Deception [Closed]

As soon as she heard Ivy's voice, Nelly's body stiffened. "I-Ivy..? What's wrong..?" she asked before Ivy continued speaking. Her eyes widened when she heard that Lukas was hurt. "Wh-what?!?! Wh-why, how is he..? N-nevermind that, call an ambulance for him, they should head there after a while..." Nelly said, wincing at the thought of how slow ambulances were sometimes... She'd have to go and give him a first-aid treatment to at least ease his pain, or avoid an infection. "I'll head over as quickly as possible, I will probably arrive before the ambulance." The female quickly put on a random shirt and shorts, not even caring what their colors were, without hanging up the phone. She started heading to the stables, phone still in hand. "Is he conscious??"
Ivy cursed in her head, quickly strategizing what she would do until Nelly got there. After a moments silence, in which she pretended to check on Lukas, she figured out a plan and smirked. Managing to keep her voice afraid and breathless through the smirk she breathed an answer into the phone. "No. His fingers and knees are real bad. Look, just let yourself in and get Lukas when you get to the apartment. Ask the doorman where the Olitzky's live, okay? I'm going to look for Moet." She allowed herself a little more confidence in her voice as she finished her answer. She might be stupid, but when it comes to murder she's the smartest there is.
"R-right." Nelly nodded, despite the fact that Ivy couldn't really see it, and put a bag of medicine she was carrying on her back, already by Archer's horsebox. "Sorry for riding you this late, Archie.." she whispered to the horse, "It's important."

Nelly didn't even bothered with putting on the saddle, she got on the horse's back only with his halter and galloped in direction of the apartment. When she got there, she would call the ambulance... But first, she wanted to see Lukas. According to Ivy, he was badly injured. In that moment, Nelly didn't care who or how they did it, she just wanted to treat and comfort her best friend. At least he's unconscious, she thought, he is not in pain for now.

Upon arriving the building, she got off Archer and tied his halter on a nearby tree. "Stay right here, Archie." she whispered to her horse and patted his neck, quickly turning to go to the apartment. She walked to a man on the reception place and put her hands on the balcony. "I'm heading to the Olitzky apartment!"
As soon as the line went dead Ivy stuffed her phone in her pocket and ran towards Luke. Moet was pulling out a rag and all kinds of scented cleaning supplies to get rid of the blood around them. Ivy got a good hold of the unconscious boy and lifted him up, letting his head roll back onto her shoulder. He was out cold. Ivy tapped her sister with the tip of her shoe lightly, a sign between the two of them that she would be back, and she stuffed Lukas into the small box they came in through. Ivy wriggled in with him. "Now who looks like she's in an oven?" Moet teased and sent them up.

Ivy finished laying Lukas down on the couch, putting a blanket over his body and a cold rag on his head so it looked like she had cared for him and rushed back to the box. She took one last glance at the room and pused herself in. As she creaked towards the basement she predicted that Nelly was probably being led to 14C by one of the doormen. Ivy was already halfway through with Moet's plan. Once she got downstairs she walked over to her sister and smiled maliciously. "You know, Moet, I did tell Nelly you were missing as well."

"Yeah, thanks for that sis. Gives me more time to-" without warning Moet was pushed into the chair Lukas had sat in and was pinned down, unable to escape her sister's grasp.

"I think things would be a lot more believable if you were hurt too." She continued, holding Moet down and pulling the chair towards the restraints at the same time. Moet struggled and breathed her protest, but it was no use. Ivy had her tied down before she could get away. She grabbed a thin strip of bamboo from her torture devices and waved it in Moet's face. "You know what this does."

Moet was in too much shock to fight back or react the way Lukas did. This was all probably a joke they would laugh about later. With this thought she began to laugh weakly, smiling as best as she could. The smile quickly faded when the bamboo was positioned under one of her manicured nails and pushed in. Her stomach tightened as she let out one of the most inhuman screams she ever did. This was serious, her sister was really going to hurt her. "It's too bad." Ivy muttered as blood begin to rush over the pink slot of flesh that used to be covered by nail. "Your nails looked pretty, sis."

