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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)


Despair :3
Welcome to the DWMA, more commonly referred to as Death Weapon Meister Academy...




3 years after the events of Soul Eater a new evil Witch has risen to wreck havoc on the world. The only ones who can stand against her is the DWMA.
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"So this is the DWMA... what in the hell?! What's with those stairs?" Iyan stared up at what seemed to be thousands of stairs leading up to the ominous spiked building above him. Jumping he landed on the next platform section. "Great another 5 or so to go, jumping takes a lot of energy out me..." He groaned as he jumped the rest of the way but when he finally made it to the top he fell flat on his face. "Ow!" He stated rolling around animatedly, "This day sucks..." When he finally did get up he was met by a strange grey skinned man.


"Hello, you must be new to the Academy, my name is Sid..." He began but he noticed that Iyan was inching away from him, "What's wrong?"

"You are a zombie right? Aren't you going to try to eat my brains or something?" He asked watching the suspicious person carefully.

"I wouldn't eat a new students brains, I am a teacher at this school. When i was alive I helped teach all of the Meisters and Weapons everything they needed to know. That was the kind of man I was." Iyan sweat dropped and decided to accept it.

"Okay mister zombie..." He began and the zombie quickly interjected.

"My name is Sid." He stated matter of factly, just to clear away any doubts in the students mind.

"Okay... Mr. Sid, where am I suppose to go?" He asked watching the teacher with curiosity and a need too leave. "I am trying to get to class on time."

"Well since you are new you will be in the Supplementary Classes on the second floor. It will be labeled clear as day." Nodding Iyan left before the zombie named Sid said anything else to him. "Hm, I bet he and Kid would be good friends..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.630b64f922af22f68e8813d93768d446.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.630b64f922af22f68e8813d93768d446.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Beth: Meister

She was heading up the countless steps to get up to the academy. She practically wants to plop down on the concrete pavement but she needed to get to class. 'Why is there so many freaking stairs?' She thinks to herself. She looked at the time. "Oh Crap, I'm going to be late." She says. She stands back up and runs into the academy. She was hoping she would make her father proud, where ever he was that is. She starts running up the stairs and down the hallway. She ends up running straight into someone and she trips over her own feet. "Perfect" she mutters to herself before quickly getting back up. She turns to the guy. "Oh my god I am so sorry." She says slightly embarrassed at her own clumsiness. She leans against the walls, breathing heavily. "I am seriously sorry." She says thinking she would have bruises later.

@Shade Wraith



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Getting knocked over right at the door, Iyan got up slowly, "Ugh what the hell was that? Huh a girl?" Finally on his feet he brushed himself, "I take it you are new too huh? Tsk, you gotta be more careful." With that he entered into the classroom without a second glance. He was rather annoyed but after going in he felt that maybe he was a bit to mean to the girl. Another teacher awaited him once he entered, a man with a giant screw or something in his head.


"What is up with the people in this school? Are they all crippled or monsters or something?" He asked shrinking away from the male taken aback.

"I can hear you." He grabbed the screw and twisted it about 3-4 times clockwise, "Either way it goes you will need to tell me your name and whether you are a weapon or a meister."

"Uh, my name is Iyan, but I prefer to go by Lancelot... I am a weapon." He said as the teacher lit up a cigarette. In his head he thought, 'Isn't that against school rules or something?'

"See that wasn't so hard. Now take this badge and wait here for awhile. I expect it won't be to long until everyone is here and we can proceed from there." the man said calmly, "Before you start calling me by any weird names, my name is Stein."

'Like Frankenstein?' He thought to himself scratching the back of his head trying to think of what other strange things could possibly happen right now. Stein then cracked his neck which made a creepy popping noise in the small nearly empty room.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a1ed7bcc8257104d5c2cf7a8233fdba2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a1ed7bcc8257104d5c2cf7a8233fdba2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Beth : Meister

"Welp, someone's grumpy." She says under her breath. She walks into the classroom. She sees the teacher who seemed to have a big screw in his head. "Tell me your name and whether you are a weapon or a meister." the teacher says to her. She backs up slightly not knowing what to make of the situation. "Elizabeth but I prefer Beth and I'm a Meister." She says quickly not wanting to get on a teachers bad side. She sees him turn the screw that was in his head. "Ah, go sit down" the guys who claimed to be Stein said. "Yes Sir." She says quickly before rushing up a little bit before claiming a seat towards the top. She lets out a sigh of relief as she sees more students trickle in.​



