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Fantasy [/detailed] School of Dragons

The child pet her dragon happily till she heard some one call out to her making her look around till she found the source of the call. It was an older lady with her dragon which made her smile brightly and wave back. "Hiiiiiiiii!" She called happily as minirith looked over to the two with a cold glare obviously being protective of his young master. Minirith growled deeply as he slowly stood up his massive legs lifting him up to his full size.

Momo flinched, curling his body around Menah slightly, she patted the hard skin of his head to say it was alright, the red dragon wouldn't hurt him. "What's his name?", she asked curiously, tilting her head to take better look at the hard scales on the girl's dragon chest. "I mean, what's your name?", Menah looked at the white haired girl.
Silith smiled brightly and spoke. "I'm silith! And this is minirith!" She said gesturing to her dragon who stared down at the girl and her dragon. "Don't mind him. He's over protective." Silith told her with a happy childish smile

"He's a big one", Menah said looking up to meet the Minirith's eyes. Momo grunted, staring at the big dragon. "Momo, manners", poking him with her elbow. "I'm Menah, this is Momo."
"Hello!" She said happily as minirith growled a little at momo's grunt making silith giggle. "It's very nice to meet you. Not many people are brave enough to come say hi because of minirith. They all say he's intimidating but I don't see why they say that." She said as she looked up to minirith with a happy smile.

"Well, I'm hardly intimidated by domesticated dragons, the wild ones are a whole different story though", Menah smiled. She liked the little girl, she was sympathetic and seemed to care a lot for her dragon. "So what brings you here?"
"My parents were dragon riders. So I came to be one too." She told her happily as she climbed onto miniriths foot and gimped from claw. "My mama was the first to tame an elder dragon and my papa wrote the book on how to train a dragon!" She told her happily as she kept playing on miniriths foot

"That's awesome!", Menah said excited, maybe she finally found a friend to whom she could nerd with about dragon species, "You must know a lot about dragons! I'd love to see you in action."
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"Not really I've only read about 3/16 of every book my parents wrote so I still have alot to learn." She said to her truthfully as she sat down on miniriths foot and smiled brightly at her
"Ah... that's unfortunate", Menah smiled back shyly, sitting down on the grass, leaning on Momo's arm. "So... What can your dragon do?", she grabbed her sketchbook on her bag and started to draw Minirith, who looked down curiously.
Miniriths payed no attention to her as he layed back down to let silith play on his head. "Well as you can see with his weight size and body. Thick head, massive feet, lots of horns and spikes that he is meant for physical fighting as well. But he can also breath fire as well as spit up lava." She told her as she climbed on miniriths head happily like he was a jungle gym

Veridius Wensylve



Mood: Neutral- mildly annoyed.




@femjapanriceball @JayKuro @Daniel reaving @esmeenberg

Feiyumis shot a glare to the growling dragon, but decided not to react to it as she was done with the meaningless dispute.

Suddenly, a loud screech came from a dragon that had just stepped into the domain. Veridius was taken slightly aback, but other than that, he didn't react to the sound.

'Hello, who do I talk to to get a stall?' A voice seemingly coming from a girl asked.

He paid no attention to her and continued minding his own business.

What feral creatures.' She telepathically said to her master in such disdain.

'Like you're any better.'

Psssh. I may be feisty, but I'm no animal.'

Actually- you are.'

Metaphor. It was a metaphor.'

Veridius picked out a random stall for Feiyumis. He made sure to pick one far away from Melissa's dragon.

"Alright- I'll be back."


His dragon used her tail to pull him into the stall with her. She wrapped her verdant tail around him in a loving manner and brought her face close to his, closing her eyes and snuggling him.

"Ugh- Quit it-" He mumbled in an annoyed tone and expression.

'Have a good day at school, sweetie!'

You're so embarrassing...'


She let go of him and he nonchalantly stepped out of the stall to lock her up.

He turned back to Melissa as she said,

'Dorms after this?'

"Sure, let's get out of here."

'And never come back.'

Bye! I love you!'


Fiora Velaeris



Mood: Mildly annoyed.




@femjapanriceball @JayKuro @esmeenberg @Daniel reaving

Fiora stepped into the stables and it seemed that it was already filled with people, minding her own business, she led Aerithal in. Picking a stall that was close to the exit, she gestured for him to step inside. Following his master's orders, he walked into the stall and laid down, closing his eyes, not caring for the piercing noise that came from the other dragon. But Fiora did.

