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Fantasy Discovering the Chinese Zodiacs

Soul Eu Min

Five Thousand Club
The Chinese zodiacs, a tale told by the elders of villagers to the youth. The great story of how the zodiac was created by a race brought up by the Jade Emperor, Sun Wan. He, a man of great magic and power but blessed with a kind heart, wished to leave a legacy with the ancient people of China and on the day of his decades old birthday, declared that there would be a race for the animals of China and the first twelve finishers of the race would be blessed with the ability to become human beings and serve as the representatives of the great zodiac, as well as the guardians of ancient China. In this tale, the twelve that made the zodiac, in order, was the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and then in twelfth place was the boar.

But what has never been mentioned in the story is the tragedy of the cat. Long before the announcement of the race, the cat and the rat were best friends and agreed to assist one another when the Jade Emperor notified the animals of his race. However, on the day of the race, the rat completely forgot to awaken his companion due to his excitement for the race. The cat, when it awoke and realized that the race had already been finished and the rat had claimed first place, developed a deep hatred for what was once its best friend and the cat swore vengeance and it sought for assistance from the Jade Emperor's crazed, renounced older brother, the Sun Lu, who had been banished from the kingdom after attempting to murder his parents for choosing the Jade Emperor to rule the throne. They could see the darkness clouding his eyes.

The Jade Emperor, catching wind of the betrayal from the keen ears of the dog, made his final attempt to keep China and perhaps even the world safe by sending his kingdom, his zodiacs, his evil consumed brother, and the traitorous cat into another dimension away from mortals. The new dimension he sealed them in was meant to keep his brother at bay and refrain from forcing the bitterness between them to bother the mortals. Everyone and everything would be safe, at least that's what the Jade Emperor believed.

One day, what seemed to be peaceful, Sun Lu and his deranged army of shadows reaped havoc in the Jade Kingdom, slaughtering every person in sight with the sole intention of shedding blood. Sun Lu's mission was to kill his younger brother once and for all. The cat, conniving and vengeful, aimed to destroy the rat even if it meant shedding the blood of the other zodiacs. He had become just as demented as Sun Lu. The Jade Emperor, tired of the fighting and the unnecessary death, used the last of his strength to turn both him and his brother into solid jade until the blood moon rose into the sun which would only happen in millions of thousands of years. The cat, enraged that his master had been trapped, escaped to the mortal world in the guise of its human counterpart and the zodiacs could only chase after it in their own human forms to cease the mischief and the evil.

From that day on.... no one had heard about the Jade Emperor, Sun Lu, the cat, or the zodiacs and the realm Jade Realm remained hidden for a lifetime. Until now with the blood moon rising up and the descendant of the cat seeking to finish what his ancestors started, but not before also putting and end to the meddlesome zodiacs.
It started like any other day on Earth, the sun was shining brightly in a crystal blue sky and puffs of white clouds. The inhabitants of the nature flourishing world were on their daily routines. School. Work. Home. The same exact schedule over and over again. But, something was different. A change in the wind, a change in the atmosphere. A mere mortal wouldn't be able to sense it, but they could. They could feel the change in nature and it was frightening. It was a warning that it was almost time. The Blood Moon was coming soon and they weren't ready yet. Sun Lu and the Jade Emperor would be awakening soon and they hadn't been able to locate the portal to the Jade Realm yet, but they were getting close. They just needed to be under the guise of normal mortals for just a little bit longer, just until the portal was found then they'll finally be able to see the world that the were born to protect.

They being the Chinese Zodiacs.

Tai Kyung Kaneko-

Tai Kyung gazed out at the shadows caused by the sun from the balcony of his apartment. He could feel it, the air getting heavy and the wind turning cold. The Blood Moon was coming faster than he hoped, he has been tracking it since his father revealed to him the prophecy of the Chinese Zodiacs. However, despite his efforts in keeping tabs on the Blood Moon, he had yet to uncover the location of the portal, not even his father could locate it because its' destination kept changing constantly. Sleep stopped being an option for Tai Kyung with the rising of the Blood Moon nearing. not that it took much of a toll on him yet. With a deep sigh, he fixed the cuffs of his white button down shirt and dusted off the invisible dirt off of his black jeans before slipping on his converse shoes and heading out of his apartment. The bookstore wouldn't open up by itself and the early morning gave him the prized opportunity of reading through the journals that the past founders of the portal handed to him, all members of the Chinese Zodiac. Just as he exited his apartment, making sure to lock the door behind him, he began the quiet walk to the closest coffee shop with his mind stuck on the portal to the Jade Realm.

