• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE


Though Leo wasn’t sure what exactly it was, he felt like eyes were on him. Not that is was too out of the ordinary, really. Students were always looking over at him, wondering if they should approach the teacher or just gawk from afar. Anyone would have taken it as an ego boost, but Leo found it plain annoying.

Most of the time, at least.

For now though, he felt as if some little eyes were burning the back of his skull. A slow turn, and he scanned the area, not seeing anyone that stood out to him in particular. The subtle smile faded, and he turned back to face the direction of his dormitory. Just like most of the students, Leo was permitted to leave the school when it was out of session. Instead of going to the vacationing residents with the rest of the students, Leo was allowed to travel. As much as he would love a vacation to Cancun or the Bahamas, he was begrudgingly forced to go to a new tech and weapons exhibit. Insightful, but everything short of a vacation.

His previous dorm was rotated out to someone else, which, upon hearing that, sent Leo into a fit of rumbles and hisses. He’d just gotten accustomed to the place and had to leave it behind. He figured he would at least try to get a head start in settling in so that he could organize notes and preparations for tomorrow’s class. That required a desk.



Yes, Leo’s walk to the teacher’s dorms were brisk and rarely broke his stride.

But as soon as he was outside of the teacher’s dorms, he heard an unfamiliar voice call out to him. Turning, he spotted an even more unfamiliar woman. But… something about her unnerved him. Was he so sure he didn’t know her? The feeling in his gut said otherwise. Maybe it was tension. Or maybe it was indigestion. ...No, definitely not indigestion.

“Ah, yes I am.”

He said, trading his narrowed eyes for a charming smile.

“I don’t mind at all.”

He answered her in a light tone and glanced down at the map she held in her hands. Those things were confusing, even if they were meant to be as basic as possible. People were always getting lost. It was like one of those zoo maps. Nothing seemed to be in the place it stated it was.

“Actually, the teacher and faculty dorms are right over here.”

He gestured to the building not too far away from the pair.

“Are you one of the new teachers?”

Usually schools were prepared and teachers often met each other


the school year started, but with Ferdynand in power… well, the flamboyant man did love his surprises.

Leo led the woman onward, opened the door for her and let her inside first. Such gentleman. Much polite. Wow.

From the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he pulled out a folded piece of paper that had his dorm number and other information on it. He glanced it over, then down to the woman.

“I am heading to 04. What’s your room number?”

The longer his eyes lingered on the woman, the stranger he felt. She made him uncomfortable… and he wasn’t even sure why. Something was off about this woman. There had to be something off…

Walking up the straits from the ground floor up into the dorms area, Leo made sure to allow the woman to walk first until they got up to the second level. Slowly he made his way down the corridors, only to begin to hear little voices. He fell quiet and started to raise his hand to the holster strapped to his chest under his jacket. Shit… were there intruders already?

Leo glanced at the woman he was with and gave a motion for her to stay while he continued forward. He moved slowly, delicately so that his footsteps were silent. As he turned a corner and headed down another corridor, he found that… the intruders were two lost little girls. One looking particularly nervous while the other looking particularly clueless.


Was that… Emily Reyes? Were the two looking for him? Why would they be looking for him here? Or even know where to find him? Reading the numbers on the door, he found that the girls were actually pretty close to his room. What the… He hoped neither of them had any precognitive or clairvoyant powers. Any kind of peeping on his life would warrant a bad mood from the Italian.

“Looking for something?”

He called out to the two as he stood in the middle of the hall, arms crossed over his chest.






https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17666-suzuki-mine/@Suzuki Mine



This was a first, like many would probably follow. Karsten dutifully stood lined up with some other staff and faculty members near the Academy Entrance to redirect the flow of arriving students to the Gathering Hall - a room he'd only laid his own eyes on once when treated with a tour around the Academy grounds upon arrival. His ability, however, enabled him to peek at and study the architecture of the hall, borrowing student's eyes in a quiet moment after he let them pass with a handshake or a pat on the back, creating a short-term link Karsten was used to.

He'd been interested in meeting the students and getting some sense of what student material he'd be working with, but couldn't really be bothered with following the Opening Ceremony. He'd mandatory been present at plenty of those in his own student years and what he happened to remember of them, they'd often lulled him to sleep. Albeit held at another facility this time, Karsten doubted it would be any different. Not different or entertaining enough to attend first-handedly at least.

Though Karsten didn't mind a crowd, he preferred working with smaller groups rather than big gatherings like this Ceremony would be, judging by the amount of students that had trickled in. And as he had made plenty acquaintances at the Entrance, he had eyes inside in case he wanted to check how far along they were inside the hall.

As one of his colleagues - Karsten had already forgotten about the green-eyed brunet's name, but he would never forget the man's face - herded the last few students inside, the new Tactics teacher bolted, hoping his physical absence would go by unnoticed. Walking the small plaza in between the dorm buildings a good ten minutes later, Karsten glanced around and took a seat on one of the benches, closing his eyes momentarily to establish a connection. How nice it was to breathe the fresh air and move your arms around freely while looking around a packed and without a doubt smelly hall.

He'd tapped into the vision of one of his fellow teachers who'd amicably hugged him as a welcome before, making it easy for him to connect. Expecting her attention to be on stage or at least towards the mass of students, Karsten soon found his target was focused on someone else entirely and he couldn't help a chuckle breaking free from his lips.
"Well, well..." he muttered quietly to himself, lingering just another moment before hopping onto one of the first years that was actually watching the Headmaster on stage. Karsten didn't particularly like the guy, like he didn't particularly like any authority figure until they'd proven themselves worthy to him.

While he was watching, apparently something was said that startled the audience and triggered some commotion among the students ánd teachers.
'What the fuck did he say?' Karsten wondered, for a moment cursing his ability's limitations to image and no sounds. He should learn how to read lips, he figured before ridding himself of the connection made with a simple blink of his eyes. The plaza came back into view and since it was nice and sunny outside, Karsten decided to stay seated and wait for the crowd to move down to the dorms he was sitting near.

location: outside the dorms ~ tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata
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????????: outside > teachers dorm || ???????: @Yuuki of the Strata




https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/ || ????: friendly (more flustered)

Oh, today was just testing the woman's ability to maintain her composure. A sly grin threatened to break apart her carefully crafted guise. This wasn't the first time someone had been taken in by one of her plays, but this one in specific was just so...


Ah, but in the absence of her own he had given such a charming smile; just a little crooked to add that roughness to his otherwise sharp image. She wanted to draw in a breath to calm herself. Instead the woman she reflected seemed to relax a bit more in knowing he was going to help her.

"Thanks. Yeah, I just got here this morning."

she gave a short chuckle, her eyes turning over her shoulder as she entered the building at his bidding. Ah, his manners were still intact!

"Maybe I should've come the night before to get a better feel for the place. It's a bit more overwhelming in person than on paper."

As the two made their way along her eyes caught his movement to fetch something from a pocket. From within he pulled a piece of paper, and as he spoke she felt the lid on her bubbling emotions pop for just a split second. They had the same room! Ah, what god's graces had she landed within for this kind of fate to be dealt to one such as her? Maybe it had been the quick kill on the job prior? She had been quite proud of herself for the amount of self-restraint she had shown then. The target had been incredibly dull, and it had been so very hard not to have them make up for their tedious life by trying a hand at her own kind of entertainment. That slight stutter carefully blended into her image as a widening of her smile.

"Really now? Well then it seems we'll be rooming together."

She gave another laugh.

"Sorry. I just love it when things play out like this!"

