Don't Go Out After Dark.

Wrex growled as he used his othe hand to grab at the kitten. He wanted that cat and he was gonna get it. His claws get ahold of the kittens ear and cuts it a tiny bit as it slipped through his claws.
Shadow pushed him back away as he growled at him,holding the kitten tight but had to get rid of it for now so it wouldn't get hurt. But where could he take it that's safe from this guy?
Wrex growled and came at him. His claws extended and his eyes blood red. Wrex reached and clawed at Shadows neck but misses.

Kaleo looks to the woods, hearing the growls. She took off running into the forest and stopped when she seen wrex attacking Shadow. She then looked to the kitten and looked up to Shadow. "Shadow give him here! Ill take it to your cabin." she opened her arms for the kitten.
Shadow heard Kaleo and tossed the kitten,and with both hands free he pushed Wrex back to the ground standing above him. He was leaned down and held Wrex down by his arms,"I told you to back off."
Wrex used his feet to push him away. He jumpped up and growls at him. "What are you going to do huh?" Wrex clawed at him and sliced open his arm. Wrex smiles and watches him.

Kaleo took off to Shadows cabin. She slips in and sets the kitten down. She smiles and wipes the blood from its ear. She looks around and then to the small kitchen. She looked in the icebox and grabs some meat. She cooks it and brings it to the kitten. He/She ate it like they havent eaten in a few days. Kaleo left Shadows cabin and went back to see Shadows arm was sliced open.

(going to bed... ill reply in the morning)
(Okay! X3)

Shadow showed no effected from the cut what so ever and he sliced down bringing his claws across Wrex's chest from his shoulder to his waist."That's what i'm gonna do..."He said glared at him with anger as he kicked him away,giving him space.
Wrex stumbled backwards and growled at him as he looked down at his bleeding chest. He moves forward and pounces Shadow to the ground and bites his arm. Wrex snapped his head up to Kaleo.
Shadow yelped when he was bit and he bit him back in the neck when he snapped back at Kaleo,bitting down hard. He kicked Wrex off of him as he let go of his neck and growling at him as he jumped back on his hands and feet.
Wrex, now bleeding bad from the neck, got to his feet with a stumble. His eyes where a faded red as he went after Shadow one last time. His face was pale as he slashed his claws at Shadows chest.

Kaleo watched the whole thing. She couldn't help Shadow. She took a step forward looking for some how to help him.
(I'm gonna make this as gruesome/gory as possible xD or as much as I can think anyway haha)

Shadow snatched Wrex wrist,digging his nails into it he pulled it towards.With a swift change he turned into a pure white wolf with black patterns in his fur and standing on his back legs he bit down on Wrex's neck again,but this time yanking to the side hard ripping his head off his shoulders.

Kaleo stood there in shock. She watched as Shadow changed and killed her brother. Her eyes turn red from the blood and she turns away trying to calm her self. Once she does she turns back to the wolf and took some steps to him. She lowered to the ground and looked to the wolf. She then wrapped her arms around the wolves neck and hugs him.
After Shadow had done what he did,he sat there on the ground as he dropped Wrex's head.He stared down frozen at what he just did,even in his wolf form it was easy to see that he was sad as his ears went down.When Kaleo hugged him he had changed back to his human form still with his ears and tail out as he kept looking down at Wrex,he had hoped all of this would stop and he wouldn't have to spill another's blood.But things were still the same even here,and he couldn't run from it.
Kaleo looked at him. "Shadow.... Its okay...." she looked down at Wrex "He would have killed me." she looked back up to him with thankful eyes the down to his wounds. "C'mon, You have a kitty waiting for you and i need to patch you up." She stood and reached out her hand for him to take so she could help him up.
Shadow stared at Wrex as she spoke then looked up at her and took her hand,he started to feel the pain from his wounds now.He started walking back with her to his cabin and couldn't help but ask."What's a kitty?..."He said looking down at her,he knew it was the thing he found but he didn't know what it was so.
She thought how to explain it to him "Its a cat. They are of the feline family. Like mountain lions, Tigers. and bob cats, but they are house cats. Kinda like dogs." She smiled some and frowned at how bad he was bleeding. Once they go to his cabin she opened the door for him and the kitty came to his feet, purring.
"Oh,so...Pretty much like those pathetic dogs humans keep?"He asked as he kneeled down and watched the kitty wanting to pet it but didn't want to get any blood on it.He now didn't see it as anything dangerous so he wasn't scared of it anymore,though he's seen the large cats and they were deadly but Shadow had a agreement with them so no harm would come to ether group.
She smiles and nodes moving to the small sink in his cabin. She gets a rag and some hot water. She moves to the table in the kitchen and patted the seat in front of him. "C'mon I need to heal you.... This was my fault" she dipped the rag in the hot water.
Shadow walked over and sat down with the kitty following his feet trying to attack them,"It wasn't your fault..."He looked at her as he placed his hurt arm on the table,but he couldn't bring himself to smile. He couldn't get the picture of what he did out of his head,He hated what he could do.The way it would drop all over his fur and it felt like it stained it,that was one reason why he never changes to his wolf form. He wiped the blood off his mouth,or he tried to.
Kaleo wiped the blood from the wound on his arm. She thought for a second and looked up to him. "This is going to hurt okay." she frowned then sunk her teeth into the wound that Wrex left. She then let go and watched as her saliva healed his cut. She looked to his chest and laughed some. His arm was healed so she started wiping the blood from the claw marks on his chest.
Shadow slightly jumped when he was bit but he relaxed after,the kitten had made it's way to the table and hopped onto a chair then up on the table.It went over to Shadow and rubbed against his arm,Shadow pet him now that he was cleaned.The kitty liked it as it rubbed against his hand and flopped over on it's side as it did.
She moves to the kitchen and get the first aid kit she moves back to him and stands in front of him. She gets out gauze and lays it on his chest. She then tapes it up and looks at the scar on his chest. "Shadow what is this from?" she lightly touched the scar.
Shadow moved away from her hand when she mentioned the scars,"Hunters..."He said as he looked down at them."There the reason why I'm here..."Shadow sighed leaning far back in the chair,his body was pretty thin but muscular and looked almost starved. He had forgotten that he didn't have his vest on and he was happy he didn't,or it would have been torn to shreds.
She frowns some and shakes her head. "Im sorry Shadow." she moves her hand away. She goes to the kitchen and cleans out the bowl and rag. "What are you going to name the kitty?" she looked his way.
"Name?...Umm..."He looked at it as he leaned over the table,resting his arms and head on it."Pumpkin..."He said with a smile as he watched the kitten sleep on the table,spread out.He didn't know if it was a boy or girl yet so he figured Pumpkin would work fine,he liked it anyway and it was orange.
She smiles and sits next to him again. She looks at the kitty and runs her fingers along its tummy. looking back to Shadow she sighed. "This morning i wanted to see if i could get a bite, but now you've lost too much blood"

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