Deception [Closed]

"Ah, no, it's fine!" he chuckled slightly and looked at her, "Nelly is used to those kinds of reaction. I even tease her about it all the time!" When they arrived at the building, he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the size of that place. Lukas wasn't very good with heights, but he had to face it everytime, so he hardly expressed his fear over it. When he saw the apartment, he looked around, amused. "Whoa!" he said, "It is so organized! I think... Out of 10.. I'd really give it a 10!"

"O-oh, I see.." Nelly nodded, smiling at her story. "Yeah, I guess I'd really want to have someone that protected me as my sister, or at least someone close to me." she tilted her head slightly and kept smiling, until the waitress came. "Oh, thank you." she thanked the woman and took her plate. "Hmm, looks good!"
Moet had been putting the laptop and her notebook down on the coffee table when Lukas gave his rating. Moet stood up straight so quickly that a strand of hair fell out of its tight grip of a ponytail. She ran to Lukas and grabbed his hands, pressing them together and jumping up and down in childish glee. "Really, really, really? You mean it? Oh I worked so hard on the place!" She squealed, stopping herself from adding I almost feel bad about what I am about to do to you.

Ivy sighed and took a huge bite out of her burger. "Vegitarians...hah!" She said with her mouth full and shook her head. "What goes through their minds?"
Lukas jumped with a start and made an awkward smile. "O-oh, gee... But yes, it looks pretty amazing! I wouldn't be able to clean my room like that!" he scratched the back of his head and laughed softly

"Ahh, well.." she began after swallowing a bit of her hamburguer, "Since I live with horses and all, I don't know, I feel a little weird eating meat. I know it's not horse meat, but it's still kinda weird. And I'm used to eating vegetables, so it's fine!" she laughed quietly, then took another bite of her meal.
I never thought I'd hear a boy say gee. Moet thought and quickly pushed herself away from Lukas, scurrying behind him to close the door. She was getting too attached and was ashamed to realize that she would need to take action now. "Start up the laptop and make yourself comfortable." Moet said and walked towards a short hallway to their right. "I need to use the bathroom, female problems." Without looking at Lukas she ran along and shut the bathroom door quietly.

Ivy had been eating away at her burger and was half finished with it once Nelly finished talking. "What would horse meat taste like?" She asked, teasingly.
Lukas nodded, "Alright. Thanks." he blinked with a blank expression when she said she was going to the bathroom. Since he lived with Nelly, he knew about her 'girl problems'. And when she was in that period of the month, boy, he had to be careful with his words. And buy chocolate, lots of chocolate. And carrots. He walked to the computer and turned it on, waiting for the start screen. He decided he'd wait for Moet, since she was the one with the knowledge of computers.

Nelly grimaced and held her chin in thought. "That depends on the horse. If you're talking about a sports horse, it wouldn't be good meat, since the muscles would be hard from the exercise. It would be a rather hard meat to eat."
Moet, despite how calmly she had closed the door, moved quickly and clumsily around the bathroom. The place was small but of course it was clean. Underneath the sink was a small cabinet that used to hold cleaning supplies. Now there were millions of shots of different kinds. Starting from the black in the back the colors slowly descended to the lightest shade, white in the front. Moet knew from experience that the black ones in the back would keep someone asleep the longest. She grabbed the empty shot and vial next to it, wiping the surface of both down and preparing it the way a doctor would. With that she sealed it with its black lid again and slipped it into her pocket. She closed the cabinet and stood up, grabbing a rag and the chloroform. Once everything was done she looked in the mirror and gave herself a pep talk. "You alright in there? Sorry this is taking a while!" She yelled outside to Lukas.

Ivy finished her burger and pushed aside her plate, narrowing her eyes. "Sounds like you've been thinking about this for a while now. Should I warn Lukas you're a horse eater?" She said in a low voice and took a sip of her milkshake.
Lukas was looking around, he had absolutely no knowledge of what was about to happen to him. He was a very innocent boy, after all. Of course he wouldn't suspect thing from someone he had been talking for a while. He looked at the direction of the bathroom and blinked, "Oh, no, it's alright! Take your time." he yelled back, calmly sitting in a chair.

Nelly had finished her burger as well, now proceeding to her milkshake. She looked at Ivy with surprise and tilted her head. "What? No, no.. it's because I really have knowledge of horses. So I figured that if they make exercise and their muscles are well built, the meat would obviously be harder." She made a quick chuckle, frowning at the thought of eating a horse. "I would never eat a horse!"
Moet took a deep breath and composed herself before walking out of the door. She was hoping to look flushed and walked in with a hand to her cheek. "This is so embarrassing. I just realized you're a boy and I'm a girl and oh gosh!" She walked besides Lukas and pretended she couldn't meet his eyes. "I just met you and you already know about my...cycle." She clarified.

