Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

Ayra grinned manically his thirst for blood now apparent. "Oh, we want it very close to those pure freaks." he giggled. He pet his familiar and tossed a heart seed up on the air and caught it "Only we have to find the perfect conflicted soul. Ayra thought for a moment how to find the perfect soul to taint. "How about we find someone trying to commit suicide?" he said his eyes glittering with malice. "Those are the perfect targets, don't you agree?"

He stood up and walked past Kaze and up to Lysander "We are going to the Acorn Cafe to cause grief, you are welcome to come." he called over the music.

Pausing from his dance - if you could call it that - Lysander listened in and grinned. Wreak havoc? He'd love to join in!

"I have nothing better to do. Lets make some freak boys cry," he announced, grinning as he fell into step with Arya, leaving his dance partner behind to wonder where he'd gone. "I can't wait to see their stupid faces." 
(Okay my friend just had a baby so I gotta go love her up! Back in a while!)
Kaze nodded as his smile widened. However, inside his head was a different story. His pure self was now trying to fight for control but was currently on the losing end. His mind started to return back to his evil state and he followed ayra toward the door and Mortem flew up onto Kaze's right shoulder to get a ride. Kaze opened the door to allow the others pasage outside.

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[QUOTE="Renn Skye](Okay my friend just had a baby so I gotta go love her up! Back in a while!)

((Well, that escalated quickly :P ))


Rhia swiftly cleaned the tables with a damp cloth, humming a little tune to himself. The calm cafe music was really relaxing, Rhia's eye lids were half opened as he seemed to dance around the cafe a little.

"Rhia! Rhia!" Naga pawed at her master's pants once again. Her large white eyes were filled with panic.

Rhia looked down at his little cat familiar and smiled brightly, "Yes? What is it?" Turning back to the table, Rhia gave it one more swipe and left it to dry.

"I..." Naga hopped onto Rhia's shoulder, looking a little ashamed for a second. "I broke one of the coffee machines..."

Rhia stopped cleaning and stared at his familiar blankly, his mind froze for a moment to take it all in. Glancing over to the coffee machines, one of them was spitting out coffee and making a huge mess all over the place.

Frowning slightly, Rhia walked over to the coffee machine and punched it. Soon the coffee stopped and it was working properly again. "Works every time." Rhia chuckled to himself and started soaking up the excess coffee on the counters and floor.
Xavier gave a nod towards Angel and moved a few spaces away. He wasn't comfortable being so close to somebody. He rested his head against the wall and let out a breath. Why was he even here? He knew that he was chosen for his magic, but was he really necessary here? There were plenty of others here and he was sure they could manage just fine without him. He shifted his body and allowed Umbra to stretch his wings, while Sol remained curled around his neck.
Ayra passed Lysander and walked out into the bright light of afternoon. He hissed as the sun was harsh on his eyes and put hand up to shield his eyes from the light. He felt something crawl up his arm and plop down on his shoulder. He looked to the side to see Poku and offered a smile and was returned with a roll of the eyes. He started for a full out sprint to the Acorn Cafe with a wide grin.

He spotted a potential target in a young woman who was on the edge of a bridge. He whistled and held out a heart seed. It glowed and shot straight to the woman's chest, the woman's eyes started to glow a violent shade of red and she started in a daze. "Now, we wait."
(is Xavier gunna be the one too turn evil for a few episodes because he doesn't realize the friends that he has?)
Emeriel's ghostly voice rang out in laughter at Naga's antics, her laughter's volume increasing when Naga fell, narrowly missing a chai latte. Kal looked up from his work to admonish Emeriel- but she had apparently vanished. He looked around and saw her next to Lyrell, who was doing his best to tidy up his latest blunder. The stone familiar was holding a slightly smothered danish in her hands. "Excellent. Free dinner," Emeriel's voice commented, a happy grin pasted on her lips. "Don't ever stop being so clumsy, or else Kal would have to buy me dinner every day."

