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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"They've already tried to make hits on him multiple times before. But he's far too vigilant for them to make any good moves." Cyrus spoke, looking down at the ground with shame. "His men are well trained and have been in the mafia for generations, so he has no need to fear betrayal. So long as he keeps himself locked away, he's safe. But that's clearly not going to be good for his mental health. And you don't even want to know what he does to the masked murderers he captures."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I got the things he was implying. He's armed to the teeth in there." Yuki replied, inhaling sharply. "As long as he stays safe, then I'm happy." He added, then sighed. "It's a shame he can't go out. Might do him some good, but I don't think he's ready for it. I wouldn't want to be him."
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"I'm just scared he's going to accidentally kill himself one of these days. He's on too much shit." Cyrus grumbled, lingering by his car. "Well. Enough of that, I'll see you tomorrow. We can watch tapes like we're on a date at the movies." He laughed.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Wouldn't want it any other way." Yuki chuckled, giving Cyrus a wave before he got back into his own car. He sighed softly as he pulled out of the car park, quite ready to see the day over. With mixed emotions about Vadim now that Cyrus was showing so much concern for him, and all the shit going on with the murders, he almost didn't know which way was up. He hoped it would sort itself out eventually, focusing back on the road before pulling up to his house. He got out and opened the door, and was immediately bombarded by two great big chunks of fur who were VERY excited to see him.
Local officer dies from dog related smothering.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Cyrus went home to no warm welcomes, but he was more than fine with that. With his erratic schedule and long hours, he was sure that having a pet would be cruelty to the poor thing. Without many other thoughts, he sauntered to bed, taking off his uniform as he went and just crash landing onto it, not even bothering with the blankets or anything.

Hunter sat at home, eyes fixed on his house phone. The light blinked steadily, indicating a new message. But so soon? He thought before willing himself to pick up the damn thing.
You have one new message...
Hey, it's your boss Mark here. I've been receiving customer complaints about your performance lately. I know you're a good employee and all, but if you slip up one more time then I'm afraid we'll have to let you go.

After the slightly distorted, deep voice stopped, Hunter just let it all sink in. The paper... His message. Of course. They were always watching.
With a sharp breath in, he sat himself down. "FUCK!"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki stumbled in between the two very excited dogs, flicking the kitchen light on and getting some food out for the pair of them. After being satisfied that they had been sufficiently fed and watered, he pulled off his uniform and left it on the back of a nearby chair, too tired to bother hanging it up. He was sure that nobody would notice tomorrow, anyway. Shuffling off to the bedroom, he slid into the bed and was ready to fall asleep.
Until Aiko jumped up beside him and laid on his chest.
He sighed, knowing he was in for a very long night.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline

