Don't Go Out After Dark.

Serena Raelynn: Serena would look around her blood red room then flop back onto her bed, landing on her back as she reaches over and grabs her LG cell phone. She would go to her text messages and start to compose a new text to her friend, Sangus. The corners of her lips would twist up into a wicked grin as her fingers start typing out the message to him. *Saaannnggyyy! Wanna break the rules tonight and sneak out!? It's been a week too long and I am already sick of being good!* She sends the texts and throws her phone to the other side of the bed, jumping up and walking to her closet. She would pull out a red and black plaid shirt then walk over to her full body length mirror as she holds the skirt at her hip bones, judging to see if it was the one she wanted to wear. She would nod in approval then shimmy her way out of her basketball shorts, kicking them off to the side, and would look at her neon pink panties with a little grin as she stepped into the skit and pulled it up. She would flatten it out and smile to herself in the mirror then walk back to the closet, grabbing a white wife-beater and her light black hoodie. She would pull off her baggy Texans shirt, tossing it on the floor with her basketball shorts then would pull on the wife-beater and slip her arms into the hoodie, leaving it unzipped. "Boy you got my heart beat running away!" Her phone would start singing, causing Serena to jump a little then laugh as she realized it was Sangus texting back. She would take a few steps then jump onto her bed, letting her elbows and stomach break the fall as she grabbed her phone and clicked the "View Message" button with her pointer finger and would start to read his reply. *Uh.. Sure give me 10 mins to get dressed. Be ready by then.* A little grin would come onto her lips as she rolled to her back and looked up at her ceiling. She was happy her friend was coming along with her and knew he would wait for her even if she wasn't ready in 10 minuets like he told her to be. Her brown eyes would seem to sparkle as she sits up and looks at her bare feet. She wiggles her toes and admires the black paint on them then hops up and opens her draws, grabbing out her black and red leg and arm warmers. She loved these because they match with almost everything she had. Once they were on she pulls out her white ankle socks and slips into her vans then opens the window to her room, which is on the second floor, and lets the cool air hit her in the face with an innocent smile on her lips as she closes her brown eyes.

Sangus James: Tosses his phone onto his desk as she pulls out a pair of clean black jeans and socks, then pulls them onto his muscular body. He looks around his room then slips into his black DC shoes and goes to grab his black and white DC shirt. He huffs a little as she can tell the air is a little chilly so he decides to grab his black hoodie that he usually brings along with him anyways. His dark brown eyes check the clock as his hands run through his shaggy red hair. He puts his wallet into his right back pocket then puts his phone into his left back pocket and walks through his house, grabbing an apple to try to calm his growling empty stomach. As he opens the door and slips into the darkness of the night, he takes a big bite out of his apple, and heads to Serena's house. He looks up at the sky, munching on the apple still, as he walks with soundless steps and enjoys the fresh air. He grins to himself as he spots Serena's window open with her standing inside it, taking in the nights air like he was. Once he reaches her house and only gets a few feet he whistles up to her, smiling as he sees her smile when her beautiful brown eyes spot him. He tosses his apple away and holds his arms out, knowing she won't be able to get out by the front door like he had. His heart beats a little faster as she runs back into her room for something then slings her legs out the window. She looks down at him and whispers "You better catch me!". He smirks to himself as he couldn't help but to think, ""There is no way I am going to let Serena fall."" But he decides to tease her as she shoots back a reply,"Eh, I might." She grins and jumps into his arms, letting out a small squeak as she falls and he wraps his arms instantly around her body, holding her to his tightly, looking at her with his dark brown eyes. "I would never let you fall." He gets a little satisfaction as he sees her eyes open, sparkling brightly and a little blush replace her pale cheeks. Sangus sets her down and tugs at her hoodie as he looks at her. "You going to make me walk alone?" He would ask her as he starts taking steps towards the dark compelling woods. His back is to her as he walks but he knows she is following along, not because he hears her, but because he can smell her sweet scent of roses.

