Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

(S'okay Ronkai! Shade's out cold right now so it should be safe. :3 BloodyRaze controls Shade, I believe.)

Kal blearily opened his right eye. A light flickered somewhere above him. He tried to open left eye, but it was glued shut by something warm and sticky. He tried to raise his hand to his eye to examine the sticky substance, but his arm screamed out in pain. Kal swore loudly.

To help the pain ebb away, Kal focused on the light, which he realized was a single, flickering lightbulb that was dangled from the cracked ceiling on a lone electrical wire. As he surveyed the Cafe from his position on the floor, he realized that that lightbulb was the sole piece of glass and ceramic that hadn't been completely destroyed by...what? What the f*** had just happened?

"Kal! You're alive!" Emeriel's voice floated towards him.

Kal tested his vocal cords, and found that they, at least, were still operational. "Yeah. How's everyone else?"

"The customers....they're all dead," Emeriel's voice was barely a whisper.

Kal closed his good eye. He took a few breaths and focused on his own body, this new piece of information not yet sinking in. He catalogued his injuries, which appeared to be rather extensive. He hoped nothing was broken...

Kal rolled over on to his good side and propped himself up on his right arm, which seemed to have fared the blast of....whatever that was...better than his left arm. Bringing himself up into a sitting position, he prodded his left eye, realizing that blood was caked over his eyelashes, keeping his eye shut. He rubbed the blood off, wondering if it belonged to himself or someone else.

He looked around. So many people were slumped over demolished chairs and tables, almost as if they were asleep.

"Is anyone else alive?" Kal called out, his voice cracking as he said it. The bald fact that most of these people were probably dead was starting to hit him, deeper and harder than any physical wound.
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Caricon stepped in a elevator and pressed a button that brought him to the floor shade was on. He then waked down the hallway ignoring the nurses. Once he go to his room he opened the door stepped in and locked it. He then stood over the body of shade not making a move just looking. "You will pay," he said still not making a move.
Rhia hurried over to Kal, looking very worried. "What happened?" He asked, concern laced in with his words. Rhia wasn't here for any of the battle, and was, in fact, in the wash room. "Are you alright?" Naga appeared on Rhia's shoulder and began to lick the blood off Kal's eyes, using her cat saliva to clean it off.
Kal cracked a small smile, despite the situation. Naga's tongue tickled against his eyelid as the feline familiar cleaned off the blood. He pet Naga's back in gratitude, mulling over Rhia's question. What had happened?

"Honestly, I'm not sure what happened. Shade- the Dark Magi with the black wings- did something. I don't remember what he called it, but I could feel my power being drained away. I didn't understand what was happening and I didn't react quickly enough and then..." Kal clenched his teeth together, fighting to swallow back the rage and sadness that filled him to the brim and threatened to overflow. "If I'd been faster, I might've..."

"Breathe, Kal," Emeriel said soothingly, appearing next to Naga after a blink of the eye. She looked up at him, her stone eyes full of sorrow and tearful rivulets of rock carved into her sculpted cheeks. Kal did as she asked. After a moment, Kal didn't feel much calmer, but at least he didn't feel as if he would murder on sight the next Magi he saw.

"Is anyone else alive, Rhia?" Kal asked, trying to change the subject to something slightly more hopeful.
Caricon quickly pulled out a knife and stabbed the machine, keeping him alive. He then opened the door and walked fastly out of the hospital and dove in a ditch as the police arrived trying to find who did this. "Who those people are fast." His anger depleting he transformed back into Tom and walked out of the ditch his staff stuck in his backpack. Once he got to the ruins he looked inside and saw two people unable to make out who they were he walked in pulling out his staff as it turned into Heart.
Rhia looked down at Kal with concerned eyes. "It wasn't your fault," Rhia started, he couldn't believe he hadn't heard the commotion from the wash room. "More people would've been alive if I was here to help." Rhia frowned slightly, feeling very guilty about the situation.