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Steps echoed through the halls of the academy, reaching the ears of some while others remained ignorant of their existence. Nothing new, of course, the former would soon come to realize, just another late arrival. God, he had tried, he had even put three clocks just to be sure. But once again, he had been doomed from the start. Well, it was no figure why, given how late he had went to bed. Well, he couldn't help it, he had never had. Nearly slamming the door opened, there he was, panting over and over, beads of sweat rolling down his neck, gasping for air that he craved for heavily. "S...Sorry, teacher...I didn't..." Ah crap, he couldn't even explain it to him! Plus, the man before him could only be described as...peculiar, scary even. "I overslept...I'm really sorry, sir, it won't happen again. "Adam stood awkwardly by the door, awaiting for the older male to give out his verdict on this, it came to him. This was the day of preparations and whatnot, so he should introduce himself, yes? "A-Ah, I'm Adam. A Meister."
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Stein nodded to the male and told him to sit down. Iyan stood further away from everyone else, staring out the window lost in thought. There was always something that felt a bit off about this school but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was something regarding the brochure and this whole fighting witches thing. He always thought witches were part of fiction like zombies and werewolves and things like that. But from what he could gather there apparently were a lot of things he still didn't know about the world.

Beth : Meister

She noticed another guy walked in and he was apparently a Meister. She just just put her chin in her hand and tapping the desk softly I front of her as she waits for the class to start or something interesting to happen to say the least. She just starts thinking. Her parents apparently went to this school, sat in these seats, trained to be what they were. She was hoping she could find a weapon and become good, great even. But that's just based on perspective. She remembers so many things, yet so little of her father. Isn't it interesting how memory works? The things you can't remember and the things you can never forget.​
James Deous-Weapon

"Damn it! I'm already running late on my first day!" James shouted as he ran as fast as he could up the steps. James honestly felt like he was going no where only due to the fact that there were at least a couple hundred steps. Once he finally made it inside of the DWMA he quickly began to look around. If memory serves...I need to go to- James' thought was unfortunately cut short when he bumped into a grey skinned man. He winced as he was the one who fell over. The sheer looks of the man seemed to scare James as he let out a frightened scream but quickly realized how dumb he looked and got up. James took no time for introductions as he quickly began talking,"Can you please help me find my first class? It's my first day here and I already seem to be lost, and late! Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!" James said as he anxiously awaited an answer. Sid only stared down at Jame,"Alright, alright calm down. You just have to go to the supplementary class." Sid then pointed to a door and James only nodded as he ran as fast as he could to the classroom. He busted through the door, much to the surprise to those in the class. James quickly ran over to Stein and presented himself,"James Deous, weapon. So sorry I'm late sir, I promise it'll never happen again!" Stein only handed James a tag and seemed to mutter something under his breath as James sat in dead front. Hopefully, the class hadn't started yet and James hadn't missed much of major importance.

@Shade Wraith @ScarlettRose16 @Mine<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_tachibana.makoto.full.1511817.jpg.7919f9bc040ad8de1da2bfed96374c5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_tachibana.makoto.full.1511817.jpg.7919f9bc040ad8de1da2bfed96374c5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Slowly but surely the time went on and more students began to show up for class. There was no punishment for being late for the orientation, though Stein would gladly opt to dissect a student or two if asked.
(I apologize if the length is annoying, my creative juices were at work)


Hana's mind went blank.

The moment she saw the large building known to Death City as the D.W.M.A, her confidence from earlier that morning vanished.

She had been hoping, dreaming, to get into this school. To become the weapon of a meister. To know and learn of undying loyalty to someone close to you.

To be able to protect someone.

This morning she had been talking to herself in a mirror, making a fool of herself every time she saw her reflection. Something was trying to drive her back before, but she had ignored it.

And now she regretted that decision.

