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Fandom /Detailed The Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa RP)


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Hello future student of Hope's Peak Academy. You have been hand selected to join our prestigious school as one of our "Ultimate" students. As you know we only pick those who are the very best at what they do, and we have decided that you fit into that category! We see something special in you and encourage you to accept this once in a lifetime opportunity! Those who graduate from Hope's Peak are guaranteed to be set for life!

~ Hope's Peak Academy School Board and Admissions Office

After receiving this message how could you not accept? You've been longing to be apart of this prestigious school for as long as you can remember and they actually think you're good enough to join! You eagerly accept. On the first day you arrive early to get a lay of the land, so to speak, but as soon as you enter the school you get a dizzy sensation and pass out. You wake up in a classroom by yourself with a note on your desk telling you to go to the main foyer. As you do so you notice surveillance camera's and monitors everywhere. You also notice that where windows should be there are large metal plates with giant bolts attached to them.

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Harlow supposed that perhaps flattery should no longer get anybody anywhere. Especially after she woke up in an abandoned classroom with a note as guidance. This is how horror movies start, she thought, looking around with a slightly wary expression. She sighed, wondering how she had gotten into whatever mess she was in this time. The school had called her ultimate, the best of the best, and she'd had her hands on a plane ticket for Peak academy before she even finished reading the email. Now though, as she looked around a classroom that was more like a museum she worried that she had let the compliment go to her head, that she hadn't focused enough.

She remembered walking into the school, catching sight of blurred walls and colors. She also remembered her last thought before darkness and confusion consumed her:
They need a new paint job. Harlow's heart beat sped up as she looked down at the note, but she took a breath, not letting the anxiety of the situation get to her. She started running logical situations in her mind, the kind that made her feel much more secure than she should have felt. Maybe it was all an initiation process for the new kids. That must have been it. Whether true or not, she convinced herself of that fact.

The main foyer? Okay, I can do that. She thought, glancing down at herself as if to reassure her of the situation. She brushed some dust off her leggings, checked for scuff marks on her high tops, and adjusted the plaid button down she had tied around her waist. She was fine. Everything was fine. She'd been in crazier initiations before, like to her art class. That had been a wild time and she was sure she still had paint up her nose even after two years. "Alright, let's do this," she muttered, walking towards the door. She pushed it open and stepped out into the hallway. The slightest echo of footsteps reached her ears but nothing menacing jumped out from the shadows to kill her.

She began walking down the hall, listening the squeak of her shoes as they tapped against the tile lightly. She had meant to look forward, to ignore the tingling sensation on the back of her neck, but she couldn't help it. She glanced to her left. Harlow bit her lip at the sight of a metal plate roughly the size of the window. The lighting was eerily fluorescent for a school. Didn't they want to save money? She suddenly felt subconscious under the metal sheet, and pulled down her crop top a bit, fiddling with the hem.
Don't let them see you squirm, she thought, before steeling herself and beginning to step to her usual saunter, letting a smirk split her face. It's all just a prank, and that's all she would believe for now.

~ ~ ~

Miles hadn't really considered 'ultimate sports fan' something that would launch his career into making him set for life. Ultimate baseball player, maybe, but he wasn't near as good as the guys he had trading cards for. He wasn't going to take them up on their offer the first time he read it, but then the thought of using this little experience to his own advantage came to mind. An academy away from his small town? Maybe in a big city? Surely that would be more helpful in launching any kind of sports career.

That's the thought process that led him into the building, or rather, to walk up to it. He was at least thirty minutes late, but he had gotten held up when he saw his Taxi driver had a ball cap on for Miles' favorite team. They had gone back and forth about stats and players for so long Miles had forgotten to tell him when to turn and they had ended up driving not only past the school, but into the next town over. It had been a hectic drive back in which Miles had demanded the man speed like his life depended on it. He had lost an extra hundred bucks but at least he had made it.

The school itself was quite beautiful. He wondered if there was a baseball field in the back, perhaps an entire team. For a moment much longer than it needed to be, he stood staring straight up at the school, admiring the logo and the brick that built it up towards the sky, towards the stars, towards his endless possibilities. He smiled softly, before finally building up the courage to walk into the school. The first thing he noticed was a deserted hallway, which immediately sent alarms off in his head. He turned, deciding he'd go back outside but then felt exhaustion lace throughout his body.

