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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

Vadim took in a sharp breath, closing his eyes for a moment. "So you're gonna be my therapist now?" He sneered, rubbing his eyes and laying down on the couch. "You're gonna pretend you care, ask me all these questions. But I know you don't give a single shit." He muttered lowly. "No you fucking don't. You're just here because you were told to be here. And the only reason you complied is because I'm the fucking one keeping your shit department afloat." He continued, abruptly standing and storming towards Yuki. "Am I right or am I right?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"No, you're wrong. Dead wrong." Yuki retorted, squaring his shoulders and narrowing his eyes up at Vadim. No way was he going to let himself be intimidated by him. "I trust what Cyrus says, and I have the right to refuse if I have the grounds to do so. I would not be standing in your office right now if I thought that I was planning on wasting my time. Believe it or not, I try to find reasons to care about other people." He didn't have any idea as to whether any of what he was saying was sinking in, clinging to the feeble hope that Vadim was willing to give him the time of day.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Yeah, that's a load of shit." Vadim growled, muscles tense. He really didn't like this guy. Just everything about him, that hair, his face, everything was starting to make a deep anger boil in him. And he had no idea why, but his outlet was right there... He restrained himself with a sharp breath inwards, turning away from Yuki and walking back to the couch. "A-and on the off chance that it isn't shit... You're still wasting your time. There's nothing wrong with me."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"You can call it what you want, and I'm not implying there is anything wrong with you, but point is that Cyrus is worried about you and he wants to hear you're okay." Yuki sighed and folded his arms. Vadim sure was a tricky guy to get around. "And if you can aid the investigation, then it'd be a help. We want to deal with the Coyote and Octopus as much as I think you do." He added, At some point it crossed his mind that he should sit down so he didn't look like so big a threat, soon concluding that he didn't want to be seated around here. Who knew what kind of things were hidden around to catch him out, or what Vadim had stashed around the room.
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"Can you just fucking stop!?" Vadim snapped, whipping around to glare at Yuki. "I'm fine, I've always been fine. And you come into my fucking office and talk about those fucking shit psychopaths?" He stormed back over to Yuki, grabbing him firmly by the shoulders. "I knew you didn't care. You just want to bleed out information that I don't have."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Sir, get your hands off me." Yuki spoke, tone cold as ice. Now he started to really weigh up Vadim. For a second, he considered calling for the guard, but he was confident he could take the boss on, no matter what he decided to do. "It's my duty to care. If you don't have anything to add, then I'll leave it at that."
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"It's cute how you think you can command me to do anything here." Vadim spoke, tone dangerously sweet. "Like. Really fucking cute. Are you a new officer or something? Sent by the higher ups just to get scrapped by me?" He chuckled, tightening his grip. "I'm sorry, Yuki, but you don't get to do shit here. Or anywhere in this city, for that matter."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"New to the position, sure. But nobody is above the law. If you prefer, we can have this talk down at the station if you're going to escalate this further." Yuki countered, heart almost beating out of his chest. He wished he'd thought to hide something, a taser, hell, even a gun, on him before coming, cursing himself for blindly following orders. That mistake wasn't going to happen again.
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Vadim just let go of Yuki and burst out into laughter, cackling as he staggered towards the door. "Did you hear that, man?" He called to the guard outside. "He said he'd take me to the station!" He wheezed when he heard the guard start laughing as well. He calmed himself down as he walked back to Yuki, wiping away a stray tear. "Oh my god, you're a comedian. And an idiot." He scoffed, reaching into his pocket and donning a pair of spiked brass knuckles. "I kill you, and the police can only do so much before they realize that I'm their paycheck and that I'm the one who keeps those other petty gangs under control. And when they find out you tried to take that from them, they won't even care about your death." He muttered, glaring down at Yuki. "And then the news will just say another 'masked vigilante' got to you, and nobody will fucking care."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki's blood ran cold as he began to realize his grave, grave mistake, eyes fixed on the knuckles. "C'mon, if you find me that funny then surely you want to keep me around? You really think that I'm going to cause you that much trouble?" He laughed nervously as he spoke, muscles tensing as he prepared himself for a fight. The only way out he could see now was to play dumb. "I made a mistake, I don't get told too much, what with all the red tape surrounding a couple of things. Why don't we forget this ever happened?"
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Vadim just snickered, giving a moment of thought before shrugging. "Fine, fine." He spoke, giving a light punch to Yuki's shoulder before slipping off the knuckles. "I think you've learned your lesson. Maybe. I'd hope so, I don't want to nearly ruin this shirt again." He spoke, frowning at a very light bloodstain on the sleeve. "Fuck, I need to bleach this bitch again- Anyway! I'll let you run off now. Thanks for giving me a good laugh." He smirked as he spoke, moving back to his desk and lounging in the chair. "Unless you want to stay. I don't know what kind of place your salary pays for, but I doubt it's anything like this."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I think I'll pass on staying today, maybe another time?" Yuki suggested, hoping against hope that Vadim didn't think he was being serious this time. He'd rather leave the office and never return, and had already decided that Cyrus was going to be hearing nothing about this, or at least not the full details. "Got a lot of things to do...people to see...criminals to catch." He added, slowly backing away towards the door. "Thanks for your time, anyway."
