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Fantasy Dark World reboot OOC

yea, was just busy over the past couple days, and was waiting, but it seems thats all the posts coming in
so im gunna respond sometime soonish :3

bear with me, sorry! <3
It's cool, I was just waiting to see if anyone else got involved before responding to Kallo again.
feel free to respond to kallo again if you want! :) since no one else seems to be posting (:( ) its all good for you to respond to kallo! :D <3
i will be trying to get a post in sometime <3 im just busy atm
Why do I get the feeling that Ellie could easily rival an SS tier at this point...Also how strong was the ole doctor if she got that noticeable of a power boost?
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Why do I get the feeling that Ellie could easily rival an SS tier at this point...Also how strong was the ole doctor if she got that noticeable of a power boost?
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
thats the thing, he wasnt "strong" :P his "power" was something else, can you guess what it was?

also... hehe~ yepppp to the first part
(shes easily the strongest Abnorm we've come across so far)

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