Lu Xun Eu Min-

Just like every morning, Lu Xun was getting ready for the morning at his house. He fixed the collar of his blue polo and finished buckling a black belt on his white skinny jeans before making his way out of his bedroom and to his music room. As he ventured to the music room, he hummed all the way. Then he felt it, like there were eyes watching him and he knew that it wasn't fan girls. This was an eerie sensation tingling down his spine and it could only mean that trouble was coming closer. Almost instantly, he stopped humming and his walk to the music room and changed directions, instead heading to the front door to put on his vans. Double checking that he had everything, he quickly left his house and checked the time, it was only 8:00 in the morning and he didn't have to open until 9:45 AM. He decided to take this time to grab something to eat or maybe just go to his music shop and check the inventory, anything to stay out of his house at the moment. The Blood Moon was coming, Tai Kyung always made sure to remind him of the short timing. But this was not the time for Lu Xun to become tense, he needed to be calm for the sake of the other Zodiacs. That reminded him, he needed to send them a text message to meet up later at his house.

Fang Hua Tso-

Fang Hua yawned tiredly while stretching her arms high into the air. Despite waking up early for her morning job and eating a healthy, nourishing breakfast, she was still tired. Especially after taking a hot shower following the jog. But, she sadly couldn't go to sleep, she still had to open up the pet adoption center at 9:00 AM, despite being the owner she still insisted that she be there nearly every single day and the only reason she isn't is because her workers pleaded with her to give them some kind of trust. Wordlessly, she slipped on her uniform, a v-neck short sleeved t-shirt the color of royal purple with the adoption center's logo on it and her choice of shorts, this time it being a pair of jean shorts, and her purple sneakers with little bunny stickers on its heels. The good thing about her opening today was seeing Lyle, another Zodiac that she had grown to have a crush on, though she was quite sure that he already had a girlfriend. That was the downside, but she did her best to not mind all that much. Her walk to the adoption center seemed chiller than before and the air was making it hard for her to breath. Pouting and puffing her cheeks out, Fang Hua tried to walk faster down the barely crowded sidewalk to escape the sudden chill piercing at her bones.
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Marie Kate Daniels

Marie Kate gave a soft sigh as she stretched her arms above her head, she lightly rubbed her soft blue eyes, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes as she slowly got up and out of bed. She had a feeling today was going to be a good day, she quickly got in the shower and washed up before stepping out and wrapping herself in her towel as she started to pick out her outfit for the day that would be comfortable yet casual for when she helped out both the orphanage, the daycare and the pet adoption center. The young woman was quite content with life and what she had, but however, she had no idea of the danger coming in a few days times.

Isaac O'Brian

Isaac yawned softly as he slowly woke up, ruffling his hair slightly as he peeled his face up off his text books and cracked his back as he stretched in his chair which was situated in front of his desk, in front of him was text books as well as charts and graphs with the different moon cycles and calendars. He rubbed his eye lightly before slowly getting up and yawning and heading to his bathroom to shower and clean up so that he could head out and open up the cafe for the owner.

Heather McKarthy

Heather yawned tiredly as she woke up, was leaning against her motorcycle in her garage, she lightly wiped her face to get whatever dirt or oil was probably stuck on her face. She carefully got up from beside her motorcycle and stretched out her body, currently only in a tank top and overalls. The young woman quickly decided to take a shower to clean up before grabbing an apple before heading out on her motorcycle to drive around town.
Carter Fey

Sun beams poured down on the deck of Carter and Lillian's two bedroom apartment. After both of them graduated high school, Carters parents allowed them to get an apartment together in the city so that they could keep an eye on one another. Luckily for Carter, he had been able to snag the room that lead out onto the deck. Lillian's had her own bathroom, but it was the deck that Carter wanted. The biggest reason for this, was so he could sleep on it. Carter shifted a bit as the sun began to creep over the apartment and beam down atop Carter on his lounging chair. He shifted a bit and rolled over onto his back so that the sun could warm his chest and stomach. He sniffed the morning air, something smelled different this morning. He couldn't quite place a finger on it, but the air felt almost electrified. Eventually he was able to pick himself up off his lounge chair and make his way back into his own bedroom. He shuffled his hair with his hand as he made his way to the hall bathroom and began his morning ritual of getting ready for the day. One of the stipulations of moving away from his parents was that Carter and Lillian needed to get jobs to pay for their apartment. This was something Carter did not look forward to but knew it had to be done.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian had made her way into the kitchen much sooner than Carter had even began to wake up. Usually up around 5:30, she would hop into her work out attire and go for her morning run. Her run this morning felt a bit different, as if the world felt like it was in the calm before the storm. After about an hour she came back to the apartment she shared with Carter and cleaned herself up for the day ahead. Then she went and got some breakfast, which thanks to her shopping she was able to do. If it were up to Carter they would have stayed back in the country side and hunted for all of their food. But Lillian had insisted that they move to the city and have a bit of culture change. So the two of them moved into the apartment and had been doing well up until the last week or so. Their savings were low and they needed jobs to pay for living. So Lillian walked over to the door to the hall bathroom and smacked the door with the spatula she had been using "Come on stripes! You need to get moving in there so you can eat breakfast and get out there. Jobs wont find themselves." She heard a muffled response through the running shower and went back to the kitchen to finish the eggs and bacon.

