Deception [Closed]

Ivy was poking Moet with her toe when Nelly picked up the phone. "I found-ahem- I found her!" She had forgotten to mask her voice and sounded disgusted at first. She had done some serious psychological damage on her sister somehow. She shook her head and looked at her jeans. "Moet isn't going to be much help to us either. Girl's insane. Listen to her!"

Ivy leaned forward and put the phone to her sister's ear. Moet laughed into the phone a little and nuzzled it with her nose. Ivy pulled it back, revolted, and put the phone to her ear. "I think we had a reason to be worried about her. Anyway, I'm heading to the hospital. Where are you now?"
Nelly frowned. Did Ivy sound a little different at the beginning of her sentence..? No, it was probably just her imagination. She widened her eyes when she heard Moet. "O-oh.. God... What on Earth happened to her..?" the girl asked, but didn't wait for an answer. "I'm already at the hospital, I'm waiting for them to let me into Lukas's room." She grimaced and looked down, "Moet sounds pretty bad. Hurry up and bring her here, call another ambulance if you need.."

She looked up and saw the movement on the hospital. It wasn't so crowded because of the hour, so it would be way easier to talk to the doctors. She decided she'd wait for a while, so she could talk to her assistant. At least now he wouldn't feel pain anymore...
Ivy opened the door of their little elevator and grunted into the phone. "Sure thing. Be right there." Ivy hung up and hopped out, slipping her phone into her pocket. She helped Moet get out of the house like she was a newborn animal and continued doing this until they got into the taxi. Ivy tried to hold down this worried feeling she had that she had lost her older sister. That she would no longer have anyone to tease, no one to protect her from people that only Moet could deal with and

no sister to tell inside jokes with. She shook her head before she could cry and payed the taxi driver, escorting Moet into the hospital and waving to Nelly once she came into view.
Nelly looked at Ivy and waved at her, then quickly looking at Moet. She definetely didn't look good. The detective stood up and walked to the sisters, "Oh my gosh...!" She shook her head slowly and clenched her fists. "Who did this...?" She looked at one nurse passing by and grabbed her shoulder, "P-please, we have one more patient." Nelly said and nodded her head to Moet. She glanced over to her hands and cringed. It looked terrible, that's for sure. Who would do such a terrible thing..? And to do it without Ivy noticing, without leaving traces... she had to figure it out, or else she wasn't Nelly Angelhive, the detective!
Moet grabbed her sister's wrist when the nurse tried to lead her away and protested. Shaking her head and laughing like it was all a game. Ivy pulled her wrist away from her sister gingerly and made a fist with her right hand, bumping it over her heart twice. This was their unspoken sign of affection, one that they used when they were mad at each other or unable to speak at the moment. Moet didn't return the motion and narrowed her eyes at her, giggling as the nurse dragged her away. Ivy shuddered. She hadn't realized that maybe in the part of Moet's mind that hasn't went insane she resented her sister for what she did. The sadness was about to come back but she turned to Nelly to ignore it.

"Found her wandering around in the yard." Ivy stated.
"W-wandering in the yard???" Nelly repeated Ivy's words with a surprised expression. "B-but what about her fingers??? They look so terrible!!" She clenched her fists and frowned. She had to find out the culprit, no matter what! Her hand nervously passed through her hair, and she looked around.

A nurse came and touched Nelly's shoulder, which made her jump. "Your friend is already in the room. If you want to visit him, feel free to." She said in a sweet voice. Nelly turned to face her and nodded with a weak smile. She thanked her and looked over at Ivy. "I'm going to his room. Are you coming, or do you prefer to stay in here?"
Ivy nodded. "Yup. I guess whoever did it just dropped her off after doing god knows wha-" she was interrupted by the woman and frowned. She wondered whether or not it would be safe to see Lukas. It wasn't like he was remembering anytime soon, and it might be good to monitor what he said. "I'm coming with you."

The nurse began to lead Nelly and Ivy through halls of white with various doors and numbers on them. Ivy grimaced. The color white everywhere could make one go crazy, so why would they paint this room that color? She was not surprised to see Lukas's small room was the same color as well.
Nelly grimaced and crossed her arms thinking about Moet. "Poor Moet..." she mumbled and started following the nurse.

