• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Derika - Land of the Gifted [Open]

Kugo woke up on a loud noise realizing that his stop was here. He finally made it. He got off the bus and took a good look around, this is a pretty huge place now I just need to figure out where to go to register, he soon started to leave the area and heard people talking about a faction recruitment building.

He thought that's where he was supposed to sign up so he went over there thinking it shouldn't be that hard to find he started looking everywhere he could and soon stumbled across the building and saw a someone handing out something, he couldn't see that far so he went up to them and asked.

"This is where were suppose to go to sign up for a faction right?" he said curiously

IceSolstice IceSolstice
"Okay, that's fine, I guess. You'll just have to make some new ones once you're registering. For now, let's just rest for a bit after that encounter." Miyarkus said to Ayane. The bakery is relatively peaceful for now, and is probably the best place he goes to.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your story? We can leave once we're done eating" Miyarkus simply asked her.

The gaggle of people around the bakery don't make much noise aside from small talk and the busy calls they make. It's still bright outside even before all of the events that happened.

"Actually, never mind--" and Miyarkus swallowed two cake slices whole, and stands up. He forgets his mango juice that he didn't drink yet and already prepares to leave.

"--we should get going quickly. Better early than never, or something. The faction recruitment building should be able to get you to your designated faction today. I highly doubt we'll be in the same one though."


Ayane Katou-

What? I guess the whole paper deal is okay... but... What... okay. So, not telling him my life story.... and now I'm gonna go join a faction. Right. Okay.

"Yeah, okay. What about your juice? And... uh, how can you even eat?" Ayane asks. I think Aya is back. Yeah she is. Ahhh, it feels good to be me again. Good thing too, if I signed up for a faction like that, it wouldn't be all too accurate. Having Aya take the trash to the trash bin, Ayane waits by Mar's side for his answer.

Computing Magus Computing Magus
Upon stepping out of the bus, Yura rubbed her eyes and blinked several times to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. There was a giant arrow seemingly floating in midair. Taking the lollipop out of her mouth, she eyed the arrow for a moment, and took in the sights of the bizarre city she’d ended up in. “Huh, neat.” She remarked, and promptly put the lollipop back in her mouth. She’d uttered the same exact words when she realised she’d left her wallet behind, but with a touch of sarcasm.

Both penniless and clueless, she let out a mental sigh of resignation. ‘Hah~ I’m so fucking fucked.’ She completely lacked the experience to survive by herself, and now she was forced into a fly or die situation. Still, she couldn’t give up now, not yet. Not when her precious yaoi collection awaited her return. No, she must persevere so she can once again enjoy some hot MxM action.

Filled with a tiny bit of vigor, she looked around for someone who could help her out. So far, Tinkerbell seemed to be her best bet at getting some directions, so she walked over to her. “Yo, sis. Would you help a noob out and gimme some pointers?” She asked the winged girl. Glancing down at the sign she was holding, her overactive imagination conjured images of mafias and gang wars.

IceSolstice IceSolstice
Lexa Gilliam

Lexa was equally confused to see what appeared to be some kind of four-legged robot sneaking up behind Ayesha. Naturally, with all the teeth, she interpreted it as a threat, jumping to her feet. She grabbed the closest plate on her tray, and shoved it into her mouth, crunching it up with just a few bites.

The ceramic instantly reinforced her bones and muscles, giving her the sense of strength that she’d been missing these last couple of days. It was likely barely perceptible at this stage, but her body also grew about an inch in height.

She wasn’t too sure what to do next, or even what it was going to do next, but she felt prepared for anything now.

...as it turned out, the situation resolved itself before she could even intervene, Ayesha turning out to be far stronger than she anticipated, even with her clearly muscular body. She'd handled the robot (dog?) with a single hand, easily calming things down when the owner approached the table.

IceSolstice IceSolstice Mattie Mattie always_confused always_confused
Ayesha Nawaz

The latest addition to our little table, Lexa, seemed to be decent enough company. Not as friendly or open as Vivian but considering we were all strangers to each other, in a new country, and with varied pasts, I figured it made sense.

“Pretty much. I managed to get a job lined up, so I guess I’m doing alright for now. Hopefully my luck holds.” I didn’t mention Vivian’s farm for the moment. If Vivian wanted to ask for more help, I think it’s up to her. I’m just a farmhand after all.

The remainder of the meal passed by in a companionable enough atmosphere and that would’ve been the end of that...except my hearing picks up something odd. Not human, not two-legged. The next few moments seem to move in slow-motion. Quickly turning to where the odd sound is coming, I barely have time to register what looks like an armored and very dangerous looking animal in the process of hopping up onto our table before my hand shoots out and grabs the animal by the neck. I apply a bit of strength to make sure it doesn’t escape. In the meanwhile I hear the sound of something breaking from behind me but I ignore that for the moment, all my attention focused on the animal in my grasp.

“W-what on earth?!”

Mattie Mattie
Abbey & Judas & Ayesha

Inches away from food, Judas is thwarted. He can feel a scarily grip has taken hold of his neck, and while it’s not painfully tight, wiggling doesn’t yield the slightest hint of space. Judas immediately goes limp, letting out a pathetic whimpering sound and peering up at the lady with robotic doggy eyes. He knew when he was beat, and hoped begging would have better results.

A few seconds later, Abbey spots the commotion at the table and catches up. The slice of bread in her mouth falls to the ground as she takes in the scene. Judas, hanging limply at the neck from a tall woman’s hand, who seemed to holding up his metal body effortlessly. “Please don’t hurt him! I am so sorry—Judas, get over here!” Abbey says.


As I try to blink away my surprise at the identity of my assailant, a cybernetic dog of all things, the animal’s owner, a young girl, runs up to the table and pleads with me to let it go.

Well...no harm done and despite the dog’s fearsome appearance, one can’t listen to those pitious whimpers without having their heart melt. That and I really like dogs.

I loosen my grip and let the dog go. “Is he alright? I didn’t mean to hurt him. He just took us by surprise.”