Serena and Sangus: They both walk with soundless footsteps into the woods as they say nothing but glance at each others eyes with little grins here and there. Both of them come to stops as they hear others in the woods. They would look at each other with a smirk and a hint of evil in their eyes. They use the fact that they do not make sounds to their advantage and start to sneak up on the others. Serena would let her vampire claws extend as she climbs up a tree, getting comfortable and prepares to wait to see what or who comes along. Sangus uses his wolf nails to dig into the bark of a tree near by Serena's and does the same.

((Sorry for the late reply, I made it a little longer just to make up for it. Hope you guys enjoy! I cannot wait to get started. ;) ))
"I know....Three..."He heard many sounds and saw shadows,he was used to the woods and looked out for these things."Though I don't it's anything but what me and you are."He said before he started walking again,keeping an ear out for anything. As he thought,he just couldn't get away from anyone now could he.There was always someone there whether he knew it or not.
Serena: While she sits up in the tree she remembers her cellphones volume is still on so she pulls it out of her pocket as she goes to the settings and turns the volumes all the way down and puts it in silent mode. She would look over to Sangus, giving him a flirty smile then would look out into the woods as she hears footsteps coming closer. She wiggles a little, sitting up and leaning forward some, as she sees what she thinks is a small and a girl following some what behind him. Her vampire ears start to listen in to their conversation. She would make no sound while she was up in the tree.

Sangus: Notes the smile his friend gave him and saves it in the back of his mind for later as his ears twitch. His dark brown eyes would follow where Serena was looking and would look his eyes on the two. His muscles tensed up as he was ready to fight at all times and do what he could to protect Serena, even though he knows she can defend herself pretty damn well. He stays still, trying to not make the tree move, but squats down, ready for whatever might come.

Serena & Sangus: Both are on edge, Serena from being excited to see new people, and Sangus from getting prepared to protect his friend if anything were to turn for the worst.
Kaleo moved with him. She watched his face looking at his expression. "You seem aggravated" she says quietly as she looks around hearing something in front of them. She silently moved beside him without a sound.

Wrex moved about 8 feet in front of them ready to pounce. A deep growl exited his throat as he watched the people walk his way.
"Why wouldn't I be?"He looked at her,there were already three reasons he should be.He heard someone in front of them but did not even slow his pace,and he didn't change his corse. He just continued on now spotting what he heard,but it was only one so that meant there were still others around.His stomach quietly growled since he hadn't eaten in a while,he wondered what he should do now.
Serena: She snaps her head towards the black wolf, the brown turning to red in her eyes as she lets out a snarl from deep inside her throat. She would jump down from her tree, landing only a few feet from the others she was watching before. Something inside her made her want to protect the two strangers from this animal that seemed to be threatening their lives. She would get ready to fight as she glared at him.. She used her ears to keep tabs on the other two behind her, knowing they may attack her as well.

Sangus: Sangus's brown eyes grew wide as he saw Serena jump out of her tree, getting ready to fight. He would mutter under his breath a short "Dammit" as he leaped out of his tree and stood next to Serena. His body would be facing her shoulder as his head looks back and forth to the two others and to the hungry black wolf. He let out a nasty growl, trying to get the black wolf to back off and also as a warning to the other two. He was ready to let out some steam and knew it would be hard to fight off all three of them. He hoped the other two wouldn't attack Serena while she was trying to protect them.
Shadow stared at the two who came out in front of him,he smiled and was happy just at the fact he was right on how many people were out here.But he did not stop just because thy were in front of him,he walked past them both. They seemed younger then him and he didn't care if he had to kill younger boys and girls but when it came to them trying to protect him,he just couldn't allow that. He was not scared of this black wolf that stood in his way,he was more scared that he wasn't the wolf's target and it was aiming for another.
Serena: Stares at the male who walked past her towards the black wolf. She would look to Sangus, her eyes still red and would take a small step towards him. She would call to the male who walked on. "Be careful!"

Sangus: Watched as the male walked past them, he would pull Serena over to him and would pick her up, and start walking the other way with her. He would start to run, getting her out of the view of the others and wouldn't stop until he knew she was safe.