She may have commented further on the subject, maybe even begun asking simple questions pertaining to his name and role on campus; casual conversation topics that were just so sweet for her. Those plans would have to be placed on hold though. A set of voices came from somewhere ahead of them, and a sudden change in Leo's demeanor called for her to hesitate in her next step. He was on alert? She bit back the urge to tease her dear friend on his ridged nature. She didn't need to actually see the source of the voices to be able to pick up the uncertainty in the tones. Nevertheless she heeded his gesture, giving him a nod and taking a step backwards. Mentally her eyes narrowed upon the hand hovering at his chest. Was it silly to feel a tinge of jealousy for the guns held so closely to the man? Mayhaps, but that didn't stop Trip from feeling it.

Playing the good girl that wouldn't get herself killed in the action thriller, Trip remained in place as Leo moved around the corner and down the hall. Well, at least she did for a little bit. She had attributed herself to the threat more than she did the potential victims in those kinds of movies anyways. Trip didn't share Leo's sense of caution in this particular situation. As such - after giving him a five count upon exiting her vision - she herself slid silently up to the corner for a peek. What she came to see was Leo now in the company of two young girls; both being different degrees of lost by their body language. Leo De Luca, put on guard by little girls. She let the giggle flow this time, then stepped out from her hiding spot and approached the group as well.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you got lost as well?"

Her hands folded together in front of herself as she came to stop beside Leo, gaze sliding up to his along with a smile. She couldn't help but chide him.

"You're going to scare the poor things with a stance like that."

With that she returned her attention to the two before them, one hand moving from its place to gesture towards the direction the two adults had come from. They were so close to arriving somewhere more private - a place more fitting for such a reunion - but just a bit more patience was needed. For now, she'd be the helpful teacher.

"I can say you two found the Teachers Dorm faster than I did! Would you like some help getting back to the front doors? I think my sense of direction's good enough for that at least."




We're lost!! Oh th- PEOPLE!!! We're saved!!

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

??:??PM August 12, 2057

The two were completely lost. Their random guesses to take random turns had led them to their doom in a strange corridor of rooms that were not even theirs. Millie did suggest that they could turn back to the door they went in through before but where was it? They were far too deep in to turn back. The bloody map was no use to them and only made it worse if they gave it another glance. Ignoring the urge to pull up her map again, Amiya just continued to follow with Millie to a file of stairs though once they made it to the top, Millie questioned if they came here before. Amiya couldn’t remember seeing stairs and honestly had no idea,”I’m not sure… maybe we did and didn’t noticed?” Amiya said and then glanced back down the stairs when Millie suggested they could just knock on one of the doors.

Following Millie’s eyes, she was about to walk down the stairs when a masculine voice spoke up stopping her from going any further -- and almost fall -- as she turned to see a towering figure standing in the middle of the hallway with arms crossed. Their savior have arrived! Just when she was about to run over to him and weep on her knees for help, Millie had already beat her to it seeming that she knew the guy with a name popping out of her mouth before she stopped hesitantly when another figure came, a female, walk up behind the guy. She appeared to be more nicer than the man -- she presume to be ‘Leo’ -- besides her and judging by his looks and lack of uniform, he was most likely a staff.

Turning away from the man and to the girl next to him, she glanced back at Millie before giving a sheepish smile,”
Umm… yes, you’re correct.” Amiya said standing behind Millie a bit nervous by the Leo’s posture. Then it hit her, the reason why the rooms all were not theirs was because they were in the teacher’s dormitory?! How could they miss this? But even if they knew this fact, they would still get lost nonetheless, “If you could please, we’ve been walking for hours trying to find our room. We’re in Room GE01.” Amiya pleaded holding up her key card with the room number emblemed on it as she followed behind Millie who took the first step closer to the new party members.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
locationTeacher's Dormitory

interaction with@Yuuki of the Strata @Suzuki Mine

mission Try to get help and find your room

ooc noteAchievement Unlocked: You're saved!

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“Mr. Leo!” Millie called out in relief the moment the teacher drew the girls’ attention, it wasn’t hard for her to recognize the man who’d saved her from roaming the streets before. She’d taken a step towards him, getting in front of Amiya, when someone else rounded the corner behind Leo and Millie stopped dead in her tracks. Her savior’s grim demeanor and the unexpected appearance of his companion was kind of intimidating. If she could have, she would’ve stepped back to hide behind Amiya, but the other girl was apparently feeling the same.

Gladly enough her new found friend took it upon her to answer the lady and by now, Millie could feel the embarrassment creep up. They were at the teacher dorms? No wonder they couldn’t find their room! Or any other students!
“Yes, could you please show us to our room?” Millie supported the girl’s request with an eager nodding of her head, a flicker of hope sparking in her chest that they would soon arrive where they were supposed to be.

As the woman had offered them her help, Millie now didn’t think her that intimidating anymore and started approaching both teachers, glancing sideways to check whether Amiya was following behind her and giving her a quick smile when she did. Stepping closer to the pair, Millie couldn’t help peeking up at the male part of the duo, biting the inside of her lower lip. Twice the man had come to her rescue and his presence made her feel kind of jittery in her stomach. With her sleeves still pulled far down her hands, she clenched the fabric in her fists, noticing only moments later how the cloth was suddenly drenched. Millie instantly flustered, moving her arms in front of her to hide her hands in the crooks of her arms. She couldn’t wait to be in her room and change her shirt! And then maybe Amiya and her could find out who else was staying in their room.

location: Teacher Dorms - tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata, @Suzuki Mine

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?Nicholas Baldassare?

Nico didn't know why he was asking. Sure they were going to be roommates and it would be a hell of an awkward year if they didn't talk, but normally Nico wasn't the one to initiate the conversation. He shrugged to himself and put his book back in his bag, stroking the spine before closing the flap. His eye wandered around the room. The presence of the tank meant that Yousuke would have the entire second bedroom to himself and that meant Nico and Casey would have to share the other room provided. Nico didn't mind so much but it seemed to him that Casey would much prefer to share a room with Yousuke.

Nico packed that information into the far corners of his brain for later. Maybe something could be arranged if those two really wanted to share. To be honest Nico wouldn't mind having a room to himself. He was so lost in thought, he barely picked up on Casey's response.

"Well, I guess I'm strong," Such a vague answer! For someone who liked chatting, he certainly didn't seem to like sharing but Nico, again, wasn't really one to push. He merely nodded in response, unsure if Casey saw or not. Whatever, the boy to busy grinning into the tank anyway so it hardly mattered. He listened as Yousuke asked for specifics before answering. "...Anyways, I have an Aquatic Adaptation therefore being able to breath in the water. My strength is also enhanced with water, as I'm faster. Heat is a no no without my equipment too. Let's see what else.. Ah, I have webbed hands and feet as well," His answer was much more detailed and Nico guessed that he didn't really mind the somewhat personal question. It was a pretty neat ability and although Casey wasn't specific, his ability sounded pretty neat too. "If you're comfortable with answering my question, what is your ability, Nico?" It was only fair that Nico was asked as well, and he hummed as he he thought of how to answer.

"My ability is called 'Instant Learning'. I can learn to do something in a reduced amount of time from watching it or reading about it once or twice." It was a sufficient answer, although he left out the part about going catatonic. He didn't really think he was ready to share his weaknesses just yet. Maybe later. Or never. Yeah never sounded good. He made a content little 'chirrup' in the back of his throat when Yousuke kept speaking. At least this conversation wasn't a total bust. They usually were and Nico had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing as he remembered an old conversation that went horribly wrong.

"Aha, so anyways. Might I ask what you plan on doing this year? I for one hope to make it as a Queen, but that may be pretty hard. I also hope to practice for knife throwing as well as working with my stupid lungs, I also hope I can make friends this year which appears to already be inching towards completion." Nico's expression was very muted but one corner of his mouth pulled up into a smile. More of smirk really but at least he tried. He didn't have any plans for the year, he was kind of just going through the motions. It wasn't a very fulfilling way of life but it was better than nothing. He decided not to answer that but instead changed the topic.

