Deception [Closed]

"Your an idiot." Ivy growled and let go of his chin, pushing it aside roughly. She spun with her arms open and made her way to the table a little in front of Lukas. "Welcome to the fun fun underground torture chamber Luky!" She announced, taking on the voice of a circus ring leader. She would let him take in the view, including all of the metal and wooden devices she had on the table.
Lukas gulped, now getting the idea of what was happening. His pupils became tiny black dots as he looked at the equipment, and when he spoke, he stuttered nervously. "T-torture..?" He mumbled, afraid that the girls were not joking. "N-no, you c-can't be serious...!!" The male shook his head and looked at Ivy with fear and disappointment, the bitter feeling of being betrayed stabbing him like a million knives. I thought... I-I thought they were nice..., he thought, I believed them..!! "Why?!?" He finally asked, his voice a little stronger, "Why are you doing this??"
Ivy ran her finger along the cool metal instruments and let a shiver run down her back. She was ready to pull out a particularly scary looking instrument with all kinds of sharp edges when Lukas spoke again. She smirked and put it back, walking towards Lukas slowly. She looked up in thought and laughed slowly. "What if I told you I thought this was fun?"
The boy's eyes widened when he saw the instrument and hoped that she wouldn't really use that. He shook his head, then looked at her. "Y-you're sick.." He mumbled between his teeth and clenched his fists. "Wh-where's Nelly??? Did you do anything to her?"
"Yeah I killed her." Ivy lied as soon as the last syllable had escaped Lukas's mouth. She tried to stifle a laugh but it inflated her cheeks and she gave in, giggling maniacally. Moet sighed audibly and decided to close her eyes in case this took a while.

"What should we do to you first, Lukas? Put nails in your joints, rip off your fingernails, burn your eyes shut?" she asked through giggles.
"WH-WHAT?!??!!" He shouted at her answer, and when she started to laugh, he didn't know either to believe her of it was just a joke. Lukas sincerely hoped it was just a sick joke, as he did not want his best friend to be harmed at all. He flinched at her ideas and gulped at the thought of being tortured. Someone..., he thought to himself, anyone, please... help me...

He looked at Ivy, his reddish-brown eyes filled with fear, despair and anger were focused on her. "What about the investigation..??" He asked, almost between his teeth, "W-weren't you helping us?? Weren't you our friends???"
"Why would we be your friends?" Ivy snapped, reaching behind her for whatever instrument she could find first. She was going to have fun with this and couldn't wait to see the emotional damage when he couldn't remember a thing in the morning. "I'm the one who killed the guy, buddy." She wrapped her hand around whatever instrument it was and leaned down to whisper in Lukas's ear. "He made such a beautiful mess. You should have seen it." She whispered
Lukas gasped and widened his eyes. "Wh..what..?" He mubled quietly, almost sounding like a whisper. He trusted them! He couldn't believe he had trusted them!!! It was all... a plan. A sick, twisted plan. And now he was going to be tortured, having in mind that Nelly could be dead (since he didn't know if Ivy's laugh was due to a joke, or just because she had fun in killing her... Lukas couldn't tell). "N-no..." He shook his head and gazed down, his hands shivering, despite being tied down. "No..!"
"Yes, yes friend." Ivy said and turned to inspect what horrible tool she had for Lukas. As she did so, grinning, she explained. "We dont have time for two methods of torture. Tomorrow morning you won't remember a thing except the pain.

"This is called the thumbscrew." Ivy placed it on the table and pushed it closer to Lukas. "Now, this one I like to use slowly. It's agonizingly painful and I assure you now you cannot die. You just press each of your little fingers in here," she sang, sticking her pinky between the two wooden rods held up by a lever. "And WHAM!" She slammed that same hand down on the table with a crash, making Moet jump back awake. "You crush each of those adorable fingers of yours!" Her voice was raised now in excitement and she reached down to snatch up Lukas's wrist.

((Would you rather skip the tortures and go straight to the end? I can keep going.))
Lukas widened his eyes at the sight of the object. That would hurt... that would hurt a lot. He had seen that tool in many history books, and also told about it by Nelly, who had a twisted curiosity by torture methods. She wouldn't hurt anyone, no, but she was curious about the ways you could inflict pain on a person. Many of them involved pressing, crushing or damaging the genitals, and Lukas would always flinch whenever Nelly said anything about those, which made her laugh and pat his head playfully. Not that the other ways weren't horrible, no, the thumb screwer was bad enough, and he did not want to experience that. But it seemed like there was no escape for him in that situation.

He cringed when Ivy slammed her hand down and gasped silently when she reached for his hand. "N-no, stop!!"