Shiro walked through the streets, humming the song, "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat," pulling at the pockets on her black vest, feeling the fur hood against her neck. She rounded a corner and looked in a diner for the person who seemed to have the most money. After finding him she walked in and sat at and empty table, relaxing with ease, as she tapped the table.

A few employees stared at her for a moment.

"What'd'ya lookin' at?" She sneered, "For all you know I might be some one who wants that job you said you needed on the front of this place. But if I don't like it here cause all y'er staring at me like some rat or somethin' disgusting."

They looked away and got back to business. Shiro froze and got out of her body, floating freely before possessing a rich-looking man.

"Excuse me, waitor?" He said, with Shiro's best attempt at a British accent. "I'd also like to order something for that girl. Please put it on my tab."

"What can I get'er for ya?"

"A large plate of eggs and hashbrowns, some bacon, a plate of pancakes, a piece of coffe cake and a glass of orange juice."

"You calling her fat?"

"No ma'am, she looks like she needs to eat more."

"That sure is sweet of you."

"Put it on my tab, please."

"Yes, Sir."

Shiro continued to wait in his body. When the waitresses brought over Shiro's food to her table, he asked for the check, and paid, and then left his body, floating back to her own, a wakening that made the waitresses by her jump. She began to eat, civilized but hungrily, snickering at her own brilliance.
Tai Kyung Kaneko

As he waited for his coffee, Tai Kyung glanced out the window and down to the diner with a bored expression on his face. The thoughts about lunch drifted through his mind, maybe he would invite Fang Hua and Lu Xun to eat there later. His eyes landed on a young woman devouring her breakfast like her life depended on it but didn't say anything. It wasn't that he was disturbed by it, it was more that he noticed something off and the air felt much tenser. 'Hm...', he quietly hummed to himself before picking up his coffee and leaving the cafe. Something was odd about that young woman and he thanked his photographic memory, but he had other things to deal with. As he continued to walk down the street, his phone suddenly vibrated, signaling that he received a text message from Lu Xun. "A meeting at 6?", he muttered her his breath, "Looks like I'm closing the library early today".

Fang Hua Tso

After opening up her pet adoption center, Fang Hua went to work on feeding the animals that would be in her care until someone decided to adopt them. The animals squealed with delight when they saw her and jumped for joy at the sight of her bringing in their breakfast. Fang Hua giggled as she fed them before hearing her cell phone chime from the front desk. The bag of food was neatly placed on a nearby table and she went to the front desk to check her phone. The message was from Lu Xun, whom she addressed as Panda Oppa in her contact book, informing her that there was a Zodiac meeting at his house at 6 that afternoon. As soon as she finished reading the text message, she pocketed her phone and gazed out the front door window at the auto repair shop across the street. Lyle worked there and she was hoping to see him briefly but there was no sight of him. Unfazed, she returned her attention back to the animals that needed her attention.

Lu Xun Eu Min

After sending out the text messages, Lu Xun unlocked the door of his shop and walked in, turning on the lights as he did so. Quickly, he pocketed his phone and began setting up for the morning. Something about music made him feel relaxed and he loved every single moment of being kept in the melody of orchestra and songs. Once he finished setting up, Lu Xun situated himself at his personal grand piano, no one was allowed to buy it but they were allowed to play it as long as they were supervised. Smiling gently, he began to play piano pieces composed by Yiruma, each hum from the piano caused his smile to broaden. Fourteen years of piano lessons paid off.
Carter Fey

Carter was half way through his shower when Lillian came smacking on the door to the bathroom. "Gimmie a second will you. I'll be out in a minute." It was more like 10 min. Finally after his long ritual in the bathroom he emerged freshly cleaned and clothed. He sat down at their bar at the kitchen counter and ate the pile of eggs and the bacon that she had made for him. He didnt say uch during breakfast, as he liked to eat in peace but afterwards he sat back in the chair and sigh. "Thank you very much. Now I must away!" He could hear Lillians questions begin before she had time to finish her sip of coffee and ask. "I saw a couple of places down town that looked promising for a job. A resteraunt had a sign in the window, but I also saw a Music Store that I wanted to check out. They didn't have a help wanted sign out but it couldn't hurt to try." He walked over to Lillian and held out a hand, which she quickly clapped and then clapped again when he brought it to eye level. He smiled and headed out the door. The bus ride wasn`t to bad and Carter made it to the shops in no time. He new the restaurant was hiring, but he really wanted to check out the music store. He made his way there in a few blocks and pulled the door open. "Hello?" He said as he wandered in. It sounded as is someone was playing the piano.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian watched as Carter left after their little handshake goodbye and she returned to her own breakfast. She was glad to see Carter taking the initiative to try and find a job so soon. But she also had an inclination that it might have something to do with the fact that he did not wish to return to his parents home. She smiled as she finished her coffee and went to finish getting ready. It didn't take her long and she too w as out the door locking it behind her. She hopped on the bus and was headed for downtown. She was intrigued by the possibility of a waitress position and thought she would try there first. Soon she was off the bus and headed towards the resteraunt as per the instructions on her phone. She looked up just in time to see a window she was passing by and looked inside. She saw what seemed to be some sort of animal place and got excited, she loved fluffy animals. She looked for the door and pulled it opens lowly and stepped in looking around. Upon further inspection she realized she was in some kind of adoption place, and she immediately been to I aging how irritated Carter would be if she brougot home a puppy.
Marie Kate Daniels

Marie Kate smiled a bit as she made her way towards the Daycare that she worked for, humming softly as she walked, not really paying attention to anything around her as she walked up to the Daycare and made her way in, giving a friendly wave to the other volunteers as she made her way to the staff room to put her bag away before pulling her hair back in a loose ponytail and rolled up her sleeves before making her way back into the main area to play with some of the kids who were building what seemed to be a tower.

