the doctor apologized again to them before leaving them to privacy.

Eddie gave a small nod and gave a small sigh "I'm not sure we would have lasted past one kid in all honesty....I regret a lot of things I did...I wish I had been better...but I know everything happens for a reason." He said softly before giving her a quick kiss "So what are you gonna be called huh? I'm thinking Gramps is a good one for me."

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