((Whatever you fancy c: I can go on as well for a bit~))
Lukas's hands were still tied up and she sighed, his pleading voice making her nod. "Ah that's right. While I would love for you to grit your teeth so hard they chip, this basement is old. You could probably hear someone screaming if you put your ear to the elevator floor." She held his hands in her own and leaned to the side, snatching up an old bloody cloth with a grunt. She stuffed it in Lukas's mouth and laughed as she did so. The blood was from countless other people and she wondered if there was any disease linked to the countless men and women who had dripped their DNA onto it in weak pain, only the thoughts of death enlightening them.

With this Ivy positioned his thumb on the thumbscrew. She let her palm linger on the lever for dramatic effect. She had seen psychological torture where men were tied up and their eye were covered. They heard a gun being loaded, clicked and a long silence that they could only assume was their tormenter aiming. They prepared themselves for death and thought they were ready for it, but when the gun went off and didn't hit them they could no longer take the suspense and collapsed, begging for a bullet. Ivy decided she was just here for the physical torture and brought her palm down quickly. A sickening crack echoed through the basement a couple of times and a shiver of pleasure coursed through Ivy's stomach.

((Nelly just got a whole lot cooler than she already was. I love medieval/Chinese torture. I was only asking if you wanted to continue because a lot of people can't stomach this kind of stuff. c:))
Lukas widened his eyes as she stuffed the cloth in his mouth. B-blood...... EW EW EW EW EW EW!!!!! He shivered with the thought of having someone's blood in his mouth.. he was sure he'd get some kind of disease of some sort... well, that's if he didn't get killed, anyway...

He felt the thumbscrew touching his thumb and gasped. That was it, that was it... the pain was going to come in any moment... O-oh no... he thought, with a broken thumb, I'll be utterly useless for Nelly..! I-I don't want this... I don't want this..! I don't want--

"HRRMMMFFF!!!!" He let outa muffled scream, he was so unfortunate no one could hear him outside that room.. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt... his thumb was now crushed, and that terrible pain was making his hand shake. A tear of pain rolled down his cheek, a bit swollen from the punch Ivy gave him earlier.

((Oh, Nelly's nice and all, but she does adore some gory stuff xD It's like "Lukas, darliiiiing~~ Let's watch 'Hosteeeel'~~~~"! I also love medieval torture~))
Ivy took her time with each of Lukas's ten fingers. A slow build-up, the harsh crushing, gauging his reaction and then moving on the the next one. Each tear turned a new nerve in her and she was extremely sad when she was finished. This kind of thing was like sex to her in a way, and Moet gagged a little when she strained her neck to peak at Lukas's fingers. Ivy glared at her sister and then put the thumbscrew device back, ripping Lukas's gag out of his mouth. "Anything to say?" She sang, looking down on him with an animal-like hunger.

((Woah I really wanna see that movie. xD Lol though Nelly))
Each moment, each second felt like an eternity to the boy. It way just too painful, he wished he would pass out, so at least he wouldn't feel the pain while unconscious. But that didn't happen, he only felt dizzy because of the pain. Tears were now streaming down his pale face, his reddish brown eyes filled with fear and pain. He was grateful for having the gag removed, choking on a bloody piece of cloth wouldn't be so nice. Then again, what was that compared to the pain caused by the thumbscrew? Lukas breathed heavily, his breath shaky. He didn't say anything, afraid that if he said something wrong, she'd just get angry and make worse things to him, so he just kept his head low, trying to ignore the pain in his fingers. Which was utterly impossible.
Ivy grit her teeth and slapped Lukas in the same spot she had before. "Hey, listen!" She roared hoarsely as a cut formed on his swelled cheek. She smiled, convinced that the cut was enough pain for him and he probably wouldn't tell her a thing anyway. "I guess I'll have to punish you for not speaking when spoken to." Ivy walked over to her torture table and moved up and down it slowly. Choosing a torture method was a very hard decision to make and you wanted to put the person through as much pain as possible. Any other finger pains would be lost on him so she automatically looked over plenty of devices. Her eyes fell on a power drill that she had never used before and she picked it up. In tape there was a label that read "Kneecapping".

"This is a pretty modern form of torture I'll admit it. Basically you won't be able to walk until you get to a hospital." She walked towards Lukas and clicked a button, the drill whizzing loudly. "Just pray you'll wake up in time to get to a hospital, or remember how to call the police."
"Uhng." He yelped quietly when she slapped his cheek. Lukas didn't even mind the blood coming out of the cut, as it was the minor injury he had. Despite his lowered head, his eyes followed each of her movements as she went to the table. He gulped with the sight of the thing, and he would clench his fists if his fingers weren't all broken. He stiffened with the sound of the object, shaking his head slightly. "N-no, please... d-don't.." Lukas stuttered in fear. He hoped that someone could come rescue him, anyone.. Nelly..