"Casey, I'm going to go pick a bed in the other room, but if you have any complaints please let me know." He stepped away quietly, making no noise as he walked. This was something he was sure he picked up subconsciously from watching and reading things where the characters made no noise. It's a crying shame that he had no off switch. There had been times when he absolutely terrified someone because he had forgotten to actually try and make noise. He and that person were no longer on speaking terms.

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Well at least Leo was remembered. After Leo’s question, the two girls seemed to curl into themselves. Were they… scared of him? He glanced down at himself, then to his newly found roommate. Ah. He was scaring them. He eased out of his position, letting his arms drop to his sides and feet spread slightly to give him a more relaxed posture.

How these two got so far off track to go to the southern dormitories was beyond him. Though the map was terrible… he swore there were more directional signs. And surely they had put out banners to guide the new students to their corresponding dorms so this exact thing wouldn’t happen. With a slight sigh through his nose, Leo contemplated on just taking the girls straight to the girl’s dorms. It would be easier than seeing them out and letting them get lost all over again. Who knew, they might end up right back at his door again.


Leo echoed quietly to himself. They were lost since the


of the ceremony? Dear god… he couldn’t let this navigationally challenged trainwreck continue. He looked at the two as they approached, Mille in the lead. He let out a scoff and shook his head before raising a hand and placing it on Millie’s head. He knew her power, and frankly, he didn’t care. Poison was the least of his worries.

“I’ll walk you two to your dorm room. Be sure to pay attention on where you’re going this time.”

God dammit, Leo, and your bleeding heart. He stepped away and turned to head back down the hall. Before he continued onward toward the stairs, he turned to the woman whom had offered to take the girls down to the entrance of the building.

“Did you want to accompany? It might help you find where everything is, Miss…”

He paused when he realized he has missed a bit of information that was



“Ah… I terribly apologize. I never asked for your name.”






https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17666-suzuki-mine/@Suzuki Mine

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????????: teachers dorm || ???????: @Yuuki of the Strata




https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/ || ????: amused

The scene that laid itself out before Teresa was something quite endearing. Upon realizing his stance Leo had been quick to correct it, which in turn allowed the girls to ease up some as well. Overall it was a nice bit of progress is helping to lighten the atmosphere of the encounter. And then the hooded girl approached Leo, and with a display of affection placed his hand on top of her head. A warm sensation blossomed within her chest. Ah, such a touching scene! So many years and yet he still held that gentleness. The woman she reflected's smile softened in turn; both an appropriate response and a truthful one. He would be such a good father.

As Leo turned to escort the girls along to their appropriate dorm Trip remained in place - just for a short while. Why was this? The reason came in the form of Leo stopping himself, then turning to ask if she wanted to come along. Internally she couldn't help but smile. Ever the gentleman, but he had missed something quite crucial up to this point; something that any worthwhile family would teach their children. And then he asked her for her name. Trip's inner smile widened. He may have lagged in his manners some, yet that was one of the little charms about him. It just added to all the little warm and fuzzies buzzing around inside of her! But now wasn't the perfect time to reveal who she was just yet, and at the same time she couldn't find it in her heart to blatantly lie to this man. A compromise would have to be made.

"I would be glad to accompany you,"

she answered, her hands coming back in front of herself as she turned. They touched for a moment before one rose up and extended a finger.

"And as for my name, my mother taught me it was proper manners to introduce yourself before asking for another's name."

She waggled the finger some as she began to walk past him, heading in the direction they had come from.


She paused in her pace to throw a glance back at Leo.

"Since one of the girls already said your name aloud, that gives me an unfair advantage, no? So in return for Leo..."

Trip gave a slight bowing of her head, a playful tone laced within her words.

"You may call me Reesa. If you want the rest then we'll have to do this properly~"

In the field giving such a name close to her own would probably have been risky. Not that many knew of her name, status and anything between outside of her close knit unit, but there were always worst case scenarios. This was a school though - not espionage - and this wasn't a target to neutralize. Besides, she would be unveiling herself soon enough. Why not drop a few hints and see if his gut didn't lead him somewhere? Meanwhile - meaning to give him a few seconds to process, Trip turned her attention to the girls as they continued to walk back to the lobby.

"And what would your names be? I'll probably find out when we have class together, but I've always liked staying a few steps ahead."

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- Allan Guard -

After a quick nap, Allan wandered aimlessly around the school grounds until he spotted a dorm-like building. He approached it, thinking that he had finally found the place he had been searching for. As soon as he entered the door however, an on-duty staff swiftly grabbed him by the wrist and restricted him from advancing any further. "Young man!" the lady screamed in a shrill voice, "You are NOT permitted to loiter around the ladies' dorms! Please call your girlfriend to meet you somewhere else." She was quite strong for a woman; she effortlessly swung him out the door before he could explain his situation. Some female students passing by snickered among themselves as Allan struggled to regain his balance. "...Madame...please...I'm just looking for my dorm," Allan cried with exasperation. Why was the first day so hard to get through? Sensing Allan's irritation, the supervisor's stiff expression promptly turned into a sympathetic smile. She gave a short apology and a friendly "why didn't you just say so?" before escorting Allan to the boys' dormitories.

After a couple minutes of walking between and through buildings, Allan and the woman arrived at the boys' dormitories.
"Good luck and have fun!" chimed the lady before dashing away. Allan found his dorm, BW06. There was already some introductory conversation going on inside. Allan discreetly opened the door and peered through. There were some boys. Normal boys. There were no glowing angels, cat boys or hairy giants...none of the "over-the-top" mutagen kids- some of which Allan saw and avoided at the Gathering Hall. The guys of BW06 seemed to be just normal guys whom Allan could've sworn had no powers at all. In a way, this was reassuring to Allan. Perhaps he could maintain a relatively "human" life with these guys- with minimal craziness from mutagens.

Slowly, Allan opened the door of the dorm just wide enough for entrance and strolled in. It was a good dorm: beyond what Allan expected. All the necessities seemed present and the rooms were relatively spacious. But were the people good? They
were all pretty good-looking. "...Hey guys," said Allan, "I'm the fourth member of yo squad." He unraveled his red scarf and threw it on an empty bed.

@Ghost @Noah @Impysh



Leo's gesture might have felt patronizing to others, but to Millie the placement of his hand on top of her head instantly made her feel cared for. It also released a crapload of butterflies in her stomach and she hugged herself a bit closer to try and keep them contained. The blush she'd felt creeping up with the accidental poisoning of her sleeves heightened. Fortunately Mr. De Luca's attention soon shifted back to the woman he'd been with to ask her along as well, giving Millie a chance to breathe and relax.

As the adults made conversation, Millie quietly listened in the first few steps they walked after both the teachers, but soon turned to the girl her age.
"They're gonna be our teachers!" Millie whispered, not hiding the excitement in her voice. She didn’t really know much more than that, but was curious to what subject they would be teaching. Would Amiya know? From the information given, they would have academic classes and then a few others that were tied to their abilities. ”What subject do you think they teach?”

Descending the stairs towards the lobby, the female in front of them suddenly turned to ask their names.
"And what would your names be? I'll probably find out when we have class together, but I've always liked staying a few steps ahead." It was Amiya who answered her first, and then Millie added, ”And I’m Millie.” She smiled, then pressed her lips together, not knowing what else to say. With an awkward glance towards the brunette beside her she hoped maybe Amiya would, then the four of them reached the doors and - passing through them - the conversation slowed.

Walking outside and still following their teachers, Millie - mindful of Leo’s words - carefully paid attention to where they were going. A fencing surrounded the girl east dorm’s premises and they headed through the man-high gates. The building behind was a standard dormitory and Millie grinned relieved when she spotted the entrance door.
”There it is!” the girl pointed in front of them, forgetting for one moment about the wet ends of her sleeves. ”Let’s go!” she encouraged her friend and got ready to run. ”Thank you, Mr. Leo!” she called out while passing the teachers, now anxious to get to their room.

location: Teacher Dorms - tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata, @Suzuki Mine

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?????? ?????? ????????

