Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

Ayra stretched as he was helped down from the table and looked at his arms. There where only small traces that he had glass in his arms. He looked up at Faust and sighed "I think he used his teleportation powers to go somewhere leaving our team behind. Not leadership material if you ask me." he joked.

He blushed deeply at Faust's words and cleared his throat and looked away. "Okay, well I'm not sure where the bast*rd went. I'm not going back to the Cafe to find and trace his magic either." he sighed and leaned against the table. Poku jumped up and landed on Ayra's shoulder.

Ayra smiled "We just have to wait for him to return. You can still nullify powers right?" he asked.
Xavier looked around the café, observing the destruction. He gazed at the dead with a somber expression. "If we can't defend people, then why the hell are we here?" If Dark Magi were still able to kill people, even when they were here, what did that say about them? Xavier prayed for the dead and undid the transformation. His hair reverted back to dark blue and his red and blue eyes returned. The black trench coat turned back to he café uniform. His blank expression returned and he no longer spoke. He went into the back and grabbed his winter coat. Sol and Umbra flew to his shoulders and walked out with their master. He couldn't stand being here any longer. Besides, it was closing time.
Eon jumped in the middle and told the boy to wait. He took out his pocket watch and threw it up in the air. "The rabbit goes down the rabbit whole." He muttered. His hair shifted to white as the boy sprouted bunny ears. His tail puffed out in to a white ball. "Clock reverse and bring back what once was mine." The clock began to tick, the loud strikes made the café lift. The broken items began to revere to back where it was . The boy looked taller and he had chains around his arm. He bounced about as he looked around to see if anything else was broken.
"Hold up- you sliced his vitals? Like, Shade's heart?" Kal looked at Tom incredulously. Kal looked around- finally noticing that Shade was not even present. "Is he dead? Where is he, anyways?"

"Wait- Xavier!" Kal called to the blue-haired boy, his ribs throbbing in protest. Okay, he might've broken something. "Can you at least call an ambulance or the police before you go? All these people's families....They're going to have to be notified of their loved ones' deaths. We can say it was a gas explosion, or something." Kal went quiet for a moment, mulling over Rhia's comment that it wasn't his fault. Well, of course it was. It the fault of every Soul Fighter who hadn't been able to stop Shade.

"...You can still nullify powers, right?"

Kal turned towards the sound of the voice, seeing two Dark Magi sitting rather close together. Pure, raw hate welled up inside his chest as he gazed at them. It seemed like they were already planning their next attack- they didn't even care that about 50 innocent humans had died. "Don't," Kal growled. "Don't even try. We have you outnumbered two to one right now."
((ill reply when I get hone I can't writ paragraphs on my phone so just include angel and liberta in everything
((First of all, his name is Marcos, and he has been a dark magi for four years. Secondly, he doesn't have teleportation powers, it's just some weird magical occurrence. And third, this is from Shade: "I swear to God, Faust, Ayra, if you wanna mess with me, you haven't seen the full extent of Ender's powers. Remember, he negotiated the deal with the demon. He can crush your soul seed. Make you mortal." At least for a time. Anyways, I'll post something soon, i just wanted to clarify some things))

((You aren't mortal, your soul is just insulated so you can't use magic for like an hour, which is equivalent to like, four total posts. Like, four different posts from anyone.))
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(I will take you up on your challenge , faust vs your character I hope you know how to role play ight becuae I get serious )
((While I'm not against all of Marcos' abilities, Raze, I am not going to let you PP/GM/bunny my character into having no powers for like four posts. Not that it matters right now since Kal's not really in any shape to fight. ;) Anyways, if you try to hit Kal with Ender's power, I'm pretty sure I get to decide if Ender is indeed able to crush Kal's Soul Seed, just like I more or less decided that Kal was not going to defend against Shade's singularity. While I probably won't let it miss completely, I'm not going to automatically let you decide if my character is out of the fight for four posts.))
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((I have a basic understanding of it. However, ask Ender has to do is make contact with Faust's chest, and his/her magic will be blocked for an hour. So yeah.)) 
((It only works on dark Magi rafi. You have the inborn magic. We had to make a deal for it.
BloodyRaze said:
((I have a basic understanding of it. However, ask Ender has to do is make contact with Faust's chest, and his/her magic will be blocked for an hour. So yeah.))
(I'm going to say that is OP. Please tone down his powers to lighter state, taking away powers completely or crushing their soul seed is not allowed.)
(*Faust is my original character that I created, that little super power I put down on there is only one of things he can use. Being an incubus he is able to more than just fly and have mind control. Faust is able to have desired inducement possession..you will not win with a fight with faust, because even if you do nullify his power your must take in to consideration his strength and other abilities that does not involve power
(Renn- I have a summary posted on page 10.

Summary from p1-10: http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/darkness-rising-actual-rp.11798/page-10

Continuation of summary.

Faust arrived, healing Arya's injuries. They are planning on waiting for Marcos/Shade to return to the destroyed Cafe, hoping to teach him who is boss.

Rhia was in the bathroom and Tom was on his hour break, so they were unscathed from the Shade's singularity blast, which killed about 50 humans. Rhia and Naga are tending to Kal, who has about four broken ribs, a sprained wrist and a mild concussion. Kal is currently trying to organize people to call the ambulance and the police, since 50 people are dead, and there's an unconscious boy who is laying beside Rhia right now.

Tom teleported to Germany and trashed the life support equipment Marcos/Shade was attached to. Tom then teleported back to the Acorn Cafe.

Xavier is wondering why he Soul Fighters exist if they can't save 50 people. He was planning on leaving the Cafe, but was stopped by Eon, who is also unhurt.)
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(Well. Oh my goodness. I guess I missed a lot. ...I guess that leaves my characters uninjured because they missed the whole frickin' fight. Whoops? I'll. Try to fit them in somehow.)
(Yeah, most characters missed the fight- it escalated pretty quickly. Many rpers are writing that their characters were on break, or weren't with the main group of Dark Magi that entered the Acorn Cafe.

Also, I'm thinking the Soul Fighters should have a chat with the Magical girls to see if they can share the Kira Kira Cafe as their home base until the Acorn Cafe get repaired?)
Faust nodded his head as he gave him a smiled. "Something like that." He tapped the side of his head as he led him out of the back room. "I can enter ones mind and negate the use of their abilities. So you can call it nullifying yes but mine is special. Unlike most lower class incubus they have to touch the user, where all I need is simple eye contact. I can switch off from both touch and eyes. " (think sharrigan) " His bones began to twist and pop once more. "Taking the ground is rather long so I will take you through the sky."

He picked him up and gave him a smile. "Please do hold on." he took off in to the sky toward the pure café. "I do have a question though, i smell a hint of bunny. If I am not mistaken ...they can be quiet devious, so if you spot one please do not chase after it...I don't need you getting hurt again."
(Yeah, if you guys wanna talk to Aymee I think she's the only magical girl (other than our dark one) we have thus far? Unless I missed a female app orz)

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