He reached for the doorknob as he coughed weakly, before falling to his knees, his head smacking against the door as his vision blurred and pigments meshed together into darkness. "...Help," he breathed out, or perhaps he didn't say a single word. He wasn't sure if he could speak at all. He certainly couldn't move his body so how could he move his lips, his jaw? His eyes flickered shut and his body fell limp as he passed out.

When he woke up in a classroom as empty as the hallways he felt obvious fear and his immediate reaction was to reach for his cell phone. It wasn't there. Miles began to panic, felt his breathing began to quicken. He reached for his inhaler. Also gone.
Come on, breathe. You're not dying here, stupid. He thought, and ever so slowly he regained control over his lungs. It was difficult, and made him feel even weaker than before, but all the same he was okay again. He stood up from the desk he had woken up at, and read a note to go to the foyer. Other people! That'll make me feel better! He thought before quickly walking out of the classroom, paying little attention to his surroundings as he rushed towards the main foyer, eager to get away from the echoing loneliness of the halls.

(@PenguinFox Okay, I just did this. Hope it's okay)

Aioki was as nervous as the next person to enter hopes peak academy. She was glad of course because your are set for life if you graduate from there. When the day came to leave to get to hopes peak academy she was in a panic and packing all her belongings. She was almost late because the taxi driver was the worst and her hair was not staying down.

As she entered the school she saw empty hallways with no other students. This alarmed her but it was to late. She started to feel dizzy and sick like when your going to vomit and then everything went black. She woke up in a classroom with camera's, moniters, and metal plates on the windows and a note that says to go to the main foyer.

"Okay I can do this" She Murmered to herself. She got up and walked to the main foyer and hoped nothing would bad would happen to her on her way there. As she got there she looked around for people to see if anyone was there.



Asher was planning on not going to hopes peak academy but at the last minute he got packed and found a taxi and told him to drive him to hopes peak academy. The reason why he was so nervous was 1. he was a girl (trasgender) and 2. being accepted because he was a dog tranier. When he got there waited a few seconds wondering if he sould go in.

When he went in he almost instently passed out and then woke up in a empty class room and saw a note to go to the main foyer. The first thing he thought it was a prank but her saw the windows and the camera's. He was freaking out now so he almost ran out of the classroom and went to the main foyer.

(Hope this is good @PenguinFox )
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Lucio Lovengood

Just another playing field, the blonde, foreign seeming boy thought to himself as he looked the school up and down. Excitement wasn't really in his nature nor was nervousness or fear. Lucio, which was his name, was more content. He felt he could survive anywhere in any given situation and was more than prepared to survive here. He yawned and stretched a little as he started to walk forward. As he walked forward, Lucio felt slightly dizzy and soon found himself falling to the ground as his eyes blackened his mind.

When he woke up, Lucio was in a room, alone, with a rather eerie atmosphere. It felt almost dreadful as he noticed that what possibly use to be windows barred or more like welded shut. "Perhaps this is some sort of game," he thought out loud which made him shrug off the potential danger as well as the strange note in front of him. It informed him to go to the main foyer in which he nonchalantly obliged as he got up from where he was seated and exited.

The hallways were rather empty, but once again Lucio didn't feel fazed since he was so use to the mind games of his opponents as well as his own mind games. He made it to what appeared to be the main foyer and noticed another girl in front of him.
Big smiles, he reminded himself as he approached her. "How about we go in together? It would be nice to have an ally for what ever is ahead," he smiled sweetly and seemed to be trying to comfort the girl.

@Blue Fire

Miyu Aiki

Strange. Something felt off to Miyu as she approached the school, but something that excited her. She felt that there was many secrets to unravel in this place and she was going to be the one to do it. Feeling fired up, she started to move forward, but Miyu never did make it forward as she blacked out.

Awakening in a room with no windows or windows replaced by steel plates. "Curious observation, Mi," she told herself as she got up from her desk and started to examine the room. She looked at the desks in the room that seemed rather dusty (some of them) as if not used in a little. Looking at the board, she saw odd drawings of a cartoon character of some sort.

Miyu continued to scope out the room she awoke in as she looked for clues as to why she suddenly couldn't remember what happened when she had walked forward.

Maho Noshi

Noshi stood infront of the looming academy, casually blowing a bubble of gum. They scrolled through their phone before looking up toward the tall building. It was rather tall, but didn't look that modern, surprisingly. It looked as if it was made of old brick, with freshyly wiped windows.