Cas let out a huff as he walked through the grand gates of the prestigious IGNITE Academy. Prestigious yes, but that could kiss his ass. He did have no where to go, though, he'd just have to pass within the school's standards and then work for the military. A growl resonated deep within his throat as he dragged his feet through the gates. The thought of serving the military made his mood worsen as well as knowing his time at IGNITE would be over soon enough. Serving the very military that pressured his parents to abandon him at an orphanage didn't sound like the people that deserved his skill or anyone at the school for that matter. Cas's eyes flashed a ruby red, but soon calmed into a teal. 'Calm yourself, Cas, you still can have fun. Think of Kev and Jan and whatever shit you're going to get into this year,' He reminded himself, starting to whistle loudly.

Deciding to waste his sweet old time, Cas wandered the school grounds winding through short and intimidated first years. A few of the returning students either gave him a thumbs up, knowing who he was, or a dirty look, also knowing who he was. A cocky smirk made it's way to Cas's lips as his reputation was well known. "Missed ya too, kiddos!" he yelled, throwing winks everywhere. 'They're all too funny to mess with,' He thought as confused first years looked at him as he passed. 'They'll all learn of us in due time. I mean, rumors do spread quickly,' Cas thought with another smile. he didn't care what they said about him as long as it didn't personally insult him. Lucky for Cas and the back-talkers, he didn't get upset too often.

"Shit, I am really late," Cas exclaimed loudly and suddenly. Staring at the I.D. on his wrist as his eyes flashed a light green. He didn't expect to miss the whole opening ceremony, but he honestly didn't care anymore as it would've been the third time he listened to the headmaster and his monotonous speech. "Anyways! I shall bother Kev or Jan for the time being. Though, I've been meaning to sneak into the girl's dormitory, for the laughs. I ain't no pervert, though, and I'm positive Kev is bored and still pissed about not getting her own room..." Cas mumbled to himself, pulling down the beanie he wore to hide his bedhead a little. With a new pep in his step and a grey glint in his eyes, he made his way towards a conveniently placed restroom.

Being the weirdo he was, he did keep various articles of clothing in his backpack for disguises. With all of his experience, he'd manage to gather enough clothing to completely pull of an impersonation of someone. In a few minutes, Caspar was no longer quite Caspar and instead a petite girl who looked around to be in her first year. A few moments to change and Caspar truly was a convincing female. Cas twirled a bit, making sure everything looked nice. The girl's uniform fit the shape of the girl he had taken on. In the mirror, Cas noted the short, bouncy bob his new appearance sported and the big doll eyes. "Alright! Okay, let's see if I can get the voice," said Cas in an unusually deep voice compared to his appearance. Lots of higher pitched words filled the air as Cas adjusted his vocal chords to accommodate his new body.

"Hehe, the name's Cassidy~!" Cas practiced, winking into the mirror. "Okay, I'm ready to fool Kev.." Cas said, rubbing his hands together as he exited the bathroom. Cheerfully, Cas walked towards the girl's dormitory. 'Shit,' he thought suddenly, seeing The Lion and another teacher it seemed outside of the girl's dorm, talking to two first years. Yes those nicknames were his code names for each teacher. Headmaster was The Peacock and Ms. Augustin was The Archangel. His face did not betray his thoughts, though, thankfully. "Hello~!" Cas chimed as he hurriedly passed by and through the doors of the dorms. 'Don't fucking notice me please,' He thought with a perfectly normal, in a way, face. Cas continued his pace to Kev's dorm.

Location: Girl's Dorm GE 1 (It's a secret SHHH)

Status: Disguised as Cassidy, just being apart of the female population

I.D.: Online

Tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata @Scribbly @Dead

A few girls walking through the hallway waved and he waved back. After all, he was a perfectly normal girl, yes he was a girl. 'I am Cassidy if anyone asks...' Cas reminded himself, knowing what to respond to. 'Oh yeah! I'm pretty sure Kev is in room 1, though I'll look if not... All I gotta say is wrong room,' He mused once again as he approached a room with GE 1 printed on the plate. "Well here goes nothing, " Cas announced opening the door

There he saw Kev, in all her glory, laying claim to all the beds in the dorm. Same old Kev who loved to play a prank as much as him. Though, she hated his attitude. "Hiiii~ Cassidy here!" He announced in the the most cheerful voice he could muster. There was certain emphasis on the Cas in Cassidy to at least drop a hint. "What'cha name?" He asked trying to pretend he'd never seen her face. Cas adjusted the ukulele on his back, which suddenly made him think, 'Shit, she'll recognize my ukulele, ah whatever." There were some things that made Cas recognizable, but it took the right person to recognize him. Cas made his way towards Kev and said, "You laying claim to all the beds? That isn't nice! I do love your blanket though, nice touch~" Cas stood with a good natured smile with a mysterious glint in his eye.

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Since punctuality was one of his virtues, Arian arrived at the Academy Entrance a few minutes ahead of time. He gave the assembly of teachers already there a nod of acknowledgement in turn to theirs and headed over to the Gathering Hall. Entering his fourth year, they all knew him by now, except for any new faces maybe. Arian didn't take the time to spot them as they would be introduced shortly anyway.

Having brought his tablet with him, the blond boy sank down in one of the seats on the back rows reserved for all fourth years. Swiping his fingers on the tablet's glass surface, he tapped on the library icon and picked out an article about new technological developments to read while waiting for the ceremony to start. He had a pair of red rimmed glasses in his chest pocket and put them on, his tablet balancing on his knees, he was soon immersed in his read.

...are bio-organic, they’re a lot more environmentally friendly, not to mention power-efficient, than a lot of other competing nanodot technologies which often use dangerous metals and chemicals.

Arian packed away his tablet and glasses after finishing the article on the battery that could be fully charged in only 30 seconds. And was cheap to manufacture, too. The Gathering Hall, meanwhile, had seethed with students and teachers. The fourth year looked around for familiar faces, giving the boy in a stocking cap a friendly nod. One row behind him sat a girl that stood out with her hair half blonde and half black. Arian raised his hand and gently wiggled a friendly "hello" with his fingers. They'd started at IGNITE the same year he had. There were a few other ones, boys and girls he knew from class. In front of him, he recognized the red-haired 'Boom Boom Baby' and Ciel, both had achieved the rank of Queen along with him. Then the Adviser took the stage and Arian turned his attention towards him.

After the ceremony, it was again Kevyn who drew his attention, penetrating the crowd. A crowd that seemed to split for her as she marched her way out of the Gathering Hall. Arian shook his head slightly as he picked up his bag and things, slowly moving after her but around people, slaloming through instead. Though they hadn't really met, Arian knew who Kev was - like everyone knew, some of the first years already probably too. There were many things he disliked about her, being in the Prank Squad of the Academy was one of those things. And the facial tattoos she wore and he admired only made up for a little bit.

As soon as he was out, he turned for the west side of the Academy grounds towards the male dormitory but was held up by a voice calling after him.
"Hey Fuka," he greeted the girl and moved to the side of the path, not to be in other people's way, "how have you been over summer?" In contrary to most other students, this year Arian had spent the break at the orphanage he grew up at.

located outside the Gathering Hall ⋮⋮ accompanied by @Yuuki of the Strata

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Fuka Watanabe

"The day in the life of Fukanzo." Fuka muttered to herself as she looked up... or rather... down at the students filing into the school and the teachers lined up, greeting them. Fuka had made herself quite comfortable, sitting with her legs criss-crossed and her hands in her lap on top of the ceiling. Her hair continued to fall around her shoulders rather than extend toward those below. Her entire center of gravity was now pointed toward the ceiling, keeping her planted there as if she were on the ground. With a huff, she watched as the new first years followed the directions of the teachers. They all looked so... cute. So squishy. Would any of them have what it took to make it through the school year? She'd hate to see another class of students break under pressure.

