Don't Go Out After Dark.

Shadow looked over at her."Are you sure you'd want to?"He asked with slight concern in his voice,he wasn't angry at the time so he was thinking straight. Did she not know what Wrex had told him or was she just ignoring it,ether way he didn't want her to die.
She looked at him with confusion. "I would if you where not hurt..." she looks back at kitten with a sigh. "Thanks..." she looked at him "For the Wrex thing... He would have killed me"
"Why would he have killed you,and did he only come here because you were?"He couldn't wrap his head around all this,isn't family suppose to care and love one another?Not try and kill them,it didn't sound right to Shadow.
"My father is a wolf and so was Wrex. My mother was human and it pissed my father off that a vampire changed me into a hybrid. He wants to kill me... end my life because I'm a hybrid" She spoke quickly.
"Ah,I see.Then that makes sense,your brother was angry at me for giving you my blood.That's why he was always after me,but I never understood it fully." He sighed."I would think your father would go after the one that changed you,not after you since it didn't seem to be your fault.Or did you want to be changed?..."
Kaleo shook her head "I didnt even wanna be a wolf but here i am, able to change into a red wolf and live off blood." she shook her head some "He didnt want me to drink from you because it will make me change and Wrex knew im older and stronger as a wolf." she frowned some and watched the kitten sleep.
Ah,but you haven't changed yet have you?"He was sure he hadn't seen her change yet,but that doesn't mean she hasn't while he wasn't around.He's never seen a red wolf,though most haven't seen a white one with black designs on it's back ether so.
Serena: Serena lets out a loud nasty roar as she flies back to the camp, crashing into a few tree tops. She could barely see as their were tears in her brown eyes. Once she spotted sight of the camp, she would make a crash landing and transform back into her human form.. She would curl up on the ground with her arms wrapped around her stomach and her knees curled up, touching her arms.. She would stay there as she groaned in pain.. Her body was covered in bruises, gashes, and whelps. Serena's eyes would leak out bloody tears as she stayed in place and felt the blood oozing out from her pale, cold, shaking body. There was no color in her face and even her brown eyes seemed to be pale.

Sangus: Awoke from his resting period with a big stretch and wondered over to his left over deer. He would let his wolf claws extend, cutting off a good chunk and would begin to munch on it. His body would twist side-to-side as he popped his back and continued to munch on his meat. He felt something was wrong but decided he wanted to enjoy his peace for just a little while longer. His feet would drag him to his bathroom as he stripped himself of his clothing and began to bathe himself, scrubbing every inch of his body from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. He would then transform and start to carefully wash his fur out. He wanted to try to get rid of his "Mutt" stench that his friend, Serena, was always joking to him about.

Serena & Sangus: While Serena was out on her "Joy Fly" she had been attacked by many different wild animals.. Her body was severely injured and the pain was taking a terrible tole on her. She had never felt this much pain in a good while.. Sangus was at his cabin, scrubbing his body clean and trying to scrub his mind mentally. He enjoyed being in water, so of course, he took his time.

((If you reply, I will be back on in the morning some time.. maybe the noon. ;P ))
Kaleo looked up to Shadow and shook her head "No I havent... Well not here. I have only changed once in town." A smile formed across her face as she looked to his neck. "Wanna see?" Her eyes went red.
Shadow looked at her a bit confused on what to do as he slightly leaned back,"Umm,well that depends on if you want to or not. I mean is it hard to control?" He was curious but he didn't want to see if it'd cause any harm or trouble.
She smiled as she moved to him taking his wrist in her hands. "No not at all. Im calm when i change." she looked at his wrist. "But your hurt..." she looked to his chest.

(Thanks for killing Wrex off! ^^)
Serena: Still lays on the ground, her wounds still open and some-what bleeding. She was barely breathing now and her ice-cold skin seemed colder than usual. Behind her eyelids, her brown eyes had barely any color in them.. Her soul and life was slowly fading away and she knew it was time. She embraced it and prayed in her mind.