Isaac O'Brian

Isaac walked into the cafe and flicked on the open sign as he tied an apron on around his waist as he started pulling chairs up off the tables and sitting them down properly before going and making sure that the register was ready and turning on the kettles and coffeemakers as he set about opening the book shop cafe.

Heather McKarthy

Heather currently driving off towards wherever, driving her motorcycle as she eats her apple in her other hand, easily weaving in and out of traffic as she makes her way into town, thinking about what she wanted to do if she should see if her coworker needed any help at the automobile shop. With a shrug, she tossed her apple core away and started driving to the centre of town.
zCrookedz said:
Carter Fey
Carter was half way through his shower when Lillian came smacking on the door to the bathroom. "Gimmie a second will you. I'll be out in a minute." It was more like 10 min. Finally after his long ritual in the bathroom he emerged freshly cleaned and clothed. He sat down at their bar at the kitchen counter and ate the pile of eggs and the bacon that she had made for him. He didnt say uch during breakfast, as he liked to eat in peace but afterwards he sat back in the chair and sigh. "Thank you very much. Now I must away!" He could hear Lillians questions begin before she had time to finish her sip of coffee and ask. "I saw a couple of places down town that looked promising for a job. A resteraunt had a sign in the window, but I also saw a Music Store that I wanted to check out. They didn't have a help wanted sign out but it couldn't hurt to try." He walked over to Lillian and held out a hand, which she quickly clapped and then clapped again when he brought it to eye level. He smiled and headed out the door. The bus ride wasn`t to bad and Carter made it to the shops in no time. He new the restaurant was hiring, but he really wanted to check out the music store. He made his way there in a few blocks and pulled the door open. "Hello?" He said as he wandered in. It sounded as is someone was playing the piano.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian watched as Carter left after their little handshake goodbye and she returned to her own breakfast. She was glad to see Carter taking the initiative to try and find a job so soon. But she also had an inclination that it might have something to do with the fact that he did not wish to return to his parents home. She smiled as she finished her coffee and went to finish getting ready. It didn't take her long and she too w as out the door locking it behind her. She hopped on the bus and was headed for downtown. She was intrigued by the possibility of a waitress position and thought she would try there first. Soon she was off the bus and headed towards the resteraunt as per the instructions on her phone. She looked up just in time to see a window she was passing by and looked inside. She saw what seemed to be some sort of animal place and got excited, she loved fluffy animals. She looked for the door and pulled it opens lowly and stepped in looking around. Upon further inspection she realized she was in some kind of adoption place, and she immediately been to I aging how irritated Carter would be if she brougot home a puppy.
Lu Xun Eu Min

Upon hearing the soft bell chime, Lu Xun ended the melody and stood up. He walked towards the front of the store, easily walking past, what seemed to be endless, rows of musical instruments and equipment. He smiled seeing a new face, there were many regulars that entered his music shop and he knew them all by face and name. His place was very similar to a hole in the wall paradise. Some of the most legend of musicians would walk into his shop to greet their old friend or buy something, sometimes both. "Welcome, my name is Lu Xun Eu Min, is there anything I could help you with?", he asked politely.

Fang Hua Tso

After feeding the animals, Fang Hua was filing papers in the storage room when the bell sang to her. Smiling brightly, she made her way to the front of the adoption center and smiled brightly. "Hi there! Are you new around here?", Fang Hua asked as she held her hand out for introductions, "My name is Fang Hua Tso, but call me Hua. I own the pet adoption center". She loves to make new friends, so whenever she saw a friendly face, Fang Hua couldn't help but introduce herself and get to know her new friend better. Tai Kyung would scold her, claiming that she didn't know whom she was speaking to, but she usually ignored him.

"Ah, now after a wonderful breakfast, it's time for a wonderful day of mischief," Shiro mumbled to herself standing up and stretching, "With the blood moon arriving, boss will be out soon, and then we'll have even more fun stuff to do."

She walked up to the man she had posessed and stood completely still, disappearing from sight.

"Thanks, Old man!" She said.

"For what, young la-" The man turned around and saw nothing, slightly surprised.

"No, you're not imaganing things."

The man jumped and shrieked louder than Shiro thought he was capable of.

"Am I really that ugly? Or I guess do you imagibe me to be that ugly?"