((plot twist!))
Nelly rushed up the building, not even looking at the elevator. It would be way too slow, so she chose to go through the stairs. She ran up, tripping once, twice, but not losing her focus. That was serious, very serious, and she needed to help them, then find the culprit later.

She reached the floor she was supposed to and rushed to the door, knocking on it nervously, as it was rude to just open it like that, as much as she wanted to burst in and see Lukas's conditions.

I knew it, she thought, I knew I shouldn't have let him alone. I'm his guardian, dammit!! He's my responsability... Now he's hurt, hurt because of me! I have to find the culprit, that's the only way I can make up for my terrible mistake!

Moet cried softly, staring at her now nail less fingers. She was so confused emotionally that the pain was almost non-existent. She breathed heavily and exhaled with a loud sob each time. Hot tears streaked her face as she looked at her nails scattered about the blood. Her sister and she promised they would never hurt each other. The disorder her sister had should have gotten in the way all these years but she managed to keep it down when it came to Moet, something that was extremely hard for those with an attachment disorder. Now this? Why? How could she? All the trust that had built up over the years...that's why Moet was crying. Not because she was in pain, because she didn't know who this new sister was.

Ivy got into the little elevator box and Moet pressed the button to send her up. "You understand, you're not dumb." Ivy stated and closed the little sliding door before going up. Just as she closed the box there was a frantic knock at the door and Ivy tried to make herself look sad. She ran to the door and yanked it open, grabbing Nelly by the shoulders. "Thank god you're here! Lukas is right here." She breathed and pointed towards the couch.
Why did she have such an uneasy feeling? Was it because she couldn't bear having her best friend hurt? There was something ominous on the air... but she couldn't think like that, not in that moment. When Ivy opened the door, she was glad that at least the younger girl was safe. Her assistant, however, didn't have the same luck. Nelly looked over at him and gasped, quickly but carefully pushing Ivy aside and rushing to his side. She put her right hand on his cheek and grimaced. He had stains of tears and a cut on his cheek, she pulled away the blanket covering him and gasped again at the sight of his fingers; completely crushed. There were also those two holes on his pants, one in each knee. "Oh, Lukas.." She whispered and rubbed her thumb on his unharmed cheek. It's gonna be alright now, dear, she thought, it's okay. I'm here.

She got her medicine bag and started pulling out bandages and medicine bottles, all to take care of Lukas. "Ivy," she called and looked at the girl over her shoulder, "Have you found Moet yet?"
Ivy closed the door behind Nelly and tried her hardest not to laugh at her pain. This was probably one of the most entertaining moments of her entire sadistic life. She turned and frowned when she saw that Nelly was pulling out medical supplies for Lukas. That wasn't what she had planned at all, she guessed Moet would have to stay in the basement for a while. Ivy looked at the bandages and crouched down next to the couch. "No, no luck yet. I'm so worried about her..." She cleared her throat as if she were trying to be the tough Ivy that Nelly had met just today and she shook her head at Nelly. "What matters now is Lukas. Those bandages aren't going to do much. His fingers are broken and his kneecaps too. You want me to call an ambulance while you work on him?"
Nelly nodded at Ivy, also trying to be brave. She needed to be all the support she could be for Lukas. "Yes, please. While the ambulance comes, I'll bandage his knee. It's still bleeding, and in order to avoid further infections or inflamations, I'll do what I can with this medicine I have." She looked at the boy and grimaced. "He'll probably be awake soon... but then he'll be in pain..." The white haired girl clenched her fists and grabbed her bottle of medicine, pulling up one leg of Lukas's pants. Luckily, he wasn't wearing tight pants, they were really easy to lift up to his knee. She had to surpress a loud gasp, instead she gulped and bit her lips. It sure was an ugly wound... and it probably hurt like hell. "P-poor Lukas.." she mumbled and, using a cotton piece, started applying the medicine on the wound, grateful that he was asleep.
Ivy lifted her knees a little just until she could reach for her phone. She dialed 9-1-1 and let it ring, inspecting her good work as Nelly put the medicine on Lukas's knee. A tired woman who had probably received a couple of prank calls today picked up the phone in a monotone, reciting a short version of what was usually said when someone called for emergency services.