Upon arriving at his room, she smiled at the sight of Lukas. He was awake, and looking outside the window. When he heard footsteps, he glanced over at Nelly and Ivy and made a small smile to greet them. His physical pain was gone, but he still wanted to remember the facts, which he couldn't, as much as he tried to, he just couldn't remember. And that was making him frustrated. "Hey." He finally spoke, raising one of his completely wrapped hands. All of the fingers were broken, so they had to wrap his whole hand so it would heal properly.

"H-hey..." Nelly replied, walking over to his side. "So... are you feeling better?"

"" He barely replied, looking out of the window again. Nelly could tell by the look on his eys that he wasn't feeling alright at all.

She put a hand on his head and smiled at him, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you still in pain..?"

He looked at her and pouted, making a soft sigh. "I'm.... I'm so useless, Nel." he said in a weak voice, and Nelly frowned in concern, "I can't.. I can't remember what happened, that makes me a useless idiot!!!"

"Hey hey.." Nelly sighed and caressed his head, as she usually did to comfort him when he needed, "Don't say that. You've been through a lot, the person who did this probably gave you something to forget the events. It's normal that you don't remember. Now just focus on getting better, okay? I'll find out who did this to you and bring them to justice!"

The boy looked at her with sad eyes and sighed. She was so stubborn sometimes... He didn't want her to get hurt, but it didn't look like she was willing to just stop the investigation.
Ivy sat down on the windowsill and inspected Lukas. He was frowning despite Nelly's attempts to reassure him, which meant that Ivy's plan was working. Moet's plan. She corrected herself. A plan she was unwillingly a part of. Ivy ran a hand through her blonde hair, drenched in sweat and tangled from all that she had gone through recently. Ivy looked down at her hands. "Not an idiot, just useless." She muttered as silently as she could. In case someone had heard her anyway she stood up and walked to the side of Lukas's bed opposite Nelly. She was going to grab his hand and force him to give her a high five but that would have been extremely rude not to mention suspicious. She smiled toothily at Lukas, hoping to make him smile a little and not inspire Nelly to work even harder to catch... her. The murderer. Same thing.

"Need anything? Food-wise? Chocolates? I'm going to check on Moet and then get something to eat." Ivy asked, patting her stomach. She wasn't really hungry, she was just beginning to wonder what Moet was saying to the nurses in that state of hers.
Gladly Lukas didn't hear what Ivy said. He just kept looking at the blanket that covered his legs and frowned, shaking his head slowly. He had been tortured, and the culprit had also hurt someone else, Moet, and he couldn't even remember who did it! He felt useless, useless for not being able to help Nelly with the investigation, useless for not being awake to save Moet... at least Ivy didn't get hurt. Gladly Nelly didn't even get involved in this.. He hoped that Ivy would know the torturer, but she said she was out at the time of the incident. He looked at her and made a small, sad smile, then sighed, closing his eyes. "Well... if it's not much trouble, I would like some water. It seems like my throat is a bit sore.."

"...from screaming." Nelly added the last part and held her chin in a thinking manner. "You were tortured, so obviously you screamed. It's a wonder that you are still able to speak." She said, her eyes weren't focused on anything particular, and it seemed like she was dazing off.

Lukas grimaced at that thought and flinched a little, "H-hey..."

The female detective looked at him and blinked, as if she had just woken up from a day-dream. "H-huh?" She tilted her head and realized what she had just said. As a detective, she couldn't help but think about all the details that happened and recreate the facts, even if they were horrible, or even pointless. It was just a habit. "A-a-ah, s-sorry..! I-I didn't mean to bring it up like that..!"

"N-no, it's okay... it's actually best if you do bring it up, so maybe the stupid ol' me can remember what happened." He sighed again, receiving a glare of disapproval from his superior, who didn't speak again, however.
Ivy saluted them playfully and walked out of the room, letting the door slam behind her. She walked down the halls and looked into each door window as she did so. She received some dirty looks from people but for the most part the people inside were too sick or involved in their own conversations to take any notice of her. Finally she resorted to asking a nurse for Moet and the woman directed her to a door close by. The door was locked and Ivy called the woman back to ask her what was wrong with it.

"That must mean she's too sick to talk." The woman informed her kindly and continued on her way down the hall. Ivy sucked her teeth and kicked the door, peeking into the window. A couple of doctors were holding Moet down and another was attempting to pat a cotton swab on her hands. It must have been excruciatingly painful because Moet was red in the face with hysteria. Or she could have just been crazy.