Judas mournfully slinks back to the girl, who crouches and examines his neck. After a moment she looks back up and replies, “It’s okay, he’s perfectly fine. And it’s his fault for trying to steal food from strangers.”She directs the last part at the dog, standing up.

“I’m Abbey by the way, and this is Judas. Are you okay? He’d never hurt someone on purpose, but there’s been accidents before...” She says.

“It’s alright. No harm done, from what I can see. Managed to catch him before anything happened….I’d uhh...say Judas is a cute doggie, but I think I’d be lying. He’s an intimidating figure for sure. I almost feel sorry for any would-be-burglars when he’s around.”

I have no knowledge whatsoever about this kind of thing, but looking at Judas’ armored frame and metallic teeth I’d bet good money this isn’t 21st Century standard. I’ve heard of Gifted whose ‘powers’ manifest in various forms of super-intellect. Could this girl be one such Gifted?

“Oh sorry. My name’s Ayesha. We could’ve met under better circumstances, but no one’s hurt so its all good, right?”

“Yeah! Also uhmm, I noticed how easily you held onto Judas... and he’s pretty heavy... you’d have to be pretty strong to hold him with one hand... stronger than most people...” Abbey trails off uncertainty, hesitating to come out and say it. But she had to know! Normal musculature wouldn’t have been able to exert that much strength, so were her muscle fibers enhanced by an unknown material? Were they incredibly dense, or were her cells working more efficiently? Excitement warred with social anxiety as Abbey stammered in circles.

Oh crap. I should’ve just let Judas grab some food and run off! What do I say?! I don’t want to give away what I can and can’t do! Especially since I don’t exactly know my limits either. “U-uh..I work out. A lot.” I finish lamely. I can just picture Picard facepalming at me right now. “I-I don’t know how much longer the cafeteria will be open. You should get yourself - and Judas - a bite to eat while you have the time!” Even worse! I’m just babbling at this point. Hopefully Abbey gets the hint that I don’t particularly want to talk about certain things at this point.

Abbey just gives Ayesha a skeptical look. If she didn’t want to tell her, maybe she could investigate herself? Abbey briefly pictures herself walking up to Ayesha and groping the older woman’s muscles for science.

...No, that probably wouldn’t go over well. “...I’ll go get some food then.” Abbey says reluctantly, barely suppressing the urge to run her fingers all over that fascinating enhanced musculature. She gestures at Judas and the two leave to get more food, the fallen slice of bread on the ground sadly forgotten.

WhipDing WhipDing IceSolstice IceSolstice always_confused always_confused
Miyarkus Trimiad -

Miyarkus stifles a chuckle, and decides that the mystery of a skeleton being able to eat was best left as it is for the sake of intrigue. He beckons Ayane to the recruitment faction building, which would simply take a walk, due to being just a block away.


Miyarkus and Ayane arrive at the massive recruitment building and they proceed to enter to enter the structure. For Miyarkus, it’s been a long while; the same decor of plants and simple paintings that line the simple colored walls don’t seem to be touched. The woman at the counter is different though.

“Hey, Ayane, talk to her about registering for a faction, and that you don’t have the immigration papers. She’ll tell you to get a slip from the stack of papers next to her computer. I’ll sit at the lobby’s couch if you need me.” Miyarkus said and proceeds to said comfortable couch. If it weren’t for being an adult, the air conditioned lobby and soft couch could have easily forced him to sleep.

Ayane Katou -

Looking around the giant place when we enter, it seems sophisticated. Kind of too big. Eh, whatever. Sweet of Mar to stick around like a guardian or something. Nodding to Mar, I walk up to the lady at the counter.

“Uhm. I-We’re here to sign up for a faction?” Aya says. It’s nice to use her again. I almost got used to using ‘I’ with Mar… Whoops. Well, they will find out soon enough.

“You both want to be recruited, I see. Do you both happen to have the immigration papers?” The lady behind the desk said, still typing on her computer. Oh, it’s the papers again…

“No, I don’t… I don’t have the papers. But yeah, I want to be recruited,” Ayane says this time. Oh whoops. I forgot the ‘we.’ Too late to change it now, I guess...

“Hmm, guess it can’t be helped. Here, write down on these.” The lady said and handed both bodies a single page of paper with things like name, age, gift, and the like with blanks to be filled up. She hands me two pens, as well.

“Ah, actually, I’m one person and have two bodies. Do you still want me to fill out two papers?” I say, using both bodies to show I am one person…. Or just two creepy twins who can say the same thing at the same time without any prompt…

The lady looks at me wide-eyed for a second, not of fear but of simple surprise.

“Oh, okay, I think I get it. What a gift… ok, here, return to me just one them and a pen. Just fill out one of these.” The lady said with an astonished voice. Apparently, she has already seen creepier gifts, but was moderately surprised nonetheless. That’s a good thing, I guess. Giving her back one paper and pen I take the other’s.

Walking over to Mar, who was looking at his watch, I sit on a couch across from him with a table in between us.

Miyarkus Trimiad -

Ayane goes nearer to where he is, clutching a single piece of paper. Wait, that’s all she needs to write down on? Back then, he had to write down on a whole folder full of blanks to fill with his pertinent information.

“Need any help with that?” Miyarkus said and goes over to Ayane. He looks over her to take a good look at the paper, definitely much more streamlined and efficient. The field where it says “Gift Summary” is left alone behind the piece of paper to fill out, since some complicated Gifts exist. Other fields were the standard information, such as name, age, and the like. Miyarkus shrugs, sits next to her, and continues scrolling through his Z-Watch.

Ayane Katou -

“Ah, no, I think I can fill this out, thanks,” I say through both bodies. Looking at the paper I fill it out. I’m glad I didn’t have to do much for not bringing my papers. When I’m done I go back to the receptionist.

“Here you go,” I say with both bodies, handing her the paper and pen with Aya.

