Don't Go Out After Dark.

"Your what's wrong."Shadow growled."What do you want,to be a pain as always?"He stared up at him,he was going make sure his game wasn't going to be taken by a rat like him. Did this one have some type of problem with him or what.
Wrex growled at him his eyes glaring his way. "you let her drink from you" Wrex jumped doen to the ground, his claws digging into the dirt
Shadow growled at him as he turned Wrex's way a small smirk crossed his face."So?What's it got to do with you?"He wondered how he knew that and why was it suck a bad thing,or was it just a bad thing for Wrex.
Wrex growled at his somewhat cockiness. "My father will kill me... He wants me to bring Kaleo in but he don't want her tainted from wolf blood"
"Well then your a little late."He smiled."For someone at an age to call me pup,yet still at there father's mercy is rather.... Pathetic I might say." Shadow's father has been long gone,so Shadow hasn't had to worry about anything that concerns him.
Wrex shook his head. "If he kills Kaleo its on your ass Shadow" he laughed some "Hell just keep letting her feed from you. Because i know she's hungry right now" Wrex moved to the camp and into his cabin.

Kaleo looked around and lit up a fire. She watched the flames flicker as she seen Wrex come out of the woods. She watched him then looked back to the forest from where he came from
Shadow huffed,"like I care..."He really didn't,he was tired of people now and wished they'd all just go to hell. But that was because he was irritated at the time and was juts fed up with everyone constantly there,he hasn't gotten used to living with people yet.He grabbed his game and went back to camp,heading to his cabin.Mumbling to himself as he did,trying to calm down.
Kaleo then watches as Shadow headed to his cabin. She frowned some thinking it was her fault he was mad. She looked back to the fire and watched it flicker. She shook her head and wondered what was going to happen.
Shadow went into his cabin and shut the door behind him,he leaned back on the door and sighed. He then smiled remembering he finally had something to eat,and now he was alone and now he could eat in peace.
Kaleo pulled her guitar that was leaning on the chair into her lap. A small smile formed across her lips as she started strumming the strings. The soft tune rang around the fire. When it was the right time her voice came out in a whisper as she sang "Just one more step, Just one more breath, Just one last memory, is all I need. You won't say no, you won't say yes, All i need is... Just one more step, Just one more breath, Just one last memory, is all I need...." She smiled as her voice faded out. She then looks around to see if any one was there... She was sing a little loud.
Serena: She awoke from her deep sleep and looked around with a small yawn. The little vampire hybrid would stretch out as she crawled out of her friends bed and looked around. She would gather her clothes from last night, changing back into them quickly, then would set Sang's clothes on his bed. Serena was hungry and thought it was time to show them all what she was made of. She gets outside of Sangus's cabin with a small grin, her whole body would begin to shake as her skin turned a dark red color. She would shake out her entire body as she shape-shifts into her 6 foot tall dragon form. With a big jump, Serena would take off into the sky and fly enjoying the wind on her face. She would also be keeping her eyes out for any type of food she could find.