Serena & Sangus: Found a place and hid out there. Serena would wiggle out of Sangus arms and climb up to the top of a tall tree. She would stare out into the woods, staying hidden behind limbs and leafs then would make room as she saw Sangus climbing up after her. They would stay up there, getting ready to fight insane the black wolf tried to make them into his dinner.
Wrex lunged to Kaleo wanting a little bite of the female. Kaleo yelped and ducked as the black wolf came at her. Wrex turned and clawed at her wrist. She yelped out in pain as she backed away and the wolf came at her
Serena: Growls and looks at Sangus, her eyes soften a little as she speaks. "We need to go help her..." She whispered to him as she hears the other girl and black wolf start the fight.

Sangus: Sighed, because he knew Serena was right. He gave her a small nod and looked deep into her eyes. "Your safety is my first priority. You know this, but we can go help her.

Serena & Sangus: They climbed down the tree and began to run back to the other girl and black wolf. Once they got there, Sangus transformed into his wolf form. He stood about three feet over the black wolf and pounces on him, pinning him down. Sangus let out a deep growl and glares at the black wolf. Serena ran to the girl and helped her up, she healed the wound the black wolf caused her and then pushed the smaller girl behind her thin body. Serena stood her ground and watched as Sangus pinned and held the black wolf firm on the ground.
Kaleo was moved behind the girl and she looked back at Shadow. She then looks down at the 4 pink scars on her wrist. She growls and grabs the black wolves maw, squeezing it shut and breaking some teeth. He changed into his human form as he cried out in pain. Kaleo moved past Shadow storming off into the darkness.
Shadow watched her and couldn't help but smile,as he thought he could just go on without being bothered. He wondered what Kaleo was going to do now,he figured he'd just continue on his walk but he looked over at the other three strangers. He knew two were like him and thought the other was like Kaleo,he stood there for a moment to see how everyone was before heading on.
Serena: Watches the girl attack the black wolf in anger then lets her run off as she slowly walks over to Sangus and the black wolf who is now on the ground, crying out in pain. She removes her black hoodie and gives it to him to cover up. Serena's red eyes calm, turning brown again as she crouches down, only a few feet from the black wolf and Sangus.

Sangus: Gets off the now crying human boy and takes a few steps back. He decides to stay in his wolf form, for he doesn't have any other clothing to wear. He gives Serena a little huff as she removes her hoodie and hands it to the crying male. Sangus stays on his toes, ready for anything that might come.

Serena & Sangus: Both look at the boy, wondering what they could do to ease his pain, even though he brought this to himself.
Kaleo kept walking away from the 4 as quickly as she could. "He followed me" she growled. "How could he?" she kept walking then stopped leaning against a tree and slid to the ground and just sat there not caring if anyone found her or anything attacked her.

Wrex whimpered and couldn't speak. His canines where shattered on the ends. He mouthed out to kaleo as she made her way into the dark woods. He got up pushing the hoodie away and took off running to the camp as he changed back into a black wolf.
Shadow watched and saw it was fine,at least nothing major happened. He turned and started walking to where he was going before,thinking about the ones he's met so far and guessing on things about them. Like age and personality and so on,and he also wondered what they were going to do here all together.was it just like 'do whatever you want' or was it scheduled with things they had to do? Once again he was sure he'd fine out later,he's had quite a few questions with no answers so far.
Serena: Snatches up her hoodie then hops onto Sangus's back and leans down, keeping her hold onto him as she whispers softly. "Please take me back to your place, Sangy..." She sounded upset and tired.

Sangus: Nods then begins to run back to his home. He runs fast but smoothly, being not to bump her off. Once they get to his house he transforms back into his human body and grabs a hold of her wrist, pulling her inside with him.