To answer Kal's question, Rhia got up and searched around for any more people. Most of the mortals were dead, or dying, Rhia couldn't spot any other Magical Boy inside the cafe. Walking outside, Rhia spotted an unconscious boy lying on the rubble. Noticing that he was breathing, Rhia picked the boy up and brought him inside.

"Recognize him?" Rhia sat the unconscious boy up against his leg, placing him in front of Kal.


((I actually don't know who's alive or not, since I'm too lazy to read all of it haha))
(Haha, no worries, Pai. /Hopefully/ all the Magical Boys are alive, as well as the Dark Magi. I mean, killing characters right off the bat is a little OP. I think it's just the normal humans that are dead.)

Kal shook his head, which made his world spin a bit. "I have no idea who he is. At least he's alive, though." Here was something he could do, he could help plan and organize the recovery. "Think we should call an ambulance, or can anyone's familiar help to heal wounds?"

Kal noticed somene following Rhia back through the doorway (there was no longer a door) to the Acorn Cafe. After a moment, he realized it was Tom. Kal breathed a sigh of relief. Well, at least not everyone was dead. "Where were you?" Kal asked.
"My hour break. I also found out where shade was and stabbed his vitals." He then set his bag down heart landing on it. He then pulled out a small treat and feed it to Heart. "I see you have been having fun here."
(Alright, I think it's bedtime for me. I'll reply first thing in the morning. :3 Night, all.)
Faust let an evil vibe escape from his being. pushing open the door as he let out a cackle only to end it with a smirk. The presence around the pure café began to stiffen as he stepped in to the room. The door closing and opening behind him. His hair floated a little as the back of his bones began to turn in an odd scary way. You could hear the bones shift as he ran his finger through his hair. His teeth began to grow in size as he looked about the room. "Where is he, where Is my leader." With a crack and a burst Faust wins broke free. Blood splattering against the wall as the wings forcefully ripped out from his attire. He found lying on the floor asleep. "Troublesome , I leave for a weak and this is what you do." He walked over to him, his steps leaving the carpet wilted .

He bent down and picked up the little boy with a smile. "You came in here without a battle plan. Half are team is new and you still led them to this. " He shook his head as he turned around and leaned forward. He held Ayar close before lunging toward the door. The wings instantly spread and flapped themselves giving him the push of a bullet. Shooting out of the café and in to the streets. Before he could come to a stop he extended his right leg to push off the ground. The wings now lifting him and his leader up ward in to the sky. He had looked straight at the sky as he decided to go in to the sky. Faust looked back and glared as he sniffed. "A bunny?" He shook his head and made his destination toward the night club.
Ayra opened his eyes painfully blood dripping into his left eye. He groaned and looked up at his winged savior and weakly reached up a hand to find it bloody and covered in glass shards. His head was pounding and he flinched at the sunlight. "W-who are you?" he asked weakly.

His eyes widened when he realized something. "Poku? Where is Poku?" he squeaked and looked around his head spinning. The familiar in mention popped out of Ayra's shirt collar "I'm here master." he squeaked. Ayra sighed weakly and smiled softly. "You look like sh!t." Poku said in a monotone.

Faust looked down and groaned. "I leave for a weak and you have forgotten me. That hurts young lord." He touched down to the ground in front of the night clup. His wings snapped and twist as it reclined back into his back. He shredded clothes forming a new. He opened the door as he held the young boy in his left arm. Walking in and shutting the door behind him as he sighed. "I will never leave again, and here I thought everyone would be ok. Can you remember how many are wounded, hurt or died." He walked toward the back of the night club and entered the relaxation room. He set him down after moving the minor things from the table.

He held out his hand for Poko to jump on so he could set him somewhere away from Ayar. He was going to treat him and didn't want anything getting in the way. While he waited he tied up his long hair in to a high pony tail and slipped off the jacket to his suit. He rolled up his cuffed sleeves and washed his hands with soap.

