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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Dice Dark Ages of Taeral - D&D 5e (OOC)

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Lol I can list its advantages, but I dont think you want me to prattle on about rp theory. But it does indeed do wonders.
Maybe. There's one rule I follow with all my might when I design my characters, worlds and so on: Consistency. Of both internal logic and consequence. As such it's pretty important to me to make sure every part of the backstory flows into the next.

Speaking of which, I think that part is finished. Now I just need to add that final personality trait, and pick my arcane focus, and I'll be done (other than in maybe needing to translate the code to a phone version as well)
I was thinking of switching my character picture, but do you know how hard it is to find a good pic of a female elf that doesn't have a bow in her hand or that doesn't look slutty? Geez!
I was thinking of switching my character picture, but do you know how hard it is to find a good pic of a female elf that doesn't have a bow in her hand or that doesn't look slutty? Geez!

Alrighty - I'm almost done with the technical side of things, and the background is at least partially done; might be able to finish stuff in the evening.

One question for our glorious storyteller WlfSamurai WlfSamurai : Do you have some specific, common, humanoid threat in mind that we'd be likely to run into? I'm asking because I intend to name humans as one of my favored enemies for background reasons and because it might actually be useful - that leaves me, however, with the chance to name a second humanoid race as well. My first intuition was to name orcs, as they happen to show up in your interest check post and would make sense background-wise, but if you were to say that the entire region is infested with something else instead (halflings, goblins, humanoid grasshoppers - you name it), it'd make more sense for me to name those - been in the region for a few years by now, so the most common threat would be a decent favored enemy.
I was thinking of switching my character picture, but do you know how hard it is to find a good pic of a female elf that doesn't have a bow in her hand or that doesn't look slutty? Geez!

Try adding the class, that generally helps. For instance "elf cleric" or "elf priest", or "elf mage" even.





Gah I feel your pain. There is next to no triton art.
Try the keyword "merfolk". They aren't quite tritons, but their design is pretty similar, and while many merfolk also don't have legs, about half of their kind do (or they can shapeshift between the two, anyway half the art of them does have legs).





Also Kiora, who is also a merfolk, but a named character


If we are waiting for my cs, then we might be one step closer - there's still stuff to do, especially in regards to the bonds with fellow rpers, but I figured I'd put my thoughts out there now; no point to store them away in the workshop until everything's done, right?
Thanks for helping with the pics, guys! Some really good ones in there.

Alrighty - I'm almost done with the technical side of things, and the background is at least partially done; might be able to finish stuff in the evening.

One question for our glorious storyteller WlfSamurai WlfSamurai : Do you have some specific, common, humanoid threat in mind that we'd be likely to run into? I'm asking because I intend to name humans as one of my favored enemies for background reasons and because it might actually be useful - that leaves me, however, with the chance to name a second humanoid race as well. My first intuition was to name orcs, as they happen to show up in your interest check post and would make sense background-wise, but if you were to say that the entire region is infested with something else instead (halflings, goblins, humanoid grasshoppers - you name it), it'd make more sense for me to name those - been in the region for a few years by now, so the most common threat would be a decent favored enemy.
To start we'll see some Orcs and perhaps some other goblinoids.

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai When are we gonna get started?
Pretty soon, I think. I need to review the last character sheets tonight. I figure Silanon Silanon can work out character ties while we get started.

Meanwhile, did everyone roll a trinket? Everyone gets one and maybe we can tie some of those in, too.

Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie Idea Idea Silanon Silanon D. Rex D. Rex BnemonicDevice BnemonicDevice skycaptain skycaptain
Thanks for helping with the pics, guys! Some really good ones in there.

To start we'll see some Orcs and perhaps some other goblinoids.

Pretty soon, I think. I need to review the last character sheets tonight. I figure Silanon Silanon can work out character ties while get started.

Meanwhile, did everyone roll a trinket? Everyone gets one and maybe we can tie some of those in, too.

Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie Idea Idea Silanon Silanon D. Rex D. Rex BnemonicDevice BnemonicDevice skycaptain skycaptain
A trinket? What do you mean?

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