Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

Despite the puppeteered humans who were rushing him the Soul Fighters, Kal tried to calm his mind and allow his muslces to ripple and transform. When he opened his eyes, he was carrying his two hand blades, and found Emeriel sitting on his shoulder, gripped to the fabric of his leather vest. He looked around, seeing a few of his friends already transformed.

The animated humans were almost upon them. There wasn't really time for a plan, and Kal didn't want these unwilling human participants to get hurt.

"Monastery of the Dead!" Kal shouted, starting with his arms crossed over his chest and then flinging them to his sides. The movement summoned forth a clouded light and the souls of hooded monks emerged from the cloud. The monks rushed the animated humans, intent upon wrapping the humans' arms behind their backs and detaining them without hurting them.

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Xavier would've laughed at the outfit in a different situation. Although the outfit was ridiculous, he was still a threat. Xavier released a sigh and brought out his small rod. He didn't feel like transforming, so he would just use a weapon. He was just didn't feel like going all out.
Marcos grinned. His turn. "Rising from the Underworld, meet the darkness, Shade!" Suddenly his body was engulfed in a dark tornado, his black wings appearing, his clothes becoming dark, his collar going up and a mask covering his face. He gets chains all over his clothing, his eyes glow red, his hair lengthens, and he floats to the ground, an orb of dark energy floating in his right palm. "Dark Transformation: Shade." He grinned with his sharpened teeth and held one of his daggers in his left hand.
"Ok you tiny mofo's lets go i've got me a buz on and im ready to play."He held the bottle by the neck and tossed it down,glass shot out and people stared at the trio in confusion."Yo Jake play my music for me bro."Jessie said and stood,turning and walked toward the entrance.Jake smirked and removing his hammer he stood on the table,and slammed it on the ground,letting the ground shake and nearly collapse on the people.

"Okay guys lets go."Jessie said and laughed at the yells coming from security behind them."Oh humans just don't listen."He turned and smiled just before all three guys vanished."Aww Jess I wanted to have some fun with those guys!"Joss exclaimed but was hushed by Jessie as they appeared infront of the Acorn Cafe.

"Bro your about to have alot of fun."Jessie said and walked in,looking at the 4 pures and sneered."Well seems we came just on time."He smirked and chuckled.
"It's my turn" Angel exclaims "Execute Spirit Evolution"!


[/media] (It looks just like that minus the boobs)
After angel was trasnformed he shouted out "Brimming with Love and Hope,Cure Cielo!"

Angel was ready for battle
Ayra grinned and waved his staff toward the three human puppets. "Heart Seed, I call upon you to make these unfortunate souls our allies and attack these pures!" he said and a dark light shot out of his staff. The humans turned around and started to head for the pures with killing intent.

He smiled and bounced on his heels as he waited for the blood to shed. He cackled in blood lust and his hand inched to the trinkets on his belt.
((yay, thanks for the opening!))

Shade let loose at that point, turning the monks dark with his shadow manipulation, using them to attack the pures as well as the mortals. He hadn't had this much fun in years. But in the back of his mind, Ender was trying to break loose. If that happened, there would be major casualties on both sides, and a lot of mortals would die. However hysterical that would be, he knew that if it could be avoided, it should be. He let loose orbs of dark energy, using his wings to float above the battle and give him a perfect vantage point.
Xavier walked forward with a blank expression and applied magic to the small rod. The rod soon transformed into a shield and he used it to defend the people. His rod was a one of a kind weaponry that he had practiced with for years. He sent chops to the back of the controlled people's necks, knocking them out without hurting them. He kicked a dark monk in the gut and focused on the others. The people being manipulated were being controlled by magic wires. He turned shield into an extremely long sword and coated it with magic. He began slicing the wires and knocking out the monks. When the people were safe and the monks were defeated, he returned his weapon to its rod form.
"Fist of Fate" Angel was purrufying every opponent Xavier knocked out 1 by 1 eventually there were none left "So what are you idiots going to do now without your little minions?" Angel smirked "Star shower" A rift in the ceiling was made and star came pouring out of it flying toward the demons
Shade glared down at Xavier, getting angry. No one broke his cords. No one. He descended from above to stand directly in front of his, drawing both daggers to their full two foot length. "You severed my connection. No one does that. You're done." He coated his blades in dark energy, spinning and slashing at Xavier with a vengeance, while still holding back Ender, knowing the time was getting closer to release him. He hated to do it, but it couldn't be avoided now, the change had been set in motion. He slashed faster, hoping to end this before Ender came out. If this fight continued to that point, it would be a problem.