"9-1-1, how may I help you?" The tired voice said.

"We need an ambulance. My friend was very badly hurt and he could wake up at any'll be a living hell for him if he does." Ivy didn't let the happiness seep into her voice as she said the last part.

The woman who answered the phone obviously perked up a little and asked her for her address with a voice that now sounded full of life. "107 Castle Village avenue. We're in apartment 14C. Look, we don't have all day so be quick about this." With that she hung up and watched Nelly.
Nelly finished wrapping his knees and sighed, wiping some sweat from her forehead. She looked a little tired from waking up at such late hour, but her eyes showed concern and worry over her assistant. Despite that, she tried to remain calm, as freaking out wouldn't help in anything. "Are they coming?" She asked to Ivy and looked at her from the corner of her eye.

After that question, she heard a soft moan from next to her. She quickly turned her head to face the boy and widened her eyes; he was awake. "L-L-Lukas..!"

"Hnnn...!!" Lukas moaned in pain and covered his eyes with one of his hands, but quickly cringed and put away his hand. "What.. A-AH, OW OW!!!" He clenched his teeth and surpressed a scream of pain. He tried to sit up, but was stopped once again by the pain on his fingers and knees.

Nelly flinched and shook her head, "Ah, d-don't move..!" She put her left arm on his back and helped him to sit up. "Ivy already called an ambulance, they should be here soon!"

"What...." His voice was shaky and he sounded afraid, "What... happened..? I-I... I c-can't remember.. I..." For Lukas, not remembering the facts was something he could never do. He was a journalist, and usually his memory was quite good, so it was too bad for him to not remember. He couldn't think well because of the piercing pain he felt, both physical and psychological.

"Shh, it's okay, this is not important right now." She ran her right hand through his hair and put his head on her chest, trying to calm him down. That was something she did with her little brother, and thankfully it seemed to work with Lukas as well. Apparently, listening to her hearbeats was soothing. She felt his breathing slowing down, but she was sure he was still on great pain. She caressed his head carefully, "You'll be alright now, okay?"
Ivy stood as Lukas woke up, watching him intently. "They should be here soon." Ivy answered Nelly's previous question. She sat down on the couches armchair and looked at Lukas, flashing him a smile. "Morning champ. You're looking good." She joked.

Moet had been staring at the little elevator in shock for a long time and snapped out of it as the pain finally registered. She grit her teeth and made a sick sound with her throat. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she tried to keep the pain down, but just standing there wouldn't help. She went back to the chair and grabbed a napkin from the roll she had brought with her, collecting her nails and dropping it into the napkin. She smiled a smile identical to Ivy's insane one and she shook her head. "She would never...she would never..." Moet repeated over and over.

A loud wailing was heard from outside and Ivy perked up, running to the window. "It's them! You're gonna be okay, Luke." Flashed of orange and red went by her face, illuminated by the ambulance down below.
Lukas looked at Ivy with the corner of his eye and grimaced. Not funny.., he thought. Nelly looked at Ivy and frowned, "Ivy, you should go look for Moet. She could be hurt as well!" She said with worry. As soon as she heard the ambulance, she perked up and smiled, then pulled Lukas closer, almost squishing him against her breasts, which made him groan quietly. He looked at Ivy and frowned a bit. She adressed me with the wrong name... geez, he thought, funny how people do that mistake so often.. "They're here!" Nelly called cheerfully.

The boy looked up at her and flashed a weak smile and tried to get up, but failed at it because of his knees. "A-a-ahhh.." He cringed and shivered, "I-it hurts a lot..."