Sangus: Wonders around the camp and stops in his tracks as she spots the naked body of Serena. So many thoughts rush through his mind as he lets out a loud and pain-filled growls. He nearly flies over to her with how fast his feet were moving, and kneels down next to her, lifting her limp body in his arms. He brings her up to his face and tries to give her some of his warmth as his eyes are pouring out the sadness, anger, and guilt he feels inside for not staying by her side at all times. The wolf let out a howl and rubs the side of his face on Serena's cheek. Sangus looks to her and starts to ramble with his words. "Oh God, what did this to her? God, please let me save her.. Why did this happen? How could I of let this happen! Ah!" He is now screaming as he holds her body closer to his chest, his tears covering his own face and now hers. His arms cover the back of her bare body, making sure none of her is seen, and the front of her is pressed into his chest as he wraps her up in his arms and stays there, rocking her back in forth while crying.

Serena & Sangus: Serena wants to touch his face as her heart is tearing from her best friends cries. She is too weak to even open her eyes, but if she could she would give him her best smile with a laugh and try to comfort him.. Sangus holds onto her until her last breath is taken, he then carries her lifeless body into his cabin and washes her wounds. He places her on his bed with some of his clothing on her. He knows she is gone, but he doesn't want to face the fact and lay her body in the ground just yet.. The angry wolf storms out of his cabin, leaving her body behind where he knows she is safe, and runs to the other males cabin. He begins to bang on his door until it cracks and opens. Sangus walks in with bloodshot eyes and tears still leaking from them, he glares at the male and notices he girl is with him.. His voice is dark and cold as he speaks to them. "Serena is dead."
(Sorry it's taken me so long XP been really busy for the past couple of days.)

Shadow looked down at his chest,"Don't worry,I've been in worse conditions..."He sighed,now figuring he'd have more scars to add to the collection he already had. He looked over at her with a smile,but it faded as he heard a lot of racket outside.He stood as he listened and was about to head outside,but then banging came from his door and the boy from before with that girl stormed in.Once he said the girl had died he couldn't even imagine how he felt,they both seemed very close and by the look on the boy's face he could tell. but this was crazy,two deaths in less then 12 hours?
Kaleo looked to the male with sorrow. She stood up and hugged him, even if she didnt know him well. "What happened?" she looked up at him as she pulled away. "Do you know?" she looked to Shadow and shook her head some. "Where is she?" she looked around the tall male as she glances outside.
When she looked at him,Shadow just shrugged his shoulders. They were the only ones he knew of here,Wrex couldn't have done it since he was busy with him. Could there be something else out here? Shadow started thinking what if this place was for them and was used as a easy way to execute trouble,could be he wouldn't be be surprised if it was.
Kaleo frowned and moved past the male out side. She looked around and didnt feel right. She moved back into Shadows cabin hoping it was okay that she was here. she picked up the kitten and pet the tiny thing.
Sangus: "I am not clear of what happened.. I think she was attacked when she was flying around.. " He spoke in a shaky voice that was filled with sadness. His eyes still leaked out, trying to help heal the broken he felt. He would look to the two with anger before he stormed out. Before he just the door behind him he said behind a small growl, "She is in good hands.. I will find a place to rest her body.." He walked out, slamming the door behind him as she walked into the woods and began to punch down trees.. He would use the wood to build her a coffin and he used his silk sheets to line it.. He placed her lifeless body inside then went and found a good area and began to dig a hole.. He was crying, cursing, and praying while he was digging.
Shadow wondered if the boy thought one of them did it,he seemed to think so by the way he always looked at them with anger. After the boy had left,Shadow went out a couple minutes after and sat on a stump that sat there and he watched the boy,wondering how he'd deal with all this. So far he just seemed to yell and punch it out but he didn't look any better,Though Shadow wouldn't know. He's never lost anyone since he's never known anybody,though he always felt down when he brought death he could never know how it felt to lose someone very dear.
Sangus: Looked to the other male in the camp for a moment and gave him a nod.. He would stop his yelling and try to calm his emotions while he lowered her coffin into the ground. He pulled himself out of the hole then sat with his legs dangling into the hole, his head bowed, and his dark brown eyes filled with tears. He couldn't believe his best friend was dead and he didn't want to accept it.. Sangus's body ran cold as he felt a cold hand on his shoulder.. Only one person ever placed a hand on his shoulder like this.. He didn't want to look over so he kept his head down for a few moments. He raised his head a little as he heard her angelic voice whisper into his ear. "Sangy, calm yourself and do not blame Kaleo or Shadow. They are not at fault. I wasn't being careful." His eyes widen and he knew she was actually talking to him. He sighed and shook his head, whispering back to his best friends ghost. "I don't blame them I blame myself for not being there for you. I shoul--" He stops as he feels her hand move up to his lips and looks over but sees nothing there.. Why can he feel and hear her? His body is heating up as his face flushes red a little. "Sang, do not blame yourself. I was being careless.. I will be here with you until you want me to leave. My spirit will always be with you. Always." With her words, his body curled up. He placed his hands over his face as his tears started to fall again. He felt Serena's arms wrap around his body as if she was trying to comfort him. He didn't understand why he could hear and feel her touch.. But he wasn't going to complain.

