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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
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? I will not be accepting any more second years.

? I will not be accepting any more S-Rank third years.

? I will not be accepting any more B-Rank.
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@Suzuki Mine @Owlet @Clear Water @Genieva Von Bubbles @Sphear @Scribbly

Time&Date: 10:05AM August 12th, 2057.

Weather: Sunny, slight breeze, overall nice weather

Event: Opening Ceremony

Just in front of the
Academy Entrance, several faces of various staff and faculty greeted students, new and old, and directed them to the Gathering Hall--a large room that could be opened up to allow more space for chairs to be placed. This was where the opening ceremony was to be held. Preparations for this very day had taken months of planning from the staff, and even some of the more eager students aided in preparing for this very day.

All students were divided into their years and placed in different sections. New students (first years) were placed at the front of the stage. Then the second years were placed in rows behind them, then third behind them, fourth behind them. It would probably seem like forever for many of the students. When the ceremony would begin, the school's Adviser would step out onto the stage, test the microphone, and begin.

"Welcome students!" The Adviser would start. "I would like to welcome both new and returning students to what is to be expected a very interesting year. First, to address the returning students, I am happy to announce that we will have new staff members and teachers added to our roster and will begin their classes along with our other teachers. I do hope they are given a warm welcome. The
Cafeteria has been rebuilt after the minor incident last year, and is fully functional."

The Adviser would stop his announcement for a brief moment. "To address our new students, I am proud to introduce our Headmaster, Mr. Ferdynand Hauer." The Adviser would take a step back as a man steps on stage.

Long platinum blonde hair trailed after the tall lithe man that made his way to the microphone. He adjusted his fur mantle and cleared his throat. Oddly, this man didn't seem like he would be a headmaster at all... He lowered his head, then raised it to look over the students. "Welcome to IGNITE Academy." He started with an almost feminine voice. "I'm going to make this short and sweet, because I'm pretty sure you all have more things on your minds than listening to your FABULOUS Headmaster chatter all day." Ferdynand definitely didn't want to be up there.

"Ignite Academy was founded a long time ago--which I'm sure some teacher will lecture you on at some point in time. Very prestigious, best there is. Our graduation rate is top notch. Training and conditioning is the best you can get..." The list grew more and more monotone as he went on. With a huff, he finished listing out all the perks.

"I will say this, first years. IGNITE Academy is not for the weak. If you are here, it means you are full of potential and you should
not fuck that up--yes, I swore. Shush. Life here may be rough at times, but in the end, it will be beneficial. Learn, and seek your future. Now enough of this. Go on and explore." With that, the man waved his hand dismissively. "Enjoy the rest of your day off. Each of you were given a packet including a map of the school, your dorm room key, and class schedule. Enjoy."

↫Ɣøuƨuƙǝ ↭ Ħaṃaƙaⱳa↬


Yousuke walked through the gates of the school, and peered around with a blank face. A few newbies, first-years, threw quick glances his way before squeaking and parting out of the way. '
Good job, Yo, so good so far. Much better than last year,' Yousuke thought taking a deep breath of water with bubbles flowing around the glass chamber covering his gills. 'No one froze in front of me this time. Hopefully these kids are tougher than last year.' A sigh escaped through his lips as he thrust his hands into his pockets. Yousuke continued his direct path into the Gathering Hall.

Teachers and staff from the previous years lined the campus directing newbies who seemed lost and chatting with the more extroverted older students. Yousuke waved a few times, keeping a very familiar resting bitch face every teacher knew quite well. In his head, no matter how cold his exterior seemed, was always a flurry of thoughts. '
Hopefully I don't scare anyone too bad. Am I going to improve this year? Will I manage to keep my tank? My tank was comfy,' Though Yo seemed quite attentive, his mind was directed towards his possibly horrible problems or best advantages.

Finally, he approached the doors of the huge Gathering Hall. Chairs were set up to accommodate all of the students of IGNITE. Yousuke scanned over the seats and managed to locate a chair in the Second Years' section. Back straight and eyes pinpointing where he wanted to sit, Yousuke walked evenly and confidently and slipped into his seat. Now all there was left to do was wait until everything calmed down, and for Headmaster Hauer to make his yearly speech.