Nelly woke up from a nightmare and sat up on her bed. "Ahh.." She scratched her head and sighed, "I hate nightmares.." She laid down on her bed again and stared at the ceiling, wondering how Lukas was doing with Moet and Ivy, and smirked at the thought. "As the shy boy he is, he's probably having an awkward moment with Ivy teasing him or something.. I'll have to ask him tomorrow.."
Ivy didn't say a thing as she kneeled down. She turned the power drill off and outlined Lukas's kneecaps with the tool softly. "I would tell you what it does...but I want you to feel it for yourself." She turned it back on and moved the drill to the center of Lukas's knee, pushing the drill into his kneecap. She had to be careful with this one. She only wanted to get the kneecap, not his entire knee. She looked up at him as she did this, only a little disheartened that she forgot to put the gag back in.
He looked at her with widened eyes. She.. she was really going to go it..! Lukas shook his head, begging for her to stop, only to have his hopes down when she used the drill on his knee. "A-AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" He let out a scream of agony, this time hoping that someone would actually hear him. Please.... please, someone hear me.. I wanna go home.. I wanna go home..!! He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the mess that his knee would be after that drill. He wanted to go home, to be under Nelly's protection, where he was safe.. Why had he even agreed to staying with them..? It was a foolish idea to stay for the night in someone's apartment, that someone being a person which he had met in the same day.
Ivy looked up at Lukas and cherished his screams, the pain existent in his cries. She moved to the next knee and spoke over the drill before she pressed it in. "Look at it." She demanded. "Look at it this time or else I don't end it here."

Moët checked the time. Ivy did have time for a quick new torture method, but she wouldn't savor this one. She would meet her deadline for the black shot again and they would find a way to make it seem like they were attacked as well.
Desperate, Lukas couldn't help but look at his knee. He didn't want the drill to make more damage than it was supposed to. It hurts.. it hurts.. it hurts!!!! He thought and bit his lips, trying to ignore the pain, but failed at it. He wanted to go home... he wanted all that to end.. and he wanted to get justice! If he managed to get away, he'd surely call the police to arrest them. He had finally found the killed of that case, despite the way he had been treated and what he had gone through in order to find the truth. When the drill entered his second knee, he screamed in pain once again, his body stiff.
Ivy finished when Moet's watch beeped. It was almost too hard to hear over Lukas's screaming but Moet had pointed at her watch and the beeping was heard. Almost like she was whooshed back into existence. Ivy tried to take the drill out of his knee but it was caught and she needed to pull roughly to get it dislodged in his kneecap. She turned the drill off and stood up, using the handle to hit him across the jaw. "I'm done here. Moet'll clean you up." She snapped and went to the table.

Moet skipped out of the darkness and grabbed the strap of her messenger bag with both hands. She smiled down at him as if this hasn't just happened and wiggled her fingers in a hello.
Every moment was painful, and he hoped with all his will to be out of that mess. When she pulled out the drill, it hurt, it hurt a lot, but maybe it meant that the torture session was over. Lukas almost didn't care for the blow on his jaw. He was so messed up that one more swollen spot wasn't anything too bad. He looked over at Moet and winced slightly. He hadn't trusted Ivy so much, yes, but Moet was different.. she was serious, and really seemed nice! But.. seeing how things were.. it looked like poor Lukas was very, very wrong. "M...Moet..." He whispered, his voice shaky and quiet, and his eyes full of pain and exhaustion.
Moet inhaled sharply and turned nonchalantly, making sure Ivy wasn't looking. When the coast was clear she leaned forward and smiled at Lukas. "I hope we can still be friends. I swear you won't remember any of this pain after I give you this. You'll just be confused." She pulled the shot out of the front pocket of her bag and took the cover off of it. She stuck it into Lukas's neck slowly, as if he were too fragile to hurt any more, and said a sweet good night as he slipped away. The black shot strikes again.

As she did that Ivy dialed Nelly's phone number, standing far away from the currently nodding off Lukas. It rang once, twice and she tapped her foot impatiently. She had her best scared voice ready.
Lukas looked at Moet in confusion and disbelief. Be friends after being tortured by them?? Yeah, it was Ivy who did it, but Moet was there and was still a part of it. But she said he wouldn't remember that after that shot.. He felt so utterly useless!! If he didn't remember that, he wouldn't know they were the killers anymore, and that meant he would still be investigating with those two, and Nelly might be in serious danger! Nelly.... Please, figure this out. Find out the truth before anything bad happens..! he thought before losing consciousness.

Nelly woke up with her ringtone and let out a soft groan. "Who in their right mind would call me at this time...?" she looked at the number and blinked many times, trying to recognize it. "Hnnn.." she put in next to her ear and spoke, her voice sleepy, "Hello..?"
Ivy began to pant into the phone, her facial expression one of extreme fear. "Nelly! Oh Nelly thank god, it's me Ivy!" She looked at Moet, who poked Lukas and gave her a thumbs up. This was all working out so well. She continued to speak into the phone with the same breathless voice. "I went to a friends house on the way home and when I got back Moet was missing and Lukas is here in a horrible state." She let her voice crack as she spoke, "He's hurt Nelly."

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