Ivy pushed herself away from the door and went to the front desk. There were some plastic cups stacked up there and on her way back she filled the cup with water at a water fountain close to Lukas's room. She walked in and held the cup out towards him. "So what'd the doctors do to you?" She asked.
Nelly saluted Ivy as she walked out and turned to Lukas. "Don't beat yourself up because of this, Lukas." She said calmly, but her voice was somewhat cold, which sent a shiver down Lukas's spine. In the two years he had lived with her, they had never fought. But Lukas knew when she was angry, or even upset. He looked down and mumbled an "I'm sorry" to her, not wanting to look her in the eyes. However, Nelly gently picked his chin and turned his head to face her, her bright blue eyes staring right into his reddish-brown eyes. "Look, I don't want you to feel guilty, Lukas. You've been through a lot, and that's why you can't remember anything. It's like when you were 8, you suffered some traumatic experience that gave you amnesia--" She stopped with a gasp. She shouldn't be saying that to him, she wanted to cheer him up, not bring him down any more than he already was! Nelly looked away from him and let go of his chin, "S-sorry... I didn't mean to.."

"It's okay." He replied tersely. "I... I understand you, so don't worry." Lukas smiled at her, trying to cheer her up. Now it was his turn to make her feel happy, no matter what himself was feeling.

Nelly smiled at him and put a hand on his head, "Thanks," she said, "Even when I'm the one supposed to cheer you up, you manage to make me feel better. You're amazing." She giggled softly and looked down, now her smile turning into a sad expression. "I... I think I'm gonna drop out of this case."

The boy widened his eyes in shock, "Wh-what?!?! N-no! Why???"

"This case has proven itself to be tricky, and way too dangerous for me to risk it. Hell, you could have been killed! What would I do if you had been killed, huh??" She clenched her fists and frowned, "I don't... I don't wanna lose you. What if the person who did this to you decide to come back and kill you? What if I'm not there to protect you?? What if--"

"Nelly." Lukas stopped her before she went too far and started to cry, he wouldn't like to see his brave assistant crying. "'What if' is only a possibility. 'What if' the killer isn't able to get me this time? 'What if' I stay alert and don't let my guard down no matter what?" He smiled and tilted his head. He'd put his hand on Nelly's shoulder, but he didn't because of the pain it would do. "We have a job to do. And it's not like you, the Nelly Angelhive, to turn around and give up. So raise your head and face forward, we're together on this, right? I'll protect you as much as I can, and you'll do the same, right?"

"L-Lukas.." She smiled at him and held her breath, trying to stop a tear from rolling down her cheek. Once again, he was the one cheering her up. How pathetic, Nelly. You have to rely on your assistant to get your hopes up..? Before she could say anything else, she jumped with a start when Ivy walked in.

Lukas looked at her and frowned, remembering the treatment he had had. "Well.. when I came in, they quickly treated my knee, cleaning the wound properly, bandaging it up... thankfully they didn't have to sew the wounds up, I'd hate to have a needle and strings passing through my skin... e-eugh.." He shivered and shook his head, "As for the hands, they took an x-ray, which was pretty pointless, since it was obvious that my fingers were broken, and wrapped them up. I won't be able to use my hand properly for a while..." He sighed deeply and pouted like a child who wanted to grab a cookie jar, but couldn't because it was too high up. "I'll just have to rely on memory now, not on my notepad."
Ivy raised her blonde eyebrows at Lukas. "They didn't bother fixing the bone?" She asked, her arm still stuck out. She put the water on the table once she realized he was probably in too much pain to wrap his fingers around anything. She moved back to the windowsill and let one leg hang while the other was propped up. Behind her the sky was turning a lighter shade of blue as morning approached. "What kind of doctors are these?"
"N-no, they did.." Lukas said, a shiver coming down his spine as he remembered the pain of having his bones repaired, "I just didn't want to remember it... e-eugh.." It was painful enough to have them broken. Sure, they had to fix them, but they could at least do that when he was unconscious! He looked at the cup and blinked. "Oh." He didn't realize he wouldn't be able to get the cup by himself like that until now. In fact, he wouldn't be able to do many simple things with his hands like that, and also his knees. Lukas wouldn't be able to use his hands or even walk, he'd have to rely on someone while he was still injured.

