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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"Ok, serious time. That building had almost no windows and probably a fuckton of cameras. Buuut, I did see a fire escape on the side leading to the roof, so maybe we can work with that." Hunter spoke, making sure to get way the fuck away. "We're just gonna have to stick together, be alert, and hope for the best, ok?"
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"As always." Kurai nodded. "Lobby's out though, I saw three more guards in there, all of them had guns. Unless you think you can run fast enough to get by the four of them." He sat back for a moment, thinking. "Might wanna only use your gun on the upper levels. If they come running we're screwed."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I mean we got until 8 PM to plan this out. And it's gonna be tough with all the other buildings around, but I think we got it." Hunter gave a smile of reassurance. "Maybe there's not as many people inside as we want to think. Maybe just a some guarding an important few." He suggested, pondering a bit. "Like the voice mail didn't say there was anything to grab, so we're not getting money or information from this. Probably just people."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Maybe. Hard to tell until we get in there." Kurai replied, glancing out the window as they drove around. "The street round the back is one way, so it won't have a lot of traffic. If we park up somewhere around there and can get to the fire escape that way, then it'll be easy." He couldn't help but think about who or what was inside there to be that heavily guarded. Probably another politician.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Ok, so then we can just start at the top and work our way down. Stealthy, sneaky, all that good stuff." Hunter nodded, driving back home. "And no tape recorder for you this time around. I don't want it accidentally going off and blowing our cover or some shit." He grumbled.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"It has a volume button. The tape recorder's coming in case I get caught." Kurai shook his head and raised an eyebrow at Hunter. "Name on time it's gone off on accident before now."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Still makes me paranoid as all fuck." Hunter sighed, getting out of the car once he parked outside his house. "Besides, you're not getting caught. Not while I'm around." He added defiantly.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Never hurts to carry it." Kurai shrugged, following Hunter back inside. "Neither of us are getting caught. not today." He murmured to himself, more for reassurance than anything. The feeling of anxiety hadn't gone away, still lingering like a bad smell hanging in the air.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Look, let's just calm down, get our masks, do a bit of warmup, then we be there at 7 to scope out, ok?" Hunter spoke, holding a hand to Kurai's shoulder. "Did you bring your mask here by any chance? Don't want you wasting time going all the way home and back now." He asked, going to look for his own mask.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Yeah, should be under the passenger side." Kurai took his keys and went back outside, opening the door and fishing around underneath the seat for a moment before pulling the slightly worn mask out. He grimaced at some specks of blood across the side of the muzzle, then pulled open the glove compartment to take out the tape recorder. Going back inside, he went into the bathroom to wash the mask off. "Do you have any gloves? Mine are covered in blood?" He called out, looking over his shoulder.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Yeah, I got you." Hunter called out, finding his own mask and gloves before finding his old ones and tossing them to Kurai. "Alright, same as always. Breathe with the mask on, get your vision used to it." He spoke like some yoga instructor before getting his mask on, adjusting it and sitting on the sofa and watching TV. "Best fucking warmup."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai slipped on the gloves and sat beside Hunter, fiddling with the tape recorder and making himself jump with how loud it screamed at him to 'Stay.' Turning the volume right down, he exhaled before putting his mask on, knowing that this would be the point of no return. "You ever think about starting a yoga and relaxation class?"
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I'm not zen enough." Hunter laughed, patting the empty space on the sofa next to him. "Besides, I don't think I'm fond of the idea of turning myself into a pretzel and wearing spandex." He huffed, flipping through the channels.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Really? It'd suit you." Kurai chuckled, shuffling close to Hunter. "I don't know many other people zen enough to sit here in a rubber mask hours before going to massacre some Russians."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"I'm actually real fucking nervous." Hunter replied. "I know nothing bad's gonna happen, but I think the dudes behind the calls want something bad to happen. Nothing about that building looked good."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Whatever's waiting for us, we can handle it." Kurai said, not wanting to add to Hunter's small list of anxieties. He had enough to provide for a family of four for the next six months, particularly regarding how tight an entrance and exit it would involve.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Hunter just took deep breaths all the while, mostly to calm his nerves, but also to get used to the mask. Once it began to get dark, he checked the time. "Alright. 6:50, we should get moving." He spoke, standing up and heading to the door. "No anxiety now, Kurai." He called out, though just wanted to reassure himself.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"No anxiety, Hunter." Kurai echoed, standing and following close behind Hunter. The mantra didn't stop him glancing around when he went outside, wary of anyone who could be watching. He got into Hunter's car, checking himself over a final time to make sure he had everything he needed.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Hunter took off his mask and got in his own car, setting the octo on his lap before revving up the engine. "It's gonna look weird if the same car shows up twice in the same area." He explained, going through various radio channels. "Who knows, maybe the cute guard will still be out there." He chuckled.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"That's why I said to use mine earlier." Kurai reminded him, batting his hand away from the radio when it got to a reasonably aesthetic sounding one. "Are we sharing him or do you want that guard? I can find someone inside."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Let's see if we can't find someone better first." Hunter laughed, going down the same street as before but moving past the building. "And nowww down that side road." He muttered, taking a left and heading down that one way street Kurai talked about earlier. He found a nearby parking lot and got himself settled there before taking a deep breath, picking up his mask and gun. "You ready for this? We're hunting for hot Russians."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Only the hottest Russians." Kurai confirmed, taking out a knife and moving it to an outside pocket. "Let's go." He got out of the car, already looking around for any security cameras before he was aware of what he was doing. Luckily, he didn't spot any, so slowly set off in the direction of the office.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Hunter followed behind Kurai, quickly making his way to that fire escape. "Now walk lightly. We don't want this rattling." He mumbled through the mask, gesturing for Kurai to go first. "When we're at the top, we'll decide an entrance." He whispered.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Kurai nodded, placing one foot on the first step and then the rest of his weight on it to test it for any creaking or whining. Satisfied when nothing gave way, he silently went up the fire escape and to the top, looking behind him as he waited for Hunter to join him.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Hunter began to make his way up, cringing whenever he made the slightest sound. "Need to lose weight..." He muttered, though managed to make it to the top as well without any more problems. "Ok so ah... 2 doors. And that vent doesn't look promising." He muttered, staying low and out of sight from the street below.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal

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