Don't Go Out After Dark.

Shadow just looked down at her and pat her head,he sighed as he looked out the door. He heard something move,scratching out there. Then he saw a dark figure zoom by,he still didn't see what it was but it was still out there. the sound of something landing on his roof was heard and he wondered what was it doing,messing with him?
e yelps and crawls over his lap and into the corner of the kitchen. She looked around and hugged her knees. She looked at Shadow "What could that be?"
"Something that wants in..."He said looking up to the ceil,he was able to stand now and so he did. He wanted to know what it was,but if he couldn't handle it what was he going to do? He couldn't let Kaleo go out,she could get hurt and he didn't want that.
She stood up as well and moved to him "You are not thinking about going out there are you?" she looked at him with worrie in her eyes.
He looked at her and sighed as he shrugged his shoulders."Well we can't sit here forever..."He had a point,and he doubt the cabin would hold up if it started really trying to get in. Then he wouldn't be able to deal with it easily in this small space.
She looked around then back to him. "Close your eyes" She moved over to the bed and took off his vest. she looked back to him and changed into a red wolf. she padded over to him and nugged his leg. she then looked to the door. Her voice was in his head "We can go now. ill take off and see if what ever it is will chase me"
"No!I'll go,you see...."Shadow said,he didn't want her to get hurt and that was very dangerous. He shifted to his wolf form,he was twice maybe three times the size of her and he was sure he'd be fine."Understand?"He said since now they were both wolves they could understand each other.
She shook her head and nudged him. She whimpered and grabbed the scruff on his neck, gently pulling him away from the door. "No. Im faster than you and I can slip into small spaces" she let go of his scruff and lowered to the ground.
Shadow huffed,"Fine...But howl if anything goes wrong."He really didn't like this idea but it seemed she wasn't going to light up off it,so he just figured he'd let her do what she wanted and watch after her closely. "Go when you want,I'll watch."He said sitting at the door, Waiting for her to make her move.
The red wold nodded and walked up to the door. she nudged it open and stepped outside. It was silent, no movement and no wind. She steps fully outside and looks around. She makes her way to the fire and looks up to Shadows cabin roof. There was a dark figure and red eyes. She growled and whimpered at the same time. "What is it?"
The figured stared at her as it slowly climbed down the house,it stood about three times the size of Shadow and crept on what looked to be four legs that looked like that of a raccoon''s eyes watched her as it made it to the ground and growled before running off to her,Shadow stayed where he was watching.Seeing what it was but it was black and hard to make out.
Kaleo took off, jumping over the fire and into the woods. She then took a sharp turn and hopped up on to an empty cabin. She looked around and spotted the figure walking toward Shadows cabin. She growled at it and the thing turned around and bounded toward her.
Shadow looked and saw it wasn't anything he's seen before,it was strange but he knew to was dangerous."Run Kaleo!" Shadow yelled as he noticed the thing had picked up speed and was aiming for her.
She took off in to the dark woods, with that thing behind her. She moved as fast as her legs could take her. She bounded up a tree and hopped from tree to tree until she was back at the empty cabin. She ran and stood in front of the fire looking for that thing.
The thing suddenly pounced on her from behind though the fire,it held her down with it's large claws and growled at it stared down at her with it's blood red eyes. Shadow quickly ran to them and jumped onto the thing,bitting down hard on the top of it's neck. It roared as it stood up tall trying to shake him off of it's back.
Kaleo yelped and was pushed to the ground. When he jumped on the creature she scooted away and looked up to it. She growled and jumped up at it. She bit down on its paw and pulled at it.
The thing roared in pain and with it's free hand it reached back and grabbed Shadow throwing him into the ground in front of it,it whacked Kaleo away and growl as it pressed Shadow down into the ground. Shadow yelp and had been forced to changed back into his human from the pain,he tried to get out of the thing's grip but it just pressed down harder on top of him.

(Btw,here's a sketch of what the thing looks like xD at least what i pictured )
Kaleo lunged at it biting down on its neck. She head on and didn't let go until it let go of Shadow. She let her claws dig into its skin as it rips the creatures flesh. She started clawing its back as quick as she could. She ripped up the creatures back.
The creature roared and shook her off before taking off into the woods,Shadow laid on his stomach where he was. Half his body was down in a hole that was made when he was slammed down,he had gotten out only to his waist before collapsing again. He coughed up some blood as he tried again but couldn't move any further,his bady had been pretty smashed up from that hit and it wasn't something he could just not pay attention to and carry on like nothing happened.
Kaleo ran to shadow and helped him up. She pulled him into his cabin and set him down. She looked at him with worry. She was back to human form as she covered him up. She looks at him. "What hurts?!"
"Well lets see..."He said trying to sit up but a shock of pain went through his body and he fell back down."Right there for one..."He said gripping his stomach,he could tell two of his ribs were cracked and he couldn't breath well."Dang it...."He leaned his head back as he set his other hand on his forehead,he sighed.
She shook her head and looked around. "Ill be right back okay. Im going to get something from my cabin." she turned back into a red wolf and pawed the door open some. She slipped out and ran to her Cabin. She could feel that thing watching her. She entered her cabin and got 2 ace bandage's. She clothed her self after changing back to Human and rushed back to Shadows cabin. She shut the door behind her and went to him. She made him sit up even though it hurt him and she wrapped both bandages around his torso. She looked at him. "You'll be okay" she passed him 4 advil and made him take them.
He let her do what she needed,trying not to hurt her since it was normal for him to hurt what hurt him. But he bit his tongue and held back until she was done,he smiled at her when she was and took the advil hoping it's work fast. He laid back down and coughed again as he closed his eyes,that thing was a lot bigger and stronger then he thought it'd be. But he noticed it looked a lot like a wolf,but something was wrong with it.
She watched Shadow closely. Please be okay, she thought, Please be okay. she looked over to the kitten and grabbed it and giggled lightly as it licked and pawed his nose. She watched him and could tell the advil started to work due to the fact his muscles relaxed.

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