The lady receives them and inputs the information to her computer, then after a few seconds prints out two laminated ID, laced with a bit of antinite, and is filled with her information. Even with a picture of her face on it. I put it on Ayane’s person.

“Here you go; please proceed to the hallway at your left, first door on your right. Your gift will be tested and you will be placed appropriately in your designated faction. Thank you and have a good day!” The lady said enthusiastically. Cool.

Headin to the left and going through the first door on the right, I go in hesitantly, Aya first. I kinda miss her so I guess I’m playing favorites.

The room is small, but the lighting is great, and there’s only one person there. They’re sitting at a desk, a couple computers in front of them and a chair on the other side. There’s also a door to another room on the opposite wall. I hesitantly go into the room and standby the one chair. I’m not playing favorites that much. Plus this seems really professional, I want to be on my toes, not relax.

“Uh, I’m here to take a test,” Ayane says, almost asking a question.

The person in the room looks over at Ayane, walks over to her, looks at her ID, then returns to their computer without uttering a word. The man scans something in their computer, and peers at the screen.

“...very well.” Then they make another chair appear with a snap of his fingers, so that both bodies may have a seat.

Whoa, thats… cool. Having both bodies take a seat, I look at him and his computers. Oh, he’s looking at my file. When did I get one of those? Oh… probably when the lady had me fill out that paper. He’s typing something under… ‘What is used to test.’ Huh. Oh, now he’s messaging someone.

After he does that he takes me into a white room that seems miles long, through the door at the back of the room. It was really cool to look at, but then he began to test me. First he had me influence a guy that came in, then he made a wall appear with another snap and told me to sense how many people were behind it. He had Aya walk-for what seemed to be forever-in a direction and told Ayane a poem, then appeared in front of Aya with a snap-who was across the room-and asked her to repeat the poem. He did this many times with other information, like pictures and words and colors and paragraphs.

Over all, he just tested me. I hated the one where he pinched me and poked me and watched as both my bodies reacted with a laugh or a whimper. Then he had me leave. Well, technically he took my ID and did something, but after he gave them back he told me to leave with a fake smile and well-wishes.

Well, yeah. That’s where I am now. Outside the room I entered who knows how long ago. I walked back to the lobby to see the lady still there and Mar still on the couch.

Miyarkus Trimiad -

Miyarkus notice Ayane leave, probably about to be tested. He approaches the lady over at the informative desk.

“Hello, I happen to know Ayane and would like to watch how her tests go. Is there anywhere I can be to watch?” Miyarkus said bluntly. He kind of didn't ask if he could, he just directly asks how to.

“Oh, are you her guardian? You did walked in with her… anyway, there is; go straight down the left corridor, but take the left door at the end. This leads to a spectating spot of the testing room.” The lady informed him. Miyarkus muttered a thanks and headed straight to where he was directed, down the left corridor then the left door, which leaded to a flight of stairs going straight to a room overlooking another while, empty, and large room. There were some seats around, and just two people here. They are here to judge what Ayane can do. They look at the person who came in, then return to watching the white room, tablets in hand to input their observations.

As Miyarkus began to take a seat, a man and Ayane enters the gigantic white room. Of course, he can’t hear what’s going on. If he only had the earphones those judges had, probably to hear what Ayane’s instructor was saying. He noticed something about the tests within his limited room, though. The tests involve one of the bodies being affected, and they seem to observe how the other body reacts to said tests. Through pain, information, and thoughts. The tests proved her Gift of sharing two bodies as one person, as both bodies seem to have the same result.

“Excuse me, but do you happen to be an acquaintance of Ms. Ayane?” one of the judges ask Miyarkus, finally acknowledging the skeleton in the room.

“Yes, kind of.”

“I think I like the idea of sharing information between two bodies.” One of the judges say.

“When split into two groups, and both bodies separated, information can be passed instantly though limitless distances. That’s one amazing application of the ability if you ask me.” The other judge said. Miyarkus believes they have a good point. One application of having two bodies is knowing what the one of them is doing, and the other receiving it as if they were also affected. It’s one particular odd gift, Miyarkus thought, but at the perfect circumstances, she can be pretty vital. The judges also note the usability of her singing, “a good pseudo-mind control”, although that’s not exactly the correct term. After a bit of a while, they finally seem to stop testing in the white room, and the judges also decide to stand up. They gave Miyarkus a curt nod, and proceed away from the spectating room. Miyarkus follows upwards.

Miyarkus returns to the lobby first. If Ayane wanted to look for him, he thought, he should just sit back at the couch since that was where she remembers he was. After that, he looks through his Z-Watch for the latest thing again, and waits patiently for Ayane.

Ayane Katou -

Going over to Mar, I see he is still looking through his watch. I sit down by him and examine my badge, looking for any changes… Oh! There’s a little symbol and a certain shine when you move it a certain way… Cool.

“Hey, Mar-is it okay if I call you that?-, I finished!” I say, both bodies showing excitement.

“Well done, oh, here comes somebody.” Mar said to me. The lady from the desk came over and looks like she wants to tell us something.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Ayane. You have now been assigned to the Mental faction. Actually, it was difficult to categorize your Gift, almost on par with being Unaligned, but we took in the basic principles of your Gift and conclude you only affect things mentally. Anyway, here is your provided Z-Watch, and you have been given a room in the Mental Faction along with many others. If you wish to be roommates with a particular person, please ask us.” The lady says, handing me the watch. Huh, it’s like Mar’s watch. Putting it on I see it light up and stuff. Cool.

“Ah, actually, can I room with myself? I hope you didn’t give me two rooms…” Aya asks nervously. It would be cool to have two roommates, I guess, but I don’t know.

“Oh, no worries Ms. Ayane. Taking into account about your gift, both of you will be in the same room, so do not worry of being seperated. Also, due to that, a roommate might be difficult to accommodate for...” the lady said. That’s good, I guess.

“Thanks, I’ll be sure to come here if I need anything… oh, and where is the Mental Faction building?” Ayane asks. I kinda need to know where my room is… And wouldn’t it be bad to have a bunch of people who can manipulate mentally in the same building?