While awaiting the rest of the students, Yousuke twiddled with his sharp finger nails and webbed hands. "
I need to cut my nails," he said with another sigh. "They're getting a bit too long for my comfort even though I did cut them a few days ago.." In a short time, the rest of the students began to fill in as the Adviser suddenly began to speak. Yousuke listened, although quite halfheartedly. New staff, cafeteria, accident from last year. Yousuke gave an inward chuckled, remembering all of the shenanigans. Next thing, the Adviser announced the Headmaster.

Yosuke listened to the disinterest in the Headmaster's voice even though he tried his best to stay optimistic. His flamboyant-ish voice stayed at least a bit friendly. Yo sighed once again hearing monotone begin to overtake Headmaster Hauer as he proceeded to tell of the school's excellence. A sudden breath of air stopped the speech that really wasn't getting anymore interesting. The Headmaster swore, promising the first-years, probably, that IGNITE Academy wasn't for the weak. Yousuke nodded, knowing that the first-years would have to get working on their abilities. Yousuke took a slow breath as he remembered his promise to become a Queen and move up from his position as a Rook. It was quite nice, but it would take a lot of work.

Location: Gathering Hall

Status: Sitting, staring at his schedule

I.D: Online

Tagged: N/A

"Enjoy the rest of your day off. Each of you were given a packet including a map of the school, your dorm room key, and class schedule. Enjoy," the Headmaster finished with a dismissive wave.

Yousuke gave another sigh, yes another. He reached into his backpack/water filter and pulled out the packet he was given earlier. Everything he needed was in there. Without his dorm key, there would be no water tank. It was the thing of dreams, and Yousuke almost smiled at the thought. Too bad his facial muscles don't permit him to form this thing called a smile. The fish boy stood out as the rest of the students began to disperse, finding their friends or just going about their business. Yousuke was in no rush, considering he didn't have many friends and already knew his way around the school. Hopefully he could spend time in a pool or something, or even better, his beloved tank. He did have this new book that sounded interesting and had the time to start it.

Or I could just find someone i'm acquainted with and hopefully make this thing called 'friends'. Meet my roommates, perhaps.." Yousuke wondered, peering around to check his surroundings. With a grunt, Yousuke stared down at his schedule.



- Allan Guard -

Allan was napping under a nice shade when he was abruptly awakened by the sound of excited students entering the Gathering Hall. He watched them lazily from the grass and wondered whether he too should be among the streams of the dapper new pupils of IGNITE. Frankly, he was not motivated to see another school entrance ceremony; he could already guess the contents of the "venerated" headmaster's speech. There would indubitably be the usual introductions and greetings, the ritual "best of wishes" statement and a long, clear announcement of the school's primary no-no's. "The number one rule: Have fun!" Allan chimed with false motivation. He chuckled meekly at his own flaky joke and rose reluctantly to join the crowds of chattering students.

Finding the third-year's row near the center of the Gathering Hall, Allan took a random seat and waited for the presentation to begin. After a brief moment of silence, the school's Adviser appeared on the stage. He formally greeted the students before explaining about some new staff members and alluding to some strange incident that supposedly happened last year. Some students nodded as they reminisced to the previous years, but Allan discreetly put on his earbuds. Whatever the Adviser guy was saying seemed unrelated and therefore unimportant to Allan himself.

Allan was just starting to dose off to his music when the Adviser suddenly left the stage and ushered a rather strange new character to the front. A somewhat androgynous man of pure, platinum blonde hair was now at the center of attention. Allan could vaguely hear the man's unusually feminine voice through the soft music of his earbuds. Apparently, the man was the headmaster, but unlike the Adviser, the man did not seem too passionate about being a part of the entrance ceremony. Allan leaned back to continue his nap, but he could not help but obliquely observe the so-called headmaster out of the corner of his eye.

Allan watched the headmaster keenly for a couple minutes, only to be disappointed by a long list of some of the school's greatest facilities and programs. As Allan's disinterest grew, so did the weight of his eyelids. He was practically asleep when suddenly:
"...you should not FUCK that up---." Allan's threw his earbuds off in surprise. A couple students turned to stare at his sudden actions. The headmaster's last few sentences rang clearly in Allan's mind as opposed to the rest of the speech which was bit a of blur. "This guy...what the fuck?" Allan mumbled under his breath. The ceremony was soon over and the student body had begun to disperse but Allan remained, pensive in his seat. He found IGNITE's quality of education to be questionable- especially with that weirdass headmaster running things.