Coming from the back where Eon was sleeping he yawned a little. His hoodie that sported bunny ears twitched around. He yawned as he looked around the docking area. He hopped down and walked tiredly in to the café. He dropped his mouth as he looked around. "What happened here." He looked at all the fallen people and the blood that was splatter against the wall. He was tempted to leave but he would get in more trouble that way.
Ayra blinked his blurry eyes and reached a hand up to wipe some blood away. "Faust." he smiled and relaxed "I had blood in my eyes I couldn't see you clearly." he leaned back on the table painfully. His head was still filled with the scenes of battle. He squinted when Faust asked about the injured and killed "Most of the Dark Magi were injured Raze disappeared to somewhere. All the humans in the cafe were killed."

Ayra groaned and frowned "I had a more indirect approach but, Raze as the ass he is barged in and took things overkill." Ayra huffed. "We lost and no souls were collected." Ayra was quite livid with Raze. If he had not barged in like that things would have turned out better. "When his ass gets back I'm going to kick it." he hissed.

Poku looked worried at Ayra before jumping up into Faust's hand. The familiar jumped down into the booth.
"Fool that is why I told you to let me pick the members of this clan..." He sighed as he took a rag from the sink and wet it with warm water. He walked over and began to wipe the blood from his eye. Revealing the cuts that were there. He smiled a little as he wiped down his neck and his ears, to see his face better. "So much blood." He walked back over toward the skin and rinsed out the rag. "did anyone else participate in this little round up you called an attack. No mater if Raze went over kill as the leader of this group you have to put them in their place. You are stronger than him no."

He walked back over with rubbing alcohol. He dabbed it on the rag then began to wipe near the cuts on him. After each one he would put a band aid on it. He then lifted him up and made sure to get the dried blood out of his hair. " The healing will take to slow....tell me when to stop Ayar," He took the three bandages off of his cheek and came close to him. The fact that he was an incubus allowed him to heal by his saliva. He licked the first cut three times then pulled away. The slit skin slowly coming together as it began to heal.
Goddess said:
"Fool that is why I told you to let me pick the members of this clan..." He sighed as he took a rag from the sink and wet it with warm water. He walked over and began to wipe the blood from his eye. Revealing the cuts that were there. He smiled a little as he wiped down his neck and his ears, to see his face better. "So much blood." He walked back over toward the skin and rinsed out the rag. "did anyone else participate in this little round up you called an attack. No mater if Raze went over kill as the leader of this group you have to put them in their place. You are stronger than him no." He walked back over with rubbing alcohol.
He dabbed it on the rag then began to wipe near the cuts on him. After each one he would put a band aid on it. He then lifted him up and made sure to get the dried blood out of his hair. " The healing will take to slow....tell me when to stop Ayar," He took the three bandages off of his cheek and came close to him. The fact that he was an incubus allowed him to heal by his saliva. He licked the first cut three times then pulled away. The slit skin slowly coming together as it began to heal.
Ayra sighed at Faust's words and hissed as the warm water stung his open wounds. He smiled as the blood was wiped of his face and neck "I can see your beautiful face now." Ayra teased. He sighed and looked down "Raze seems to think he is the leader. I need to put him in his place but, I'm not sure how. He is a new recruit and I'm a senior Dark Magi." he made a tisking sound and looked to Faust "Can I ask you to help me put him in his place?"

Ayra watched as band aids were placed on his cuts and scrapes. He blushed as Faust licked at his cuts and looked down at him. He didn't think he wanted to ask Faust to stop "Alright." he smiled. He looked down as the cuts began to mend together "I'm never going to get use to that." he said.
He nodded his head. "It would be a pleasure to knock a little boy down to his normal size. This form shall suffice for you . "He licked the other scratches as he smirked pulling away. "If I made love to you the pain from your sours would be gone. " He teased as he helped him up from the table and rolled down his sleeve. "Where is this child that is hindering this group." He held out his hand for him to take it with a smile. "Come now lead the way."

He stepped to the side to allow him to take the first step. Faust was nothing but his right hand man and co owner. Being his age and how he acted , he deserved the spot.

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