The building was covered in skulls, a few lit candles handing off the building's sides. She stared at the flames. That was something that scared her greatly, fire. Fire was awful, destructive, it would kill anything in it's way. Death, that was another thing Hana was afraid of. So why was she trying to go to a school run by Death the Reaper himself? The reason had slipped her memory a moment, but then she imagined being in a relationship with someone. With having someone to protect, someone to show her strength to.

Born in a family of eight, mother, father, and siblings, Hana knew everything about competition. She wasn't the youngest, in fact she had two younger sisters, but she was one of the weakest in the pack. She had to fight her brothers, her sisters, her parents, her uncles, her aunts, her friends, everyone in order to get something. But no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she was always so weak.

She slowly began up the stairs to the school, making it to the top fifth-teen minutes later. Many people were staring at her, the girl with the long shy-blonde hair that went down to her ankles. Her sky-blue eyes shimmering in the sunlight. Oh she knew her appearance was off from most other people's, but right now, she was more worried about how she was going to survive in this hell. She managed up the nice length and ran into an odd man. He directed ehr to her class, and she gave her slight bow as a "thank you" and continued on, making it to the class just in time to be late.

She creaked open the door and stepped in lightly, expecting a scolding, but instead was asked to introduce herself. And of course, she was a shy fool after all, she had to humiliate herself. "I uhh..." She bit her tongue so hard she nearly yelped at the pain, the teacher gave her a weird look, and she couldn't help but notice the screw sticking through his head. Her eyes widened wildly as he gave her a little bit of what seemed to be a sly smirk. "What, you forget your name or something?" He asked, the smirk faltering as soon as he noticed the expression on her face. "N-no, I'm um... Hana Tachibana, a weapon." She gave a gentle bow towards the man before shaking herself, long hair annoyingly falling into her face. The teacher handed her a small card of some sorts and she grasped it into her hand tightly, scampering off to go find an empty seat to sit in.
Crimson sighed as she walked up to the steps of the DWMA she had walked them once before, yet it still looked just as far up as it did the first time. Shaking her head she started up the steps. Making it up at a slow pace she continued inside the building, she shouldn't be that late so she seen no reason to hurry.

Walking up to the door of the class room she was sapost to be at she stopped for a moment, would the students be excepting of her being half witch? She bit her thumbnail then shook her head, it dose not matter...she slowly opened the door and walked in. A man with a screw in his head seemed to be the teacher so she walked up to him.

"name and are you a weapon or meister?" He asked looking slightly board.

"Crimson Rose and I'm a meister" after saying this in a flat tone she was given a card and told to sit down. Nodding she went and took a seat away from the mist people and pulled her hood down to hide her face more, as she waited until class stared.
"It seems we are missing someone but I suppose that is fine, we can at least start as we are. Come on in Kid." Stepping into the room came Death the Kid, Liz and Patty who greeted the new students with their various different personalities. "Please gives us a demonstration."

"Yes of course... what the hell is up with that huh?!" He pointed, "there isn't an even number of meisters to weapons. This will not due! I can't work under these conditions. How can you split them in half huh? It's impossible! Now if there were eight of them then that would be perfect. Eight can be cut any which way and it will always be symmetrical!"

Stein cocked an eyebrow and then face palmed before laughing into his hand. Removing it he gave the class a large creepy smile, "Well if that is the case I guess I could dissect a Meister to even it out for you. So who will volunteer? Just think about it, you will be helping your fellow students out."
Richard Hemway


Richard wasn't in a particular rush that morning. With one hand in his coat and the other holding a book Richard gave off a calm demeanor. While most of his fellow students were likely fraught with thoughts of what awaited them Richard was less inclined to such worries. From the papers he had read a few days prior his first day in class would simply be an orientation. Most of the material he already knew upfront from his extensive readings. As such he felt going through a causal stroll in Death City held little consequence to him.

If anything the only pessimistic thought that stagnated in his mind was that he would start off as a N.O.T. student. It seemed like a great disrespect considering he stemmed from a powerful bloodline. Indeed, it had been a few generations now since his family had killed a Witch, but Richard was more then apt to change this. So long as things went down a desired route he desired.