He then ran out the door, leaving his bag and his wallet. Shiro crouched down slowly, and then stood back up, completely visible.

A few waiters looked at her kinda freaked out, when they saw her reapear.

She said, returning their judgemental looks, "Oh, Pops left his stuff; Guess I otta return it."

She took his things and left quickly running into the ally and pulling out any cash he had, a watch, a ring, and an unused 50$ giftcard to a local coffee shop. Score!

She left the rest of his stuff there, deciding she'd sell his valuables and save the money to offer to her wonderful lord Sun Lu, so he wouldn't have to worry about feeding of scraps when he finally got here. She happily stood up and continued walking, deciding to look for that coffee shop and get some fancy latte or something.
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Carter Fey

Carter wondered a little further into the music store, looking around at the vast collection of musical instruments and equipment. The place was incredibly impressive and could easily fool anyone on the outside as being just another dinky store. But this place was on a whole other level, Carter walked over to one of the walls and picked up a very shiny saxophone. He pushed the little levers down making the flaps open and shut with a smile. He replaced the instrument on the wall and looked down the wall once again. Then he heard someone approaching and whirled around to see an Asian fellow standing behind him. Tall and kinda lanky, Carter realized that the piano had stopped and thought that it must have been him who had been playing. Carter smiled at the man "Uh Hi, My names Carter, Carter Fey. I just moved to town not to long ago and I'm kinda searching the city for a job. I didn't see a help needed sign in the window, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask right?" Carter looked around and gestured at the store "This place is amazing. I've never seen so many instruments in one place."

Lillian Osgood

Lillian beamed as the face of a new person emerged from the back and lit up. She walked over to the girl and reached out her hand to shake hers, and smiled "Hi, my name is Lillian Osgood. Yea I just moved from further upstate with my,uh, brother. I was on my way to look into a potential job when I saw your place and something kind drew me in here." Lillian looked around at the adoption center and smiled. It was a beautiful set up and Lillian could here the faint sound of animals all around. The sounds made her smile and she wondered what kind of animals they had to adopt.

She looked back to Hue and smiled "This place is amazing. I love animals, and its awesome to see and adoption place for animals rather than alternatives to animal control or a pound."

@Soul Eu Min
zCrookedz said:
Carter Fey
Carter wondered a little further into the music store, looking around at the vast collection of musical instruments and equipment. The place was incredibly impressive and could easily fool anyone on the outside as being just another dinky store. But this place was on a whole other level, Carter walked over to one of the walls and picked up a very shiny saxophone. He pushed the little levers down making the flaps open and shut with a smile. He replaced the instrument on the wall and looked down the wall once again. Then he heard someone approaching and whirled around to see an Asian fellow standing behind him. Tall and kinda lanky, Carter realized that the piano had stopped and thought that it must have been him who had been playing. Carter smiled at the man "Uh Hi, My names Carter, Carter Fey. I just moved to town not to long ago and I'm kinda searching the city for a job. I didn't see a help needed sign in the window, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask right?" Carter looked around and gestured at the store "This place is amazing. I've never seen so many instruments in one place."

Lillian Osgood

Lillian beamed as the face of a new person emerged from the back and lit up. She walked over to the girl and reached out her hand to shake hers, and smiled "Hi, my name is Lillian Osgood. Yea I just moved from further upstate with my,uh, brother. I was on my way to look into a potential job when I saw your place and something kind drew me in here." Lillian looked around at the adoption center and smiled. It was a beautiful set up and Lillian could here the faint sound of animals all around. The sounds made her smile and she wondered what kind of animals they had to adopt.

She looked back to Hue and smiled
"This place is amazing. I love animals, and its awesome to see and adoption place for animals rather than alternatives to animal control or a pound."

@Soul Eu Min
Lu Xun Eu Min

At first, Lu Xun was concerned that he may had frightened Carter, but it was short lived since the young man seemed perfectly fine afterwards. "Thank you, I do my best to ensure that my customers have a wide variety to choose from", he said while gesturing for Carter to follow him down the aisles as he explained the entire store, "My store isn't wide, but it is long. I make sure to keep the instruments organized by their types in aisles. Wind, string, percussion, etc. If you notice there is a model of each instrument in the aisles. Once the customer picks what instrument or type they are looking for, they are guided to the back of the store, same rule applies, the instruments are organized by their types". They reached a series of doors lined side by side together at the very back of the store. Lu Xun opened one of the doors to reveal an entire room dedicated to wind instruments and lines up on endless rows of shelves lined with different kinds of wind instruments put with their sub family. "This is where they decide which instrument they prefer", he informed Carter before closing the door and guided him to the cashier desk. Lu Xun placed some paperwork on the shined glass counter top. "I pay about $8.00 an hour and whatever is in the tip jar is yours to keep, you get your paycheck at the end of the month. The store is open from 9:45 A.M to 6:45 P.M, though you are free to leave early if it is a slow day or if I have to leave early. There is no strict uniform, but dress at least semi-formal", Lu Xun explained, "If you want, you can start now. Just read through the rules, fill out the contact information, and sign your name on the line". He placed a pen on the counter before hearing the bell chime and in walked Lee Ru-Ma, though people knew him as Yiruma the Korean pianist genius. Lu Xun greeted him in Korean before looking back at Carter, "If you have any questions or need to think about it, just leave a note on the paper". After that, Lu Xun and Yiruma made their way to the back of the store were the pianos laid.