Sangus: Gets back to his cabin just in time to see Serena take off then walks inside with his food and cleans it off. He smiled at the well-fed deer but felt bad about taking it from it's family. He did have a heart... Sort of.. He chuckled to himself as he torn into his dinner. He would eat slowly and only enough to make his belly stop growling. Afterwards, he would clean his mess up and store the rest of his catch for later. Sangus walked out and went to the camp, his feet taking him towards the fire. He would take a seat a little bit away from the girl that Serena had protected before and would give her a warm smile before he spoke in his deep raspy voice, "Hello there."
Kaleo looked down at the male who helped her. She gave him a slight smile as she set down her guitar. "Hey" she nodded to him then back to the fire "Im sorry about my brother, Wrex" she reached out and touched the fire slowly.
Sangus: "Your brother, huh?" He chuckles then shakes his head softly. "It's fine. I am not worried about him." Sangus looks around then relaxes back with soft eyes. "Why is your brother after you?" Sangus asks her with one of his dark brown eyes open. He would tilt his head, wondering about this girl.
Kaleo sighed and spoke quickly. "My father is a wolf and my mother is a human. When hie figured out a vampire got to me before he could changge me he freaked. He wants me dead" She plays with the fire more
Sangus looks at the girl with a frown then scoots a little closer to her. "I am sorry to hear that..." He would softly touch her shoulder as he looked to her face. "My friend and I are here for you.. Just remember that." He said to her before getting up and walking to his cabin. Once he got inside he would go to his bed and lay down, resting for now while he has the chance., knowing Serena won't be back for a few days.
Kaleo just look over to him then watched as he made his way to the cabin. She sighed again and goes back to singing. She hoped she didn't annoy any one. She shakes her head and tosses something into the fire as the little vile breaks it changes the fire to green and the smoke to blue. With a slight smile she waked around the camp. Stoping at Shadows cabin then she kept going. She was starving but he seemed annoyed before.

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] Pm me i need to ask you a question Please.)
Shadow was happy as he licked the rest of the blood off his lips and fingers,he laid on his bed relaxed now. He had taken off his vest so it wouldn't get messy since it was the only thing he had that he liked,he traced a scar across his stomach as he thought about what he was going to do today. Was there anything interesting? he doubted it but he knew something bad was going to happen again like always it seemed,he closed his eyes for a second and then they shot open when he heard a strange sound from outside.He sat up as he listened,he hadn't heard it before that he could remember and he was curious on what it was.He got up,forgetting to put his vest back on,he opened the door outside and walked out. Listening to where it was,he followed it behind his cabin and into the woods behind it.
Kaleo moved to her cabin and plugged up her radio. she turned up the sound and blared bands like Asking alexandria and Avenged sevenfold. She moved around her room looking for her sketch book.
Shadow didn't go too deep until he found what he heard,he jumped back into a tree sitting on the ground as he stared at it.A orange striped kitten meowing alone. He's never seen such a thing,what was it? It looked at him confused as it came over and attacked his foot,He lifted his foot and pushed it away with it.Still sitting close to the tree with his knees against his chest as he stared at what ever it was as it kept coming over and he pushed it away every time.
Wrex watched as Shadow kept kicking the kitten off his foot. He laughed quietly and moved toward him. Wrex was in human form his pants hanging loosely from his hips. he grins and thought about attacking the kitten.

Kaleo turned off her music and went back out to the fire with her sketchbook. She then started to draw a wolf. One who made her question herself. She smiles and gives the wolf a Shadow.
"Shoo..."Shadow said trying to once again get the kitten off his foot,it never hurt him but it was strange to him.He pulled it off his foot and held it up in front of him,looking at it.It looked a lot like a wolf but it wasn't,it was different in some ways,he kept thinking about it as he heard movement once again in the trees and he guessed who it was.Now he held the kitten as he stood up,holding it against his bare chest which lucky for him the kitten didn't start climbing on him with it's claws.
Wrex moved from the trees and had a grin on his face. His red eyes gleaned in the sunlight. "mmm that looks good" he licked his lips at the kitten. He stepped forward and reached for the small cat.
Shadow snapped his arm forward,grabbing Wrex wrist to stop him."back off...."He growled as held the kitten with his other arm,he didn't know what it was yet but he wasn't going to let Wrex get his hands on it."You think you can just walk up to me now?After all those other times..."
Wrex smiled and licked his lips. "Awe c'mon Shadow, buddie" its a tasty kitten" he ripped his arm away and reached for the kitten again "Just one bite"
Once again Shadow brought his arm down and grabbed Wrex wrist pushing it down as he growled at him,"Don't you call me that...your not touching it and i'll make sure of that..."A kitten? Shadow had to make sure to ask someone about it later since someone else must know what it is if Wrex knows.

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