“Oh, the Mental Faction Building? It’s not far from here, so don’t worry; outside of this building are the factions. They are all near each other, and the Mental Faction does have a sign that says so. You won’t miss it, I assure you Ms. Ayane. With that, I must go, if you need anything, just ask.” The lady said with a wave and leave to attend to some other people at her desk.

“Cool. Hey, Mar, what faction are you in?... and can you show me how to use this watch?” I ask, with both bodies. It would be good to know how to use it, after all, and he seems like he knows what he’s doing.

“The Z-Watch has a video tutorial, bottom-right of the screen. As for me, I’m part of the Physical faction; hey, up high!” Mar said, then he forcefully pulled off his right arm, and tosses it at me. I yelp. AH, it’s flopping like a fish!

“Markus! Your arm! It-It’s-what?!”

“Hah! Just messin’ with you, kid.” Mar said and took the now dormant arm back. He reattached it easily. What! That-That’s… actually kinda cool.

“Yeah, I throw bones at people. But that’s really only for utility.” Mar said. I guess that makes sense… But still! Throwing your own arm at people….

“Y’know, let’s get going. I know a place where they make a great steak; I’m kind of hungry again.” Mar says… oh.

“Mar, I’m a vegetarian… I mean… Looking at meat I feel like I’m eating myself and that’s just weird….”

“Um, okay, but… meat is good! But if you really can’t where do you suggest we go? We’ve already been at Bobert’s!” Mar said. Uhh, I have no idea.

“I just got here, how would I know? Why don’t we just look around. Oh, and I have no money. So you’re paying,” I say as we begin to walk out.

“What! Gah, fine, but nothing larger than a total of $50 for the both of us, I’m broke!” Mar says as we reach the door.

“Of course.”


Another person approaches her and asks, "This is where we're suppose to go to sign up for a faction right?"

Alice smiles and chirps, "Yup! Follow the floating arrow and you'll reach the Factions Recruitment Building! Have a free badge too!"
She holds out a badge for the black haired male.

A spunky girl walks up to her and says, “Yo, sis. Would you help a noob out and gimme some pointers?”

"Yeah, sis, go join the Factions! We give free food and housing!" Alice responds in kind.

KanTheOne KanTheOne KookyJar KookyJar


Vivian watches apprehensively as a muscular robotic dog approaches Ayesha and tries to sneak away some of her food. She's about to shout out a warning when Ayesha deals with the situation herself, grappling the strange dog.
With that kind of strength, I'm sure Ayesha will be helpful around the farm. It was a good decision to hire her.
Moments later, a frantic girl with long black hair rushes over apologizing profusely about her dog, the now introduced Judas.
It looks like Vivian isn't the only one intrigued by Ayesha's display of abilities-- Abbey looks like she's practically drooling with curiosity over Ayesha.
Ayesha seemed like she didn't want to talk about it, so Vivian decides not to press further either. She didn't want to make the other woman feel uncomfortable.
Leaning forward towards Ayesha, Vivian whispers, "If you want to leave, I can make up an excuse for you when Abbey comes back."

always_confused always_confused WhipDing WhipDing Mattie Mattie
Vix decided to tag along because honestly she has nothing better to do. And who better than a slime to convince the farmer to fix their farm to better protect it against slimes. “If you find it boring just join people on longer adventures and be the cook, you'll be useful and pick up combat experience.”
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As Lynx exited the bus , she noticed many things that caught her attention. Just as the young female walked into the city , she noticed the big yellow arrow in the sky, she then looked forward to admire this beautiful but bazaar city that somehow she ended up in but at least it was better than home back in the u.s.

Lynx noticed a girl with butterfly wings and a few others making their way to the wanna be fairy . ' I guess this is where we go ' she thought very unsure but she started walking forward toward miss Fairy lady . She waved at her before she smirked ". Hello there miss would you please help me out ..and some suggestions to do around here " she said before whispering to herself
"maybe somewhere to eat at too ...I'm starving " she whispered to herself before looking at the lady

IceSolstice IceSolstice

Vivian watches apprehensively as a muscular robotic dog approaches Ayesha and tries to sneak away some of her food. She's about to shout out a warning when Ayesha deals with the situation herself, grappling the strange dog.
With that kind of strength, I'm sure Ayesha will be helpful around the farm. It was a good decision to hire her.
Moments later, a frantic girl with long black hair rushes over apologizing profusely about her dog, the now introduced Judas.
It looks like Vivian isn't the only one intrigued by Ayesha's display of abilities-- Abbey looks like she's practically drooling with curiosity over Ayesha.
Ayesha seemed like she didn't want to talk about it, so Vivian decides not to press further either. She didn't want to make the other woman feel uncomfortable.
Leaning forward towards Ayesha, Vivian whispers, "If you want to leave, I can make up an excuse for you when Abbey comes back."

Ayesha Nawaz

So. That was over with. In truth it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Once the shock of grabbing a cybernetic hound wore off, my inner child at seeing a cybernetic hound and (super) science in general kicked in. Never had much of a head for such things, but doesn't mean I can't admire it all the same, right? I wasn't sure what to feel about revealing the nature of my power though. I didn't have anything against Abbey, who seemed like a nice enough girl, it was just that certain memories were still raw.

As Abbey and Judas went away, Vivian whispered to me. I thought about it for a moment but eventually decided otherwise, "Thanks, but I'll be alright. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what her powers were like either. Just have a few raw memories from when they first manifested...not everyone in the world is understanding of people with powers, know what I mean?"
Lexa Gilliam

Lexa just watched silently as the two girls talked, before shrugging and sitting back down. When she'd first arrived here, she'd been worried that it'd be boring, what with the organisation and efficiency of the systems that were were in place. Clearly, that wasn't the case.

