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Fantasy Discovering the Chinese Zodiacs

Lyle Connor

Lyle smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah my morning's been pretty good. I haven't opened up shop yet though. I passed by the pet shop and remembered that Jessa's pets need some food." He said.

Jessica Torres

Jessica smiled at the guy who came over to the table. "French Vanilla latte and a egg biscuit sandwich please."
Carter Fey

Cart watched as the girl seemd to jump up completely unhurt and ran away down the street. Carter had felt a strange air about the girl, but then again he had felt strange ever since he had gotten up this morning so he wasn't sure what was going on. HE looked to Lu Xun as he smiled and listen

"Oh yea sure. No problem. I left my paper work on the counter for you." Carter reentered the shop and looked around. There were so many instruments that he had yet to see but he knew it would all be in good time. He worked his way over tot he flutes and began to check on the number of unopened inventory that was in their home. As he counted, he began to think back to what his father had told him before they had left home. All about how the other zodiacs would be spread out and when the time came they would need to band together. "Pffft, and how exactly are we supposed to find all the other Zodiacs when they could be anywhere in the world" It was a sore subject he and his father disagreed upon on several occasions.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian was sitting peacfully on her phone when a girl she had never seen before walked up to her table and asked if she could sit. Lillian smiled at her "Absolutley!" She watched as the young man brought her the tea she ordered and began to stir in a spoon full of honey that was on the table. She sipped it a bit then looked at her new table friend. "Hi I'm Lillian, I just moved here." Lillian stuck out her hand to the new girl and used the other to pick up her mug and sip the hot tea. She really hated cold tea and the tea the cafe served was extremly good.

@Jess Buck
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zCrookedz said:
Carter Fey
Cart watched as the girl seemd to jump up completely unhurt and ran away down the street. Carter had felt a strange air about the girl, but then again he had felt strange ever since he had gotten up this morning so he wasn't sure what was going on. HE looked to Lu Xun as he smiled and listen

"Oh yea sure. No problem. I left my paper work on the counter for you." Carter reentered the shop and looked around. There were so many instruments that he had yet to see but he knew it would all be in good time. He worked his way over tot he flutes and began to check on the number of unopened inventory that was in their home. As he counted, he began to think back to what his father had told him before they had left home. All about how the other zodiacs would be spread out and when the time came they would need to band together. "Pffft, and how exactly are we supposed to find all the other Zodiacs when we they could be anywhere in the world" It was a sore subject he and his father disagreed upon on several occasions.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian was sitting peacfully on her phone when a girl she had never seen before walked up to her table and asked if she could sit. Lillian smiled at her "Absolutley!" She watched as the young man brought her the tea she ordered and began to stir in a spoon full of honey that was on the table. She sipped it a bit then looked at her new table friend. "Hi I'm Lillian, I just moved here." Lillian stuck out her hand to the new girl and used the other to pick up her mug and sip the hot tea. She really hated cold tea and the tea the cafe served was extremly good.
Heather McCarthy

Heather wasn't paying attention where she was going and realizes she was about to hit some cat and quickly jumped off the bike and grabbed the cat and rolled out of the way as he bike came skidding by. "Damn it... Looks like i'll have to fix her again... oh well... Are you alright?" she said while looking down at the cat in her arms before putting it down. "You seem fine... that good." She said and pet the cat's head before picking up her bike and walking off with it. (@Bread King)

Isaac O'Brian

Isaac nods and walks away to get the other girl's order, blinking as his phone vibrated, signally he got a text from his friend, Marie Kate which meant one of two things, she was either on break or something bad happened, he probably figured it was the first option since she never seemed to have anything bad happen to her that she couldn't handle. He promised to check it after once he finished with this order and made his way back to the table with the two girls and put down her order, an egg biscuit sandwich with a French Vanilla latte. "Here you are. Enjoy." (@Jess Buck, @zCrookedz)
Fang Hua Tso

Fang Hua thought for a moment before smiling with a firm nod of her head. "Right! All right, well take a look around and come find me when you're ready", she told him before heading over to the front desk and pulled out a bunch of files to overlook. A bunch of volunteers have been asking her to let them volunteer at the center but they weren't exactly the kindest volunteers. Fang Hua was content with the current girl who volunteered at the shelter. She has a good heart. Fang Hua had never even met the people who sent in their applications.