Allan rose from his seat to go to his dorm but he realized: he didn't know anything about the school let alone where the dorms are. He rummaged through the packages he was given to find the map, but couldn't find it. Perhaps he dropped it somewhere. There were tons of people around him but he couldn't bring himself to ask them where the male dorms were- they all seemed occupied with their own friends. Too tired for anything more, Allan curled up in a grassy patch by the Gathering Hall and took a nap.
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?Nicholas Baldassare?

Nico held his bag close to his chest as he scurried to the Gathering Hall. He could most certainly feel more than a few unimpressed gazes settling on him but he chose to ignore them. He understood that he looked like some mega douche, walking around with sunglasses on, although the weather did sort of warrant them. One hand slipped into his bag while he moved and rummaged around. His fingers brushed against the packet they received and he pulled out his room key. A flimsy little thing but very important so he had to keep it close.

Tucking it back into its spot, he hoisted his bag over his shoulder settled into a seat on the far end of the second year row. Thinking about it now, Nico found it silly that second and third years were given maps, as they should have at least a vague sense of where they were going. Nico didn't count himself of course, because he could walk the entire campus backwards with his eyes closed, thanks to his abilities. However the new dorm assignment would be fun for the students. He wasn't too sure about himself though.

The welcoming speech began and ended without Nico's notice. He only paid close attention when he picked up on the new staff announcement. That was intriguing. He tried to pick them out but to no avail. The teachers might not have been there at all. Nico dug out his room key one last time and checked his dorm assignment. BW02. What a funny way to number a room. Or perhaps not because it made sense, but whatever. I could be the first one there. A small upturn of the lips was the only sign that Nico was excited by the prospect of being the first to the room. He understood that this year, there would be only three people in the room instead of the usual four, due to one his 'roomies' circumstances.

With a skip to his step Nico didn't even know he was capable of, the lanky blonde eased his way through the crowds of students to the front door and then took a left turn towards the boys dorm. Although he did pause when the groups became sparse. he wasn't sure if wanted to try and put in the effort of making friends this year. They're nice to have, in case he has any questions, or he has someone semi-reliable in case of accidents but in the end they tend to get bored with him and leave of their own volition. Nico is never the one to end the friendship although he supposes its his fault for not being more interesting.

He shook his head and kept his eyes forward, banishing the thought from his mind. All he needed were his books. As the dorms loomed ever closer, he began to grow nervous. What kind of circumstances could take up a spot for another student in a dorm. Moreover, what kind of people were his roommates? If they were loud and annoying he was in for a very long year. He couldn't exactly escape, not when they would be staying in the same room. Nico shuddered and decided last minute to hold off on actually going to the room, instead choosing to linger outside, people-watching.




She hadn't seen the Academy Entrance before in clear daylight. The glass structure towering above her momentarily filled her with awe as she stopped to tilt her head back, looking all the way up to the top with the small, white clouds rushing by overhead. Wow. Someone bumped into her back, with a snarky tone urging her to move along instead of blocking the way. Oops. "Sorry." Millie quickly mumbled in a low voice, avoiding to make any eye contact with whomever she might have grieved before taking the few steps that parted her from the staff and faculty members greeting all students on their way in.

Keeping her head down, she peeked at the line of people standing there, one face standing out when she recognized the brown hair and kind green eyes of Mr. De Luca. A small smile twitched around the corners of her mouth as her gaze lingered maybe a tad too long. Reminding herself of the fact that she wasn't supposed to be just standing and staring there, Millie straightened slightly and quickly continued her path to where one of the teachers directed her.

Front row. Millie felt like dying as she slowly walked closer to the stage, keeping close to the outer wall. She felt much more comfortable somewhere in the middle of a crowd, somewhere she could disappear among all others. To be seated there, at the first line of chairs and - to her - for everyone else that sat behind to see, was kind of a nightmare. Looking around though, she noticed how she actually almost went unnoticed as there were plenty other figures who drew much more attention to them than she did. Like the guy wearing the mask with bubbling water, for example. And then there was the uniform, too.