After spending a good while people watching, Fuka decided it was time to attend the ceremony. She easily stood, walked along the ceiling, then carefully placed her foot against the wall. With a small hesitation, she took another step onto the wall. Her center gravity shifted again, and she continued to walk until she could reach the ground. Once safely in the right direction, she dashed off to the opening ceremony and found her way to her seat. Fuka's eyes scanned as people passed by her. There were some familiar faces, most of which she wished she could forget. Then with a small gesture, Arian caught her attention. She gave a small wave back before deciding to only half listen to the speech by closing her eyes and tilt her head back.

It seemed like forever, and Fuka was able to get in a small nap before the energy started to change in the space. People got up and started walking around. She could hear the nervous chatter and the pompous egos gloat at the thought of taking advantage of the first years. "Oh I can't wait till classes start..." She muttered to herself and got out of her seat. She picked up her neon pink bag and trotted out, trying to find a familiar face.

There, not too far away was the same classmate that waved a greeting to her. "Hey, Arian!" She called as she trotted over to him. She hadn't seen him at the school's summer stay, which only meant he'd gone back home. "Ugh, it sucked. I had to hear that snotty stick of dynamite and pick up after some second years. Someone had flooded the janitor's closet and a good section of the rec room was closed off due to chemical spills. It was horrible!" She threw her arms up in frustration and then easily let them drop to her sides. "What about you? How was your visit home?"



The blond smirked at her brief summary of summer. It didn't sound like he had missed too much. Had Fuka bunked in with Kevyn? And some prank had probably gone wrong, causing the limited space they were given to be even smaller. Normal kids propped together was bad, if you added all their abilities to the mix...
"Even worse than usual, huh?" Giving a half shrug, he replied her question. "Wasn't too bad." The biggest reason he'd opted to travel down to the orphanage this year had been his break up with Jemma. It had been a rational one - of course Jemma had to grab this opportunity to work as what she was trained for - not emotional, but of course the other students would talk about it. Arian hadn't felt like suffering through that all summer. And, the orphanage had needed his help. "They've been upgrading some of their tech devices and renovating half of the rooms to accomodate the kids better." Arian explained. "I don't know where the funding came from, but they were able to improve a lot. I helped building a sensory deprivation room." He'd spent a good amount of hours testing it as well. "It was pretty cool."

He nodded at the doors to the hall they'd come from.
"What do you think of those replacements this year?" he asked, referring to the freshly arrived set of teachers and unaware of the fact she'd napped for most of the ceremony. "Think they're gonna be able to teach us?" Though his words might have an obnoxious ring to them, he didn't mean it that way as he was honestly interested in what the new teachers would bring to the Academy.

"I'll see you around, Fuka!" Arian said a little later as he started backing away from the girl who kept her pink bag over her shoulder. "I'm hoping you're not sharing a room with Exploding Red." He didn't think anyone should be forced to live together with that girl more than one year - or even just a summer. With another wave, he turned around to push on towards the dorms.

He definitely wasn't first to arrive to the building. Male students were everywhere, the doors to several rooms were wide open and he could hear someone beg to change rooms already. Arian hadn't checked who his roommates were yet, and when he entered the room labeled BW08, no one was there yet. Though it wasn't, it might have been the exact same room he'd been in last year. All dorms essentially looked the same. Arian picked the bedroom and the bed that was in the same place as his last year's had been. Dropping his bag at the bed end and stretching out on top, Arian closed his eyes for a moment to just listen.

His ears adjusted to widen the range of his hearing. First a cacophony of voices, he directed his aim here, then there. The dorms next door, he could hear music coming from and downstairs, people were talking. Introductions. 'What are your abilities? What rank do you have right now?' It was unlikely Arian wouldn't know his roommates already. Unless they were putting a first year in the room with them. The boy who wanted to switch rooms was still whining. Arian quickly skipped past that particular room. After a quick round of practicing his hearing, he pulled back his sense of hearing to normal range and sensitivity. Sitting up, he eyed the bedroom door, waiting for whoever he'd heard was about to enter.

located outside, going to the dorms ?? accompanied by @Yuuki of the Strata



We made it! Now to do the hard work...

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Following behind Millie towards the others, Amiya soon loosen up when the man's posture eased a bit giving her a bit room to breathe finally as it seemed she unconsciously held her breath a bit after being busted,"Yes sir, thank you very much for the help and we'll pay attention next time." Amiya responded with a hint of guilt for burdening the man with their terrible sense of direction. Once they were at arm length, the man, Leo, came close to Millie with a gentle pat on the head which confused Amiya though seeing the heart-warming scene made her happy while at the same time, nostalgic, as if she was seeing her younger self with her father. Having a sad smile plastered on her face, she soon snapped out of it once Leo stepped back. Before anyone could notice her, she returned back to her ebullient self replacing her expression with a bright smile while following after Leo with the young lady tagging along with them.

Being asked for their names, Amiya turned towards the lady who took the lead in front of them and introduced herself first as 'Reesa' though it seemed that wasn't her full name and an alias of her name. Muffling a giggle with the tips of her fingers sealing her lips, she turned her attention away from the adults when Millie started to whisper to her, their own conversation private from the others to hear,"
They look like nice ones too." She added, her level of excitement being on par with Millie's own or maybe even more. Pondering over Millie's question, Amiya couldn't give an exact answer but she shrugged with a smile,"I'm not quite sure but we'll see tomorrow in class." Amiya said now remembering that they had their class schedule on them. They didn't have time to discuss it but maybe when they get to their dorm, they can see what classes they have that may have them together?

Their private conversation soon came to a halt when Reesa asked for their names with Amiya shooting her introduction first,"
My name is Amiya, nice to meet you, Miss Reesa, Mr. Leo." Amiya replied a bit too enthusiastically with Millie adding on after her but kept silent after that. Leaving them in a few seconds of silence, Amiya just took the lead in interacting with the teachers until they reached the girl's dormitories. Unlike Millie, Amiya didn't pay too much attention to her surrounding and more in her own world before Millie pointed out that they were here. Giving a wide grin, she also went after Millie after she gave her thanks to the two,"Thank you again for helping us and sorry for troubling you guys, we'll be on our way now! Wait for me, Millie!" Following Millie into the building, they were now left to find their dorm room number where Amiya's belongings will already be inside as instructed by her caretaker as well as some other luggage transported from her room in Finland,"Now that we're here, it shouldn't be hard to find our room." Glancing around the place, her words were true as she spotted their room in no time and swapped her key card in hearing a click from the door indicating that it was unlock now,"Open Sesame! Lets hurry and check out the place!" Amiya exclaimed holding the door for Millie to enter first though she then noticed on the ends of Millie's sleeves were slightly wet,"Hey Millie, your jacket is wet, what happened?" Amiya asked baffled by how it got wet in the first place since they were no where near any liquid substances as she closed the door behind her seeing that no one else came.

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locationTeacher's Dormitory ➤ Room GE01

interaction with@Yuuki of the Strata @Suzuki Mine

mission Find GE01, claim your territory and unpack your luggage.

ooc note???


????????: GE01 || ???????:






https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/ || ????: raging a.k.a. normal

Over the course of the past fifteen or twenty minutes Kevyn had made quite a bit of progress in settling in. Though strategic distribution of her stuffed soldiers she had gained territory through a series of blitzkrieg tactics. Already two beds had fallen to her attacks, and soon enough a third would end up joining the regime. Sure there weren't any other armies on the field to oppose her, but that wasn't something that bothered Kevyn in the least. It was their fault for taking so damn long to get to the dorm! Really, who the hell took their sweet time when the claiming of the beds was to be had? Not that they had much of a say in the beginning, what with her deserving first dibs and all. It was the principles of the matter! Were they underestimating her?

They better not be fucking underestimating her...!

