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Fantasy Dark World reboot OOC

Well you definitely put that plan to work at a good time. I'm also curious to see what Vira would do.
But inb4 hands go flying... just gonna say I saw that coming.
Well I was working it out with Thalia so I should hope so! X'D
I'm half expecting Kore to get punched or knifed, and honestly she's expecting the same :P But if not it'll be pretty damn wholesome... X'D
Definitely need a camera... X'D
Honestly though I think Vira needs to be filmed 24/7 because they could really make a dramatic reality series all about her life. Someone could earn some big dough...

It'd be quite the opening sequence for a relatively important person to die just now.
May have been waiting for others to post before I even started to think up a post...but there it is...not really sure if it's good or not as I'm kind of tired, but it's there. xD
waiting on postys from my lovelies :3 <3 <3

gosh ive been fangirling over this one char i really cant wait to introduce lolz XD
(i know thats a bit tacky, fangirling over my own creation lolz)
seriously tho.. the power god XD
i wonder if i should even introduce this char LOLz
if you thought X energy manip power was op, then you havent seen anything yet XD lolz
Sorry I haven't posted yet.
I'm having a little bit of writing trouble with figuring out where to go with Jeanne and Abigail in their current situation.
Plus I've been busy with my new classes.
(if they do respond lol)
Uni's started up again and I have training stuff to do for the next two days, and then plenty of stuff after that....... So I don't know when/if I can reply - but I'll try and find an evening in the next week to get something up..
Go on without me - Kore'll just be milling about scavenging or something.
Uni's started up again and I have training stuff to do for the next two days, and then plenty of stuff after that....... So I don't know when/if I can reply - but I'll try and find an evening in the next week to get something up..
Go on without me - Kore'll just be milling about scavenging or something.

Best of luck with your training!
Uni's started up again and I have training stuff to do for the next two days, and then plenty of stuff after that....... So I don't know when/if I can reply - but I'll try and find an evening in the next week to get something up..
Go on without me - Kore'll just be milling about scavenging or something.
okie hunny! <3 <3 i hope you can reply soon! cuz i love your posts! ^^
but i know school is super important too :)

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