"Ah, d-don't get up, they'll come pick you up here, dear." she said softly and looked at the window. "..I sure hope they hurry.."
Ivy was about to respond when there was knocking at the door. Must have been a slow day or something because they came extremely fast. Ivy jogged to the door and opened it, standing aside so the paramedics could step inside. Three men in blue uniforms with the words EMT's stitched onto their backs in yellow came barging through the living room. One approached Nelly and Lukas, pointing at Lukas. "This the sick one?" He asked, his partner holding the cot they had tightly.

A group of neighbors were crowding into the hallway. Many women had rollers and bathrobes, holding their kids closer to their thighs. Some men in their underwear stood around them and Ivy scoffed. "I'm not dead yet, guys. Go to sleep." She caught glimpses of disappointed looks as she slammed the door and went back to the living room.

((Crap I actually didn't mean to write Luke. Force of habit. My name and Lukas's are practically the same and ack. Sorry))
Nelly nodded at the man and sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're here. He needs proper care, now!" Her voice showed worry, as well as her position, holding the boy close to her as if he were her most valuable treasure. "Please help him!" She begged.

Lukas looked up at Nelly and frowned. She was so worried about him.... "Nelly..." he mumbled, then closed his eyes, listening to Nelly's heartbeats. They were faster at each minute, and that showed just how much she was nervous. He looked down at his fingers and his stomach flipped. They were crushed, not only broken, but entirely crushed! And looking at them made the pain worse. He was grateful for having his knees bandaged, he didn't really want to see the injuries. They were painful enough, he didn't want to look at the mess they were. He'd just leave that for the medics.

((Oh LOL that's alright xD I do that all the time as well! I thought you did it on purpose, but oh well xD Luke is kinda like a nickname to Lukas anyway~))
The man who approached them took one look at Lukas's injuries and winced. "What the hell happened?" He asked, motioning for his two friends to get the cot ready. They positioned it between them and side-stepped towards Lukas, kneeling so they could slide him into the cot easily.

Ivy knew that what Nelly said earlier was true and she tried to seem uneasy. "I'll go to the hospital after I find Moet. Hopefully she'll be okay. If not you guys can share a hospital room."

((Have you ever planned for them to realize they were related?))
"We... we don't know." Nelly said and lowered her head. She looked at Lukas as he winced in pain when moved and started to become desperate. "A-a-ah, p-please be gentle with him..!" In that kind of situation, Nelly could get really desperate. If she was the one hurt, she'd stay calm, but in that case, it was her beloved assistant. "I'll accompany you, if that's ok-- ah!" She stopped and grimaced, "Crap, Archer's still down there..!" she put a hand on her forehead and sighed, "Well, I'll just have to go to the hospital by myself after getting Archie back to the Equestrian Center."

Lukas nodded weakly to that, trying to ignore the intense pain he was feeling.

Nelly looked at Ivy and nodded. "Good luck, Ivy."

((Well, kind of, yes. But it isn't definitive yet xD ))
Ivy nodded. "Same to you Nelly, we'll see who gets to the hospital first." She walked to the door and opened it, the men in the living room sliding Lukas onto the cot gently as Nelly had requested. It should have been hard to carry a full grown male between the two of them but these paramedics have probably carried worse since they walked to the door like they were walking on air. Before Lukas was hauled out of her view she gave him a thumbs up and a smile that she hoped showed concern. Honestly, if she had the chance she still wouldn't have killed Lukas. This was new for her and she wasn't sure why she felt this way but shrugged it off as her just liking torture a little more. Much more pain and tears... and that applies to the people close to the tortured person's loved ones.

"Want me to walk you downstairs? I'm going to make a couple of calls before I go out and look for Moet. Some people may have seen her." Ivy called into the living room.
Lukas flashed them a weak smile and let out a heavy breath, with pain. He was going to be okay.. and Nelly would be there for him later, as she had always been.