( @Jess Buck )

Lu Xun Eu Min

Saying bye to Yiruma, who had ordered a new piano and paid in full before he left. Lu Xun went to the front to check all of the paperwork that he had Carter fill out. He chuckled to himself, this one was a strange one, interesting. The way that Carter acted reminded him a bit of a dog he used to own when he was a child. That reminded him that he still needed to find the rest of the zodiacs. Sighing deeply, he could only hope that some kind of blessing would come before him.

( @zCrookedz )


Great, another one. It seemed as though there was a bit of a surplus of zodiacs right now in this town. Perhaps she could something about that. For now she chased after the girl with the bike, in debt to her for saving one of her nine lives. She could probably posess some one to fix it, but she couldn't let the girl out of her sight until then.

Shiro followed after her, people stumbling around her. When she caught up me mewled to get her attention, hoping that maybe the girl would let her follow around, or perhaps even carry the small cat. Shiro's balance was extraordinary, even for a cat, so she could probably even sit on the girl's shoulder if allowed. She wondered what zodiac she was. She would know who the rat was right when she saw them, and this girl wasn't the rat, thankfully.
Lila Coogan

Lila wandered the town, after running from the music shop. She could tell there was something off about the man who had offered to help her, so she didn't want to stick around. As she walked, she saw a girl, with a cat near by. Involuntarily, she shuddered. She hated cats and couldn't stand to be around them. As she walked past the two, her hood fell back, off her head, exposing her white hair for a moment. She quickly reached back, and flipped it up, and continued on.

Lulu Coogan

Lulu continued walking around town, looking for Lila. As she walked, she saw a music shop, and decided to ask about Lila there. She made her way across the street to the shop, and stepped inside. As she looked around the shop at the seemingly endless isles of instruments, she saw a man at a counter. I'm sure he can help me. She walked up to him, a smile on her face. "Hi! I was wondering if you've seen a girl, with white hair, dark jeans, and a hoodie around here recently."
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Lyle Connor

Lyle nodded

"Yeah of course." He said and looked around the store for the food Jessica normally bought. Lyle glanced over at Fang Hua every once in a while, biting his lip. Jessica always told him to just grow some balls and say something to her and normally he would just go up to a girl and ask her out but Fang Hua was different. He didn't know what was different about her but she was different.

Jessica Torres

Jessica smiled and shook Lillian's hand.

"Jessica. But you can call me Jess. Its nice to meet you." She said. She smiled at the guy who brought her food. "Thank you" she said and took a sip of her coffee. She smiled happily. "That's nice...."
Carter Fey

Carter finished taking notes of the flutes that were in the inventory and once he was finished he went a head and started to take notes of the surrounding woodwinds not only for the stores benefit but also to familiarize himself with the areas a little more. Eventually he made his way back up to the front of the store and placed the clipboard he had found to make his inventory list on the counter for Lu Xun. He headed back at the front of the store and looked at the window that had been shattered earlier with the girl who fell. "Hey Lu Xun, should we take care of that window?"

@Soul Eu Min

Lillian Osgood

Lilliy smiled at the girl that had sat with her and glanced at her phone. Carter must be busy with the music store as he wasn't texting her. She looked back at Jess and sipped her tea again. "So what do you do? Have you lived here long?" She had never had problems making friends with random people, she enjoyed getting to know others. With being in the new place, she would need to get to know more people so she could learn the area a bit more.

@Jess Buck
Jessica Torres

Jessica smiled "I've lived here with my best friend for about three years now. I'm a freelance makeup artist and I do some acting on the side. I wish it was the other way around but you know. Girl's gotta make money." She giggled. "What about you?" @zCrookedz

Lyle Connor

Lyle picked out the pet food and went to the counter and smiled "Alright. I think I found the food Jessa likes." @Soul Eu Min

Shiro mewled in response, showing happiness, but really expressing amusement. It was kinda nice that this girl didn't seem to know about the zodiacs. Or much about them, if she did. But when the girl with white hair passed by them, Shiro immediately noticed. She could tell it was the rat, and the fur on Shiro's back stood up. She glared at her, irrated by her very presence.

