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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Max frowned deeply and shook her head some "No I'm not okay with this, but what she needs right now is us being there for her. She is scared to death Clay, the last thing she needs is us screaming at her." She explained gently

The nurse gave a small frown but nodded some "Oh. Yes give me just a second, let me get the nurse and doctor who have been caring for him. There is also a social services worker that you'll need to speak with." She explained before getting up and leaving them there while she went to get the right people.
Clay just shook his head, getting up and stumbling a little, going up to bed to cool off about this instead, furious though.

She thanked her quietly and sighed a little, looking over at Eddie and frowned a little. “Honey? You okay?” She asked, seeing how pale he had gone. She certainly worried about him more these days. She knew he’d done a number on himself with the drugs and the drink and alongside all the stress they had gone through
Max gave a heavy sigh and let him go up to cool down. She glanced over at the doorway shaking her head a bit "He's gone, you can come out now." She said watching Lilah emerge finally.

Eddie took a deep breath and nodded a bit "Yeah...uh I just need to sit down a minute." He said before walking towards the sitting area and all but collapsing into the chair holding his head in his hands.
She frowned and followed him, crouching in front of him. “Hold on. The receptionist is coming back now. Ed… talk to me what’s wrong?” She coaxed

Lilah frowned a little and sat down, starting to cry. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t want dad to be upset.” She told her “he shouldn’t be stressed.” She whimpered, holding onto her mom tightly
Eddie shook his head some and took deep shaky breaths "We don't have everything yet....shit we don't have anything for a newborn Carmen.." he said looking at her with worried eyes as he started to panic. He knew they could raise the baby, and he knew they had the money to get everything they needed quickly, but this sense of doubt and panic still seeped into him that he may fuck up again with another kid.

Max hugged her tightly and sighed heavily "You're his little girl, he would have been upset about you just holding hands with a boy. But he is right Lilah, I'm very calm about but I am upset and disappointed as well. However, I am going to be here for you okay? And he will be too, he just has a lot to get through." She explained
Carmen frowned a little and shook her head "Ed stop. Just breathe for me okay? ... Whatever happens with him, it's gonna be okay... We can work this out okay?" She coaxed, still trying to calm him down when the nurse came to get them. “Eddie just breathe honey.”

She frowned and shook her head. “What if he doesn’t get better this time. You said yourself it’s worse this time.” She whimpered
Eddie took deep shaky breaths and nodded a bit seeing the nurse come out to them "Right...we'll make it work.." he said taking shaky breaths and finally calming down enough after a minute.

Max took a deep breath and sighed heavily "We'll have to see, but we need to stay confident and positive." She said softly
She got up with him and followed the nurse through to the maternity ward, “so what needs to happen today? Is he coming home with us now or we gotta wait or what?” She asked her, just wanting to meet him already.

She frowned and shook her head “and he needs to be relaxed but if I’m fucking this up by getting pregnant he’s not gonna be relaxed is he.” She muttered
The nurse frowned some and gave a heavy sigh "He is a little early, so he is in the NICU, but he is progressing amazingly right now. His vitals are good, he just needs a little help with his breathing." She explained before taking them into a private room "I will bring him in now, his doctor will be with me and then a social worker will be in to discuss custody. I'm afraid I know nothing on that front."

Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Unfortunately these are the cards we've been dealt Lilah." She muttered before she got up and went upstairs to check on Clay.
He was on the floor in the bathroom, dry heaving over the toilet and barely noticed her come in, finally able to move and place his cheek against the cool of the tub

Carmen nodded and thanked her quietly, leaning back and holding eddies hand frowning. “You want me to go get you some water? You’re still looking pale love.”
Max went over to him immediately and sifhed softly. She made him a small cup of water and handed it over to him "You need anything else?" She asked softly as she sat beside him.

Eddie nodded some and took a deep breath "Yeah....yeah water sounds good." He said quietly as he closed his eyes tightly.
She frowned a little, seeing he was sweating badly. “Honey wait there.” She murmured, getting up to go get him some water, having to wait a minute at the vending machine but went straight back to the room and walked in to find Eddie on the floor and a doctor crouched next to him. “Ed?! What happened?”

He jumped a little hearing her voice but took the water and shook his head. “Just my wife. Here… preferably my teenage daughter not pregnant but she was stupid and didn’t wrap it up.” He muttered.
Max moved closer to him and gave a heavy sigh but nodded some "I know, I wish it was a bad joke." She said softly before kissing his cheek gently "We'll make it through this though."