Taking a seat to the side, Millie nervously pulled her sleeves down over her hands and stuffed them under her legs. There were a few people to her left, but they sat a few seats away from her and although thinking about addressing someone, Millie didn't really feel like raising her voice to make herself be heard. A girl passed her, but before Millie could even attempt to say something, she had already moved down the row to flop down further in the middle.

As the Gathering Hall slowly filled, the noise welled accordingly and the empty seats narrowed down. When finally someone took a seat beside her and Millie mustered all her courage to open her mouth and speak a quiet
"Hi.", a second later the school's Adviser climbed the stage to start his speech.

Being new to the school and fairly new to anything concerning the mutagen community, Millie was maybe one of the few that attentively followed what's been said. At the mention of an incident, the black-haired girl curiously looked around, wondering what incident the Adviser could be talking about. Maybe she could ask someone later?

"I will say this, first years. IGNITE Academy is not for the weak."

Millie's eyes widened at the Headmaster's use of strong language that followed and didn't really match with his appearance and sound of his voice, her heart clenching a little at the thought of maybe be evaluated too weak.
"No..." she softly mumbled, clinching both her hands to fist. If anything, Millie was determined to be tough enough. To make this work.

As soon as the Headmaster finished his talk, the room was moving. Some students evidently knew where they were headed next. Most of the youngsters in the rows behind the ones the first years were seated got up and made their way to the exit doors. Millie, however, stayed seated, unsure what to do next. Were they to figure everything out by themselves? Pushing her hoodie back she'd been hiding in up till now to reveal more of her face, Millie glanced around. Was there maybe anyone with a friendly enough face she could tag along with to the next stop? Her eyes fell on a girl in a bear jacket standing close. Getting up from her seat, Millie kept her eyes on the girl, waiting - or maybe hoping - to get noticed.


location: Gathering Hall - tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata, @Suzuki Mine

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Mood: Hell Yeah

Having been one of the first people at IGNITE Academy on the first day, you could definitely suspect Casey's enthusiasm about starting the new school year. Sure, he may of had a shitty night's sleep last night, and he may have ran out of milk for breakfast the morning of the ceremony, but that didn't stop the excitement he had for meeting the students who had newly enrolled. Casey waited patiently in his designated seat behind the first years.

"I remember when I was sitting up in those front rows," Casey thought to himself, Perhaps thinking too nostalgically. After all, it was only last year. As other students were filing in, he could see the distaste on their faces about this speech. Casey was different-- he was quite intent on hearing everything the Adviser had to say.

As the speech began, loud conversation turned in to a quiet chatter, and people began giving their attention.

The orange haired boy nodded every once in a while during the Adviser's storytelling, recollecting the events he had witnessed from last year. His ears perked up at the familiar voice of Headmaster Hauer, because as Casey can recall, he was definitely one of the more interesting characters at this school. His part of the speech was short, sweet, and to the point. He could tell the Headmaster was not a fan of this type of setting, as anyone could, but that was perfect for Casey, because he didn't believe there was a point to dilly-dallying.

Mr. Hauer seemed to loom over the first years, his voice slowly growing more monotone with every fact about this very prestigious academy. They were slightly intimidated, that was easy enough to tell. Casey had been intimated a year ago as well, but now he was more intrigued. He never really got acquainted with the Headmaster, and to his knowledge, no else had either. It made Casey curious.

As the rest of Mr. Hauer's speech came to a close, Casey pulled out his map and recalled all the locations on it. All he was really interested in was finding out which dorm he would be in and the people he would be bunking with. He hung back in the gathering hall, waiting for everyone to leave before he did himself, but it seemed like someone else had the same idea.

Casey spotted a boy, no older than himself, with some rather strange gear all over him. Was that an oxygen mask? Possibly. Casey was now intrigued with this interesting looking individual, and oh how susceptible he was to his curiosities. Sauntering over to this peculiar looking character, Casey bent down (He was significantly taller by roughly a half a foot) and peered at what the boy was looking at-- which appeared to be his schedule.

You know, you'll never find your dorm if all you do is stare at your schedule all day. After all, classes only start tomorrow. You should really concern yourself with something more important." Casey said, trying to get a glance at this boy's face.

I'm Casey by the way. I'm in room two. How about you?"