Nelly snapped him out of his thought as her hand reached for the cup. "Here." She gently put the cup on his lips and began tilting it slowly, so he wouldn't choke or anything. She'd have to help him while he was still injured, she would be his assistant this time.
Ivy watched Nelly give Lukas water like he was an old man or something. Ivy spontaneously was reminded of Lukas's fear of gore so she smirked. "I saw a horror movie once where a guy used pliers to snap each and every toe of a woman once. It was pretty cool." She sat back and looked out the window, satisfied with just hearing Lukas's reaction. She wondered how Moet was doing, and finally Ivy let regret seep into her. Her face fell and she looked down at the little people running or walking around the parking lot. She and Moet would never be the same again and finally she wold be truly alone. A sudden urge to hurt, or kill, someone passed through her body and she had to clench her fists.
After hearing that, Lukas stiffened. What the hell was wrong with her??? He almost dropped his water, but it was Nelly that was holding it.

"Hey, " Nelly began, "Don't be so cruel." She said angrily. Having someone to tease him was enough, she didn't want two trying to scare him.
Ivy only sighed deeply in response, not in the mood to be scolded at the moment. Her sister was hurt and would probably give her away. She couldn't go to prison with that face, no matter how many people she beat up. Soon she began to realize she could build a reputation for herself in a prison and felt a little better but not by much. There was a knock on the door and her attention was turned away from the window. A doctor walked in, peering at the crowd over his wire-rimmed glasses. He gave Lukas a warm smile and squinted as he read off of a clipboard he was holding.

"Moet...Aeeta?" He said. "She's done now. I can lead you guys to her."

"It's Aita." Ivy snapped, getting off of the windowsill. As she passed by Nelly she poked her back and smiled. "Wanna stay here with him or come with me?" She asked.
Nelly frowned in concern. Maybe she had been a little harsh on Ivy..? Her sister was hurt too, so she must have been nervous as well.. She looked at the door and tilted her head, blinking as she saw the doctor. Probably the one who took care of Lukas. Maybe not, she couldn't tell. Lukas gave him a little smile and a nod as a quick greeting. "Oh, she's alright now?" Nelly asked with an almost cheerful voice. She looked at Ivy and blinked at her question. Leaving Lukas there alone was something she didn't want to, but she'd have to check on Moet's condition. And maybe Moet knew something about the torturer.. She glanced at Lukas with the corner of her eye, and he smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine here. I also want you to tell me how she is when you come back." He said confidently. Though he felt a little uneasy... what if Moet had ben badly hurt because of him? If only he had remained conscious...

"Okay." Nelly nodded and ruffled his hair playfully. "I'll be back soon then." She turned to Ivy and smiled, crossing her arms. "Alright, let's see her."
Ivy looped her arm into Nelly's and stood at attention in front of the doctor. The doctor gave Ivy a look of uneasiness and played with his clipboard. He was probably contemplating answering Nelly's question while being able to remember "bedside manners". He finally must have decided against telling them how Moet was and decided to make them follow him out of the room. Ivy and Nelly were taken on the route that Ivy went through just moments before and they reached the same door. Now, for some reason, instead of stopping at the door the doctor continued to move down the hall. Ivy flashed Nelly a confused look but knew that her guess was just as good as Lukas's. They were led into a panel room instead and Ivy looked around.

The room was dark and reminded her of a recording studio. Underneath a large window were panels with different buttons on them. The doctor pressed and held down a red one, leaning into a microphone that sat next to it. "You have visitors, Moet." He said into the device.

Ivy peered into the glass and there was her sister, in a strait jacket. Ivy let go of Nelly's arm furiously and tried to jump at the doctor but the nurse held her back. She yelled obscenities at him and managed to get out of the nurses grasp, dusting her shirt off. She heaved a sigh and glared at the doctor with icy blue eyes. "Why is she in a strait jacket?" Ivy snapped.

The doctor adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. "She was trying to rip her hair out and kept muttering something we couldn't understand. She's in here because she poses a threat to herself and the nurses working with her." He looked at Nelly this time as if she knew how to calm Ivy down before another attack.
Nelly smiled as Ivy took her arm and started walking with her. The doctor seemed a little weird, but well, seeing as he got many.. unusually injured patients that night, he sure would be nervous. She tilted her head a little when Ivy flashed her a weird look. Huh? What is it? She asked herself instead of Ivy, Is she supposed to be in this room..? She simply followed along and looked around the dark room. A frown took place on her face as she saw the doctor talking to Moet via a microphone. "What the.."