((I'm changing it from a black hole to an implosion. He drains the magical energy from those surrounding him, then releases it in a massive burst. It's better for violence.))
Xavier dodged the attacks, blank expression remaining. It appeared that this boy was overly attached to these cords. If he cared so much about the cords, he shouldn't have used then in a situation like this. He kept dodging, until he managed to grab his wrist. He twisted it and forced him to release his weapon. He then gave a powerful kick to his chest, sending him flying. He could feel his magic fading, but that wasn't relevant right now, the fight was almost over.
Kal/Zephaniel watched in horror as Shade started to control the monks, who in all farness were doing their best to resist the puppeteer's power, though clearly their capacity to withstand the puppeteer's orders was dwindling by the second. As they began to rush the Soul Fighers, Kal noticed that Xavier had begun to cut the puppets' wires with his sword. Kal followed suit with his hands blades, feeling pity for the humans and monks who were had fainted on the floor.

"Emeriel," Kal muttered under his breath. "Help these monks out!"

The familiar's voice sang softly, the sound seemeing to emanate from everywhere and nowhere. The song had a soothing and strengthening effect, and soon the monks were revived, and moved to protect the humans and Soul Fighters from the orbs of dark energy that the black-winged enemy had shot throughout the room. The monks vanished on impact, but at least the humans and Soul Fighters were spared.

"What do you Magi want?" Kal demanded, wondering what had possessed them to come storming the Acorn Cafe. Surely the Dark Magi's time could be better spent implanting as many Heart Seeds as possible into humans.
Shade hit the wall with a thud, and suddenly Ender broke through. He burned with a dark fire, his wings going blood red, his eyes going gold, and his hands growing claws. "Ender's here everyone. Game over." He grinned evilly, then focused. "Magical Dissonance: Finale!" He drew in the energy of every magical being around him, feeling them weaken as they were drained. When he had hit max, he condensed it to a singularity. Now, when that much energy is forced into a singularity, it tends to explode outwards with almost infinite force, in every direction. And that's exactly what happened. It ripped through the mortals, sending them through the windows and walls, breaking most of their bones, but most of them surviving, and slammed everything magical in the room with incredible force, blasting them against the walls and breaking all of the windows. As he stood there surveying his work, Ender's energy left completely, and he reverted back to Marcos, passing out and hitting the floor with a thud.
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Ayra held his staff behind his back and swerved on his heels. His mouth in a 'o' shape "I'm just along for the ride, Shade is the leader after all." he said spitefully. He glared at the particular Dark Magi "We are just following orders." he heard one of the pure ask what they would do without their minions and scoffed."I don't need dammed humans to kick you guy's asses." he sneered.

Ayra floated to the top of the room and thrust out his staff. "Bitter beam!" he shouted and dark beams of light shot out at the pures.
Xavier watched as the others became severely wounded, as he was sent to the floor. He could feel pain all over, but he also felt something else. He felt anger. He had just tried to kill them like it was nothing. Xavier focused on that anger and slowly rose to his feet. "You've made a big mistake." The mute boy had finally talked and it wasn't a pleasant sight. Xavier walked forward, hair turning white and eyes becoming gold. A black trench coat covered his body. He could feel his magic returning. He approached the puppeteer and gripped him by his face, lifting him in the air. "Wake up." His expression remained blank, as he sent powerful punches to his face. "Wake up." He then threw the boy through the window, glass embedding in his skin. "Get up. If you're going to kill, then kill me."
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(I'm confused on whether you killed the people or not. It said reduced to molecules, so I assumed they had died.)

Marcos began to regain consciousness as he felt the pain from the glass embedded in him. He saw Xavier stalking towards him, looking like something out of one of his nightmares. Marcos tried to crawl away, but he was too weak, and the pain was excruciating. Suddenly, he saw a familiar sight. The purple lightning. It flashed, and he disappeared from the street outside Acorn Café, appearing in front of what appeared to be a German hospital. He groaned in hopes that they would hear him and help him, before he passed out again from pain.

((Thank God for crazy as$ purple teleporting lightning))
Ayra got blasted into a window breaking the glass. He felt the shards imbed in his flesh and he let out a cry as his transformation reversed. He lay on the sidewalk bleeding out of various wounds. He looked like a injured little boy, his hair slicked with sweat and blood. He let out a groan and soon passed out he welcomed the warm darkness and hoped he wouldn't be killed in his sleep.
(I think the pures won. Most of the Dark Magi are injured and the mortals killed or injured)
Xavier stalked forward, eyes glowing. "Leave immediately or else." Xavier made a point of summoning a magic circle. "Now." He was done with playing games. He was fine with himself being hurt, but it was a different situation when it came to others.
BloodyRaze said:
((yes. Everyone except Xavier was horribly injured by Marcos/Shade/Ender because of the super explosion))
(That don't make no sense becasue none of the other characters got a chance to respond...)

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