She looked at the food on her tray, as well as... other things. She'd been trying to avoid this, if only to escape attention, but it was too late for that now. Plate after plate was shoved into her mouth, as she chomped down on them with ease, her cravings finally satisfied. Her body was further reinforced by this new influx of material, even her skin beginning to harden now. A bit of actual food was enough to wash it all down, chips and gravy being a perfect light finisher.

It was interesting what the others were talking about, though. It was odd being around so many people with Gifts, and it was hard not to be curious about they were. Ayesha's clearly had something to do with her strength, but she had no idea what kind of ability could create a robot dog. And as Vivian, who knew what she could do? As much as she wanted to just ask, she didn't really know how socially normal that was around here, especially given the slightly awkward exchange that had just occurred between Ayesha and Abbey.

That said... Lexa wasn't one to conform to social norms. She certainly wasn't known for being sensitive, at least.

"So Vivian, what's your 'thing', then?", she asked, smirk on her face. "Laser eyes? Stretchy arms? Mind-reading?"

IceSolstice IceSolstice always_confused always_confused Mattie Mattie
Vix decided to tag along because honestly she has nothing better to do. And who better than a slime to convince the farmer to fix their farm to better protect it against slimes. “If you find it boring just join people on longer adventures and be the cook, you'll be useful and pick up combat experience.”

Alexander Cyphre

"I guess I could do something like that, yeah."

It wasn't exactly helping with the whole fantasy RPG videogame that I kept having. Waaaaay better than the outside world, though.

"Uh, where is the farm exactly?"

IceSolstice IceSolstice

That's a pretty vague request by all means, so Alice answers, "There are the Factions and the Department of Immigration. If you want to be a hero, join the Factions!"

Alice checks her Z-Watch and addresses the crowd around her, "It's my lunch break now, so I'll be leaving!"

She jumps and flies away, and the flowery arrow dissolves and the petals scatter in the wind, some drifting down into the crowd.
Time to go find Vix!


Alice does not find Vix. She's asked around the Factions, but no one knows where exactly Vix is.
Oh well.
Alice figures that Vix must be off doing her own thing, but for now Alice wanted food. She goes to the Faction cafeteria and spies someone she hasn't seen before--a male with messy gray hair. Alice walks up to them and introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Alice! I'm part of the Elemental Faction and I can create wings!"

Tsutarji Tsutarji Spectre558 Spectre558


Vivian nods in agreement to Ayesha's statement. It really is interesting to think about what kind of Gifts everyone had.
But when Lexa asks about her Gift, Vivian freezes. Memories from her past resurface, and suddenly she isn't that hungry anymore.
Vivian relaxes after several seconds, reminding herself that she was on Derika--a place where pretty much everyone was Gifted. She shouldn't need to hide her GIft here, although she was unsure how unusual or rare her Gift was.

"It's not as flashy as shooting lasers, but I can influence plants with my Gift, like make them grow faster or change their color," Vivian responds slowly.

always_confused always_confused WhipDing WhipDing Mattie Mattie


"The farm is in one of the small towns surrounding Brinkhaven. The towns usually need a lot of assistance because they don't have as many Gifted to help out and not as many defenses against the wild monsters that are native to Derika," Haku replies matter-of-factly.

Haku stares at the window, lost in thought and watching the rolling hills pass by.

"Vix is right though," Haku comments, "It's nice to have a good cook on longer requests."

negativenull negativenull Y Yuki no Yue

"The farm is in one of the small towns surrounding Brinkhaven. The towns usually need a lot of assistance because they don't have as many Gifted to help out and not as many defenses against the wild monsters that are native to Derika," Haku replies matter-of-factly.

Haku stares at the window, lost in thought and watching the rolling hills pass by.

"Vix is right though," Haku comments, "It's nice to have a good cook on longer requests."

@negativenull @Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre

"Yeah,t hat's true, but I can only create sweets. Not any other food or similar. It would be unhealthy after a while, wouldn't it?"

I mean, beyond the caloric intake and everything else...
Lexa Gilliam

"Huh... interesting. So, what, you planning to be a gardener or something?"

Lexa wasn't particularly impressed by that. Compared to superhuman speed, or flight, or most things really, being able to make plants grow kinda fast seemed like a bit of a raw deal. She supposed it was better than being normal... but still. Perhaps there was some other element to it she wasn't understanding - to be honest, she didn't really understand gifts in general right now. How varied could they get? It was hard to judge, with the little experience she'd had so far.

She turned to Ayesha, crunching her last plate between her teeth. "Don't worry Long-Legs, I ain't gonna ask you. I can tell you don't wanna talk about it," she grinned, giving her a wink.

IceSolstice IceSolstice always_confused always_confused Mattie Mattie
"Thanks" he says as he takes the badge from her hands " My name is Kugo by the way, nice to meet you" after he says that he walks away and puts the badge in his pocket to head towards the arrows were pointing. He ends up going in and finds they had neutral colors and a nice decor in the inside, he went to the reception area and took a seat. He took out his papers with his information.

Hopefully I took everything I needed to, he thought a bit anxious while handing the papers over to the receptionist. The receptionist checks over it and says he is good to go. He gives him his id and then he goes to the room labeled 'gift testing'