"What the hell was that?!" She exclaimed harshly.

'Hello, who do I talk to to get a stall?'

Before she could answer, the girl had already begun talking to somebody else.


She was already annoyed by the boy showing off earlier, and it was worse that now he was in the same room as her, but now she was also annoyed by the screeching dragon.

'Ignore it.'

She heard Aerithal's voice inside her head, calm and soothing. It was rare that Aerithal spoke, and she decided to listen to him.

'That's what I'm trying to do.'

After closing the stall, she turned to leave, looking back to the Branton guy she had just met.

So, what's your plan now?" She asked him. She wanted to stick around him since he was the first person she had interacted yet, and so far- he was the only person she liked enough at the moment.

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Melissa nodded, "dorms it is." She exclaimed, smiling kindly at them. She could see the annoyed look on Veridius's face then the smug one on his dragons face, making her giggle. "You two are great for each other." She chuckled, leading the way to the Dorms.

(Short, sorry.;- ;)

@femjapanriceball @JayKuro
Menah smiled as she got up handing the sketch over to Silith, "I hope you like it, I'll take a look around, see you later.". The girl got up and walked away, Momo following her closely. She didn't know what to do next, a room and a little rest would be nice, the trip to get in the Academy was long and tiring, specially for her dragon.

A blonde girl with a ridiculously perfect waved hair walked out of the stables, some dragon riders following her, Menah figured she knew the place. "Hello,", she greets the girl, smiling at the others sympathetically, "do you know where the dorms are?"

@Comet @Devious Dilbert
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Silith frowned when her now 'friend' left her alone again with minirith. "Oh alright." She said with a frown as she sat on miniriths head. "Come minirith. Lets go find you a stable. I hope they have ones big enough." She said as minirith groaned and got up and starte walking over to the stable building which was obviously to small for him but silith thought he would fit because she was just a child


Veridius Wensylve



Mood: Mildly annoyed.


Stables- campus


@femjapanriceball @JayKuro @Daniel reaving @esmeenberg

'You two are great for each other.'

Veridius assumed she was referring to his embarrassment of a dragon.

"Ew- You make it sound like we're a couple and that's disturbing." He joked, following her out of the stables and to the dorms.

'Why are you so mean~?'

Do something about it.'


Fiora Velaeris



Mood: Mildly annoyed.




@femjapanriceball @JayKuro @esmeenberg @Daniel reaving

'Hello, do you know where the dorms are?' The girl from earlier came up to her.

Her azure dragon looked up to eye the stranger approaching his master, but as soon as he saw she was not a threat, he put his head back down and closed his eyes.

Eh- I don't wanna look like a fool again-

That was so embarrassing...

"Branton here does." She said, gesturing to the red haired boy with her. @dorkling



Branton ? Hayes

stables | ugh | @Devious Dilbert @Comet

Branton picked the stall next to Fioras dragon, unsure how Odahviing would react staying next to a dragon the complete opposite to him.

Branton heard no complaining from him at the least.

Be good and even nicer to the ladies' He smirked, inwardly chuckling a bit as Odahviing snorted and nodded.

He lay a hand on his dragons snout, him lowering his head and nudging his masters hand. Branton then exited the large stable, keeping him in locked tight.

"So, what's your plan now?" He turned to see Pretty Tit from before, smiling.

Probably gonna check out my dorms before wandering around aimlessly until I come back to the stables. Maybe check out the other people here and see if there's any sports."

Another girl approached them, Fiora then gesturing to him.

Huh- Well the rest of us are going there so."


Aira ? Amachi

Stables | Frick- |

Aira smiled at Paarthurnax, pecking his beak before packing him up to secure him in his stable.

Beginning to follow the others, his feathery long tail snaked its way over the stable gate, gently bumping Aira forward.

That bump caused her to stumble forward, squeaking softly as she ran into the boy who was showing off.

Cheeks only the slightest of pink, she bounced back slightly once they collided, almost losing her balance but managed to recover, arms over her chest protectively.

O-oh dear! Im quite sorry sir-" She bowed her head to him respectively, her voice soft

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