Serena & Sangus: They zoom up to his room and he grabs some shorts, pulling them on then they sit on his bed, looking at each other without a sound.
Kaleo watched the darkness as she played with the twig. "Maybe i should run?" she said to herself "He can't find me." She smiled and looked around seeing the glow of the camp. She shook her head "I can't.... "
"Hello."Shadow said as he past Kaleo,he had just made a circle in the woods and was heading back to the camp. He stretched his arms up and he held his hands behind his head as he continued on,he wasn't sure if he should sleep now. Though this walk was more interesting then the others he had taken before,more people interfered with this one. But it didn't really bother his walk so he was fine with it,he at least met some people.
Kaleo looked up to him as he walked by. She didn't care to say anything or move. She just watched him. She looked back to the darkness and waited. For what? She thought Theres nothing for you. What are you waiting for you mutt? She glared at herself as her mind back talked to her. She sighed and just sat there watching the darkness.
Serena: Serena stands up and paces back in forth inside Sangus's room. She looks at him then hops back onto his bed, poking his chest. She would look at his abs with a blank stare for a few moments then would shake her head, thinking to herself. *No, He is my best friend.. I guess it is just because I saw him naked not even ten minuets ago.* She stared at him with wide brown eyes. "Well, tonight was interesting." She would lay down next to him, keeping her eyes on him for a few more moments before looking up.

Sangus: Gave his friend a little grin as he noticed her checking out his body. He would cringe at the poke for a few moments then look over at her as she laid by him. He loved her angelic voice and didn't care what came out of her mouth, he would always smile at the sound that came from her lips. "Mmm.. I guess you could say that." He spoke from deep in his throat, the words sliding out smoothly. He sat up and looked out his window, his dark brown eyes looking to the woods. "Next time do not try to get yourself killed on our first night out!" He snapped at her as it replayed in her mind.

Serena & Sangus: They would chill in his room for a few hours before he walked her home for the night.
Shadow walked back to the camp and didn't know what to do from there,there was nothing at his place to do so he figured he'd just look around some more. he started walking again,deciding to check out the place some more since there was nothing else. It was quiet now and he sighed in relief as he walked,it was nice to walk around with no one else though here he was sure there were others unlike in the woods.
Wrex stalked the couple as they where in the house and walking home. When Sangus was alone, walking back to his place, wrex attacked him. Pinning him to the ground. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Wrex growled in his face
Serena: Serena went back to her room and would start to strip down.. She would realize she had Sangus's phone and would sneak out, going to find him. She looked around her and stopped in her tracks as she saw Sangus being pinned by the black wolf. She would get a little closer to him, watching and would jump as he growled out his words to her friend.

Sangus: Sangus looked deep into the males face as he had pinned him to the ground. His dark brown eyes wouldn't blind as he calmed replied to the kid, "I think you had better get off me before you get yourself hurt again. I am Sangus." He didn't fear the black wolf as he was in his human form. Sangus smelled the scent of roses and thought to himself *Oh God, here we go.* He rolled those dark brown eyes of him and waited.

Serena & Sangus: Serena ran and kicked the kid on top of her friend as hard as she could in the side, sending him flying a few feet. Sangus quickly jumped up to his feet and transformed into his red wolf as he charged at the kid, pinning him down with one of his huge paws. Serena quickly joined him and let out a loud noise that sounded like a hiss and growl mixed into one, the black wolf had pissed her off and she was ready to rip him from limb to limb. She crouched down and glared into his eyes, grabbing a handful of his hard and forced his face to look at her as she hissed out. "And who do you think you are, Kid!" She tried to stay silent but she was letting her anger get the best of her. She gripped onto his hair tighter, making sure he couldn't get away and smiled to Sangus as his paw pinned down the kids whole body. Her bright red eyes snapped back to the kids, her smile fading as she bared her fangs and her eyes would glare to him.
Kaleo ran back to the camp and see the scene. She sighed and walked up. "Get off him" she said quietly putting her foot on his chest "Wrex.... Why did you follow me? hmm?" She looked to the others and gave them a 'go on get' look. she looked back to Wrex and pressed her foot harder "TELL ME!!"

Wrex gasp for air as she slammed her foot into his chest. "H...He sent me." Wrex breathed "He would kill me if i didn't." he looked over to shadow as he walked by.
Shadow stopped and sighed,as he thought,there back...Why was all this going on again?He walked over and picked Kaleo off of Wrex and then picked him up."You people really need t work on this..."He said as he set them down in front of each other,crossing his arms he stood there and looked at the other two from before.the whole gang from before was here it seemed.

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