Noshi took one last look at the city, before she turned off her phone. She wasn't exactly joyful or upset to be at the prestigious academy, as Maho thought shge was accepted for a rather stupid talent - Magic. Mostly for stage shows and illusions other than anything special. It biwildered him that he got accepted.

With one swift bite, Noshi ended the bubble, and continued to chew the gum as they walked into the doors of their new home.




Immediately, the room began to swirl, as some nauseating scent swept into her lungs. Noshi attempted to hold in her breath, as if some sort of gas was flowing into her lungs. Almost as instantly as the feeling of nausea arrived, it left. Before Noshi could come up with a reaction, she felt a sudden pound to her skull. Everything went black...

Until they awoke to a classroom, that had a familiar tug, but withheld a sickening atmosphere. It was bolted down, and looked strange. It looked as if it was on lock down. (Brb)
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(not going to asher right now cause im lazy)


Aioki heared a male voice asking her if she wanted to walk to the main foyer. She wasn't sure if this was a trap or this guy was nice. She glanced behind to see a guy with a giant smile. she turned around and said
"Um sure and by the way my name is Aioki Sumiki and im the SHSL Track star" She said this as she walked to the main foyer.
Kabeb Iruda

Iruda opened her eyes slowly, feeling her neck to take away any stiffness. She began her slow glance around the classroom. Other students were beginning to awaken, as it seemed. They stretched, so Iruda joined. She raised her arms up to the sky, making a noise in the bottom of her throat. She rested her shoulders as she began to get up from her desk. So many people... She thought, as a student began to say their name.

She joined in the introductions, leaning on her desk, "I am Kabeb Iruda. I'm the... What's it called... OHG, Ultimate Upcoming Politician. I mean, who comes up with those names...?" She said quietly, crossing her arms.

Maho Noshi

"More important matters, where are we? This place... Its sorta messed up looking..." Noshi spoke up, swirling a piece of hair in their hand.
Hanae Serizawa

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ecd.jpg.3b3d3156cda31f46917866321565b04d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ecd.jpg.3b3d3156cda31f46917866321565b04d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A loud yawn escaped his mouth as he awoke from the horrifying nightmare about muscular men, but the real nightmare had just begun. "Good morn- Aaahh!" Hanae screamed loudly, loud enough to wake up a few more wandering dreamers. "I blit my twongue!!" Immediately he bursted into tears as it was a natural reaction to pain. That's not the case for Hanae, he does it to garner attention. "It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" But for today, attention can wait, candy comes first! The saying, 'Someone this cute can't possibly be a girl' is very appropriate for the scene.



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(just going to play asher a little because lucio is not saying any thing)


Asher was getting close to the foyer but he heard what sounded like a girls voice? That also sounded like a males voice also but it sound like both but whatever. He walked to the classroom to see a girl saying she bit her tounge. Asher really thought it was a murder or something. "Um are you okay there." He said that not suring what to say.

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Shiki awoke with a start and a small "Oh!", her head snapping up and her hair whipping backwards. She was alone in a classroom, sitting at the middle-most desk. She scanned the room, noting how this seemed to be an older building, but then stopped short. Large sheets of metal, presumably steel, were bolted over where windows should be. That was definitely NOT part of the original building. She bit her lip and frowned, looking around for any other red flags. She found one too, a large camera trained directly at her seat. Something was not right. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was an eerily empty entrance hall and a funny little prickle on the back of her neck. This was definitely weird.

Legs stiff from sleep, Shiki rose and stretched, feeling uneasy. It was then that she noticed the note on the desk in front of her. Go to the front foyer. It was vague, and written in fancy, sort of girly handwriting. Weird... She thought, brushing fingers through her hair uncomfortably. Better do as it says. I need to know what's going on here.

As she approached her destination, she heard voices from down the hall. Shiki picked up the pace, hurrying down a corridor before finally emerging into the foyer.


Arwen chewed on his lip worriedly. It was definitely not a normal thing to wake up in a strange classroom with sealed windows and security cameras everywhere. Upon reading his note, he had hurried down the hall, afraid of his punishment if he didn't comply. He heard voices distantly, and they sparked anxiety in the pit of his stomach. At least he knew where he was, or, he was pretty sure anyways. Hope's Peak Academy; a school for the most gifted ultimate students in the world. His only problem was that he couldn't remember why he was here.

