Don't Go Out After Dark.

Shadow had fallen asleep which he needed since he hadn't slept in a long time,but the thing outside still worried him. The thing still stayed outside watching them,waiting for it's chance to strike again. It had to get rid of that girl first,she was it's target now and it had to make sure that boy wasn't with her. But it had no worry about that now,he'll be out for a while after what it did.
Kaleo watched as he fells asleep. She need to make sure that.... Thing.... couldn't get in. Shadow was hurt bad. She moved silently through out the cabin. Picking up his vest from the floor making sure it didn't rip or get dirty. The kitten slept beside Shadow on the bed. Kaleo sat at the table in the kitchen with a sigh.
The creature crept up on the house and peeked in,seeing Shadow asleep it growled quietly as he moved along. It slipped it's hand through a window not far from Shadow and stopped right above him with it's claws now around his throat it tightened it's grip around his throat,causing him to gasp and choke for air. Though it didn't let any sound out as it gripped tighter and tighter as Shadow grabbed it's hand trying to break free,Pumpkin just hissed at it but couldn't do much else against something so big with his size.
Kaleo sat there not doing anythin, not knowing that he was being attacked. She sighed and decided to go check on him. She got up and moved over to the room. When she seen the claw around Shadows throat she growled and ran up to it, sinking her 'Vampire' teeth into its skin. Her claws sank into its arm also. She listened to it yelp in pain.
The arm retreated back through the window and went silent again,Shadow had gasped as he shot away from the window. Hurting himself as he did he fell back on his back again after,clenching his stomach as he breathed heavily. That thing just wouldn't go away now would it,he was actually happy that happened to him and not Kaleo since he wouldn't have been able to do anything.
Kaleo moved to his side quickly as she touched his side gently. She looked around and moved his mattress to the floor of the kitchen there was a small window but that thing couldnt get through. She helped Shadow to the mattress and sighed as she sat next to the bed. She shook her head and placed her head in her hands. "****..." she wiispered
Shadow looked at her and sighed,wondering now was he even going to make it if this kept up. He was tired and was sure Kaleo would be tired soon too,he didn't want to be a burden to her. That was the one thing he didn't want to happen,he rather go deal with that thing and die so she'd live then burned her so he could survive while that thing was still out there waiting.
Kaleo was getting pissed off at this thing. She looked to him and shook her head. "Im going to take care of this thing." she glares at the small window and stood up. She leaned over Shadow and grabbed some lighter fluid.
Shadow grabbed her wrist,"Are you crazy? You get killed out there."He didn't want her to go when he couldn't protect her if she got in trouble,that thing was not to be messed with so lightly. It was a lot more dangerous then Shadow expected and he was sure it was angry now,which wouldn't help them any.
Kaleo was leaning over him as he's grabbed her wrist. She frowns and looks down to him. "Im not just going to sit in here and do nothing Shadow" She huffed as she sat next to him, his hand still around her wrist.
"It's better then not being able to anything again if you die out there."He huffed back at her,then he sighed as he looked at her,letting her wrist go."I won't be there to be a third hand,so who know what could happen."he laid his hand back on his forehead and sighed once again,pausing for a bit before speaking again."Are you sure you'll be fine?...."
Kaleo looked to him with caring eyes. "Ill be okay. Trust me." She stood back up and leaned back over him and got the lighter fluid. She moved to the door and ran out. She stood right next to the fire. She made a big ring of fire around the fire. She stepped out of the ring and looked around for the creature.
Shadow watched her leave and tried to hear what was going on,the creature stared at her from behind the cabin growling. It slowly moved from out and then head on took off towards Kaleo,ready to pounce on her when it got close enough.
Kaleo ran toward her cabin and hopped on the roof. She sprayed the creature down with lighter fluid. She took off into the ring of fire. The thing chafed her into the ring of fire and it was engulfed in flames. Kaleo took off into Shadows cabin and jumped over him, hiding behind him.
Shadow could hear the creature whine and yelling outside as she ran in and hid behind him,he looked back at her."Your okay?..." He wondered if it worked at all,or did she run in because it didn't.
She hid behind him because she was scared of that thing. Her face was hidden in the bed as she leaned against him. She whimpered as she listened to the creature howl in pain. she peaked up to him and whimpered "Is it dead?"
Shadow shrugged his shoulders."Like i'd be the one to know...Did it seem dead when you were out there?"He looked at her,sitting just slightly as he used his elbows to hold himself up. He couldn't see outside from his angle so he didn't know if the monster was gone,dead,or standing there waiting.
She watched him and looked out of the window. "It was laying on the ground." she shivered. "It was on the ground and all its hair was burnt off and it was crying out." She looks back to Shadow.
Shadow shrugged his shoulders,he didn't know what to do. It could still be dangerous and now would be more angry at them,so it might be worse. He still couldn't sit up all the way so he couldn't stand yet, didn't want her to go alone but she had did good so far so he wasn't too worried about her anymore.
Kaleo stood up and moved to the window. She looked through the thick glass and seen the creature lying on the ground. She looked back at Shadow. "Is on the ground.... Not moving" She looked back to the window and moved to the table. When she got dressed earlier she brought a cloth with her and in the cloth was a long dagger. She pulled it out and went to the door. She looked back to shadow "Im going to slit its throat" She moved out the door and toward the creature.
Shadow just watched her like always,listening to see what was happening but he heard no movement from the creature. He heard her footsteps yet the creature seemed to not take any action against them,Shadow wondered if it was already dead.
Kaleo moved outside and up to the creature, her dagger in hand. She layed the dagger on its back and slit it open. Blood flowed from its neck as its big paw grabbed her foot. It growled as she pulled away and she watched it bleed out.
(How is this going to keep going with two people? :/ )

Shadow tried standing up,slowly he made it to his feet and walked over to the door. Leaning on the door frame he watched Kaleo and sighed,he doubt it but hoped that was the last troublesome thing out here. He knew the boy from before was dead now,he could smell his blood and figured it happened when they were hiding inside from the creature. They were the only ones left in this place and who knows what else people have in store for them.

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