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Fantasy Dark World reboot OOC

I missed you too *cries and snuggles* I got strep then the stomach flu then strep again then the normal flu and then food poisoning. I just... I am so sorry I flaked on all of y'all. How have things been going? Where is everyone right now?
D: oh my!!!
are you okay????? >< omg thats horrible! D: *hugs you and rubs your back* :<
well.. it isnt too far along :o someone crashed the party and destroyed the mansion and well... you should read ups on my postys! :o
okay so far I have that Scarlett, Kore, Lucca and my character Delia have busted the door to the man who took Vira and Vira just woke up upstairs still being hurt and stubborn.
Okay the mystery man is making nice with Kore, Lucca and Scarlett. Surprised Vira has friends lol. Annnd Vira caught the tenderizer.
Okay the mystery man is making nice with Kore, Lucca and Scarlett. Surprised Vira has friends lol. Annnd Vira caught the tenderizer.
naturally! you havent forgotten her power ya? XD


well of course the stuff with the prophets and the god hand 0o0
MHM the godhand! :o
doesnt that scare yews?? x)
it took awhile for Frostfire and Syphe and others to suss out the Prophets plans after that, whats your thoughts on it? ^^
Okay the mystery man is making nice with Kore, Lucca and Scarlett. Surprised Vira has friends lol. Annnd Vira caught the tenderizer.
Okay Kore is thinking of fucking with Lucca later in mind games annnnd is asking for Vira. Vira is talking with a very nervous Kotiro. And is naked. *sigh* Vira I'm getting you clothes for christmas haha
Okay Kore is thinking of fucking with Lucca later in mind games annnnd is asking for Vira. Vira is talking with a very nervous Kotiro. And is naked. *sigh* Vira I'm getting you clothes for christmas haha
And Sera, Jackson, Snow, Kale, and I think Kaia and Crow and Fashionista annnnnd Patrick and maybe the wardens *that whole group* have arrived at the house. cool cool so I know kind of where my people are haha.

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