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Dice DnD 5e "Wings of Chaos"

So it's a single roll deal correct? @redfang54 been thinkin of bringing back an little bitch of mine, just want to know if the rolls are one time deals before I go about creating her in this system.
Orikanyo said:
So it's a single roll deal correct? @redfang54 been thinkin of bringing back an little bitch of mine, just want to know if the rolls are one time deals before I go about creating her in this system.
For ability scores/stats? If you mean for Str/Wis/Cha/etc then - roll 4d6, take the highest three numbers, add them up, that's your score for whatever stat you want. No rerolls, I'm guessing.

If that's not it «shrugs»
I ain't daft, the reroll is what i was inquiring about. Ain't to big of a deal, if no then i continue, if yes, I roll again,
thats all I needed.
Don't mind me folks just checking to see how much dough I'm gettin.


And times it by 10, add 25 due to nobility and... 155 gold, not bad.
Orikanyo said:
Don't mind me folks just checking to see how much dough I'm gettin.
And times it by 10, add 25 due to nobility and... 155 gold, not bad.
«*character* holds out bowl» "Please sir, may I have some more?"
What am I a charity? Begone peasant or I shall raise my nose in visable disgust like the snooty rich person I am.
Orikanyo said:
What am I a charity? Begone peasant or I shall raise my nose in visable disgust like the snooty rich person I am.
«sadly walks away» ... «returns at night for a good ol' fashioned breaking & entering & robbing» (^U^)
*the moment you open up an armoire, chest or closet the room gets flooded with dancing skeletons that all sound like skeletor on helium.*
Oh god, oh god they are starting to tell bone puns, run for you life! RUNE FOR YOUR LIFE!
"Get back here! I've gotta bone to pick with you!" Cacophonous clattering. "Oh that really tickle my funny bone!" Rattling intensifies.
Little did the world know, within my character's diary is not personal information and sassy gossip about her companions, but endless amounts of puns, written in code so none may know her secret shame.. of being a pun master.
Orikanyo said:
Little did the world know, within my character's diary is not personal information and sassy gossip about her companions, but endless amounts of puns, written in code so none may know her secret shame.. of being a pun master.
Please let this be an actual trait of your character.

Please drop puns at the most innocent of times and leave everyone else either oblivious or squinting suspiciously, wondering if your character realised she just dropped a pun or not.
Alright alright, it's a wonderful thought, the lawful evil noblewoman, master of puns.
@redfang54 - so admittedly I have not technically finished my character's CS but despite that... when were you planning on starting the campaign?
well we currently have 8-9 people :P so yes soon it shall be that we begin this shindig (@V@)

It'll likely be later sometime from later tonight to a day or two from now, whenever I get a break from school I'll make the initial write up for it all (^.^)
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I'll have my totally good not necromancer ready tonight, finally have free time and motivation.

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