Riling herself up even further by the hypothetical possibility of someone looking down on her, she had been in the middle of dividing her troops further to take over the third territory when the door opened. Instantly her eyes snapped over; hitting the one that entered with a fiery glare. It just seemed to intensify as she heard the person in question call out her name. Well, "her". Kevyn may've been barely making it by to be S-rank academics-wise but that didn't mean she was dumb. It didn't help Cas none that he had gone and dropped such hard hints on her head either. As soon as "Cassidy" was within range, Kevyn stepped in and slugged the then petite gal in the shoulder; a combination of greeting and telling him of his bullshit at the same time.

"Sunnovabitch, you've got a set of steel to walk into my room looking like that."

Though her tone sounded annoyed and her facial expression didn't lend to anything else, Kevyn was genuinely glad to see Cas. Between getting rejected from her single room and the prospect of living with disrespectful dipshits who might be underestimating her, his annoying ass was much preferred. The huff that followed would be all the evidence of that to follow. Pulling back into a more casual stance, she stuffed her hands into the front pocket of her hoodie and jerked her head towards the beds.

"School wants to fuck me over then I'll just take what I want. Whoever the hell my roommates are can deal with it."

Kevyn gave a low growl in the back of her throat, obviously still heated over the subject.

"With my luck they'll be a trio of fucking first years who-"

Right then the door opened yet again, and as before Kevyn hit the people who entered with a killing stare. Lo and behold, faces she had never seen before wandered on it, chatting with each other over something to do with wet sleeves. She could feel the cluelessness cutting through the intensity she had built in the room. Seriously?


Were they really making her room with first years? Was this a fucking joke? Her hands clenched in her pouch, an eye twitching slightly as a vein of building anger began to show on her forehead.

"I'm gonna murder them; both these two


that asshat fairy of a principal...!"

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?????? ?????? ????????

Cass merely smiled as he usually would as Kev's gaze suddenly snapped to meet his or rather hers. His smirk only grew as her already fiery gaze grew even more intense. 'Okay, I was a dead giveaway, but that's the whole point. Would've been kind of awkward if she didn't,' He thought as Kev began to approach him. The fact that Cassidy was the name he'd chosen plus his ukulele probably wasn't great if he planned to trick Kev. Cas felt a fist connect with his shoulder and stumbled back slightly. "Damn, Kev! I ain't that tough being this small," he exclaimed with his normal voice, which didn't fit his appearance. Cas rubbed his shoulder as Kev began to speak.

"Sunnovabitch, you've got a set of steel to walk into my room looking like that," She stated with a voice filled with annoyance. Same old Kev with her attitude.

"Hey, hey, I just wanted to try it out. Do ya think the The Lion out front would've let me in if I wasn't disguised? It's nice to see you too, Kevy!" Cas responded as he threw a friendly punch towards her shoulder. Friendly it was, but nothing short of Kev's own strength. Damn, he loved hanging out with Kev. The two were similar and both loved to get on Fuka's nerves. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other a lot in the summer, though. Cas had no intention to see his family, and stayed at IGNITE's sister school.

"School wants to fuck me over then I'll just take what I want. Whoever the hell my roommates are can deal with it," said with a deep growl. Typical Kevyn but Cas had to agree. She'd been trying for a single room since the beginning. Cas nodded in response as Kev continued her rant. "With my luck they'll be a trio of fucking first years who-" There was a sudden halt as Cas heard the door open as well.

Location=Girl's Dorm, Room GE 01

Status: "Oh shit!", Trying to calm a drago

I.D: Online

@Suzuki Mine @Dead @Scribbly

"Shit," Cas started adjusting his vocal chords immediately. 'This isn't going to be the same, but it'll do,' He thought seeing two short girls who he assumed were first years. One was a dark-haired girl with dripping sleeves and the other blonde with a bear jacket. Cas couldn't help but wonder what the hell they were doing before they got here. Now he could really feel the anger radiate from Kev and the innocence of the two other girls. "Oh shit," Cas mumbled in a higher pitched voice. This was the complete opposite of what Kev wanted. First years, really, with this girl? 'They're fucked,' he thought as he watched Kev tense up fists clenched in her hoodie.

"I'm gonna murder them; both these two and that asshat fairy of a principal...!" Kev exclaimed as she reached the end of her short fuse. Shit was about to go down.

Cas's eyes flashed a sudden yellow, holding their color. He was on edge, for the first years at the least. "Hey, hey, Kev! Let's calm down a little, they looked scared out of their mind as it is. Let's go spar if you need. Yeah that's right, this lazy ass is going to spar if you need me too. I'll even let you hit me as hard as you can. Let's do this now, punch me okay, it will hurt and make you feel better. Also, we can go find a certain member of the student council and play some pranks!" He said with a cocky smile and a punch to her shoulder. 'God help the kids,' he thought with a gulp. "Hey first years, I'm Cas, yes. Now scram if you don't want to die, just a word of advice," Cas addressed the two girls with yellow eyes representing his caution.

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Room GE01 was one of the first down the corridor at the ground floor and pretty easy to find, once you had found the right building, at least. With Amiya close on her heels, Millie quickly nodded at the other girl's comment. It should indeed not be hard to find their room. Translating her words into deeds, Amiya soon swept her key card through the reader attached to the door and opened it. "Open Sesame! Lets hurry and check out the place!" Millie giggled at the other girl's words and was about to step past her when Amiya pointed out how her jacket was wet. Her giggling faltered and Millie quickly hid her hands in her armpits as she moved into the common room that connected both bedrooms, bathroom and half-kitchen. "I think I leaked from my fingers." Millie mumbled quietly in response and admitted, "I sometimes do that, and I don't know how to stop it." It was true, she didn't have the desired control over her power yet and sometimes emotional states triggered an unvoluntary generating of poison. "Sorry." Millie apologized, "I'll go wash it out." She didn't want to let it lay around and maybe accidentally make someone sick that would touch her clothes.

Before she could try the doors to find the one leading to the bathroom, however, Millie stopped dead when she realized they were not alone in the room. In fact, two other girls were standing together in one of the bedrooms, while all the bedroom doors were wide open. Was that even a girl? Millie stared back at Kevyn for a brief moment before quickly averting her eyes at the threat rolling of Kevyn's tongue. Would she really murder them? The little girl standing beside her - cause it probably was a her - was much smaller and rather looked Millie and Amiya's age. Millie took a step back and closer to Amiya.
"H-hi..." she hesitantly let out quietly, forgetting to say her name or anything else appropriate for an introduction. Kevyn really didn't look very approachable and all Millie wanted to do was to hide in one of the vacant rooms.

Throwing a quick glance around, she noticed how one of the beds was covered with a blanket with explosions drawn all over. And almost all the beds had stuffed animals on top. Where would she have to sleep? Millie was standing a bit awkwardly, shifting her weight between her feet. Should she ask what beds were theirs? The smaller girl started talking to the red-haired one, Millie barely followed what was said. Her teeth dragged against her lower lip and then without another word - happy with the girl's distraction - she pushed past another door to her right that fortunately happened to be the bathroom.

Scary! Millie only now noticed the cold sweats running down her spine and shivered. With a shaky breath, she slithered out of her jacket and put the ends of her sleeves in the wash basin to rinse out the fabric with cold water.


location: Dorm GE01 - tagged: @Dead, @Suzuki Mine, @Owlet

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Mood: What the hell do I do now?

Casey was feeling a little awkward at this point, knowing that he must have done something to make the situation considerably less enjoyable. Casey was never like this. He always knew how to keep the conversation going, and had no trouble thinking of what to say next. But he was completely at a loss for words this time, and now that Nico had left to pick his bed, it was just him and Yousuke.

He cast his view upward to the floating boy, having remembered what he had said about making friends this year, and peered at the little grin that grew on Yousuke's lips. Friends? Who would have thought!

