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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"Don't touch the vent, but look at the furthest door." Kurai murmured, pointing out the slightly ajar doorway. No light or sound was coming from it, but it had clearly been in use at some point. "Try that?"
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"How about we scout both for 5 minutes then meet back up here?" Hunter suggested. "Or maybe 3 minutes. Whatever's a good amount of time to figure out what's the best route." He gave a shrug.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Alright. You take the closer one, be outside it after three minutes." Kurai crept away to the furthest door, skirting around some trash that had blown up on to the roof. He pushed the door slightly, just enough so that he could slip through and went inside. Hesitating for a moment, he waited to hear some indication that Hunter had taken his door in case he needed to run out again and save him. In the darkness of the stairwell, he got the feeling that nobody was going to burst up there and find him.
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"Sounds good. See you here." Hunter replied before going to his door. He grunted at how heavy it was, pushing it just a hair wider than he was and slipping through, making sure it didn't slam. He stayed close to the edges of the stairs, glad most of the way down was dim. He stopped when he was met with several more stairs down and a windowed door leading to the uppermost floor of the building. Carefully, he peeked through the window, ducking down when he saw at least 3 mobsters just hanging about in the hallway. Not a good way. He stayed around 2 more minutes, occasionally looking through the window to see if they had left. However, they hadn't moved. With a quiet sigh, he bolted his way back upstairs, going out onto the roof.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Satisfied by the silence that followed, Kurai went down the stairs, sticking close to the wall as he went.. After a few flights he came to a door, with the hallway beyond it dim and seemingly abandoned. Taking a deep breath, he poked his head outside and looked around, confused to find nobody there. A dim red light shining in the corner though made him throw himself back into the hallway, racing away and up to the roof to meet Hunter. Catching sight of him waiting, he jogged lightly over to him. "Found a camera on my end, think I stayed out the way. The hallway's abandoned,"
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"We can take it out, just rush at it. Motion blur won't help shit." Hunter spoke with a nod. "Mine had 3 mobsters, armed. Not the best way. None of them were cute, either." He sighed, glancing towards the door Kurai went through. "I can rush in and take out the camera, you can follow."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Alright, go ahead. Stay close to the walls, some of the steps were crumbling." Kurai gestured for Hunter to go ahead, making sure he still had his knife in his pocket and the tape recorder secured.
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Hunter nodded, carefully treading down the steps until he found the hallway Kurai was talking about. It seemed too dark for the camera to be able to pick up on anything, unless it had night vision. But even then, Hunter would just be a blur to it. He took in a deep breath, finding the red light and darting towards it, jumping up and using his weight to pull it off its stand. He landed with a slight thud, but made no more noise. "Alright, got it." He whispered down the hall.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai ran up behind Hunter, wishing he could see his triumphant smile behind the mask. he moved off around the corner, holding up a hand to signal for Hunter to stay where he was while he scouted the area out. He came to a halt when he saw two mobsters at the end of the hallway, though the two were busy talking among themselves to notice him. Going back to Hunter, he made sure to stand close to him as he spoke. "Two of them side by side around the corner and down the way. How are we doing this?"
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"You grab one, I grab the other. Slit their throats. Just keep it quiet." Hunter suggested, getting out his own knife. It was nothing fancy or special, just a kitchen knife for dire situations.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai nodded, taking out his own knife and flipping it around in his hand as he approached. Out of habit his other hand dropped down to the recorder, but he stopped himself before he could click anything. Lashing out at the mobster on the left, he sliced the throat open from one side to another, keeping a hand clamped over his mouth in case he felt like screaming.
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Hunter did very much the same, but grabbed the mobster by their hair instead before swiftly slicing across their neck. "Sorry." He whispered before resting them on the ground, giving a sigh. He then looked down the hall, seeing a rather ornate door at the end. On one of the walls was the doors to an elevator shaft, parallel to a door with a stairway leading down to the rest of the floors. "How about you check that room out and I check the stairwell?" He suggested. "We meet back at the abandoned hall."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"The fancy looking one?" Kurai asked, lowering the body to the ground and shaking his knife clean over them. He slid it back inside his pocket, taking a deep breath. "If you're sure. Come for me if I'm not out in ten minutes."
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Kurai walked over to the door, almost shaking from the anticipation. Heavy doors were never his favourite, in fact he tended to avoid them at all costs. But Hunter had his back, and he wasn't going to let him down or leave behind a potential witness. He inhaled sharply and pushed the door open, ready for whatever faced him.
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Vadim heard the door creak open, but didn't really give a fuck. Probably someone sent to make sure he still had a pulse. He stayed under his blankets, unmoving, and would just look like a messy pile of bear furs to anyone who didn't know how he usually dealt with his episodes. His mind buzzed and swayed, brought on by yet another round of heavy drinking.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai shut the door as softly as possible, barely letting go of it before he trapped his fingers inside it. Eyes adjusting to the dark, he slowly advanced into the centre of the lavish looking office. That was, until he heard the faint sound of breathing. Frozen, he swept across the room, fixated on the mound of furs heaped on the sofa. Without even needing to look, he knew he wasn't alone.
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"I'm here..." Vadim muttered, voice slurred. "I'm ok. I promise. Just still a bit down, you know." He called out, giving a laugh. "I just think about the detective earlier and laugh, you know. He was actually really fucking funny, thinking he could come here all like that. I hope Cyrus sends him again. Yeah. Or if they could both come here. That'd be nice. They're nice people..." He trailed off with a yawn.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
He's yawning. He'll be asleep soon, and then I'll kill him. Kurai thought to himself, shaking like a leaf from the anticipation. But then Hunter might blow in while I'm waiting...I have to kill this guy. Slowly creeping forward, Kurai brought his knife back out and tried to assess the man in the darkness, only seeing shapes with no defined features. There was no possible way to pick out where he was beneath the fur,
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"Huh, you're usually more talkative than this." Vadim muttered, shuffling about in his blanket and sitting up, giving a yawn and stretch. He rubbed his eyes, chuckling again at the thought of Yuki before locking his eyes on Kurai. His blood ran cold, eyes wide. "No, no, don't trick me like this. Please." He stammered, breaths heavy as he tried to stand, but only fell back onto the chair. "This is a sick joke, and I fucking hate it, stop, you know I can fucking hurt you!"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai backed away into the middle of the room, hand dropping to the recorder and turning the volume back up. 'Stay. Stay down.' It ordered, the voice giving him some momentary comfort that he might be able to get out of the room alive.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Vadim tried getting up again, grunting with effort as he did his best to stay balanced as his world oscillated and swayed. He got his brass knuckles out, trying to put them on but only dropping them to the ground. "Fuck." He hissed as if he'd dropped an M&M, glaring at the knuckles before glancing back up to Kurai. "...Why me?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
'Stay down. I'm in a hurry.' Kurai let the tape speak for him, waving the knife in Vadim's direction. He glanced at the walls out the side of the mask, trying to spot a light switch he might be able to use to blind him and take him out.
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"I don't wanna die, though." Vadim whined, falling backwards onto the sofa again. "I really don't." He added, voice strained before he burst into tears. He slowly made his way back under the blankets, sobbing from anger, fear, confusion, and just everything overwhelming and terrible. Good job, Kurai. You've done it again.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
'Stay calm, and don't panic.' The tape said, and Kurai moved closer to Vadim, assessing whether he was a threat or not. He sunk of alcohol, and he felt like he might be able to escape if he let him believe it was a dream or hallucination. Still, he wasn't sure if he wanted to take that risk.
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