Kal groaned. Between Emeriel being one of her mischievous mood, Lyrell dropping a full platter of pastries and coffee, and the three other Soul Fighters/Cafe Workers who were sitting in the back- it was turning into one of their least productive days. Thank god they were only open for another hour- just enough time to cater to the dinner rush...

"So, what's new, Rhia? Save any souls recently?" Kal asked, trying to take his mind off the disorganization of the Acorn Cafe.
Rhia turned to Kal with a small smile as he finished up cleaning the coffee spill. Throwing the dirty rag into the sink, Rhia leaned onto the counter with his elbows.

"Eh, nothing much has really happened for me." Rhia shrugged, trying to blow a piece of his red hair out of his face. "But, I found out my familiar has been looking through my personal belongings," Rhia flashed Naga a playful glare. "Again." Rhia added in, raising an eye at the cat as she tried to trip Lyrell with her tail.

Naga smiled, trying to hide her guilt. "Sorry...?" Naga backed away from Lyrell slowly, not wanting to get in trouble with her master.

Chuckling at his companion's antics, Rhia turned his head to Kal and returned the question. "How about you? Anything happen lately?"
Kaze smirked and said to Ayra, "should we get their attention?" He held out his phone with it already set to call Acorn cafe. "Now that's evil" Mortem said looking at the phone. "He has them as the number one speed dial entry." Mortem blurted out laughing mencingly, he knew this was for only one reason, to eventually purge the world of these goody little two-shoes.

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Marcos was probably the only Dark Magi that didn't go to the club tonight. No, he had some dreams to crush. In his Puppeteer outfit, he wandered the night time streets of Paris, still unsure how he got there. But while he was there, he may as well spread some fear and hate amongst the sleeping citizens of the city. He grinned, using his shadows to invade the dreams of children and adults alike to wreak havoc in their minds and release their deepest fears, turning their sweet dreams into terrible nightmares. As he reached the end of the street, there was a bright flash of purple lightning, and Marcos reappeared outside the club somehow, about ten feet from Kaze, Ayra, and Lysander. He smiled darkly and walked up to them.

"Hello boys. Off to cause some mischief are we?"

((I'm basing his puppeteer form on the original Puppeteer, who could manipulate dreams. Also, his Three theme's:

Puppeteer: Despicable Me By Pharrel Williams

1st Form: The Reverse side of the Mask (Unknown artist)

Rage Form: Raised by Wolves By Falling in Reverse))
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Ayra laced his hands together "Don't they have those annoying magic sensors?" asked and looked at Kaze. He snapped his fingers and the woman walked toward him. He turned to Marcos and grinned "How else would we spend this lovely afternoon?" he looked back at Kaze "Calling them wont hurt."

He prepared himself to transform if things got ugly. His fingers started to glow a black/purple color. "I'm ready for some fun."
Marcos grinned. "I can think of no better way to spend this afternoon, other than what I was just doing in Paris, spreading nightmares. Not sure how I got to Paris, but whatever. Anyways, what're you doing just hanging around outside?" Marcos bursts through the door to the café and slams his cane(purely a prop) on the ground, releasing a sleep spell that effects all the mortals in the room. "Time to play." He raises his hands and casts his puppet spell, controlling all of the sleeping mortals with his magical shadow strings, having them start shambling towards the back, where all of the Pures were.
Kaze called them but only let it ring. Once someone said hello? He laughed and ended the call. "That should definitely send someone soon." Kaze stretched and grabbed Mortem off his shoulder and played with Mortem a little as he readied himself and fought the sanity of his pure self as his hands let off a blood red hue.

(Theme music: This is war by )

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"Dude what are we doing waiting in this club bro,its all stuffy and weird in here and i'm getting some pretty bad vibes."Jake muttered,shoving his long gray hair from his eyes to stare at the older boy who sat,growling at the idiots in the club.Jake and Joss were spot on twins,down from the hair style to the way they dressed.The only difference was Jake had dull gray eyes while Joss had bright red eyes.

