Don't Go Out After Dark.

Sangus: Lifted his body from the ground and took a deep breath with red eyes. He looked around and spotted the other male and looked at him.. Sangus heard something else out there with them, but didn't care enough to find it.
Shadow wasn't looking directly at the boy,more everywhere else.It was moving around them and this made his bad feeling grow as he stopped at the boy,"I take it this has something to do with that girl?"He said still looking around,then he looked straight at the boy for his answer if he'd give it.He's never really spoke to this boy directly so he might not trust him at all,but Shadow really didn't trust anyone here at the moment thanks to all of the stuff that's been happening recently.
Sangus would nod a little then say in a deep voice, "Yeah.. It might be what killed her." His eyes looked away from the other males and started looking around the area. He would ball his fists up and growl as he started to transform into his giant wolf form. "I am not going to let this thing kill anymore of us.. I think that's why we were shipped off here." He walks around on all fours, scanning the woods.
Kaleo watched as they both ran off to the woods. She looked around a little unsafe now. She didn't like being alone. She looked around her soundings again and moved to shadows Cabin taking the handle in her hand. Thats when she seen a shadow out of the corner of her eye. She yelps loud as she jumps into Shadows cabin. She took the kitty in her arms and sat against the cabinets in Shadows kitchen. At this point she was so scared she didn't care if Shadow didn't like her being in his "Home".
Sangus hears the yelp and grabs a hold of the other male and runs back to the camp. He rushes them back and finds the other girl, looking into the males cabin to make sure she was okay. Sangus sighed then looked around, letting go of the older male and plops down on the ground, growling under his breath.
Kaleo looked up at the two with 'im sorry' eyes. She stands up but stays where she was at. "T...There was something out there." She looked to Shadow and whimpered some. "Come here." she looked to his neck and wrist "I need you to help me"
Shadow had heard the yelp but being dragged was unnecessary,he thought glaring at the boy.He sighed and then Kaleo caught his attention,he went over to her wondering what was up."Hmm?"He looked at her not sure what she was thinking now,he was too busy making sure nothing was coming out of nowhere. And the boy found out his idea about all this before,he started having no doubts about it now.
Sangus let out a huff then goes to his cabin and makes sure nothing can get in while he is asleep. He lays back on his bed and covers his eyes with his long-fingered hands.

((I have been busy a lot lately, so my replies will be slow, Sorry. I am just going to have my char. sleeping for now.))
She grabbed his wrist and looked up to him. "If I change now Ill be able to change when i want for a week straight. And what ever that is If it attacks us we can take it down." She looks at his wrist again. "So can I?" She looked back up to him still holding the kitten in her arms. She sat it on the counter and looked back to him.
Shadow listened to her and nodded."Sure."He said holding his wrist out at her,he heard the boy leave and kept an ear out for him just in case something happened. Since you never know what could happen here now,everything is starting to go wrong for them.
She sunk her fangs into Shadows wrist. She let the warm red liquid run down her throat as she drank from him. Her hands gripped his arm. Her instincts took over as she let go of his wrist and let her fangs sink into his neck. She drank from his neck as the bite make on his wrist healed. She hoped he wouldn't go off on her for acting his neck. She drank until she crumpled over in pain. The bones in her back started cracking and there was ripping of flesh. Right where she stood there was left a Red wolf.

Red wolfView attachment 9447
Shadow was a bit surprised when she moved to his neck,but didn't react until he began to get dizzy and felt pain in his neck. When she let go he fell back on his butt holding where she bit,he couldn't see straight and his neck grew in pain. But it seemed she was okay so he weakly smiled at her,barely keeping himself from falling back and passing out.
The wolf moved over to Shadow and licked his neck. She watched as the wound healed and she whimpered. She lowered to the ground because she hurt him. She darted outside and came back with rabbit. The red wolf nudged it to him and wanted him to eat.
When she had came back Shadow was laying on his side on the ground,his wolf ears and tail had come out and he didn't seem good. He was still awake but barely and felt as if he couldn't move,he felt very tired but couldn't help but looked up at her when she came.

(Here's his wolf form xD the designs are all black and the rest is snow white.Oh and he doesn't have two tails xD

She changed back into a human as she ripped the rabbit apart for him. "I'm so sorry.... Please eat... you need it." she handed him a piece of rabbit and hoped he'd be okay. She didn't mean to take so mush blood from him.
Shadow ate the piece of rabbit she gave him and just laid there,the kitten had came over and slept beside him. He felt like he couldn't speak,he felt like this before but never with his own will. He was sure to be up on his feet after a bit,his blood needed to make to his head again and he'd be fine.
Kaleo layed on her tummy, looking over at him. She watched him closely. Him, Sangus, and Serena where the only ones that has ever been nice to her. She was mad that Serena died, so she watched Shadow with worry. She did do this to him. looking over at the rabbit the wolf nudged more to him.
He lightly coughed and looked at her,pushing himself up a bit with his arms.he smiled as he pet her."I'm okay, don't worry." He said before coughing again.
She scoot closer to him and layed her head on his lap. She shook her head some and her voice appeared in his head. "You are not okay... Im sorry" She whimpered some and nudged his tummy some.
Shadow chuckled as he pet her head,"Don't even think it's your fault,I did let you.And I'm still breathing so everything is fine."He was starting to see more clearly as he spoke,he figured it wouldn't take long to get back to normal but it's still time he might've not had. He was still worried about what could be outside and still didn't know what it was or what it wanted.
She looked around quickly and whimpered. She looks to his eyes and her voice was in his head again. "Im about to change back and I have no clothes." she looks to the door and her ears flattened on her head "And I'm too scared to go outside" She looks back to him. " Do you have a jacket or a blanket I can put around myself?"
Shadow thought for a moment then remembered his vest,which had been laying on his bed the whole time."My vest should work."He said pointed at his bed,it should be pretty big on her.Almost like a very short dress,so it would work for now. He thought she actually might look cute in it.
She nodded and moved to the bed. She lightly picked it up in her mouth. She ran off into the bathroom. as she yelped and growled in pain. She slowly changed back to a human. She laid on the floor for a few minutes and got up. She stood up and pulled the vest on. It was a dress on her. She pulled the long ribbon from her hair and tied it around her waist, so the vest fit better. She moved back to the floor of the kitchen. She then sat beside him and hugged her knees as her feet where crossed. She looks over at him and smiled lightly. "Thank you".
Shadow nodded with a smile on his face,"no problem."He now sat cross legged seeming better,and he was. He still coughed every now and then for some reason,but it didn't bother him."You feel okay?"He asked since it seemed painful for her to change,unlike himself.
Kaleo nodded. She really didnt feel that well, kinda dizzy, But the tried to hide it with the nod and the smile. She needed to lay down so she stretched out and layed her head on his leg. It seemed okay when she was a wolf so she hoped he didnt mind.

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