In the moment Nelly saw Moet in a strain jacket and gasped, part of the reaction from the situation, but also because of Ivy snapping. "Wh-what... what's wrong with her???" was all she was able to ask. For her to be in such state... something horrible happened with her that affected her mind. First, Lukas lost his memory and got everely injured. Now Moet is mentally unstable. Who the hell is this bastard who did this!?

She put a hand on Ivy's shoulder and tried to calm her down by talking, "S-she probably suffered something too traumatic. But it's not like she won't recover, right..?"
The doctor put his clipboard down and took his glasses off, rubbing the sweat off of his nose and nodding at Nelly's question. Ivy began to feel her whole body go limp as she realized bad news was coming. Why couldn't she have just left Moet alone? Told her to stay in the basement a couple days and then she'll go get her. Why did she think that this was the route to take? It was a heat of the moment decision and it was about to ruin the rest of her sinful life. The doctor put his glasses back on and cleared his throat. Ivy grit her teeth even harder and was afraid they were going to crack, she was beginning to taste blood after all.

"We're not sure." The doctor replied simply. Ivy was about to say something but something drew her eyes to Moet. Moet was looking around the room for the visitors the doctor told her about. The glass must have been one-way. Once she found no one in her white padded room she began to giggle and shake her head.

"Noooo." Moet sang the same way she did when they were little kids. Despair tore through Ivy's body and her knees began to shake, giving out below her. She let out a low sob and held her head with her hands. She was scared about this more than anything. What was this feeling? Was this what her psychologist said being sad was? The way he described it sounded a lot better than the real thing. She had never felt remorse for anyone before her attachment disorder and now this? What was happening? Her first instinct was to cry out for her sister but remembered that she was why Ivy was crying, and she began to sob even louder. For the first time in her life Ivy needed a hug.
Nelly shook her head, "Not sure?? Well, I'm pretty sure that she'll recover pretty well, you know! Moet is strong, and I simply know she'll be fine!" She grinned and put both hands on her hips. She needed to be strong for those around her. That's how her life was, to be the support to her friends. Friends. That word came out so naturally for her.. yes, she considered Moet and Ivy her friends now, and if they were in need, she would help them, no matter what.

The detective glanced over to the window and let out a soft sigh, a sad sigh, as she saw Moet's condition. She sure seemed bad... but Nelly believed in her! However... when she looked at Ivy, her heart dropped. It was heartbreaking to see her like that, and she understood her a little too well. She knew how it was to have a sibling. And she also knew the love they shared. Nelly kneeled down and put a hand on Ivy's back, rubbing her thumb on her, trying to comfort the girl. "Hey, she's going to be alright, Ivy." She said sweetly and calmly, "Don't worry. She'll be fine."
Ivy, completely out of character and torn at this point, turned and clutched Nelly's shirt. She cried into the detective's collar bone and let out another huge sob. This all was happening so fast and she wanted to pull away but something about having another woman here to comfort her...almost a mother figure if you will...made her comfortable. She knew it probably had something to do with her not having a reliable mother as a young child but didn't want to dwell too far into the past. She only wanted to remember Moet, good times and bad.

"I'm sorry." She whined, her voice cracked with tears. "Help me Nelly." She moaned and began crying again.
Nelly blinked in surprise when Ivy clutched her shirt. It sure wasn't like the strong Ivy she had met. But she could understand her.. it was a hard moment for her, as her sister was in such state. She put her right hand on her back, and her left hand caressed her hair softly. "Shh.." She said calmly, "It's okay... it's gonna be alright, Ivy." In that moment, she had to be calm, no matter what. If she got nervous as well, she wouldn't be of any help, so she had to forget of all her problems for Ivy's sake. To comfort her.
Once Nelly's soft voice came through her ear she pushed herself away from Nelly and stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes. She sniffed and cleared her throat. This wasn't like the Ivy she knew, this was a wimp. She looked at the doctor and refused to even turn towards the window where her sister sat giggling. The doctor gave her a sympathetic look and smiled at her. "Would you like to talk to her? It might be good for her to know there are people here for her."

Ivy crossed her arms and shook her head, nodding towards Nelly in a "Let her do it" kind of way.

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