↫Ɣøuƨuƙǝ ↭ Ħaṃaƙaẘa↬

"Classes sound interesting at the very least," he mumbled keeping his eyes trained to the paper before hearing some footsteps approach him. These footsteps sounded more drawn out to Yousuke, and he figured he or she was trying to be smooth. 'What do I know. He could be some big fourth year for all I know. I need to get taller now that I think of it. Curse my shortness! Sometimes taller kids don't take me seriously because of it,' Yo thought earning another sigh. The taller male, as Yousuke presumed, bent down to his height which made a small fire ignite in his gut. That was one thing to get him going, considering he wasn't very tall. 'Well, I could be shorter,' he thought trying to extinguish the flame.

"You know, you'll never find your dorm if all you do is stare at your schedule all day. After all, classes only start tomorrow. You should really concern yourself with something more important," came a voice said as Yousuke peered to see him. His eyes widened slightly as he met the gaze of a boy who didn't look much older than him. Although Yousuke held a pretty even expression, you could catch the widening and twinkle of curiosity in his eyes. The kid's hazel eyes glittered with interest, and his pale copper hair was held in place with a few black bobby pins. The other held a happy air around him that gave off the sense the boy was analyzing him.

Yoyo knew why, knowing the glass surrounding his neck definitely stood out, not to mention his webbed hands. He moved the one hand left in his pocket to firmly grip his knee which made the thin skin between each finger fan out. 'I hope he doesn't find me weird...' Yousuke thought, though his face didn't betray the sudden drop in his stomach inside.

Location: Dorm Room BW 02

Status: By his fish tank; beckoning the others to enter the room

I.D: Online

@Clear Water @Genieva Von Bubbles

"I'm Casey by the way. I'm in room two. How about you?"

Yousuke had to do a double take for a bit to make sure this kid wasn't an illusion or something. You see, Yousuke didn't exactly seem like the kid someone would randomly approach and introduce themselves to him. 'Say something, you idiot,' Yousuke thought, mentally slapping himself. "I suppose you're right.I can look up my classes later. It's nice to meet you Casey, anyhow," he started and paused to look down at the key in his lap. The tag connected to it read: BW 02.

"Hmm, I seem to share a room with you, how strange. My name is Yousuke, but any nickname is welcomed if you'd like. It seems we are roommates," Yousuke responded, unsure of whether to shake his hand or something. 'I better not. My hands are webbed and my nails are getting too sharp...' he reminded himself and then opting for a little wave. "Anyways, as you said, I shouldn't be wasting my time. Let's head to the dorm then. We are in the same room," Yousuke said in a deadpanned sort of way. That was his normal tone of speaking, not that he could help it.

With a quick movement of his hand to put his things away, he stood up with his key in hand. "It isn't required for you to follow me, but it would be nice to have some company," Yousuke said pulling the zipper of his pack closed and walking towards the exit. There weren't many students left in the Gathering Hall besides Casey and himself. He didn't bother turning around to make sure Casey was following him. He figured the other boy didn't have much else to do, but to head to their dorm. Yoyo was just thinking rationally at this point. "I assume you know where to go," he added, just being within earshot if Casey had not chosen to follow him

The students seemed to part, feeling Yousuke's intimidating presence, though he hardly noticed it anymore. One thing was sure was that Yousuke was determined to reach the boy's dorm before drawing too much attention. That was short lived as Yousuke heard murmurs coming from the other students. 'Surely something about my water tank...' Yousuke thought, keeping his pace slower than usual if Casey were following him. He entered the doors and turned towards the room he was to be in.

Another boy, no older than Casey and him stood watching around. Peculiarly, the kid was wearing aviators eventhough it wasn't necessary because they were inside. "Hello, I don't suppose you're our roommate. I'm Yousuke by the way. I like your sunglasses," he introduced himself without a second thought as he inserted the key and opened the room's door. Yousuke smiled internally, saying aloud, "Ah there is my tank, just how I remembered it." He walked in and touched the spherical bowl of sorts with a finger. It made a sound as the lights inside flickered on. The tank was quite large , so it took up one side of the room entirely. He sighed and turned his head to the door. "You don't have to just stand there. Come in," he said with a raise of an eyebrow.

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?Nicholas Baldassare?

