DN Anites (Always Open)

"Five against one? That's a bit unfair.", I said in a bored tone, "Maybe if it was ten against one, I'd be able to break a sweat.". I casually swiped my sword in an arc, the fire spraying off like poison from a spider. It caught three of the five in the chest and, instead of eating through their skin, elongated into ropes that twined around their arms and legs. I pushed off the ground into a backflip as the remaining two tried to tackle me, reaching out and slamming their heads together to put them into a dead faint. "That was fun.", I said in a chipper voice as I landed, asking the three tied up, "Wasn't that fun?". They spat some words at me, words that galloping horses couldn't get me to repeat, and I wagged my finger at them. "Temper temper.", I chastised them before spreading the fire ropes to include a gag.
I was about to assist him but he had it all under control, i created a cloud and laid on it, watching him intently as he fought, getting lost in thought. I got bored once and while and zapped a few of the Gifted, just for fun.
Anna's eyes widened as the other animal lay next to her. She snuggled into the warm fur and took a few deep breaths. "Thank you," she repeated and drifted off to sleep.
I nodded once in their direction before turning to see Rylie lounging on a cloud and zinging a couple of our captors with lightning. I rolled my eyes with a smile and said, "Alright, I think you've tortured them enough. Whattaya wanna do with 'em?".
"Well," i began as i lowered my cloud, "I have about four trapped under those vines, i think we can take them---" i was cut off by a stinging pain in my neck. I pulled a thorn from my neck and dropped to my knees, my vision blurring. I looked over to see one Gifted hiding behind some bushes and trees. i swayed as i tried to focus on the girl shooting lightning in what i think is her direction but my lightning doesn't come out. i fall flat on my back nearly passing out.
My eyes widen as Rylie pulls a thorn from her neck, looks over at a Gifted hiding behind a tree, and falls to the ground. My face goes expressionless as I bring my book out of thin air, flipping through pages until I come across the spell I need. Cracking my neck and taking a breath, I hesitate before chanting, "Donatus occultis aperta, sursum deorsum ad dextra. Et eduxero vos de loco ad somnum capiam tuarum eventus tibi faciam ACTUS!", roaring the last word angrily. Flashes of light and small pops are heard throughout the small clearing we had fought in as Gifted were vanished from their hiding places, only to reappear in front of me, asleep. About thirty had materialized before the spell sensed no more, and as soon as the popping stopped I rushed over to Rylie and knelt to examine her. "Are you alright? Rylie?", I asked worriedly, my fingers finding the wound the thorn had made. Magic could heal physical wounds, but poison? I needed my potions lab. I gingerly worked my hands under her and lifted her up, walking toward the house quickly. "Ad carcerem cum vobis!", I yelled over my shoulder, and a crack was heard as the crowd of sleeping Gifted was transported to the jail cells under the house.
i looked up ears erected. "is she ok?!" quickly getting out my medical kit. "if its poison quickly give her this!" running over with some pecha berry juice.

I gently set Rylie down on the ground before taking the gourd-shaped bottle, uncorking it, and holding it up to her lips. "Okay Rylie, just drink this and you'll be fine.", I said, pulling her up to a sitting position. Medicine wouldn't do much good if she choked on it...
My eyes fluttered open and i smiled when my first sight was Jason. I put my hand on his cheek and said with a weak voice, "You are so beautiful.." i trailed off muttering random words. I opened my mouth and drank the potion, "It tastes like mud."
(sorry to be rude )


Name: Sophia Anderson

Nickname: Sophie, or Andy.

Age: 19.

Gender: Female

Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Agh... Um, Bisexual.


Personality: Can get rude at times, but most of the time passive-aggressive. Always eager to help. Quiet when upset and hates being forced to say/do something. Really lazy. Never neat.

Gifted,Trainer,or Human: Gifted.

Powers (if any): Teleport and Telekinesis.

Crush (optional): Nah,.
I tilted my head curiously. "Really? Pecha berries are supposed to be delicious... maybe the jucie alone has a different flavor.", I mused, blushing a little at the beautiful comment but not putting much stock into it. She was most likely delusional from the poison. ...Probably.

(Welcome Inspires! You're not being rude at all. Jump in however.)
i said"they are delicious...hmmm..."i looked at jason and rhylie and smiled some. berry said"i know that smile your gonna get them together arent you?" i said"what ever gave you that idea?" faking being innocent for a second.
Anna opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She yawned and stretched. Her muscles were so sore, and the stretch was well needed. She felt the warmth from the wolves fur and skin slowly seeping away from her body creating a false sense of cold. She pet the dogs and stood up slowly, being careful not to wake the animals. She looked her arms and saw that her wounds were already healing. She looked around and let the reality of her situation catch up with her. She sighed and headed for the door. On the way she passed a mirror. She paused and studied her face. Her hair was a fiery mess and a bruise had bloomed on her cheek. Her cut was healing nicely though. Anna wiped away the dirt on her forehead and jaw. Then she pulled her hair up into a ponytail and turned her face side to side. Much better.
I finally opened my eyes and i could see and think clearly. "Hmm how long have i been out?" i asked still pretty groggy. "Is the Human okay? Did any of the Gifted get through?"
"You weren't out as much as you were delusional and whacked up in the head. It's been about ten minutes.", I said with a cheerful smile, "The human's fine. None of the Gifted got through, I got 'em all locked up in the prison under the house.".
i looked at him confused. "Delusional and whacked up in the head? How so? What did i say? Was it something embarrassing?! Please say it wasn't." My face getting bright red and very hot
Anna walked towards the door and pushed it open. She stepped onto the porch and stood silently. She admired the feeling of the setting bushing against her skin. She was still as she watched the kind Gifted. She still didn't trust them, but she didn't mean to be so rude earlier. She was just frightened and exhausted.
"Ah...", I faltered, then looked to the sky as I pretended to think. I decided to take pity on the poor girl. "Nope, nothing I remember you saying could be seen as embarrassing. It was mostly just incomprehensible muttering anyway.", I told her with a grin.

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