He paused his reading to look and see he had reached the front door of DWMA. Looking to his backside was a massive expanse of stairs that he didn't even noticed he climbed. Richard always had a bad habit of slipping away from reality in his readings, though he himself saw nothing bad in getting lost within a good book. Sliding the book away into his bad he walked into the building. Richard had already visited the school last week to get familiar with the campus, as such he had no issue navigating the twisted hallways. His main reasons in visiting last week was to prevent any issues today and to allow him to get a fell of his new adobe.

Soon enough he was upon his classroom and entered without a thought of hesitation. As he entered he could easily recognize the professor, Dr.Stein. He recalled meeting him on his visit last week so his odd appearance didn't shock him. It wasn't a very warm meeting as the professor's demeanor and stance seemed to make him apathetic to what was around. To say the least he wasn't fond of the man from his first impressions of last week.

"My name is Richard Hemway. I am a Meister. I prefer to be called Mr.Hemway." he stated without waiting for a word from the professor.

The professor turned the bolt in his head a few revolutions, "Oh. You are that smug upper class boy from last week. Please, take a seat Richard. Class will be starting soon." stated Dr.Stein before turning his glance away from the new student.

'I thought I directly stated to be called Mr.Hemway.' he thought bitterly to himself as his faced revealed a grimace. The professor did the same kind of disrespectful display to him last week as well. Not feeling like wasting words on the thick headed man Richard proceeded to his seat, around the front of the room. Not feeling like being social he pulled back out his book on Half Weapons to keep the cogs in his mind moving.
Agnes looked at the clock with horror. She couldn't believe she overslept. She couldn't believe that classes were starting in fifteen minutes. Most importantely, she couldn't belive that she, of all persons, could potentially come late to class. Especially on the first school day. Using speed Agnes didn't knew she was capable of, she quickly dressed and picked up her bag. She raced out of the door, as there was no time for breakfast.

As she ran towards the immense building, she couldn't help but notice it's architecture. It was... weird, to say the least. The gianormous spikes and skulls didn't look especially inviting, although that was maybe to expected out of a combat school. The little girl didn't even want to think about the mindpuzzling candles, that shouldn't by no means of logic she was familiar with stand up now. As she ran up the impossibly long stairs, Agnes pace started to slow down, eventually basically powerwalking her way up.

When the short girl finally arrived in front of the clearly labeled classroom, she was exhausted. She meekly opened the door, only leading to her wanting to close it again when she saw the strange teacher-man-frankenstein-thing. His multiple scars across the face, not to mention those bolt screws, completly freaked the the girl out. She tried to not to stare as she seated herself. that proved to rather hard though, as the scary man adressed her.

-Name, please? he started. Also, are you weapon or a meister?

-Um....I-I'm Agnes Fabian. A weapon... she stuttered.
"Alright it seems you are all here... er, it looks like Kid left for the time being. I will get right to the point, each weapon needs a meister to wield them and each meister needs a weapon as well. It is in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you would get along with or who pairs well with your soul wave length. That is it for classes for now. I will leave you to find your partners. That is all." He twisted his screw and walked out the door lighting a cigarette.

Hana felt herself shift in her seat uncomfortably.

How could that teacher even suggest that, dissecting another student? Weren't there rules and regulations at this place?

She closed her gentle blue eyes, glad she wasn't the extra meister in the room. One of the only few times she was happy to be a weapon. Usually, she wished she could be a meister.

When she thought about it, being a meister sounded nice, too.

Meisters were still considered weak, but in a way, it's not ever the weapon fighting, but always the meister. The meister has to take risks and put themselves in danger while the weapon just, stays a blade. Hana gave a gentle groan and lay her forehead gently on her desk.

She wanted to be a meister.

She considered closing her eyes and falling asleep, but then she remembered where she was. She lifted up her head and sat in her seat perfectly straight, perfectly still. One thing her family was definitely big on, was posture and manners. They went bat-shit crazy whenever either Hana herself or one of her siblings were to not be sitting correctly, didn't say excuse me, didn't show their gratitude, or didn't speak properly. Hana's little sister, Aiko, was deaf in one ear and got in major trouble for mispronouncing the word 'photosynthesis'. Honestly though, the little girl was only seven.