Nelly waved at the boy and smiled a little, now being less nervous about Lukas's condition. She looked at Ivy and nodded. "Sure." It would be good to have a companion, at least to walk down the building. "When you look for her, be careful, okay?" She asked with a concerned voice. "We have one injured already. We don't need one more."
Ivy grabbed Nelly by the arm and swept her through the door, not bothering to lock it. She held back a laugh over what Nelly had said and shook her head. "Who do you think I am, kid? Anyone tries to mess with me they're getting it." She pretended to box with the air and skipped ahead, trying to catch the elevator along with the paramedics. The door (rudely) slid shut before they could reach it and Ivy stopped punishing the air. She looked at the door directly next to her and opened it, smiling at Nelly.

"Let's get the nerves out of us and race down the stairs." Was all she said before flying down the first flight of stairs. The bottom of every flight was dark and lit up with motion sensors once it detected human activity around. Ivy and Moet, as children, used to love pretending there was a ghost following them downstairs that they needed to get away from.
Nelly stumbled forward, being pulled by Ivy, and stopped before she could run into her. She laughed quietly and nodded, "Right.." She followed her downstairs and sighed. "Poor Archie must be scared with all the lights of the ambulance.." She was lucky that Archer wasn't that much of a skittish horse, so he wouldn't just run away from there, he was a well trained horse. "I hope Moet's alright."
Ivy jumped three steps at the bottom of one of the flights and whooped. "You worry about your guy, I'll worry about my gal." She said over the sound of her running down another flight of steps. When they finally reached the lobby Ivy stretched. She didn't need to catch her breath since it was a downstairs run. She smiled at Nelly and waved goodbye to her, ready for the run back upstairs. "I'll keep in touch!" She yelled from the stairs, her voice echoing.

She burst into her apartment and put her hands on her knees, panting heavily. Once she had regained her normal heart rate she closed the door and locked it, making her way into the small elevator slowly. She wondered what to do now. She would probably wait for Nelly to let her now something happened before saying she found Moet stumbling around somewhere outside. For the time being she would sit in this small cramped box and close her eyes for a little while.
Nelly waved at Ivy and ran to the spot where she had left her horse. Thankfully, he was still there, and didn't seem scared or annoyed. "Hey, Archie." She patted his neck and jumped on his back. At least he wasn't a tall horse, so it wasn't such a hard job to get on him without the help of someone or stirrups.

They galloped until they reached the equestrian center. Quickly, she put the horse on the stable and, after closing the door, headed to the streets and looked for taxis. Lucky for her, there was a car nearby, even that late in the night. "To the hospital, please." She asked him and he drove her to the hospital where they had broguth her assistant.
Ivy had closed her eyes but could not fall asleep. She opened them and impatiently reached a hand out to send herself downstairs and close the door. She waited as the elevator creaked, wondering what Moet was doing. When she got downstairs she slid the door open quickly and loudly so that she may frighten her sister playfully but Moet didn't jump.

In fact, Moet didn't even seem to notice that Ivy had come downstairs. She was sitting in Lukas's chair. She was at the very edge but also seemed to slouch. She was staring off into a spot on the floor and began to giggle creepily. In her limp hands, resting on her lap, was a napkin with her nails in it. Where Moet's old pretty nails used to be were spots of black and red scabs, a large part of each of her fingers caked in blood. Ivy cringed as she got closer to her sister and wiped away the spot of drool slipping from between her slightly parted lips. "Just as well if you're insane." She muttered and scooped her sister up.

"I love you, Ivy." Moet moaned and rested her head on Ivy's. Ivy shivered, almost regretting what she had done to her sister. Almost. She slipped Moet in the little box and sat in with her, assuming Moet was too crazy to send it back down and she would probably die down here. "We're heading to the hospital, okay?" Ivy said, pulling her phone out and dialing Nelly's number. Moet closed her eyes and leaned her head back, giggling in response.
Nelly paid the taxi driver when she got on the hospital and sighed in relief. She entered the place, identifying herself. Nelly Angelhive, friend of Lukas, the patient with the broken fingers and injured knees. She sat patiently on a chair and waited for the nurses to allow her into the boy's room.

When she received the call from Ivy, she quickly picked the phone. "Hello?"

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