When he went inside it was a pretty decent size and it was filled training objects he assumed. the people in a corner watching him told him to start with the basics and tell them what his gift was and showing them. Well, that isn't so hard now he thought confidently. He tenses his arm up so he can start the 'spark'', his hair started flowing up and transforming to a darker shade of white and in a few seconds the flame sparked on it glowed a light red and move slowly kinda whiplashing. "Its fire as you can see in its weakest form, while it wont pack that much of a punch I can move a bit faster" The judges say "Can you demonstrate what it can do for us, all you have to do is attack the dummy" He got in a running stance and leaped to the dummy and superman punched it as hard as he could blowing the dummy to the wall. His fire dispersed after he landed "Well done, Now we need to see your agility and how far you can 'power up' then your done" the judges said as he stood up and tensed his legs and arms, they caught a flame and it was more violent this time. While the flame got a more transparent lighter red since its located in different areas of his body. He went over to the obstacle area and ran through it propelling himself with a short burst of fire midway he felt the substance start to wear off and soon enough he could burn himself. So he started going a bit faster messing up a bit more often, but he still made it just as it ran out. "Alright last thing is power up all the way." "Ok ill try" he said a bit worry like since he knows his bodys skin might not be able to make more of the substtance in time but he decied to man up and do it anyways. He tensed up both his arms and soon the light res fire sparked up and his hair turned white again as he tensed up more. It slowly turned to a dark tone of orange and slowly tunred to a bright\light orange with a hint of yellow. he coulndnt go any higher. "This is how high i can go for right now" he said in a tense tone "Ok good job come here" he used both fist and punched straight ahead dispersing the fire with a bit more radius. He had to do that sense he couldnt normaly take it off. He went to where they were and they gave him a Z wacth and his room number, they aslo told him where the cafeteria was. "Thanks, ill see you guys later...i think" He said while leaving to go to the cafeteria. He walked in to see a few people are already there including someone he met outside. Speaking of people outside I need a job he thought. He heard his stomach rumble one last time and decided to go get a bite to eat. He took a seat and started devouring his food.
((Collab with Yuki no Yue & negativenull))

[Haku, Alexander, and Vix]

Haku asks, “Do you know how to cook?”

“I actually know. I don’t like touching meat, though. Or fish. I’m kind of...” Alexander stopped for a second, trying to find the right word “... squeamish, I guess”

“But raw meat is the same thing as cooked meat except that cooked meat has had heat applied to it,” Haku wonders.

Vix just kinda stares.

Alexander looked at her. “I never said I was a rational person.”

Haku stares.

Rational person,” Vix just chuckles for a bit.

On that note, the bus stops at their destination and the three get out. The town is nowhere near as pristine and clean looking as Brinkhaven is. Colors on the buildings seem to be more washed out, roads weren’t paved, and some buildings are partially damaged, presumably from the various creatures native to Derika itself.

Alexander whistled, slowly. “I didn’t think things were this bad outside of the big city. You guys aren’t helping with my idea of a dystopian/RPG nation, you know?”

“Life is just rougher out here, some people like the danger and adventure that comes with it,” Haku explains.

“Really? Amazing.” Alexander tone was pretty normal, but who paid attention could see that he was amazed, even if only a little.

“Yeah. Brinkhaven doesn’t exactly have a shortage of space because of the more powerful dimensional Gifts. Towns like this do get a lot of help from Brinkhaven with everyone running requests,” Haku responds.

At that, Alexander frowned. “No police force or even sheriffs? Nothing?”

Haku shrugs, “Some towns have an authority figure, some don’t. Some like not being under the rule of authority.”

Alexander wasn’t sure on how to react at that. “Dystopic AU on real life, uh? Well, where do we need to go?”

"You keep using that word I do not think it means what you think it means," Vix points out.

“Nice quote. And yet, I think that it means exactly what I want it to mean.”

“I don't see people being killed in the streets. Nor any one starving. Not very dystopic.”

Haku decides to stay out of this, things seem to have become suddenly tense.

“Neither are doing that in the USA and look how thing are going. Dystopian doesn’t mean only the apocalyptic scene from films.”

Vix fiddles with her Z-watch for a bit “Dystopia, noun, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad.”

Alexander shrugged “Well, I’m more Humpty Dumpty than Dictionary, but my point remains. I’m not saying that it can’t work, but that, to me, it’s a strange state of being.”

Haku is getting restless, a small blade has surfaced from her sleeve and is rotating slowly. At this point, she just wanted to get on with the request, go back, and buy some new clothes.

“It's strange, sure, but it's a far cry from the antithesis of a utopia. But this isn't why we’re here.”

“True that. So, Haku. where do we need to go?” Alexander asked, creating a popsicle from nothing, tinted amber, red and purple, before starting licking it.

The rotating stops and the blades swivels to point east.
“We need to go that way. Follow me,” Haku answers rather stiffly, already starting to walk away.

Alexander followed her, still eating his popsicle.

Vix trails behind, keeping a bit of an eye out on the plant life.

They arrive at a relatively nice looking farm--various farm animals are out and about grazing peacefully. Nothing seems wrong until one looks at the growing crops themselves. Formerly growing crops that is. There appears to be more slimes than undamaged crops now. A hurried couple rushes over to the group.

“Thank goodness you’ve arriv-- OH goD what is THAT?!” the woman screams and points at Vix.

Alexander, simply because he could, popped the popsicle out of his mouth and smiled at the woman. “My popsicle? Never seen one before?”

Vix simultaneous glares at the woman, “Rude.”

Haku lets out a small sigh and looks up at the clouds. Where have I gone wrong?

The woman clutches her husband’s arm, even more flabbergasted by the talking slime.
“Calm down, they’re with the Factions. Look at their watches,” the man soothes her and then addresses the group, “My apologies, my name is Victor and this is my wife Martha. We currently have a slime infestation, so please forgive my wife’s overreaction.”

“Exactly when it started and where has been more prominent?” Alexander asked, the lollipop vanishing like it never was.

“I’m guessing ya’ll new to Derika if you don’t know what slime behavior is like. They move in packs. Where one slime goes, the others follow. It just so happened that they came upon this place early mornin’ while we were asleep. They’ve been rampaging the crops since,” Victor explain helplessly.

“Yeah, first day. Did they do this in one day?” And Alexander waved his arms towards the entirety of the crops.

“Yeah, them beasts are ravenous little bastards,” the man dips his hat towards Vix, “No offense to you of course.”

“Hmmm.” It was a pensive sound “How many do you think are there?”

“Slimes usually roam in packs ‘round 30, so I’d guess that,” the man replies.

“Last minute advice?” Alexander said, directing his question to everyone here.

“Don’t lose your shoe in ‘em,” the farmer responds, looking Alexander seriously in the eye.

Haku stops staring at the sky and looks back at Alexander, “Just kill it.”

Vix starts walking the perimeter of the farm.