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"Is it because you're afraid of me?" Vadim asked with a pout, having no intention on letting his fun end anytime soon. He was more than glad to toy around with this guy, as long as it distracted him from whatever else was going on. "Aw, it probably is... And I'm sorry for that." He added, voice kind yet having a fake edge. "I'm sure if you stay a little while longer then we can make up." He got out from his seat, standing between the door and Yuki.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki bit the inside of his lip. He didn't want to agitate Vadim any further, but he wanted so badly to run past him and out of the building entirely. He sighed when he realized that there was no easy way out this time, wishing that he had taken everyone's warnings more seriously. Even worse, he didn't trust Vadim's tone in the slightest. He got the distinct feeling that he'd knife him in a second if he turned his back on him. "Fine, I'll stay." he sighed, moving away from the doors and going to take a seat.
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"Good, I'm glad." Vadim sighed, not moving to sit down again. "Would you like anything? Wine? Beer? Vodka?" He asked, hands in his pockets as he sauntered around. "And don't worry about getting drunk, I can get one of my men to drive you back home." He added, sitting on the arm of the couch.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Oh, no, I don't drink. I'm told I get a bit of a temper while drunk." Yuki laughed the suggestion off, all while screaming internally that he shouldn't be opening up to Vadim like that. Still, he supposed he had no way to tell whether he was lying or not, so he could just about rationalize it. He made himself sit back in the chair, looking as relaxed as he could physically make himself.
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"Fair enough." Vadim shrugged, standing and strolling over to a wine cooler. "I'll get you a glass anyway, just in case you change your mind." He called out, bringing over two wine glasses and a bottle, pouring a glass for himself. "Anyways, Yuki. Friend. Buddy." He spoke, taking a sip. "There must've been a reason Cyrus sent you. Did he think you'd be as good as he is at making me talk?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I don't know, I didn't ask at the time. He gave me a piece of paper with the address and the number and everything and suggested I come and see you." Yuki summarized, not tempted by the wine at all. He'd already almost ended up in one fight, he wasn't going to risk another after a few drinks. "I think he just wanted to help but was too caught up in the case. He's got a lot of footage to watch."
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"I hope he catches those bastards..." Vadim sighed, downing the rest of his glass. "And lets me personally fucking kill them." He added with a huff, already starting on a second glass. "I keep telling him it's a stupid nationalist thing. Some "patriots" who think that killing or attacking every Russian they fucking see will-" He paused to down half his glass, "will fucking bring San Francisco back. Well guess what, bitch," he finished off the rest of the glass, pouring another. "I'm not the dumbass Russian government and neither are the citizens. The mafia doesn't have fucking nukes. If they wanted to make a statement, they'd actually fuck up more political leaders."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki could only nod along as Vadim ranted, considerably more impressed and fascinated by his ability to down that much wine that fast. He should've offered him a straw or something. On the bright side, he could go back to Cyrus now with some revelations as to why te murders might be happening, providing he didn't already know. He had a feeling he did. "I..I think they did take out one politician a few weeks ago." He corrected as he tuned back in to what the Russian was rambling about. "To them, it's a start."
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"Yeah but. More." Vadim replied, turning to look at Yuki. "So they're not doing any actual shit in terms of politics at this point. They just wanna make us scared and make America think that we're the problem and fucking whatever, jack off their patriotism and fuck the Statue of Liberty." He muttered, chugging the rest of his glass before just grabbing the bottle. "Fuck..."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I see.." Yuki nodded slowly, rather glad that he didn't have to encourage Vadim to take the bottle at this point. "But why would they only kill down here? There are plenty of other cities they could go to, with far more people. Is all this just for publicity of their cause?"
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"This is happening everywhere along the east coast." Vadim grumbled, getting himself more relaxed and not caring that he was laying his legs across Yuki. "Anywhere with a significant population of Russians, it's happening. And fucking nobody knows who's behind it all." He sighed, taking a sip from the bottle and spilling a few drops on himself. He glared down at the stain, brow furrowed. "Am I bleeding?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki didn't even know where to start, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "No, you spilled some wine. That's not blood. And ah...you're kind of using my as a leg rest." The Russians of Miami shock him once again, with quite possibly the strangest show of dominance he'd ever seen in his life towards him. He moved one hand down to shift his legs off, then decided against it. That would only lead to more teasing and taunting, and he'd had quite enough for one day. "We'll get to the bottom of it someday, all we need is them to leave the right trails behind them."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"But is it even the masked fuckers? Do they even know what they're doing?" Vadim slurred, shaking his head. "I don't think they do. Someone's the ringleader of all this. And they are..." He paused, blinking slowly as he tried to find the words. "Fuck, I don't know. But hundreds of people don't suddenly decide to wear cheap masks and know where Russian mafia hotspots are. It's too organized." He muttered, giving up on talking and downing the rest of the bottle.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal

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