Students were required to have a talent to attend, right? So why couldn't he remember his?? Did he even have one? Why would he be here if he didn't? The questions bounced around the red-head's skull until he was sure he'd given himself a headache. He tugged his jacket down nervously, heading towards the commotion that must have been coming from the foyer. When he got there, he slipped into the room unnoticed and observed the chaos.
Hanae Serizawa

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ecd.jpg.8bdda11cd088fbe91ad8fd2db80d3fb6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ecd.jpg.8bdda11cd088fbe91ad8fd2db80d3fb6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hanae was still in tears, and plunged his face into Asher. "It hurts!" Soon Asher's shirt would be soiled by trap tears. It took a while, but eventually he noticed what was going on. The tears stopped flowing, "W-Wait... Where are we?" He was confused like the rest of the students, and found a note on the desk he woke up in. "Go to... The gym?" Hanae followed those words of advice, after all there's really no other place to go since the windows were bolted shut.



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Asher didn't know what was going on until it happened. He looked down she the girl crying into his shirt and drenching his shirt. He didn't know what to do until she stopped and asked were are we and if they should go to the main foyer.
"Well i guess we should go to the main foyer together?" Asher didn't know what else to say to this girl.

(The note said main foyer but its okay)



Aioki strated walking also waiting for the guy to say something. So she kept walking and trying to ignore whatever she could. When she got close to there she found a girl. She put on a smile and walked closer to her. "Um hi there im guessing you are going to the main foyer?" Aioki Didn't really know what to say.

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Harlow looked over at the girl, raising an eyebrow at her sudden appearance. Was she another initiate? She looked her up and down, automatically sizing her up, trying to figure what was so 'ultimate' about this chick. She had long legs so maybe she was a runner. It wouldn't surprise, Harlow. She had painted one of her friends once who had been a cross country star. Her legs made up most of her body. Harlow smirked at the thought before looking back at the girl. "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you're going in the wrong direction." Harlow had noticed the girl walking towards her but she was almost certain it was the opposite direction. She moved past the girl, her shoulder brushing the other girl's harshly as she moved.

Harlow continued forward, not bothering to look back as her dark pink ponytail swished along with her saunter. "Harlow Snow. Ultimate painter," she introduced, making sure to emphasize the word 'ultimate'. She wanted everyone to know her talent, to know that even a punk-ass bitch like her could make it into the high and mighty world of the elites. She approached a pair of double doors she assumed led into the foyer and yanked one open, stepping inside without bothering to hold it for the girl who may have or may not have been following after her.

@Blue Fire

Aioki was glad because she has a 'friend' or a person to talk and hang out with. She barly heard her say her name because how execited she was. But then it hit her, She was trapped or what she thought in this place. I mean there is has metal plates over the windows and camera's. "Well nice to meet Harlow, I'm Aioki Sumiki and i'm the Ultimate Track star runner."

She didn't know that she was going the wrong way but now she knows. I mean peopel have called her a air head but she didn't know she was that big of a air head. She peaked her head in to the doors to she what there was.

(@PenguinFox It is like the gym)
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Harlow leaned heavily against a wall as she sized up the place and anyone that was already there or on their way in through the doors. She sighed as Aioko introduced herself. Runner, just as Harlow thought. "Don't care." She looked around a bit more, and felt herself grow cold as she did so. Security cameras, plated windows? They must have been keeping something out- or maybe, keeping something in. She shuttered at the thought but tried not to think on it too much. It was just a harmless prank. That's all it had to be, right?

She looked back at Aioko. "I guess you might be entertaining to talk to. Do you know what the hell is up with this place or are you as dumb as you look?" She asked. Harlow didn't mean to be rude, it was just something that came naturally. She bit her lip the moment her words fell out of her mouth, as if in apology, though she would never apologize out loud. She thought about maybe saying something else to lighten the blow but just as she opened her mouth the doors burst open and a panting boy skidded to a halt not too far away from them.

Miles huffed as he made it to the foyer, his shoes squealing against the tiled floor as he brought himself to a halt after barely surviving the slam into the doors. Most people would think he'd be more coordinated considering his baseball background, but it seemed he wasn't all that bright when it came to not running into things. He glanced around, and immediately noticed two girls standing off towards the side and smiled widely. "Wonderful, people!" He cheered, his adrenaline rush fading. He wasn't alone. He also noticed others standing around and grinned until he realized nobody looked like an authority figure.

