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Fandom Demigods of the New Gen.


Two Thousand Club

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood


Welcome to the place where demigods can live a life of safety and hang out with other kids like them.

Camp Half-Blood is a summer camp where demigods can live for the summer or year round depending on your situation at home. It's a place where you can hang out, train, or just to get away from monsters.

So as a final greeting have fun and enjoy your stay.
Asher looked at the clock on the wall counting the seconds like a teenage girl at a one direction concert. 5...4....3....2..............1. Asher ran out of his Study Hall dodging kids left and right trying ti get out of school. When the school entrance doors were in his eye sight he. Looked around and focused on the shadows around him. He channeled the shadows to him like a vampire to blood. When he reached the doors he used the shadows and shadow traveled (st for short) as soon as his head would of hit the door. As his body rushed through the darkness of the shadow realm he focused on the gate of camp half-blood. Then like a flick of a light switch he was at the gate. "Great lets start another summer of demigod fun." He then walks through the gate into the world of his parentage.
The camp sounded very peaceful. Everyone was calmly getting into their cabins and everything, meeting their friends again, saying hi and warmly welcoming their new brethren. The Zeus camp was also getting new members, now three people a together. Not including the leader....


A loud roaring sound of an engine is heard across the entire camp, and most of the people start to shudder. They knew what this meant. The leader of the Zeus Cabin was here. The troublemaker.

The beautiful white car, a Nismo Nissan GTR, roars up to the entrance of the camp. It races down into the camp, people making sure to keep away from it as it parks right outside the Zeus Cabin. The door opens up, and clouds of herbal smoke pours out of the car, as an outline steps out if the car, and closes the door. The impact of the closed door blows away most of the smoke, to reveal Thaddeus Church. He looks up with an angry look on his face. "Whaddya want?! Stay away from it!" He sneers at a group of people who circled around him, and they all backed away quickly.

I Shadow Travel to where the noise I know as Thaddeus Church. I walk towards the car and say, " Hey man why don't you park this thing around back." I say as I just roll my eyes at the smell of drugs.
Thaddeus glares at the voice, and he smirks. "Would you look at this? Asher boy. Don't worry about the car, that's its new parking space. No problem with that, right?" He presses a button in his car keys, and the car clicks as it locks. Most of the children all left, but they left because they were too scared. Thaddeus grabs his backpack, and he tosses it into the Zeus Cabin. "You're cabin leader is back Zeus!" @ChaoticWarrior
Could you at least be a little more quiet. Because if you keep this up you will wake up all the souls that died because of your body odor. I say as i play with a shadow on my hand.
Thaddeus sneers, lightning trickling down his back. He turns his head, facing Asher. "Hate to tell you, but I think I'm being just as polite as I should be. If you got a problem with it, why not tell me?"
Thaddeus sneers, and lightning starts to circle around him, the atmosphere popping and crackling from the massive intake of energy. "Guess not. I'm the cabin leader of Zeus, and this is my turf. Why don't you disappear back to your gloomy ass cabin, underworld kid?"
Is that supposed to be an insult, because what lightning head girls like gloomy guys better than egotistical ones.I say laughing
Terence walked out of his cabin after saying hello to the other Athena kids. He had left school early, since he was a good student and his last class wasn't doing much. He heard a loud noise coming from outside and recognized it. The leader of the Zues cabin. How did such a troublemaker even become a cabin leader? He went to the source of the noise.
I start swirling shadows around my hands ready for a fight, but if it comes down to it I will st. Thaddeus to the empire state building and just leave him.
Thaddeus snarls, and the pressure around them starts to get heavier and heavier, and storm clouds start to come in. His eyes go shock blue, and everyone gives both of them some room. "I think your emo like attitude is too much for the girls. "She doesn't like me, I have to cut myself."" Thaddeus says in a mocking voice.
"Break it up you two," Terence said as he walked over, passing the people that gave them room.He had his hands behind his back as he walked up to them. With his left hand ready to press a button on his watch. "I don't think a fight is a good way to start summer." Terence started playing through his head, possible outcomes of the situation. He was aiming for a fairly decent ending he had thought might happen. @ChaoticWarrior
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Amber just walked in the camp she didn't like being the popular one as she sighed looking around the camp as she saw a fight happening she just looked around she was a bit shy when it comes with new people she just keep to herself sometimes @anyone
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Danielle soon found herself at the gate, a squabbling could be heard from inside the camp. She rolled her eyes, "Such foolishness" she thought. Danielle spotted another girl at the camp, she looked like she wanted no part in the fight either. "Hi I'm Danielle!", she exclaimed to the shy girl and held out her hand to shake.
Amber looked at the girl as she smiled" hiya i'm Amber" she say looking down but shook the girls hand" nice to meet you sorry i'm a bit shy" she say to her
"Thats perfectly alright dear" she said to Amber. "Who's the fool picking the fight do you know?"
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Amber looks at her" no i just got here when i got here they were all ready fighting um what do you like to be called miss" she say to her
"Oh I'm so sorry dear, I'm Danielle! How rude of me" Danielle giggled, she couldn't take her eyes off the fight, it disgusted her. "Judging by the looks of it, it has something to do with Zeus no doubt..." Danielle made a sour face and returned her attention to Amber.
Amber looks at her" nice to meet you" she say smiling to her as she watched" uh do you wanna walk around the camp i'm new here" she say to her scratching back of her neck
"Sure, its my first time here too! So who's your parent God/Goddess?" she asked as she began to stroll past the fight further into camp.
Amber just looked down she didn't really like her parents everyone think she was the popular one but she didn't like to be she wanted to change that" aphodite" she say looking down as she walked with her
"Oh how lovely the goddess of love! you're very lucky whether you realize it or not. I'm daughter of Dionysus, god of wine. Where are you lodging, I haven't found my assignments yet, shall we go check it out together?" Danielle skipped ahead of Amber inviting her to join her.

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