(can't be arsed to work out the line break in this post so coyote can wait to the next post)
Hunter didn't manage to sleep all night after that. While he was more than grateful of the second chance he was getting after such an act of defiance, he couldn't help but feel like he was going to waste this chance. And very soon. He laid on his couch for hours, the early light of dawn filtering in and the sound of birds chirping starting up. He sat up, slowly, achingly, looking absolutely trashed. He began to wonder if Kurai received a similar message, praying to every higher being out there that his fuck up wouldn't jeopardize him as well.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai hadn't even made it to bed that night, opting for the floor after his schedule had become chaotic enough to warrant it. Only when the dawn sunlight began to filter through the blinds and on to his face did he begin to wake up, throwing a hand over his eyes and muttering to himself to block it out. He sat up after taking a few moments to wake up, sighing heavily. With a glance over to the phone his stomach instantly dropped.
He had no idea how long he'd been asleep for.
Scrambling over to it, he juggled it off the holder and held it to his ear, waiting tensely for the message. And it was exactly the same as Hunter's. "...Fucking Hunter!" he snapped, dialing his number and leaning against the end table while he waited for him to pick up.
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Hunter jolted as the phone rang, grumbling to himself when he saw Kurai's name dot across the small screen. He picked up the phone after taking in a sharp breath, glaring at nothing in particular. "Before you explode at me, I just want to say I'm sorry, I really am, I'm just really, really fucking trying to keep ourselves alive here, mate." He stammered, unable to think well past his sleep deprived mind.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Sure, fine, whatever, but why the fuck am I now on my last chance too? When I've done nothing wrong before now?" Kurai spat, taking everything he had not to hang up on Hunter, drive to his house and just punch him in the face. "What did you actually do? Other than shoot a couple guys."
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"I um..." Hunter bit his lip, giving a sigh. "I think it's better we talk about this in person. I um... Don't care how badly we fucked up at "paintball" last night." He spoke, voice strained like 'you dumb bitch they're gonna check our phone records'. At least now he could be mad at Kurai too.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"You're just salty because you lost." Kurai huffed, catching Hunter's drift. "I'll be there in a minute." He finished, slamming the phone down again before pulling himself and last night's clothes up off the floor. What he managed to take off before collapsing, anyway. Bundling them into a ball, he staggered around for a bit trying to collect himself, then threw himself outside and into the car, driving over to Hunter's in very much the same fashion. He did, however, have the courtesy to knock on his door before barging in.
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Hunter walked to the door, flinging it open and glaring down at Kurai. "So you're just gonna spout off about murder and whatnot over the phone? How fucking dumb are you?" He snapped, more than agitated at recent events and lack of sleep.
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"How fucking dumb are you fucking it up for both of us?!" Kurai retorted back, sliding past Hunter and going inside. "They're never gonna catch us, and they'll be too busy looking at the tapes to bother with the phones. Unless you screw up again. Then we're both screwed."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Look, you and I both very fucking well know what we don't want to be doing this shit. And I thought maybe, just maybe, I could communicate that to the detectives and give them a lead in the right direction." Hunter huffed, closing the door. "But someone was watching us. Somehow. And I don't know how to fucking stop those shit messages and we're just gonna be doing this until we get killed or tortured, or fuck knows what!" He snapped, walking over to the couch and falling onto it.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I don't know who saw us, because I checked around before we did anything and I didn't see anyone." Kurai grumbled, flopping down beside Hunter. "We're gonna get killed or tortured no matter who we go to, but if we keep doing this then it means we don't get killed as fast. I don't know about you, but I'm not planning on dying any time soon."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I dunno about you, but I feel like there's a lot more to this than just mindless killing." Hunter replied lowly, glancing at his phone. "Like how do they know all these places with mafia shit? And who the fuck is behind all this? Do you ever worry or wonder why all this is happening?" He asked Kurai, brow furrowed.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Nah. Been doing it half my life, it's just some boss who decided he's got an issue with the Russians and wants them all dead." Kurai shook his head like the answer was painfully obvious. "I don't worry about it, I worry about everything else." Understatement of the god damn millennia.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Kurai, this isn't just civilians anymore. We killed a fucking Russian ambassador." Hunter whispered lowly and urgently. "This is getting too big and too political too fast. And I got a very bad feeling about it. Like you saw fucking San Francisco. Who's to say shit like that can't happen again if this escalates too much?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. Hunter did have a very good point. "That was a one time thing, right? It's not gonna happen again." He tried to say with some confidence, ultimately failing. "Not here. They'd nuke the bigger cities or something."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"You think this isn't a big fucking city?" Hunter laughed with disbelief. "All I'm saying is that some weird shit is going down and... Well. I'm not sure what we can even do." He sighed with defeat, pursing his lips. "I'm trying to think of anyone we could turn to. But the police would fuck us over and the mafia. Well. No chance in hell."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"There's no one. Just...ourselves, I guess." Kurai said after a little bit of thought. "We're gonna have to keep on doing this until we screw up bad enough that we get out. Dead or alive." The thought of being all alone started to weigh a bit more heavily, ad he chewed his lip. H could tell Hunter seemed a little freaked out by the whole idea, and he was too. But he wasn't about to add any more fuel to the fire, because then they'd both sit on the sofa and stew forever.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Look, Kurai," Hunter began, giving a sigh. "We're gonna make it through this. And I don't care if we fucking die, just as long as we do something about all this. Because it's getting ridiculous, I'm scared, you're scared, we're all fucking scared." He spoke as he moved his way to the door. "Just give me a second." He grumbled, walking out to the front yard and getting the newspaper just thrown there before walking back in. "Let's see if we made it in this issue..." He mumbled as he got the paper out of the plastic case, sighing when he saw his masked self on the front page.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Shit." Kurai breathed, leaning over to peer over what was written, getting a cold feeling in the pit of stomach as he took it all in. He ran a hand back through his hair and sighed.. "...You want me to do the killing next time? It'll keep you out of the way while you're front page news."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I don't think it's too much of an issue. And by hell you're not going out there alone." Hunter huffed, batting Kurai's shoulder gently. "We work well together and saved each other's asses far too many times to even consider taking one of us out of the equation." He continued, tossing the newspaper on the coffee table in front of him as he reached for the TV remote. He turned on the TV, going through several channels before stopping on the news.
Another masked killer attack has taken place on a beachfront home with ties to the Russian mafia. Not much progress has been made in terms of finding out who the masked men are, but detectives say they are finding new leads with this recent case.
"Well shit." Hunter scoffed. "They say that all the damn time."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal

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