"Does anybody know what's going on?" He called it, hoping somebody would answer back with some sort of knowledge he had missed. Perhaps there was another note somewhere he just hadn't managed to see. Yeah, that had to be it. They had a gas leak or some other wacked-out issue and this was all just a problem that was blowing over, at least, Miles hoped so. @anyonearound @Blue Fire
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She was dumbfounded from the response that this girl said to her. I mean she is kinda stupid but she wasn't that stupid, well at least she thought. "Hey that's ru.." Aioki's response was cut off by a boy around her age burst though the doors. Aioki probably would have fallen in surprise if she was a track star and also she was near a wall to grab onto. "God you scared me." Aioki said in a angry manner. "But I have a idea where i mean the last thing i remember was walking into Hope's Peak Academy and seeing the empty halls and then I was passed out and put into a classroom."

Arwen, too nervous to say anything, remained silent and tugged at his hair, a little anxious habit of his.


Shiki arrived to the foyer and looked around, noting a few other kids here and there. "Ah, hello." She called out, eyes flitting from person to person and hoping she would not be met with silence and stares.
In the main foyer, where the main doors should be is instead a large vault door. On the right side is a panel, which one can assume are the controls for it. Mounted on either side of the giant steel door are what appear to be gun turrets. Directly above is a monitor, much like the other monitors around the school. Suddenly, through the loudspeaker system that ran through the academy a loud screeching noise came, then static. Finally after a few moments of the static sound a voice came on. The voice was high pitched yet gravelly and had a maniacal tone about it. This all added up to make sound sort of like what a witch would sound like. Hell, it might have seemed to some that the voice would start cackling like a witch at any moment. "Testing....testing....testing 1,2,3. Is this thing on? Yes? Good. Helllllooo students of Hope's Peak Academy, this is your principle speaking. I'm terribly sorry for making you run all over the place but if you could all assemble in the gym that would be just super! Once you have all introduced yourselves, the ceremony will begin. Tata!" after another loud crackle the PA system quieted down. During the voice's speech all screens in the school flickered to life, but only showed a blurry figure, hazed by static.

Suddenly the voice returned. "Oh, one more thing! Please be sure to at least drop by the main foyer before you go to the gym. I spent a lot of time writing those notes to you all, and I don't want them to be for nothing!" This time there was no popping or screeching of the loudspeaker, only eerie silence followed. @Blue Fire @WingedAlabaster @Aquaknight @OnceDarkness @Homrworld (sorry if I missed your name)
Harlow snorted at the girl as she explained the same scenario she had been in just minutes ago. "Ah, congrats, you've established a pattern," she spoke, her voice naturally sarcastic as the boy jogged up to them. She rolled her eyes at the way he looked at them both, like a scared creature who didn't know whether to yell from excitement or terror. "This is definitely some weird ass initiation ceremony for-" Harlow was cut off by the disgusting noise the crackled to life. She shuddered at the sound. The boy that had walked up to them shrieked rather girlishly and cowered a bit, though he stood up straighter as the voice spoke. Harlow glanced at a television screen, noticing a blurred black and white image. She squinted, trying to make out what the hell was barking at them in such a weird voice, but the announcement was gone before she could really hear anything.

She shrugged, turning back to Aioki, opening her mouth to say something when the principal's voice echoed over the walls once again. She groaned, rolling her eyes. "This bitch loves to talk," she muttered, huffing as the announcement finished. The boy glanced at Harlow like she was far too cruel, which she was, and then took a step back. Smart kid. "
I'm Miles," he spoke, his voice bright and full of courageous joyousness and all those other good adjectives. It made Harlow sick to her stomach. She already hated him. @Blue Fire

Miles was slightly intimidated by the girl in the pink ponytail, and although the one standing next to her seemed less terrifying. He introduced himself to the both of them before hearing another hello. He turned and stepped towards her with a warm smile. "Hi! I'm Miles!" He spoke, just as enthusiastically to the girl as he had to the other two. He held his hand for her to shake, completely disregarding the eerie silence and very strange setting he was stuck in. A lot of him was pushing his fears down because he didn't want everybody panicking. If he could stay calm surely he could help others stay calm too. @WingedAlabaster

The first thing he noticed was the blaring noise in his ears.

The second was the hard floor. "What the..?" Ryori looked up at an unfamiliar ceiling as the announcement blazed over the loudspeakers. It was so...
uncomfortable. This was not what he had expected. Suddenly recalling where he was Ryori sat bolt upright. Hope's Peak Academy! The Gym?