“Ok, ok. Let me see if I can think of a way to do it. I had an idea to kill a bunch of them in a single move before...” Alexander started walking towards the field, already cracking his hands.

“No,” Haku interrupts, “I want you to kill 15 of them using different methods. It’s an exercise to use your Gift creatively. At the very least, I want you to try.”

Alexander looked at Haku, clearly confused, before shrugging. “I’ll do what I can.” And he started walking towards the slimes again, before stopping in front of one.

Haku calls out, “They’re not particularly deadly, so feel free to take your time figuring things out!”

“Ok!” Alexander shouted back, before focusing again on the slime. It was pale blue, shaped like a drop and looked like it came out of a videogame.

“Sooo...” and a 8-kilos block of popsicles (cherry flavored) dropped on it, squashing it.

A faint cracking noise could be heard, and the slime loses shape and melts into a gooey puddle.

“They’re acid, right?”

Haku shakes her head, “Nope. I wouldn’t do that to you on your first request.”

“Mhhh….” Alexander pointed to another and a giant syringe, made of clear candy, appeared in the air, sucking air inside until it was full, before plunging in a slime and injecting it all inside it.

The slime blows up like a balloon, flailing against the syringe as it deflates. Ultimately nothing happens to it though as the slime expels the air from its body. Another syringe appeared, repeating the process with the same slime, just with more air.

“So this don’t work...” And another brick made of popsicles fall on it, this time with a spiked bottom. The slime goes splat.

The next three were kind of underwhelming: one got crucifixed by popsicles, another got impaled by rock candy and the third was simply cut in half.

Haku watches impassively.

“Mhhhh….. Let’s see if this work.” And, over the open hand of Alexander, a sphere of liquid appeared. It turned into a snake, thickening and gaining volume second by second. Then, he took out a box of matchsticks and lighted one, before touching it to the faux-snake. Instantly it lighted on fire and launched itself at one slime, engulfing it in a fiery squeeze.

It doesn’t seem to do any damage at first, but it squishes the slime and makes contact with its core. After several minutes, the slime disintegrates.

After that, Alexander created a lotus flower around one, that closed on it and literally blended it to death. Then it was the turn of the army of gingerbread men that shredded another. The giant gingerbread men that squashed one and punted the other away. Another one got enclosed in a box, that was subsequently filled with powdered sugar and went boom with the help of a matchstick.

Haku nods approvingly at Alexander’s progress.

Another got caught into two claws and twisted until it gave up, another in a candy maiden, a third was guillotined, another got split on a candy horse, another got boiling hot caramel poured over it.

Once Alexander is finished, Haku goes over to congratulate him, “Nice work.”

Alexander smiled, purposefully ignoring the look that the farmers were giving him “Thank you. I’m a bit tired, though.”

“That’s alright, I’ll finish up the rest,” Haku smiles back.

The remaining slimes are dispatched by wrapping razor thin wire and squeezing as well as a series of methodical stabs and cuts with her blades. After she’s done, Haku stuffs the daggers into her mouth and condenses the wire into a ball to do the same.

“Want something to remove the taste?” Alexander asked, waving his hand making the remains of the sweets he created vanish.

Haku brightens up at that, “Sure. I could use a snack.”


“Raspberry lollipop, please,” Haku requests. Her favorite flavor. And it would last a while.

Alexander flourished his hand and a raspberry flavored lollipop appeared from nothing “Here ya go.”

“Thanks!” Haku says happily, accepting the lollipop.

The farmers walk over and Martha is the first to speak, “Thank you for your help! You two should receive the payment shortly.”

Vix finally makes her way back, “There’s a hole in your slime barrier on the southwestern side of the farm.”

The couple looks genuinely surprised and the Martha speaks up, slightly hesitant, “Thanks, I’m sorry about earlier. I had the wrong idea about you.”

“It's fine it happens more often than you would think.”

Request Summary: Success!

Vivian nods in agreement to Ayesha's statement. It really is interesting to think about what kind of Gifts everyone had.
But when Lexa asks about her Gift, Vivian freezes. Memories from her past resurface, and suddenly she isn't that hungry anymore.
Vivian relaxes after several seconds, reminding herself that she was on Derika--a place where pretty much everyone was Gifted. She shouldn't need to hide her Gift here, although she was unsure how unusual or rare her Gift was.

"It's not as flashy as shooting lasers, but I can influence plants with my Gift, like make them grow faster or change their color," Vivian responds slowly.

Ayesha Nawaz

Plant based powers? I can see at least one reason she'd go for being a farmer. Of course, that was a very vague description. 'Influence plants'? That could mean any number of things. The two examples, faster growth and color change, she gave were just the tip of the iceberg. Could she go full plant monster like a character in a comic-book series I heard of once? And considering how pretty much everywhere has plants of some sort, she's never far away from 'ammo'. Impressive. Best not to piss her off. Not that I was ever gonna pick a fight with my boss in the first place, I wasn't that dumb or enough of an a-hole to do so.

"Interesting. I'll admit I've had no experience with 'gifts' before so I'd be interested in seeing your plant influence at work. Sometime later though."

And that brings us to Lexa. "Hmm...I didn't see anything, since I was distracted by the cybernetic dog in my hand, but I did heard a crunching noise during that time. I'm guessing that was you, Lexa? Seeing you chow down on several plates, I'm guessing some form of super digestion. But that's not all. Your reaction to a potentially dangerous situation was to take a bite out of your tray. Some might say nervous reaction, but I think they'd be wrong, no, I think eating such stuff gives you some benefit as well. Physical enhancement of some sort?"

IceSolstice IceSolstice WhipDing WhipDing

Her face flushes with embarrassment at Lexa's comment.

"Is it weird if I like gardening?" Vivian asks, almost defensive.

Vivian feels a bit cowed. Judging by what she's seen so far, both of these people could probably pick her up and snap her like a toothpick. Her ability seems very...tame in comparison.
Despite this, she musters up her courage to continue.

"I'm going to be a farmer actually," she adds on.