Fang Hua Tso

"Thank you very much!", Fang Hua beamed with excitement, "Would you like a tour? I have all sorts of animals here up for adoption. We have dogs, cats, birds, snakes, lizards, hamsters, rabbits", she nearly began to ramble about her love for animals. Without an explanation, Fang Hua took Lillian to the back of the store were all the animals were, cheering with delight to see a newcomer. Fang Hua giggled with delight as she gestured for all the animals, addressing them by their names and cooing loving at them. Especially when she saw the rabbits. Fang Hua would lie if she said that she wasn't biased when it came to rabbits, though she is the rabbit zodiac. "What's your favorite animal? I have horses up for adoption but their at a ranch owned by my older sister outside of town", she said as she cuddled with a soft grey rabbit that rubbed its head against her.

Shiro walked down the sidewalk, with her new things in her pocket. She decided that she would eat again later. For now she had work to do. She had felt the eyes of some one on her. Of course, people were always staring at her. White hair isn't very common and she had the kinda smug face that many looked at suspiciously. But this person was different from those others. It was some one like her, and she had to make sure he wasn't with th others. She could sense remnants of his presence and followed them to where he was, standing and talking on the phone.

She walked closer to him, still keeping a safe distance but getting a better look at him. He definitely wasn't the rat. Thank god. That meant she didn't have to be too cautious, unless he was friends with a rat. Because she didn't know, she would continue to stay extremely alert.
Lulu Coogan

Lulu woke up. She knew it was late, but since she was off school for a while, she figured she might as well sleep in. Suddenly, someone knocked on her door. "Honey, Lila's gone missing again. Go find her, will you?" "Yeah, sure mom." She hopped out of bed, pulled on her white skirt and pink top, some flip-flops, and pulled open her door. She hurried down the stairs, and out of her house. As she walked the streets of her home town, she saw a girl with white hair, following behind a man. Before she could think about what she was doing, she ran towards the girl. "Lila! Where were you?"

@Bread King

Lila Coogan

Lila stared out over the city, from her rooftop perch on the music store. She had fallen asleep last night an alleyway near the store, so she had decided to sit here to plan out her day. She had already decided on most of it, starting with going inside and buying an instrument. Hmm. Maybe a......viola? Yeah, that sounds good. Before she could jump off the roof however, her footing slipped and she fell off the roof, her leg hitting the window, which caused the window to crack.

@Soul Eu Min / @zCrookedz
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Carter Fey

Carter followed Lu Xun through the shop and marveled at the collections. He looked over each instruments with amazement, they were all incredibly nice pieces and Carter listened closely to him speak of the instruments with such passion. It wasn't until the end of the tour that he realized that Lu Xun was explaining the shop to him in regards to offering him a jobs. Carter's eyes widened as he looked down a the form. "Oh wow, cool. I honestly wasn't expecting for my first stop to be so successful. Uhm I would love to work here." Carter turned and saw the pianist eneter and Lu Xun hand him the pen and go to greet the client. Carter went to looking over the forms and reading over the papers. He smiled as he reached into his pocket for his phone and began to type out a quick text to Lillian. :Ha ha, looks like I win. First stop and I got offered a job.: Carter smiled as he slipped the phone into his pocket and began filling out the paperwork.

Lillian Osgood

Lillian followed Hua and smiled as she snuggled the bunny. All of the animals had been really interesting, but when they reached the bunnies she couldn't help but also pick up a fluffy white bunny and snuggle it close. At Hua's question, she tilted her head for a second and smiled at her. "Weeeeell it may be kinda weird, but I think little pigs are probably my favorite. I just fall apart when their little noses when move back and forth." Lillian closed her eyes and gave the bunny another little snuggle.

It was then that she felt her phone buzz with Carters text. She read it over and sighed with a bit of frustration,
"Dang it, how in the world does he get so lucky? Sorry, my brother just texted me. First interview he had and they offered him the job. Some music store a bit down the road." Lillian sat the bunny down back in its home and sighed. "Looks like a better get back to it. I gotta go and check out that restaurant."

@Soul Eu Min

Shiro sensed the presence of another zodiac. She watched her movements carefully, making absolutely certain that the girl wasn't watching when Shiro observed her movements.

She looked like she had recognized that Shiro was following the man, but they didn't interact with one another, so she could make an educated guess that she didn't know him. Shiro walked faster and caught up with the man slinging an arm around his shoulder, pretending to know him rather well.

"Hey! Nice to see you again."

She casually whispered, "Some one is following me, please play along."