Quickly jumping to his feet, it was luck that had his eyes catch the note on the desk before he sprinted out the door. The Foyer... Where was that? Shrugging to himself, Ryori left the room and began to walk briskly down the corridor. As he walked Ryori frowned, remembering blacking out. It was a bit strange. Perhaps too much wine the night before? Didn't happen often, but the frown disappeared into his usual ease as he decided his conclusion, and began to wonder what lay ahead.

Lucio Lovengood

Lucio had slipped away in the middle of everyone's conversation to get a head start on the gym. You could never tell if perhaps being first you might see something others would not. It was just like in some games where going first sometimes did give you an advantage to win, but not all games. Still, being first rarely hurt anyone.

Making it to the gym, Lucio looked around at how normal it all looked. There was one key thing that seemed off and that was the camera.
Why would they have cameras everywhere? he wondered as he continued to look for answers as he waited for the others.

Miyu Aiki

Miyu had finished her in investigation of the room and had been headed towards the main foyer before the intercom announcement. "No time to explore at all," she said slightly frustrated as she hurried to where others were already leaving. She didn't bother to say hi to anyone as she walked into the main foyer.

Looking around, Miyu was slightly dissatisfied as there was nothing of importance here for her. Feeling like this might just be one large scavenger hunt, she headed towards the gym catching up with a few others.

(Sorry it took a second. I forgot to respond)

Hanae Serizawa


He made his way to the foyer, but shut his ears tight with his tiny little hands from the noise. Like before, Hanae started to cry out of fear. "I-I'm s-s-s-cared!" His entire face was now covered with his hands (Not really, they're small after all) as tears fell like raindrops. The little boy didn't know what was going on besides a loud noise playing, all he could do was cower in fear. A little while after, the sound was gone and he heard nothing.


Hanae opened his eyes to see everything was pitch black. No people to help him, no walls to lean on, and no sky to look up at. Now the trap was locked in his mental prison, not like there is really any difference between his mind and the real world.

A loud scream pierced the air in the main foyer.

And the sound of a body falling could be heard...

What appeared to be a girl no older than fourteen laid unconscious on the ground, what happens to her is decided by the people around the person.

@Blue Fire @WingedAlabaster @Aquaknight @OnceDarkness @Homrworld @PenguinFox
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Harlow winced as the darkness fell upon them. The scream made her tense, made her body fall into a defensive position. She knew she wasn't much after a couple jabs but she was ready to defend herself, even in the dark. She wouldn't let anything happen to her so easily. It was then she heard the ear-piercing scream. Instinctively, Harlow reached out, grabbing onto Aioki's shirt and yanking her close as if to protect her. Running quickly didn't do any good in the darkness when there was nowhere to run to.

As the lights went up Harlow immediately ran a glance over Aioki before turning back towards an obviously limp form laying on the ground. Harlow rushed over, skidding to a halt. "Hey! Chick, get up!" Harlow grabbed the girl's arm and tried to pull her to her feet. Dead weight. She dropped the girl rather ungracefully and dropped to her knees, pushing her onto her back. "Anybody got a fucking phone?" She snapped, her hand resting against the girl's neck at her obviously unresponsive behavior.

A pulse. "Hey! Fucking stumps! Put some pep in your step and find a phone." Harlow snarled, tapping her cheek lightly at first but then it grew harder. “Hey chick! Wake up! You okay?” Harlow snapped her fingers in front of the girl’s face, trying to get her to open her eyes or respond in some way.



Miles felt panic overtake his body as the lights went out. he spun in a circle, looking into the darkness, unaware if his eyes were open or shut, which way was left or which way was right. He gulped, holding his arms out in an X symbol to block any oncoming attacks. He'd never been quite this submerged in black unless he was in bed, but he had a horrible feeling it couldn't be good.

As a scream pierced the air his body began to shake wildly and he screamed too, the sound scraping by his vocal cords almost a direct echo to the one before. Eerie fell on them all like the weight of the world as the lights turned back on, and Miles looked over at the girl who had intimidated him earlier. She had a slightly astonished look in her eye as she sprinted over to where a body lay. Fainted? Miles guessed, although his thoughts were quickly striked at the sound of Harlow demanding a phone. She was none too polite, or empathetic considering everyone must have been shaken up.

But it wasn't her careless handling of the body, or the vulgar language she spat that truly made Miles afraid, but rather it was the moment she asked for a phone. He reached inside his pocket to get his, only to come up empty-handed. Miles felt panic rush through him and he began patting himself down. No phone. He looked around, biting his lip. Perhaps it was time to start panicking.
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