The doctor frowned deeply when he saw the woman come in "I arrived and introduced myself. He stood up to shake my hand then collapsed on the floor." He explained before checking Eddie's heart rate and got up quickly to get a few nurses.
He frowned and swallowed a little before looking at her properly. “No. We won’t. You will…. Honey we ain’t getting out of this one.” He told her quietly

Carmen frowned and set the water down, moving to get closer, seeing how spaced out he seemed and getting more worried.
Max took a shaky breath and gave a small nod "I can't give up hope Clay.....not yet.." she whispered letting a few tears fall as she watched him.

Eddie looked up at Carmen all spaced out his breathing getting shallower. It wasn't long after that nurses came in with a bed and they got him on it. Soon a mask was placed on his face to help regulate his breathing while they got him hooked up to a machine to keep an eye on his heart rate as well.
He smiled a little and leaned back, “You’re waiting on some kind of miracle then beautiful…. Shit I gotta call work later.” He mumbled.

Carmen frowned and followed them as they took him to another room until they were making her wait outside and she was answering all their questions, hearing that she would be updated soon as they could and finally followe the original nurse back to the room to find out about their grandson, mostly to keep her mind occupied
Max gave a small nod and took a deep breath "I'll call them in you want." She murmured kissing him gently before letting a few tears fall.

The nurse helped her through to the room with her grandson giving a small smile "Here he is, she didn't name him..." she said softly picking up the baby and handing him to her.
He shook his head and got up slowly to go back to bed. “Needs to come from me really.” He mumbled.

Carmen could do nothing but stare at the tiny bundle. He looked so like Lucas had that she had to do a double take. “Your daddy would have been so proud of you.” She murmured, frowning a little while she was still worrying about Eddie
Max nodded and helped him to bed "Yeah you have a point." She murmured getting him tucked in "You want some broth?" She asked softly

The nurse gave her a small smile as she watched him. She looked up when a knock came at the door and the social worker came in along with the doctor. The doctor looked at Carmen and then at the baby "Your husband is stable, once you're done with Mrs. Turner here, you can see him." He explained
She thanked him quietly, not taking her eyes off their grandson and just listening to all the information they were guving her until she had to hand him back and finally left to go check on Eddie, stepping into the room she’d been told and going to sit next to the bed. “How you doing?” She asked him quietly.

He shook his head and frowned. “I’m not hungry babe. Just tired. I’ll probably be a little more normal tomorrow if I can just sleep it off today.” He mumbled, already drifting off.

Jose was sat downstairs with a soda and on his computer, just messing about, when max got back down, “What was all the yelling about?” He asked her, looking a carbon copy of his father
Eddie gave a small frown when he saw Carmen come in and gave a heavy sigh "Really bad panic attack....they want to run some tests too just in case." He murmured before reaching for her hand "Did you see him? Is he healthy?"

Max came down after Clay was asleep and sighed heavily seeing Jose there. She didn't know how to tell him about Lilah, but he was going to find out sooner or later. She sat down beside him and rubbed at her temples some "Your sister is pregnant....don't go around blabbing your mouth to make her feel bad." She muttered knowing he would try to get under Lilah's skin if he could.
He frowned and shrugged "Oh... yeah I know." He toldher "She didn't hide the test very well in the trash." He told her "She's got Dad's smarts... So like... none." He chuckled to himself a little, wincing when MAx smacked him in the back of the head for it. "Ow!"

Carmen smiled a little and nodded, moving to sit a little closer, taking his hands "He's exactly like Lucas was. Looks like a carbon copy." She told him, "They're gonna keep him for another day but then he's coming home with us. She never officially signed his birth certificate but she always said that Lucas wanted Wayne." She told him.
Max glared at him a bit and smacked the back of his head "Your sister and father are not stupid!" She said a little harshly before taking a deep breath and running another hand over her face. She looked over at him a minute before pulling him for a hug letting a few tears fall "I'm sorry...that was harsh." She whispered

Eddie nodded some and gave a small smile "I like that idea, Wayne for sure." He said quietly before kissing her hand gently "What do you think for the middle name?" He asked as he watched her.
She shook her head. “He’s not our son love. If and when Emily comes back she can give him one.” She told him, frowning as she saw a flash of pain go across his face along with a momentary change on the monitor. “Ed… how long you been feeling like this puppy?” She asked him

He frowned and just rolled his eyes. “You know it’s true though.” He muttered. “What’s for dinner?” He asked her
Eddie frowned deeply but nodded and took deep breaths feeling pain course through him. He gave a heavy sigh watching her "About a month now?" He whispered taking a deep breath "I didn't want you to worry more."

Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head some "I'm not sure, probably spaghetti." She muttered

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