She smiled with a friendly look in her eyes at the man, looking at him like he was a close friend, even though she didn't know him.
Jessica Torres and Lyle Connor

Jessica woke up to her cat sitting on her chest and pawing at her cheek. She swatted at her cat. "Buddy stop." She groaned. Tiny sat at the end of the bed and barked loudly. Jessica sat up quickly, throwing her cat to the side. "Jesus Tiny! Don't do that!" She said, clutching her chest. She sighed and reached over to grab her glasses from the bedside table. She got out of bed and ran her fingers through her hair as she walked into the rest of the apartment. Her best friend, Lyle, was in the kitchen making pancakes. He turned to her and smiled.

"Good morning sleepy head." He said. Jessica waved a hand at him before sitting at their small table. She folded her arms on the table and rested her head in her arms.

"Im tired...." She complained. Lyle chuckled

"Yeah, yeah. You want a pancake?" He asked

"Is that even a question?" Jessica retorted. Lyle rolled his eyes

"I'll take that as a yes." He said and placed a large pancake on a plate and set it in front of Jessica. He grabbed the syrup from the cabinet and placed it next to the plate along with a fork. "Eat up." He said. Jessica lifted her head and grabbed the syrup. She covered her pancake in syrup and began to eat. Lyle sat down next to her and began to eat his food.

"So." He said, "Did you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Jessica asked with a mouth full of pancake.

"The air. It feels......heavy...." Jessica shrugged

"Not really." Lyle shook his head

"Jess the Blood Moon is coming soon. We're no where near close to being ready for Sun Lun and the cat." Jessica sighed.

"Yeah....I know..." Jessica looked up at the clock and almost choked on her food. "Oh shit." She said and stuffed the rest of her pancake in her mouth. "I'm gonna be late!" She said and ran into her room and get dressed for work. Once dressed she grabbed her keys and ran out of the door. "See you at 2!" She called out to Lyle. Lyle chuckled and rolled his eyes. Buddy jumped up onto the table. Lyle glared at the cat. "Get down" Buddy stared at Lyle before knocking over his cup of coffee. Lyle narrowed his eyes at Buddy. "You're lucky I love your mother." He said before getting up to clean up the cat's mess.

Jessica Torres

Jessica quickly made her way to the studio with all of her makeup and other such things. She smiled at the directors and actors as she walked in. "Sorry I'm late." She said. "My cat made a huge mess and I lost track of time." She quickly set up her station and turned to everyone. "Lets get this show on the road."
Lu Xun Eu Min

Surprised by the sudden sound, he excused himself to investigate the sound at the front of the store. He stared in shock at the sight of a girl laying on the ground and the cracked window. Without a second thought, he ran out of the shop to make sure that she was uninjured. "Are you okay?", he asked the girl with a worried expression on his face as he knelt down beside her. Lu Xun could careless about the window at the moment.

@zCrookedz / @Scattered Ambitions

Fang Hua Tso

"The music shop?", Fang Hua repeated before laughing, "That's one of my best friends! His name is Lu Xun Eu Min!". She carefully placed the bunny down back into its pen before looking at Lillian with a smile on her face. "I don't really offer jobs here, but you seem to love animals as much as I do. There's another girl who volunteers here nearly every day, so you won't be alone. I'll give you my contact information, so message or call me whenever if you want details about having a job here", she offered. Her eyes drifted towards the auto repair shop that she could see from the corner of her eye from the front window. A part of her hoped that Lyle would be at work soon, but she didn't see him.


Tai Kyung Kaneko

He recognized the girl with her arm around him as the girl he saw at the diner. The air felt oddly colder and he knew why too. Yet he didn't bother say anything and let her drag him along. The direction she was going to was the same as his library. Tai Kyung stared right back at her, his eyes looking directly back into hers. The darkness was evident, only a mortal couldn't see it. He looked away and noticed that his sanctuary was coming up. Without saying bye, Tai Kyung easily maneuvered away from her and went to his book store and unlocked it. Before he walked in, Tai Kyun looked at the girl over his shoulder, "Good luck", was all he said before entering his endless shop of books and disappearing into the aisles.

@Bread King
Lyle Connor

Lyle had decided to walk to work today and on his way he passed Fang Hua's pet shop. He glanced inside and bit his lip. "Tiny and Buddy could use some more food....." He mumbled to himself. He stood there for a while, contemplating going in or not. In the end he decided he'd head inside. Upon entering he saw that Fang Hua was talking to another girl. So he made himself seem busy and looked around for a bit, waiting for the two to finish their conversation.
Carter Fey

Carter was just about done filling out the paper work that Lu Xun had given him when he heard a sudden smash of glass and a dull thud outside. He watched Lu Xun break away from the customer he had been attending to and rushed out the front door. Carter put the pen down and trotted over to the front door to see what had happened when he saw the girl who had just fallen lying on the sidewalk. "Holly crap, should we call someone? Is she ok?"