Born in a family of eight, mother, father, and siblings, Hana knew everything about competition. She wasn't the youngest, in fact she had two younger sisters, but she was one of the weakest in the pack. She had to fight her brothers, her sisters, her parents, her uncles, her aunts, her friends, everyone in order to get something. But no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she was always so weak.

Her mind was snapped back into the real world. The moment she head the words, "Each weapon needs a meister and each meister needs a weapon." her attention was dragged back to the front of the room. She glanced around at all of the other students, which might be hers? Would anybody even want her as a weapon, weak, foolish, having her on the field could be a major risk itself. She shook her head, reminding herself to not think like that.

Hana's mother and father were both weapons, so all of their kids also turned out the same. Although they were a family of pure-blooded blades, every blade varied in shapes, sizes, weight, ect. Hana was a large sword, about four feet long with no hilt. She was all blade. As a child, her mother told her that was a bad sign that she was going to end up becoming a bad weapon, so her self esteem at her current location was really low. Her mother and father had told her that her being an all-blade sword in which was black and white meant her destiny held her becoming evil, her sides, good and bad, would be fighting each other inside of her. The moment her parents had told her that, practically all of Hana's hopes and dreams were thrown out the window.

She stared around, would anyone really want a weapon like her?
Iyan stretched and proceeded to the door. Before leaving he turned to the other students, "I am not going to sit inside this classroom to wait to be picked. If you want to be my partner then by all means come up to the roof and say so." Turning he walked out passed Stein to head to the roof. He would test each Meister that dared to come to the roof just to see who was capable of wielding him. On the way up the stairs he heard a familiar voice.


"Fool!" Hoping he wouldn't notice him he tried to sneak away, "You can't sneak away from me. Absurd."

"Oh come on, isn't it a little bit..." He started but was immediately stopped from talking.

"Fool! I wanted to say that your grandfather gave me this," The little creature handed him a necklace in the form of his family crest. He tried to talk, "Silence. Give it to your meister and you will see the value in training. Fool." With that Excalibur walked away, meanwhile, groaning loudly, Iyan made his way to the roof.


Beth : Meister

She saw the guy who she ran into earlier and seem to just walk out of class.She heard him say he was a weapon, maybe they would make good partners. 'Shouldbi follow him??' She thinks to herself. She decides to get up and silently follows him. "Hey, what kind of weapon are you?" She asks curiously while just following behind him and staring at her feet. "Would you want to be partners?" She asks curiously as she goes up to the roof. It was really high up. The sun was shining but there was a breeze. Not to hot, not to cold. She wonders where the Death himself was. He apparently ran the academy. She turned back to the guy, "So what do you say?" She asks curiously.

@Shade Wraith
He turned to the girl, "Oh you are that girl who ran into me earlier right?" He closed his eyes and raised his left hand above his head, a gentle breeze swept around them, "if you want to know anything or even be my partner you will have to prove yourself." He put his hand out to her, "Take my hand, if you scream then you have no business being my partner. Just as my family has done for generations, we only accept the courageous."

Beth : Meister

"Yeah, again sorry about that." She says as a gentle breeze swept around "Okay" she say think thinking this shouldn't be too hard. She was wondering what was going to happen but she didn't hesitate in taking his hand. She would have to prove herself, okay. She couldn't scream. She then feels the him jump off the roof a gasp escapes her mouth out of surprise and it takes everything in her not to scream and she doesn't. Heights were never something she liked so she was slightly proud of herself that she didn't scream.

@Shade Wraith
He held her close but despite jumping off of the roof they weren't exactly falling so much as gently floating downwards. He looked at her square in the face as their feet finally touched the ground, "My name is Iyan, but to you I will be called Lancelot. I am the Wind Lance." Bowing he acknowledge her as his Meister by smoothly transforming into his Lance form and hovering within arms length of her.


She felt the solid ground beneath her feet once more. "Elizabeth but just call me Beth." She says seeing him form into a weapon. She didn't know if she should reach out and pick up the weapon but she did. She handles the weapon carefully, not wanting to do something stupid. She didn't know what the weapon could do and she didn't want to set something off. She spins the lance in her hands. She has never even held a weapon and it was weird to her.

@Shade Wraith

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