Did she shudder at Shiro?

Ha! That rat was as petty as ever. Using everyone around her just to get what she wanted. Shiro decided to put everything she had into making sure that all of her dreams were crushed. Her tail flicked with distaste. She hadn't even met the girl in person, and already she hated her with all her guts.
Lu Xun Eu Min

"Thanks, Carter", Lu Xun replied after finishing polishing the display trumpet and putting it back on its shelf. His mind drifted off to the zodiacs, he would have to locate the rest of the room and Tai Kyung was so caught up trying to find the portal to the Jade realm that his attention isn't on finding the zodiacs at the moment. @zCrookedz

Fang Hua Tso

Scanning the items, she would discretely glance at Lyle before drawing her attention back to the merchandise. "Your total is $3.60", she told him with a smile on her face. Fang Hua desperately attempted to fight down the blush rising onto her cheeks, she slightly chewed her bottom lip, it was getting harder for her to control her rapid heartbeat. @Jess Buck

Tai Kyung Kaneko

The silent snake sighed deeply. Once more, he ended up learning nothing new on the location of the Jade Realm, but he was learning more about the Zodiacs. He could feel them, they were all in the city but it was finding where they were. Tai Kyung closed his books and stood up from behind the front desk. After reading for so long, he needed to talk a walk in the park near the book shop.
Lyle Connor

Lyle paid Fang Hua and smiled. "Thanks." He said. He gathered his items and turned to leave but he paused. He turned around and opened his mouth like he was going to say something but closed it shortly after. He sighed and closed his eyes "Do you want to go out some time?" He asked quickly. @Soul Eu Min
Lillian Osgood

Lillian sipped the last of her tea and placed the cup on the table and smiled at Jessica. "I moved here a few weeks ago with my brother. He and I are, well I guess its just me now, are currently looking for jobs. He just got hired down at the music store, I just had an interview with a restaurant about a block away." Lillian looked across the cafe and her eye immediately went to the waiter who had brought them their drinks. This little cafe was brimming with the same energy she had felt this morning during her walk. She thought she had felt something earlier in the pet adoption place too, but just brushed it off. But now it felt stronger, as if it were radiating from several different sources here. Then a thought struck her mind, what if there were more Zodiacs here? She recalled something Carters father had told the two of them before they left, which she was sure Carter had already forgotten. They would be able to feel when the other Zodiacs were close, and even more so when the Blood Moon was approaching. She began to look around from face to face in the cafe trying to see if anything stood out in the small crowd.

@Jess Buck @StarrySkyofLostSouls

Carter Fey

Carter smiled and nodded to Lu Xun and dug into his pocket to fish his phone out of his pocket. Still no messages from Lilly so Carter hoped that the interview had gone well. He reached up and went to scratch his cheek, thinking some of his morning stubble had gotten missed. But when the itch didn't go away he began to wonder, it felt like something was tickling his whiskers. But sense he was in his human form he grew concerned. He turned to head for the restroom but after a few steps the tickle went away. He shrugged and turned back to Lu Xun to get more instructions on what to do, but as soon as he was with a few feet he felt the tickle again. Carter rubbed his face a bit and looked at Lu Xun, surely it couldn't be THAT easy. Could it? Carter grabbed a rag and a display instrument and began to clean it as he watched Lu Xun. "Say Lu, since we are going to be working together, maybe we should get to know one another? Like where are you from? Do you have any family? That kinda thing,huh?" Carter was not about to admit what was going through his head, but if he could get a bit of information maybe he could solidify his suspicions.

@Soul Eu Min
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Jessica Torres

Jessica nodded. She sat and ate her food and while she was eating she noticed that Lillian seemed distracted. Jessica studied her for a bit before saying "Are you looking for someone?" She asked.

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