Ah, yes, that seems to being going well," Casey had uttered, the red glow that dusted his cheeks becoming more opaque. There was a lingering presence about Yousuke that made Casey exceedingly curious. It had nothing to do with the boy's ability, (although, Casey did find that pretty cool) but something along the lines of Yousuke's character. Casey wanted to know more about him, but it wasn't the same feeling as when he would meet other interesting people. Casey, perhaps not knowing the sense of the phrase, was curious about Yousuke because he liked him. In a friendly way, sure, but romanticism was more what Casey was leaning toward.

"Goddammit Jacob, he's gonna be your roommate! If you got mixed up in romance, that would just about ruin everything!" Casey scolded himself, angry that the thought even occurred to him.

Casey gave a nervous chuckle, unsure of what to say next. It was like him to give another smile though, so he stuck to that. Smiles, smiles, and more smiles. That just seemed to be the trend here.

Hah, you look really majestic in the tank, by the way." Casey had said, the phrase slipping from his mouth like a wriggling fish. Shit. Sudden panic filled him to the brim, and Casey's already very-red blush practically engulfed his whole face. His eyes grew wide as he finally processed what he had said.

"Shit, shit, shit. Shiiiit." Was the only thing motoring through Casey's mind at this point. The air around him grew thick and heavy, and it was almost painful for him to stand there. He tried saying something, a laugh, an 'oops', even an apology, but nothing would come. Just a series of incoherent 'uh's and 'um's escaped his lips. Casey really didn't know how to remedy this situation at all, besides smiling, which he was very good at.

Settling for the idea, Casey peered at his feet, the tiny smile facing the floor. There really wasn't a point in trying to say something, because what would he say? The whole situation lay on the brink of Casey wanting to disappear, but unfortunately his ability was limited to just lifting up heavy things. What he wouldn't give for an invisibility cloak.

@Owlet @Genieva Von Bubbles



America is so scary, I miss the cold tranquility of Finland.

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When entering, they didn't noticed about the intense atmosphere in the room nor the two individuals who already took residence in the room as Amiya nodded at Millie's answer seeing that maybe her mutagen as she waved both her hands in front of her,"No, it's fine. I was just curious, don't sweat it." Amiya said giving her friend a smile while mentally faceplamming herself at how her last comment sounded like a terrible pun. While they had their short conversation, Amiya finally acknowledged the two people with one of them threatening to murder them and the Headmaster? What did they do to her? Amiya never met the girl and don't recall them doing anything to cause her to be this furious to the point of wanting to murder them. The shorter 'girl' held her friend back from doing anything else with a strange offer that Amiya dismissed but it seemed that the two knew each other well to have the shorter one punch her so freely.

Glancing to her side, Millie seemed to be frightened by her murderous remark as she turned back to the other two girls, the one trying to calm her friend, warned them to leave the room,"Wait, leave? We just got here and you're telling us to leave now after 'who knows how long' we've been walking lost in this maze of a school?" Amiya was slightly fumed now being pulled into another situation where they were left to deal with some seniors, one of them having some killing intent and the other being quite rude on some level with her companion. Though, the air was suffocating; this room was their room too that was assigned by the school and to be kicked out of their dorm wasn't right.

Millie had already escaped into what she guessed was a bathroom leaving Amiya to deal with this. Choosing her words wisely, she inhaled and stood her ground but not in a way of coming off intimidating but in a way where she somewhat equal to them -- surprisingly in height -- as she finally exhaled,"Nice to meet you Cas, i'm Amiya and the one who went in there was Mi- Emily. Sorry for intruding on you guys but would you mind if we just go into..." Scanning the place, she noticed that most of the room were being 'occupied' with stuffed animals set everywhere on the beds and in another bedroom with one of the beds laid out with a blanket decorated with explosions meaning it belonged to one of these girls -- most likely the one who wants to murder them -- but luckily for Amiya, her belongings were already placed in the room filled with stuffed animals along with her own collection sitting in a corner separated from them,"... our room?" Finishing her sentence while pointing at the room with her luggage inside,"We'll try not to disturb you guys and stand clear from your path if you like?" Amiya added though deep down, she really did want to take the girl's advice and leave with Millie but if they were to exit out of this place, they would most likely get lost plus Amiya was tired from their little 'adventure' in the teacher's dormitory and was in need of some rest except that fact she had to worry about unpacking her belongings first. She didn't want to cause any trouble or result to violence especially when she didn't know what kind of powers they possessed and trying to cool off the tension, she tried her best to avoid causing problems while trying to keep this short so she could go and unpack her things.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
location Room GE01

interaction with@Scribbly @Suzuki Mine @Owlet

mission Try to clear away from trouble and get to your room safely

ooc note???

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That name severely unsettled Leo. He narrowed his eyes on the woman, his charming smile faltering just slightly to replace with a suspicious glance. He felt like he should know that name. He should remember this person. Her charm, the way words so smoothly rolled off her tongue. It was just all too familiar… And it made him uneasy.

“My apologies.”

He said calmly, bowing his head to the woman. He half listened to the girls introduce themselves, then started on again.

The walk was quick, but Leo kept a pace that the girls could keep up with. His eyes darted to each group of students, making sure none of them were plotting to be up to no good. It was hard corralling a bunch of teens. It was even hard corralling ones that had super powers. Leo was definitely lucky to have some sort of immunity to death by infuriating. However, his tolerance and sanity were at the mercy of these students every year.

With a small sigh, Leo stopped in front of the girl’s dorm by the gate and nodded the girls off.

“Let’s try not to get lost in the teacher’s dorms again, alright?”

He said in a lighter tone with a s]mile, noting it was meant to be more playful than scolding.

“Sure thing.”

He replied to the girls, his smile turning to its signature crookedness as they trotted off inside to find their dorm room.

A ‘hello’ somewhat caught Leo’s attention as a student rushed by into the dorms. Was that.. a ukelele? A deadpan expression fell on Leo’s face. “Really?


He grumbled and slowly turned his gaze to Reesa.

“Miss Reesa, you will find that there will be a lot of students that will raise hell. As teachers, its our duty to correct them of their bad behavior. Now if you excuse me for just a moment…”

His tone got slightly darker as he followed


into the girl’s dormitory.

It really wasn’t all that hard figuring out certain individuals. Not when teachers had to thoroughly read student files so that they could be prepared in handling said students. Caspar was one thorn in many teachers’ sides for a good couple years already, so how would they not keep an eye out for the troublemaker? Leo silently tailed after the female-clad boy and then hesitated at the end of the hall. Others were coming in as well. As soon as he saw Emily and Amiya enter the room Cas had gone in, he let out a huff. This was going to be a very… very busy year.

Fortunately teachers were given a master key in case of emergencies to student dorms. Having a young man break school rules by entering a girl's dorm could be considered an emergency, right? Ahh justice at its finest. Leo neared the door and silently opened the door. The students seemed too busy to even notice.

“Mister Reynolds. Or should I say…



He started, arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame in the doorway.

“Now I


this isn’t your dormitory.”

Before the boy could even blubber a sentence in explanation, Leo grabbed Cas by the collar of the uniform and forcefully threw him through the door, throwing him hard into the wall on the opposite wall in the hallway. Leo expected it to at least knock the wind out of the kid… if not possibly crack a hole in the wall.

“Classes haven’t even started and you’ve already got detention with me in the armory. I know I’m attractive, but I didn’t know you


me that much.”

His attention went to Kevyn as he spoke to Cas, knowing better than to ignore the little fire cracker. Her explosive personality and even more explosive temper was already well known among the teachers.

"Miss Outlaw."

He continued, standing before her, eyes drilling into her.

"You're an S Rank now, right?"

His tone was sharp. COLOR=#22A37D"I expect the best behavior from you. You are an example of what the other ranks should strive to be, after all."


His stare didn't waver. Maybe heavier words would get her to calm down into her senses. And maybe to remember that being an obnoxious prick wasn't going to get her far. If not... well... she'd learn the hard way, like always. He took a few steps back before finally turning to head to the door. However, he paused and pointed at Kevyn.