"Theres a reason we're waiting,because we were told to wait,and were getting paid to wait so shut the hell up and deal with it!"Jessie snapped at Jake and turned his head,his intense blue eyes staring as if going right through the younger boy.Joss smirked and cackled laughing at his brothers attitude and sipped his drink.

"You got somethin to say Mr.Hyena cause trust me ill transform and take your scaly ass down so fast you won't see it coming."Jessie's voice lowered,his hands turning into sharp claws and Joss responded by smirking small rings of smoke curling from his nostrils.

"Look both of you shouldn't do this not here not now iight this ain't the place or the time."Jake said,shoving both of them back down."Whatever just both of you sit down and shut up until I finish off this."He held up a bottle of wine and tipped it back,drowning a few sips before standing and grinning in a drunken way.
Ayra narrowed his eyes and stormed into the Cafe "So much for being a surprise attack." he snapped. He watched as Marcos turned all the humans into puppets. 'Maybe this plan is better.' he thought to himself. He looked at Marcos and looked around with a narrowed gaze "Oh pure freaks... come out, come out where ever you are!" he giggled and his eyes glowed with a hint of malice.

He waited for the appearance of their enemies "If they don't come out soon, I'm going to have some fun with these useless souls." he sneered.
Kal has just been about to reply to Rhia when the phone rang. He picked it up, saying, "Hello?"

All he heard was a manic laugh on the other end- and then the dial tone. Wheoever it was- and Kal had a pretty good idea- had just hung.

The moment he put the phone back on the hook, a boy with a cane burst through the doors and slammed the cane on the ground, making all the normal humans fall asleep. Kal almost dropped the cup he was holding.

"Hey guys?" He called to the three Soul Fighters in the back, "I think we have company," he added, as more people entered the cafe.
Xavier walked up to the front and caught sight of the Dark Magi. He took note of the people that were being controlled. Sol and Umbra released a small growl. These people had nothing better to do than attacking them. He stood next to Kal and awaited the next move. He really didn't feel like fighting. It had been a long day and he was tired.
Marcos laughed maniacally as his mortal puppets charged the first good guy, tackling him. Being a Puppeteer had advantages, but he might need to change form soon, with more of them on the way. He'd save rage form for a big problem though. He grinned at Ayra. "Make a few of them into backup, we can use them as idiot fodder while we make our escape. All I wanted was to show them we were here." He winked and broke a few of his puppets off from the mob, waking them up for the soul seeds. At the same time he cast a shadow web so Kal couldn't cast.
As Kaze entered the cafe he smriked saying "Hey Kal, its been a while." All of a sudden Kaze dropped to his knees as he held his hands to his head. The hue on his hands started to flicker between blood red and angelic white. He knew entering the cafe was a bad idea as his pure self was starting to win control.

He soon regained control and got back up and his hands were back to blood red. He smirked as he said mainly to himself but out loud, "You arent coming out just yet."

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Angel and Liberta walked to the front of the house "Welcome to the acorn Cafe how may we kick you asses today?" Angel said. Liberta was literally itching for a fight he was ready each of them took out their transformation items and looked at their teamamtes for the signal
Ayra grinned "A few back up coming right up!" he smirked and his thrust his glowing palm out. "Bittersweet Lullaby, Make up!" he shouted and he closed his eyes and became engulfed in light. His hair grew longer and turned a dark maroon eyes turned a violent shade of purple. He jumped and kicked his legs out and they turned into black strap up boots.

His pants turned into a puffy black dress with gold lining, his top a pink and purple striped top with puffy sleeves. On his head was a bonnet of the same color of his top with bat wings on the side. He swayed his hands across his waist and his belt appeared. A line of candy shaped smoke bombs appeared along with a teddy bear. He grinned and bent over as a spade tipped tail appeared. He stood back up and held his hands out in front of him.

His wand appeared and he stood with his legs apart and his hands out. "Dark transformation: Bittersweet Lullaby!" he shouted. The light died down and he looked at the soulless puppets "Who is first?"

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