WhipDing WhipDing always_confused always_confused Mattie Mattie
Lexa Gilliam

"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that," she replied hastily. "There's nothing wrong with gardening, I'm sure..." She hadn't really intended her comment to come out like that, but that was pretty standard for her by this point. It wasn't the first time she'd inadvertently offended someone.

"A farmer, eh? Sounds pretty chill, actually. Seems like a nice way to get away from all... this." She gestured around the busy room, mostly referring to the general din and bustle of the whole thing. In truth, places like this, as much as she was used to it, still put her on edge. All it took was her to bump into the wrong person, and things could really go south, for everyone involved.

She turned her attention to Ayesha, still grinning. "That's pretty perceptive of you, Long-Legs. You're absolutely right." She stood up, having mostly ran out of things to eat anyway. Previously, she had been somewhat shorter than the other woman, but now she was perhaps almost a head taller. Lexa had had the foresight to wear baggy clothing like always, that could at least partially accommodate her larger size.

"Ceramic - good for the bones." For a moment, she wondered who was the stronger out of the two of them, but quickly put that thought aside. She wasn't here to fight people. Besides, this growth was mostly for show in comparison to Ayesha's abilities - Lexa knew she wouldn't have been able to handle that robot dog anywhere near as well.

IceSolstice IceSolstice always_confused always_confused Mattie Mattie
Lynx walked past her into the faction building ,as Alice left for her lunch break , she couldn't help but notice that there were a ton of people crowding up the building as she walked into the faction building. She walked up to a empty line to a receptionist and she sighed " hmm hello miss how do I join a faction ...do I need papers or anything like that " she asked as she looked around admiring the place and the other people

Lynx sighed as she noticed she kind of felt out of place here..., she seemed a little shy and different than most of the other people ...she hopes she finds someone to talk to ,so she won't be so lonely anymore.
The next morning, Miyarkus is already on watch, awake and ready to find a job to take. By "on watch", this means that Bobert's Bakery now has a skeleton as usual. Also, by awake, this means that he groggily gets something to fix him up. He's not a coffee or energy drink kind of guy, though. At any rate, he can easily not notice any alert of help on his Z-Watch. If it wasn't for last evening, he wouldn't have tried to use an alarm.

The evening before...

"... now that's a lot of carbonara. You sure about that?" Miyarkus said.

The pasta joint some ways around Derika was something Ayane and Miyarkus found while discovering new areas. While he would easily forget where these were since he doesn't travel often, this pasta place might be just something he might go to. Probably.

Apparently, there was currently a pasta special, which is more of a challenge. Choose your favorite pasta and they'll give you about 1/3 a kilo of said pasta, finish it within twenty minutes, and you can only bring one friend to finish it with you. Ayane and the cook had a thorough 'discussion' about whether Miyarkus counts as a third person or second. Actually, it's an argument. In the end, the cook found it fair to allow Miyarkus to join along with Ayane's two bodies, since were talking about two small girls, and one skeleton who the cook assumed couldn't eat a lot, anyway.

Oh how he underestimated them.

Ayane and Miyarkus didn't get sick of the pasta, nor burst due to being bloated. They had just the right amount of stomach to consume it all. It helps that the cheese was perfect, the noodles slick, and the spices flavorful. In the end, the meal is now free, and the reward they got was a discount on all future purchases in the pasta joint. For just one evening, Ayane and Miyarkus became the local pasta heroes.

"Here, Oscar-- ow."

Oscar, instead of perching on Miyarkus' forearm, scratched it with it's claws like a flying bird. The feline was on a skyscraper. Apparently, among this onlookers of a dozen giften citizens, only Miyarkus had the appropriate gift to bring it down. Still, it's like trying to peel year-old gum under a desk. It completely denies the rescuer that is Miyarkus' floating right arm.

Miyarkus' arm fell like a meteor, although it's impact on Miyarkus' skull doesn't match. The bystanders all brainstormed of an idea.

"Oh, I know; here, hold this mister." the little owner of Oscar said, and handed Miyarkus tiny, fish-shaped biscuits. The kid says they're cat food. After holding it tightly in his palm, his right arm floats upwards again and reaches the cat. This time, the pounces on his arm and balances perfectly whilst eating the cat food. Miyarkus gently floats the arm fifty feet away from him downwards, and hands the cat to the kid. Everyone claps in applause on Miyarkus' presentation.

"Thank you, mister! I don't have anything, though." The kid said. By this time, the crowd has dispersed to return to their business.

"No sweat, kid. I'll be fine." Miyarkus said, and also leaves the scene, leaving the kid to tend with their orange cat, Oscar. After turning a few blocks a few minutes later, he is in front of the faction buildings. The sun has only broken through the horizon for just one hour. Y'now, seven o'clock.

431101134 431101134 (I think this is a fine start.)

“Did you say ceramic?” Abbey asks excitedly, her eyes wide. She’s holding a tray laden with a colorful and properly balanced selection of foods. Broccoli, carrots, avocado, grilled chicken breast, quinoa, and a tall glass of orange juice came together to form the absolute healthiest meal Abbey could build.

Labcoat billowing, the young girl plops her tray down and slides into the seat beside Lexa, grinning widely. It wasn’t hard to connect the conspicuously missing plates, shards of ceramic on the table, and Lexa’s increased height with what the woman had said.

“Soooooo your Gift lets you eat and digest inedible materials? And then grow and reinforce your body? Does your body digest normal food just as quickly? How long does it take for you to return to a normal size? Can you survive on just inedibles? Does different kinds of ceramic taste better?” Abbey chatters animatedly.

WhipDing WhipDing
Adrian Grumbled and looked at Lux, "Consider what you say around me pal..." He warned.
Adrian looks at Lux "Come I will bring you to the computer lab." He grinned, as he got up, walking in the direction of the computer lab,
"You coming or not?" He spoke firmly, watching her, "What's your name anyways?, I'm Adrian" Adrian introduced.

Sinsystems Sinsystems

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