"Well why the hell not?" Ivy said, sucking in her milkshake deeply and letting the murmuring in the restaurant take over a little bit. "Not like those things know you're gonna eat 'em. Hey who am I to question your choices. So tell me about yourself. What do you do when you're not riding horses or solving cases?"
Lukas looked at her with a surprised expression and blushed a little. He was used to hear about Nelly's 'cycle' (specially because she always ranted about it), but that's because they lived together! And that girl just told him about it, just like that. Maybe she didn't really realize he was male..? Wait a sec, he thought, does Moet think I'm gay or something?!? "O-oh, ermm, th-that's.. that's a natural thing, right? I'm used to Nelly complaining about it all the time, and.. yeah.." He tried to make things less awkward, but probably did the contrary.

Nelly scratched the back of her head. Boy, was that girl stubborn! Well.. kinda like herself, actually. But in a different way. "Eh, as I said, it's just like I'd be betraying them.. b-but anyway.." She smiled at her question and held up an index finger next to her face with a playful expression. "Oh, me? I usually hang out with my cute little assistant!" She laughed softly and tilted her head, "And sometimes with some friends." In truth, most of the times were with Lukas, since they were always together. Nelly took him in and took care of him, just like an older sister to him. Lukas, on the other hand, was like Nelly's little brother. He almost filled the gap of her lost brother, and he felt happy for doing so. Sure, he couldn't replace Luke, but he'd still help Nelly overcome that trauma. Heck, they almost had the same name!
Moet held back a grin. This was starting to work out better than she thought. She decided to appeal to his worries and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his head softly. "I wonder, you live with a girl and you seem to be taking all of this quite well. Makes me wonder about your sexual orientation. Not liking gore could add to that." She said softly and unwrapped one arm to grab the rag with chlorophyll on it. She hoped he didn't move or all of this would have been for nothing.

Ivy slurped up the last of her milkshake noisily and earned herself glares from the other customers. She leaned forward and raised one eyebrow, the side of her lip quirked up. "Sounds like you got a crush on Lukas if you ask me. I mean, sure he's like a brother to ya, but lots of people marry their siblings. He's not even biologically related to you so it wouldn't even be weird." She leaned back in her seat and shrugged. "Just sayin'."
Lukas stiffened with the contact, blushing furiously as that happened. He frowned when she spoke, shaking his head violently. "NO NO NO, y-you got it all wrong!!!" He denied her statement, "I'm okay with living with Nelly because she's almost as a sister for me, I-I don't have any interest for her whatsoever!!" He said, his voice almost cracking with the awkwardness. "A-and, well, I.. I really am no good with blood and all.. b-but I don't see how that's relevant..!!"

Nelly almost choked on her milkshake when she heard Ivy. Wait, whaaaaat?!? She managed to swallow the bit of the drink that was in her mouth and began laughing, wiping away a tear after laughing too much. "Ahahaha... whaaat?? A crush on him? Nah, of course not." She tried to regain her breath, which she had lost while laughing. "I mean, he's very dear to me, yes, but not in that way.. besides, he's two years younger than me. I couldn't see him as a boyfriend even if I tried hard! He's really, really like a brother.." The white haired girl chuckled again and leaned against the chair, "You have a great imagination, though, I'll give you that!"
Moet let out a low chuckle that was very much unlike her. It sounded more like Ivy as she went through the many instruments she owned for murder. "You're cute when you're flustered." With that Moet pressed the rag into Lukas's nose and mouth and held him tightly, refusing to let him move. After years of this Moet acquired an almost inhuman strength for holding people down while still remaining dainty.

"When you guys have weird ass white haired, brown eyed babies then you won't be laughing as hard." Ivy snapped defensively and waved the waitress over for the check. "While we're on the subject, what's your love life look like anyway?"
His eyes widened as he understood the situation, shocked with the events. It was a trap. Why? Why was she doing that? Lukas struggled, trying to get himself free, but it was too late; the substance exposed to his breathing was already taking effect. His arms dropped limply as his eyelids slowly closed, his body laying unconscious.