@Soul Eu Min @Scattered Ambitions

Lillian Osgood

Lillian smiled at Hua "Sure if it doesn't look like the waitress thing will work out I can always do a little volunteer work here and there." Lillian reached into her purse and pulled out a little scrap of paper and jotted down her number. She handed it over to Hua with another smile "Here you go. Thanks for letting me pet the bunnies." Lillian waved to Hua and headed for the door when another person walked in. A very handsome looking man, she looked at him breifly and then slowly walked over to the door. As she exited the door she couldn't help but think to herself That guy was cute!

With that she headed down the street towards the restaurant she had seen the help wanted sign in the window a few day prior. She entered and met with the manager for a little bit. After about an hour of an interview, she left the restaurant and stood outside. It wasn't that the interview went bad, but it could have gone better. They told her they would be in touch with her and with that she began to head down the street not really knowing where she was going. She continued to walk until she found a small coffee shop and decided to stop for some tea. After ordering her tea she found a seat and pulled her phone out to text Carter.

Lulu Coogan

Lulu stopped, seeing the girl catch up with the man in front of her. She seemed to know him. "Um, sorry I'm assuming your not Lila." She started backing up, before turning around to continue walking away.

Lila Coogan

Lila stood back up, after the fall. She quickly checked for any broken bones, and then lookedat the man beside her. "Um, I'm fine. Thanks." She then scurried away, like a rat. (I've got to go for a while, so I'll post when I get back.)
Lyle Connor

Lyle walked over to Fang Hua. "Hey, Fang Hua. How's your morning been?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation. (@Soul Eu Min

Jessica Torres

Jessica finished her makeup job on the actors and left the set. She sighed and looked down at her phone. She had gotten done early and it was only about 10 o'clock. She sighed. "Maybe I should go grab a bite to eat...." She said. She walked aimlessly around trying to find a cafe or something when she happened upon a little shop. She smiled and walked inside, getting herself a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. She looked around for a seat but they were all taken. All except for one next to a girl with a dark pixie cut. She looked friendly enough, so Jessica walked over to her and smiled. "Hi, all the other seats are taken. Do you mind if I sit here with you?" She asked. (@zCrookedz )

When both of them left, Shiro felt relieved.

"Freedom!" She exclaimed happily, stretching and feeling like she removed a heavy weight from her back.

If both of them knew who she was, she would be in trouble. The man certainly could tell that something was different about her, but the girl seemed to believe she was just some random passerby, but had mistaken her for a friend. The girl probably didn't know about her zodiac, so it'd be easier to follow her. Shiro turned the corner in to the next ally and went far into the ally before going into cat form. She made sure no one was watching her when she did so, and she strode out of the ally, and looked for the girl.

She trotted in the direction of the girl, her tail waving with slight interest. She eyed her target and followed swiftly behind.

She had to watch the zodiacs. It was hard, but she needed to make sure they weren't altogether to ruin everything for Sun Lu. She started her day in a good mood but these annoying zodiacs just made her day a hell of a lot worse. She pawed at the weeds in the sidewalk acting all cute and innocent as she followed the girl, dodging the shoes of rude business people.
Lu Xun Eu Min

Surprised, he was about to call after her but she ran away too quickly. That was a bit odd, he thought so at least, yet there was nothing he could really do. "Strange how someone can fall from that height without getting injured or at least bruised", Lu Xun mumbled to himself before turning his attention to Carter with a smile on his face, "Hopefully she'll be time. Lets get back to work then. If it's no trouble, Carter, please check the inventory on the flutes, there is supposed to be about one hundred and fifty of them, give or take a little more than that".


Fang Hua Tso

Her smile brightened at the sight of Lyle and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. "Hey Lyle, my morning has been fine so far", Fang Hua answered while tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "How about you? Everything going well across the street?".

@Jess Buck
zCrookedz said:
Lillian Osgood
Lillian smiled at Hua "Sure if it doesn't look like the waitress thing will work out I can always do a little volunteer work here and there." Lillian reached into her purse and pulled out a little scrap of paper and jotted down her number. She handed it over to Hua with another smile "Here you go. Thanks for letting me pet the bunnies." Lillian waved to Hua and headed for the door when another person walked in. A very handsome looking man, she looked at him breifly and then slowly walked over to the door. As she exited the door she couldn't help but think to herself That guy was cute!

With that she headed down the street towards the restaurant she had seen the help wanted sign in the window a few day prior. She entered and met with the manager for a little bit. After about an hour of an interview, she left the restaurant and stood outside. It wasn't that the interview went bad, but it could have gone better. They told her they would be in touch with her and with that she began to head down the street not really knowing where she was going. She continued to walk until she found a small coffee shop and decided to stop for some tea. After ordering her tea she found a seat and pulled her phone out to text Carter.

Isaac O'Brian

Isaac had heard the bell ring to signal he had customers but one of his coworkers had been him to taking their order, which meant he would be taking their order to them. He got the tea the young woman had ordered before she was joined by another young woman. He walked over to their table and set down the first woman's tea. "Here you are Miss.. Your tea." He said softly before looking at the other woman. "Would you like anything?"

(@zCrookedz, @Jess Buck)

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