With that, he was out the door.

“Now, Mister Reynolds.”

Returning to the hall and easily picking the boy up by his arm like a rag doll.

“Let me escort you to your dorm.”

And with that, Leo dragged Casper out with the intent to torture with loads of grueling classwork and physically exhausting punishment for the rest of the year.






https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17666-suzuki-mine/@Suzuki Mine



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Wick simply laid in his newly claimed bed, eyes closed, listening to the small talk happening in the other room. He decided it was time to actually go and introduce himself, so he got out of bed and stretched, before finally taking an actual look around the room. Two beds, bedside tables, etc. Basic stuff and room, nothing special about any of it. He was sure that somewhere in the building was at least one bed that was specially equipped with fire resistant bedsheets and whatnot. As far as he knew, that wasn't the case here. Luckily.

He took off his jacket, wearing under it a simple black t-shirt along with his jeans. He peered around the doorway, looking at the three people before him. This would be a gang of misfits if he'd ever seen one, with him included. He stepped into the doorway, waiting for anyone to finish what they were saying.

"So. Did I miss introductions?" He leaned against the door frame, carefully examining everyone and everything about them. Nothing set off a red flag or a subconscious warning about the group, just the fact that... here they are. Total strangers, and next thing they knew they were living under the same roof. Soon enough they'd have to address the elephant in the room, and have some conversation about the unnatural things their bodies and minds allow them to do.

"My name is Wick. Apologies about immediately leaving the room, mister... music man. It was a good song, though. It's been a long day, so, hopefully you see where I'm coming from here." Was that an awkward introduction? Probably. He never was good at introductions. But maybe the others will redeem him by being just as bad as he is.

C??? A?????? S?????????

Ciel had skipped the opening ceremony in favor of looking over the plants outside the Gathering Hall. The speech was one he had heard twice and he didn't need to hear it again. Besides that, the buzzing thoughts of the first years gave him a migraine. He sighed and squatted down, resting his arms on his knees and reaching out to stroke the leaves of a nearby plant. Plants were nice because they didn't think judgmental things. Although Ciel supposed they couldn't think, not really, because they don't have brains.

He was nearly knocked over by over exuberant students trying to meet up with friends or explore and he cursed himself for not paying attention. He stood up, reaching into his back pocket as he did so, and pulled out his room key. BW08. That isn't very far. Ciel thought smugly, glad that he wouldn't have to walk far. If was farther away, he most likely would have collapsed on the way there. He was hoping that the physical bits weren't too strenuous.

Ciel wouldn't be able to handle that.

He approached the dorm, picking up on an influx of thoughts. Normally he would tune it out, but he was interested in hearing how the other students were reacting. Call it a pastime if you will, it was something Ciel did when he was bored. As he got closer to his dorm, he fine-tuned his focus onto the person inside. he couldn't clearly hear what they were thinking but it at least told him there was only one person inside.

He turned the key and opened the door, eyes settling on his roomie, a blonde boy who was most likely in his third or fourth year. he looked that way anyway, he could be a first year, Ciel wasn't to good at guessing.

Hello there," he extended his hand, "my name is Ciel Suaveterre. Guess we're roommates." With his free hand he slid the key back into his pocket and smiled, his mind on high alert. This boy seemed familiar but Ciel couldn't place why. They probably have met before, maybe even shared classes and Ciel frantically tried to remember if he'd met this boy before.

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↫Ɣøuƨuƙǝ ↭ Ħaṃaƙaẘa↬


Yousuke moved from an upright position to a more relaxed one. He laid on his back glancing at Nico as he left the room to find a bed as he stated. The blonde padded off without so much as a creak in the floor, which seemed like it came in handy. A tinge of jealousy, though fleeting, shivered through Yousuke's body. It was extremely difficult for him to go unnoticed with his tank and well overall appearance. There were times Yoyo couldn't help but want to be "normal". As soon as the feeling came, though, it was gone. 'I have this room all to myself as it seems. It isn't likely that this room is able to house a bed as it is. Alone time is nice,' He thought as he moved his arms behind his neck. It wasn't like he didn't like having roommates. The thing was that he wasn't fantastic at socializing or giving advice. Being as terribly socially awkward combined with his bluntness made making acquaintances more difficult than it should be for anyone.

Suddenly, Yousuke felt a pair of eyes trained on him.

"Ah, yes, that seems to being going well," came Casey's voice quietly. Yousuke watched as the red blush on Casey's face became more apparent.

'Ah cute,' Yousuke thought automatically and quite bluntly. His face didn't give any hint about what he thought, but it still existed. Yousuke adjusted his position once again and turned onto his stomach, although he didn't exactly lay down. He watched as Casey seemed to grow increasingly more uncomfortable and tried to cover it off with another smile. Another slight smirk made its way upon Yoyo's face seeing Casey smile and smile. It seemed to be a growing trend to which Yousuke didn't mind. It was nice as he wasn't greeted much with a smile and more like looks of surprise.

Location: Dorm Room BW 02

Status: Real smooth Yoyo

I.D: Online

@Genieva Von Bubbles @Clear Water

"Hah, you look really majestic in the tank, by the way." Casey said, catching Yousuke completely off guard for the first times in his life. Maybe not the first time in his whole life, but at least recently. No one really ever said that, more or less to his face. The only response he could think of was to blink. Yoyo watched as Casey turned a bright red all the way up to his hairline, and his eyes widened incredibly so. Yousuke would've commented on it, but he himself was too stunned to reply to anything or to even make a valid facial expression. Torrents of "ums" and "uhs" poured out of Casey's mouth as he seemed to find a newer, more interesting item: his shoes. He smiled as his face just grew increasingly redder.

Yousuke then realized he could not think of a response. It was one of the first times Yousuke was left speechless. His eyes widened as he tugged at a longer piece of hair in front of him and pulled it, thinking of some sort of response. A light bulb went off, and now Yousuke knew of something to end the heavy atmosphere of awkward.
"Thank you, though no one has ever said that to me before. I'm quite flattered," Yousuke deadpanned and then soon realized it didn't come out the way he wanted. Now it was his turn to stop thinking all together. 'Shit. Did I respond wrong? I don't know. Abort. Abort. Abort,' flooded his brain as he watched Casey for any sort of reaction.

"I don't suppose you want to talk about something else. Not that I don't like your compliment, it's just that we're running out of things to talk about. How about... any teacher you're hoping to learn from this year?" Yousuke tried, hoping to eliminate the awkward air around them.

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Arian recognized the telepath the moment he crossed the threshold to the room.
'Great, someone who can hear everyone's thoughts. Maybe I should switch rooms with... Wait, he can't hear what I'm thinking right now, can he?' Arian frowned momentarily before taking the hand at Ciel's introduction. "Hi Ciel, I'm Arian." The way the other had introduced himself made Arian think he didn't know or recognized him from earlier years. "I'm not very fond of the idea to room with someone who can snoop around my mind any time he feels like it, but..." Arian shrugged his shoulder, "We'll make it work." Basically, any ability could cause roommates trouble, it was just how people dealt with their powers that was important. As long as one kept them in check... It was, for example, worse to have someone impersonating others all the time.

"We had a few classes together near the end of last year." Arian explained when Ciel kept looking at him as if he tried to place a familiar face. He smiled briefly. "I spent summer away from IGNITE, though, so haven't been around." Apart from that, he knew Ciel had rather kept to himself, and well he hadn't been much of a people person either. There'd been Jemma and school and not much else he'd cared about.

Straightening up from the bed to be closer to Ciel's height - or rather kind of towering over him - Arian nodded down to the other bedroom.
"You have any idea who else is assigned into this room? I'm kinda hoping no first years." he spoke.

located at dorm room BW08 ?? accompanied by @Yuuki of the Strata, @Owlet[/center]

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