"As if!" She replied playfully, waving her hand at her. "And well, about my love life... I don't have anyone in mind actually. A few years ago, I had a crush on a guy from the equestrian center named Allen, but he moved from town. He also didn't like me back anyway..." Nelly sighed and supported her head on her palm, "It's hard being white haired."
Moet walked to the side of the chair and kicked Lukas off lightly. She positioned the chair neatly again and kneeled over Lukas's limp body. She took out the shot from her back pocket and took it out of its black case, flicking the air bubbles out of it. Moet had used this shot a couple of times before just in case the person she was attacking knew her. It was supposed to knock you out for a couple of hours and you weren't supposed to remember anything an hour before you were knocked out, which would be just around when they got home. Things would be perfect from here on out! She stuck the shot in his neck roughly and pushed down on it until the very last drop was gone. Then she grabbed Lukas's phone from his pocket and searched for Nelly's phone number. She would send an almost identical text from her own phone to Ivy.

"White hair isn't a turn-on for most guys?" Ivy said and reached into her pocket for her wallet. She would be paying for it all, her treat. Instead of grabbing a wallet she grabbed her vibrating phone and pulled it out, flipping open to a text from Moet. The waitress looked impatient and walked away in a huff. "Lukas wants to ask around for witnesses tomorrow also so he wants you guys to head home. When you get here he's gonna be here with us. There are so many emails that we might be up late tonight! Let Nelly know he wants we to go home without him." Ivy read the text out loud to Nelly and continued to search for her wallet.
Nelly, not knowing what had happened to her assistant, was just there, calmly sitting with Ivy, as she didn't have the knowledge of the terrible facts. She blinked and tilted her head. "A turn-on? Is it really..?" She let a soft sigh come out and smiled a little, "I have no idea." The girl looked at Ivy with curiosity. "Huh? Wait... so he'll stay with you guys..?" How unusual, she thought, he never stays away from me like that without telling me personally... oh well, his phone probably ran out of battery. Nelly sighed and crossed her arms, tapping her index finger on her opposite forearm. "Oh boy.. seems like I won't have company at home tonight." She looked at Ivy and smiled, "Oh, hey, let me pay the bill, alright?"
Once she had sent the text to Nelly, Moet grabbed Lukas's phone and sent the same message she did earlier to Nelly. This time she spoke in first person, as if she were Lukas, and hoped this was all something he would say. Once that was over Moet stood up and surveyed her mess. "Sloppy." She commented and began to clean up around the lifeless body.

Ivy slammed her money down on the table. "I refuse. You can pay us back for whatever damage Lukas does tonight if he sleeps over, which I doubt. Guy just met us." She slid out if the booth and stretched, looking outside. "The sun is already going down. That was fast." She stated.
"B-but..." No use in arguing with Ivy. She jumped when she received the message. Carefully taking her phone out of her bag, she read the message and smiled. So he did tell me... Welp, tomorrow I'll ask him why he decided to stay. Nelly got up and stretched. "Thanks, Ivy. Don't worry about Lukas, he's pretty quiet and won't do any damage, if he does sleep over." She scratched the back of her head. Sometimes she really sounded like his mother or something... which was kinda creepy. She shrugged that thought off and sighed, "Well then... see you tomorrow, then!" She said cheerfully, "If Lukas decide to come back home, tell him to call me before he does, so I can wait for him outside. I'll go to your place in the morning, alright? Oh! Almost forgot, can you give me your adress?"
Ivy was starting to become light headed with all that Nelly was saying and she only caught the end. Ivy grabbed a napkin from the table and one of the sharpies that she always keeps with her. On it she wrote down the address and building number but made sure to keep out the apartment number. She remembered Moet telling her she had something secret planned and Ivy rubbed the back of her head with the memory.

"Here." Ivy said, holding out the napkin. "Say, if you can't get a boyfriend we could always go on a date." She joked and let out a laugh.
"Thanks!" Nelly thanked as she took the paper and made a half smile at her last statemen. "Whaaaaat?? Oh man, you're flattering me~" she joked as well. Unlike Lukas, she didn't get awkward often, only if she was indeed with her crush. And also, if someone that liked her, but she didn't like back, proposed to her, she'd become completely oblivious to everything love-related they said, and she wouldn't even do it on purpose. "Well, see ya tomorrow!" She waved at Ivy and started walking home.

On her way back, she sighed. It really was boring walking home alone. Not that she minded... but she'd rather go with someone. Once she went to the equestrian center, she went to the horses to check up on them.
Ivy took her time getting back home and when she walked into the house she was quite surprised. "Hey, Lukas fell asleep pretty quickly." She joked and made her way towards her sister. Moet was packing up a small messenger bag and glared at her. "Not funny, c'mon I gave him the black one. Let's move him into the basement and wait for him to wake up. I have another black shot for tomorrow morning."