Nico hadn't been standing for very long when his legs began to grow tired. Oh sure, he could preform almost every physical activity perfectly but when it came to stamina he was seriously lacking. With a very uncharacteristic sigh, he dropped to the ground and sat crosslegged in front of his dorm room. Perhaps hurrying ahead of everyone wasn't such a great idea because now he hadn't the foggiest idea what his roommates were like. What if they were bullies? Suddenly a mental image began forming, of hulking sweaty idiots who stole Nico's belongings and ripped his books. He squeaked and in an instant his fingers were ghosting over the rough pages of the novel he had stashed in the bottom of his bag. They couldn't possibly be that bad, he thought as he pulled the book from the bottom of his bag and flipped to his bookmark.

"From childhood's hour I have not been; As others were-I have not seen; As others saw-I could not bring; My passions from a common spring.

From the same source I have not taken; My sorrow; I could not awaken; My heart to joy at the same tone; And all I lov'd-I loved alone."
The book was a collection of Poe's work. A morbid read he knew, but an enthralling one just the same. Now instead of reading, he let himself pull the pages close to his face and inhale. Sure it probably looked really weird to anyone passing by but this was one of the books he had brought from his home at the library and its pages held a nostalgic smell.

Closing the old book as gently as he could, he placed it next to him on the floor and began to drum on his knee while thinking about the ceremony. the first years had seemed nervous and jittery while the returning students had either looked bored and listened or tuned the headmaster out completely. The headmaster was a quirky man, Nico noticed, someone who students could possibly relate to if anyone got to know him. Nico was so lost in thought that he failed to notice the groups of kids parting as a boy in a wetsuit walked towards the dorm room.

When he finally got close enough, Nico didn't notice him until he started speaking.. "Hello, I don't suppose you're our roommate. I'm Yousuke by the way. I like your sunglasses," Yousuke then opened up the dorm room and began speaking about a tank. By now, Nico had risen from his seated position, book under arm. He looked in the direction Yousuke had come from to find a bright head of hair trailing him. If Nico had to guess he would say this was the other roommate in 'our'. This boy was practically oozing smiles. Nico raised his hand in a small wave. He followed Yousuke into the room and backed awkwardly into the corner. When he was certain the other boy was in earshot he introduced himself. "Nicholas Baldassare. You can call me Nico, if you want."


@Owlet + @Clear Water
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Mood: Cool fish dude is my roommate. Score.

A wave of sudden relief washed over Casey at the announcement that Yousuke would, in fact, be his roommate.

This is gonna be so cool." Casey thought, a big goofy grin plastering itself on his face. This Yousuke guy seemed so monotone and distant, and not someone Casey would ordinarily be drawn to. But on the other hand, the distant and monotone world is something Casey had never really explored before, so this could definitely count as a learning experience.

"It isn't required for you to follow me, but it would be nice to have some company," Yousuke had said, zipping up his fancy bag.

"Hell yeah it would be nice to have some company. I'm great company. I'm amazing company." Casey thought as he fell in to step behind Yousuke, both making their way to the boy's dorm. "One roomie down, one to go," He had mentioned to himself, noting that due to some circumstance, there were only three people to their dorm room rather than four.

As the pair shuffled through crowds of newbie's, Casey and Yousuke were faced with a few menacing glares and a gaping mouth every now and then. Was this what Yousuke had to deal with everyday? "
Oh, bug off," Casey had yelled, his Australian accent having been prominent in the sentence. These people were like annoying little bugs, but Yousuke seemed used to it. "I would imagine he would have to get used to it eventually." Casey deducted, feeling a twinge of sympathy for the boy.

As the two arrived at the dorm, a boy around the same age as them with almost white hair sat right before their room, waiting for something it seemed. Casey threw him a smile as Yousuke had greeted him, inviting the boy inside.

Nicholas Baldassare. You can call me Nico, if you want."

Casey studied the boy from the center of the room, peering in to the corner where he had taken refuge.

Hi Nico," Casey had said in a gentle voice, noting that he was a pretty shy character. "I'm Casey. Nice to meet you."

This Nico guy seemed pretty intriguing as well. His extremely soft-spoken manner made Casey wonder how difficult it would be to get to know him. On top of that, his choice in literature was definitely admirable. Poe, even though slightly twisted given his bipolar disorder, was most definitely a lyrical genius when it came to poetry.

Good choice of a read. Romantic yet twisted," Casey had said, tilting his head toward the book that was wedged under Nico's arm.

