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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"Then...we're fine, right? Nobody knows anything new, they got a good picture but nothing else?" Kurai chuckled nervously, hoping he was able to relax a little bit now. It certainly eased the sick feeling in his stomach to hear that the news were still talking about their 'new leads', which in fact never led anywhere but dead ends.
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"Yeah, they got a good shot of my lovely mask and are arguing over what I planted. So. Wild directions now." Hunter chuckled, patting Kurai's back. "We're fine for now. I promise. I wouldn't do anything to put you in danger." He promised, giving a soft smile.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Thank God." Kurai laughed, throwing his head back against the back of the sofa and sighing with pure relief. "Don't make me worry like that again, you're gonna kill me before anyone else does."
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"Not unless you kill me first, you yank." Hunter jested, punching Kurai's shoulder. "You and that tape recorder giving me a heart attack every time I hear the damn thing." He scoffed, shuddering whenever he thought about that soulless voice.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"All you have to do is stay down." Kurai teased, ribbing Hunter in return. He almost wished he'd taken it with him when he stumbled out of the house, just to scare him when he didn't expect it. "Coming from the guy who cut some eye holes i an octopus and called it a mask."
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"I never asked for a gutted and preserved octopus to be put over my head." Hunter argued, arms folded. "You're the one who sat there and made that tape all yourself. Like god fucking damn, we just need to kill people, not scare the shit out of them with 'down. stay down'." He spoke the last part in the most monotone voice he could muster.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"It's more fun when you see their faces when I play it!" Kurai argued, folding his arms right back at Hunter.. "And then...I dunno, disembowel them or shoot them or something. Adds a little fun to it. And you've only heard half the tape!"
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"Don't you ever feel bad though? I just prefer to get them while they're unaware. Not cause unnecessary fear." Hunter asked with a shrug. "I'll do my job. But I won't drag out death or let the targets know they're gonna die. It's how I'd like to go."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Hunter, I've been doing this for years. If I get the chance to scare the shit out of the people we're meant to kill, I'll take it." Kurai rolled his eyes. "I spent too long on silent kills. I wouldn't wanna know I was gonna die either, but I don't care much about the targets." Sometimes he couldn't believe how he and Hunter managed to work together when they had complete opposite ideas, but he wouldn't trade him for anything.
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"But do you ever put yourself in their shoes? Like you're just having a good time with your friends at a beach house, but it all goes to shit. Would you rather die a quick death, or be terrified before dying a slow, painful death?" Hunter asked with a shrug. "The better option would to not be killed at all, but we can't do that so."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"...Guess I'd go with the quick death. But you're not gonna make me stop using it.You know how long I spent on that stupid cassette." Kurai huffed. "And you know I don't do what I do because I enjoy it, it's so I don't get linked back to what I did up north. I don't know a lot of other murderous mops."
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"All I'm saying is-" Hunter froze when he heard his phone ring and give a beep.
You have one new message from: unknown caller.
'Hey, it's your boss Mark again. I just wanted to let you know we're hosting an event today at 23 6th Street at 8 PM. Show up prepared, on time, and remember, no more slip ups.

"Well fuck." Hunter sighed. "I thought I'd get a few more days of rest."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"If they're calling back that quick then it means they're desperate for us." Kurai grumbled. He almost said that it could be the alternative, and that they actually want to kill them faster, but held his tongue and convinced himself it was the former. "I thought I'd at least get a sleeping schedule back."
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"Should we at least go out now and see what the building looks like?" Hunter offered, standing up and stretching. "Get a feel of maybe how to maneuver it. See what kinds of people are in there, cameras, all that. Maybe try to seduce them again even though it never works with the both of us." He scoffed.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai chucked his car keys up at Hunter as he stood and walked out the door. "Use my car, we can use yours later." Something about the sudden request still felt off to him. The time between being warned and called back again was alarmingly short for his tastes, and for the first time he found himself thinking about what Hunter had said. There was definitely something more going on.
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Hunter caught the keys just barely, hopping into the driver's seat and revving up the engine. "Hey, after all this, you and I should do something like. Order a fuckton of food, marathon movies. Just so those sleepless nights aren't all that shit." He spoke with a smile, yet had a bad feeling about tonight. But he didn't want to freak out Kurai.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"You know what I like." Kurai smirked and got in the passenger side, sensing that Hunter was feeling the same way about the whole ordeal. "We're watching Star Wars. All three movies, and you're gonna like it. That works out to...seven hours or something."
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"Hell yeah we are. And if we're still awake, we can maybe watch Jaws." Hunter suggested as he backed out of the driveway and got on the main road. "It's gonna be a lot of fun. More reason to get this shit done." He sighed, glancing at street signs every so often. "23 6th Street, 23 fucking 6th..." He muttered, parking on the block the building would be on. "Aaand that's it." He nodded to a large office building with a guard posted outside.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Huh. Guard already outside. He's gonna be a pain in the ass." Kurai remarked. He looked around them while they were parked, already spotting two cameras. "Camera facing down to the doors and one across the street. Why the hell did we get this? What do they want us to do, teleport inside?"
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"Maybe there's a window entrance or vents." Hunter suggested, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Or I'll try to seduce him. See how far I get." He said half jokingly, just wanting a reaction from Kurai more than anything.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Seduce him? He's not worth your time!" Kurai exclaimed, pretending to be mortally offended as he held a hand to his chest. "And when you have me in the car too? I'm horrified. After all the nights we spent together?"
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Come on, Kurai. It's not like he's gonna take me out to a dinner date or anything." Hunter rolled his eyes, grinning. "Now watch and learn the finesse of Hunter Flynn." He spoke before getting out the car, striding up to the guard. "Excuse me, sir, I couldn't help but notice how fucking hot you are and-"
"Get away from me."
"Ok." Hunter walked straight back to the car. "He's into me. Playing hard to get."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai looked at Hunter with an expression of indescribable pity and despair. "Watch and learn." he muttered, getting out of the car and walking up to the guard.
"Name and business."
"Whatever you want and seducing you."
Kurai was back at the car thirty seconds later. "Nice personality."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I'm in love with him." Hunter sighed forlornly. He rolled down the window and leaned out. "What's your name, you fine piece of- Oh shit that's a gun fuck fuck fuck." He rolled up his window and drove right the hell away, eyes wide. "Amazing personality. Dominating. Kurai, we need him."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"We're sharing him." Kurai declared, waiting for his heart to slow down after catching a glimpse of the weapon. "If the others inside are like it, then we'll split them equally. Except for him."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline

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