Ivy sucked her teeth. "I guess torture will have to do!" She said and helped her sister carry him into the living room. They had a small box built into the wall that served as a small elevator to the building basement. The other people living above and below Moet and Ivy all had one as well but treated it more like a decoration than anything. Only the girls had taken the effort to repair it and used it whenever they wanted to do their evil bidding. They stuffed Lukas in snugly and Moet crawled inside. Ivy cringed as she looked at them and shivered. "Remember that art gallery we went to that featured all those paintings of people being burned in ovens during the holocaust?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Moet said, squished against Lukas.

"That's what this looks like." Ivy said and sent her sister downstairs before the obscenities could escape her mouth. When the tiny elevator came back up Ivy slid in and slid the door down, closing it just in case someone came into the living room while they were away. After a minute of slow squeaking downstairs she finally reached the basement and the door slid open harshly and with a crash. Moet walked away from the door and went over to where Lukas was sitting in the chair. She took out a harness and other restraints and snapped at Ivy for her help.

By the time they finished they still had some time left before Lukas woke up. They turned off al the light except the one directly above them and Lukas. Ivy noisily pushed a table to the center of the room and Moet handed her a cloth wrapped tightly. Ivy unraveled it onto the table and unfolded it as well. The most grand array of torture device and old Civil War surgery tools sat on the table and a purr left Ivy's throat in delight. This kind of thing always got her excited and Moet retreated into the darkness, ready with her cleaning supplies in her bag to clean up the mess.

"Should be soon." Ivy rasped, taking on the voice that came to her involuntarily when she was in what Moet liked to call "Murder-Mode."
Lukas's consciousness began to come back slowly, and he could barely move. One, because he had just woken up. Two, because he was tied up. Wait.... tied up?!?!?! His eyes opened as fast as they could, though it was still in a slow motion. "Hmm..?" He managed to mumble, his eyes shifting sides, trying to focus on the environment, but failing as his vision was still too blurry. "Where.... am I.....?" He asked, his voice quiet and tired. He noticed his neck was sore and wondered why it was like that... he tried looking around to see if there was anyone else with him in the room. But it was so dark...
Ivy was so excited to get started that she wished he would hurry up and come to already. Winding her hand back she brought it sideways across Lukas's face as hard as she could, some of his spit coming off on her knuckles. She wiped it off where she had slapped him and crossed her arms, a malicious smile on her face. From where Moet sat, behind Lukas, she winced and noticed that her sister's pupils had dilated and the blue in her eyes were barely visible.

"Wakey, wakey!" Ivy sang, a giggle threading itself through her words. It brought goosebumps to Moet's arms and she rubbed her arms softly, shivering.
He felt the pain on his cheek as soon as her hand met his skin. What was that for..? As much as he felt the pain, a scream of didn't come out. Instead, only a slight groan was heard from him, as he tried his best to figure out what was happening. Lukas's eyes widened slightly as he heard her voice. "I....Ivy...?"
"There he is." Ivy said quietly, her voice sliding into the silence that came after her loud slap had resonated through the small basement. It chilled both Moet and Ivy to the bone and gave Ivy an overwhelmingly strong sense of authority. It filled her with the feeling her mother and father had burned or beat out of her at the wee age of 1. Her abuse had been so bad that most nights Ivy would fall asleep in her own childhood basement, hungry and hollow in both her little stomach and her heart. She felt betrayed. At the age of four she realized that this abuse was not the norm and that kids actually ran to their parents with open arms at the end of the day. Their parents didn't have blood-shot eyes and they didn't look like they haven't showered in a while. Their parents hugged them back and fed them and their fathers respected their "bathing-suit areas". She yearned to be like those kids and only received it when she was adopted by Moet's parents. Paranoia set in and she tried to kill her parents on several occasions, believing that she had to get them before they got her.

She shook the memories out of her head and she grabbed Lukas's chin roughly, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes had a crazed gleam to it and her smile was so crooked it could scare the bravest person away. "What are you thinking?" She said, her voice taking on an eery softness.
The boy's reddish-brown eyes had the pupils dilated because of the darkness. He still couldn't believe what was really happening. He would flinch with her voice, but he was too confused and sleepy to do so. "B-but.... what..... I-I don't understand.." He mumbled, looking at her with half scared half confused eyes. He wanted the answer of why he was there, and why he was tied down to a chair, with a sore neck, and a recently slapped cheek, and now a serious looking Ivy in front of him, holding his chin.

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