Serena: She held onto her friend, wishing she could take the pain he was feeling away, but she knew she couldn't do anything but let him know it was not in his control. She knew it was a bad idea to talk to him, for she wasn't going to be around too much, but she couldn't just let him feel guilty about her death.

Sangus & Serena: Serena and Sangus have been connected since birth, they never knew it, and now that Serena is dead it is showing. She will always be with Sangus in his times of need and he will be able to hear her when those times come.. But she will make herself less known as time goes on so he can heal properly. Sangus composes himself and starts to fill the hole he dug. With each shove full he throws into the hole, he says a memory he had with her. He finds himself laughing as how insane his best friend was and once he was done he would walk back to the camp and look at the other two, giving them a small nod before he went off to his cabin to wash himself of the dirt.
Shadow continued to watch him though it all,and when he nodded to them he nodded back before the boy headed off to his cabin.Shadow stayed where he was and sighed as he closed his eyes,as if he ever used them. He listened to what was around him as a fine breeze blew through the trees as a chime sound flowed with it,the sound he knew back home but were made from the wind chimes he made and hung up everywhere. Why could he hear it here? He opened his eyes to fine one hanging in a tree right in front of him,one he knew of but never remembered bringing it.It was one he worked hard on,made of wood it had long and short planks hanging in a circle with small ball in the middle of them all hitting against random ones as the wind blew. Shadow stood up and walked over to it,how did it get here? He wondered as he unhooked it from the branch,then snapped back when he heard something quickly pass behind him. he had a bad feeling about this and didn't what to know why.
Kaleo sets the kitten down and moves from Shadows cabin. She looked around for Sangus. She seen him and watched him as a tear rolls down her cheek. She felt the sorrow he felt. She shook her head and then looked into the fire that was still burning. She sighed and ran her tongue over her fangs.
The kitten had ran out towards Shadow who was coming back with his chime he found. Once again attacking his feet the kitten followed him as he walked over to his cabin and hung the chime up,playing it's calm music once again. Shadow seemed tense now as he picked the kitty up with one hand and held him in front of his face."What're you up to Pumpkin?"He said petting the kitten as it rested on his arm against his chest,Shadow looked around listening past the wind and chime to see if he could hear anything else.
Sangus: Steps out of his shower and looks into his mirror. He stares at himself a what seems like thirty minuets, but it was actually only five minuets, he lets out a growl then punches the mirror, letting the glass shatter around his fist as he pulls on some boxers and basketball shorts then storms out of his cabin. He runs into the woods with the plan to find whatever had killed Serena.. He wanted to make whatever it was suffer. His dark brown eyes now glowed bright red as he continued to run about in the woods. He had so much hatred for everything in the world right now for taking Serena away. Serena had been his best friend since they were able to talk.. Sangus falls to his knees and breaks down completely, hitting the ground with his fist as hard as he could, causing the tree branches to shake. His head is hung still as he cries out all the anger left inside of him.. He was glad no one was around to see him this way, for he is usually calm and composed.
Shadow noticed the boy storm away into the woods and hear something moving fast along with him,Shadow opened his cabin and placed the kitten inside before running out again.Making sure the door was shut,he ran the direction of the boy listening to something keeping it's pace towards him also. It had to be the thing from before and Shadow wanted to know what it was and what it wanted,but why was Shadow just now hearing it?Could it be another sent here or something that's wandered in,he was going to find out.He spotted the boy and slowed his speed down to where he now walked quietly,watching and listening around.

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