Turning himself around, casey's eyes widened at the sight of a ginormous fish tank.

Holy shit, that's awesome! Are we getting a shark as a roommate or something!?"

Casey bolted toward the structure, eyeing it's spherical shape. Was this the circumstance that only allowed three bunkmates? most likely, considering it took up nearly half the room. Casey was careful not to touch the tank, because he still wasn't sure what it was for. It may very well have been some sort of modern torture device they would be testing out. He had so hoped that that wasn't the case, for he was really looking forward to the year, and that would only make it less enjoyable.

@Genieva Von Bubbles @Owlet


Noah A. Reid

Location: Dormitory

Status: Indulged in music

Tags: N/A

Noah sighed as he looked forwards across the crowd of students. Quite a large group of teenagers surrounded Noah as they were going into the Gathering Hall. Another year at IGNITE Academy. Noah still misses his parents and wonders how they are doing back at home. I have to remain strong. Noah thought to himself. I have to make my parents proud. Noah readjusted his grip on his bag and adjusted the cello case straps on his shoulders.

Stepping into the Gathering Hall, Noah admired the building and its grand vastness. He patiently waited for the ceremony to begin. Noah saw the Advisor step up and start the introduction before the Headmaster took the mic. Headmaster Hauer's appearance was always off-putting to Noah. The man was very woman-like with his hair, body shape and voice. The "fabulous" Headmaster began speaking, going over the importance of being in IGNITE. Noah was slightly taken aback by Hauer's choice of words but firmly got the message. Hauer also went over that the cafeteria was functional again. Noah smirked, a place full of super powered teenagers was bound to get something damaged. After the ceremony, everyone began leaving and going about the academy.

Noah walked out into the open air and pulled out the map from his bag. He frowned and sighed. Reading was really difficult. Noah would have to focus his echo-location quite a bit so he could see the minute differences on the paper and distinguish what was written. After finding out where the dorms were, Noah put the map back in his bag and made his way to the dorms.

Bw - 06. Noah thought in his head as he read the plaque by the door into his dorm. He pulled out his dorm key, unlocked the door and stepped into the room. The dorm had two rooms total, meaning that there would be one more student that Noah would be living with. Hopefully hi would be a nice person. The room was empty and it appeared that Noah was the first one here. Soon, Noah was unpacked, cello out of its case and music on a stand in front of him. Noah smiled to himself, feeling the wooden instrument under his hands. Noah deeply enjoyed his sense of touch and loved the smooth, slender feeling of the instrument. The Knight Rank student was soon filling the room with the rich tones of his instrument, playing a movement from a cello suite by J.S Bach.
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Leo couldn't quite put his finger on it... but the man felt incredibly uneasy.

Call it a hunch, but for some reason, the fifth year at the academy felt like it was going to be one hell of a year to the Italian man. He had a growing tension in the pit of his stomach. No, he wasn't hungry and no, someone didn't shove a bomb into his stomach this time. This feeling of nervous anticipation was one that he hadn't felt in a very long time--more than a decade ago most definitely. He couldn't tell what was going to happen, but he knew that somehow he wasn't going to like it. Not. One. Bit.

The man attempted to distract himself with his teacherly duties, standing with the other teachers from the previous years and greeting the new students that came through. Emerald eyes studied every student as they walked by, a charming smile met their nervous hues. He continued to greet and guide students along, keeping his focus on attempting to remember every face. Soon, these kids would come to realize just how real this adventure was going to be for them. The academy might be 80% fun and games, but there was part of that 20% Leo actually took seriously. The percentage that made or broke students and showed what their true potential was. Ohhh just wait till classes started. He would have field day with that.

A familiar little head of dark hair glanced at Leo as she passed. It was the very girl Leo had met out of the grounds of the school. She had been seeking IGNITE's refuge. The tears that ran down her cheeks and her little sob story was enough to have the man request her to become a student at the school with little background check. What a bleeding heart the man was. Pitiful. He gave the girl a more personal nod of his head and then jerked his head in the direction she was meant to follow. He had a strong feeling he would be seeing a lot of her around the school.

As time went by, Leo finished rallying up the last of the students and lead them to the Gathering Hall. He stood in the back, arms crossed over his chest as he listened to the Adviser speak. The information about new staff and teachers didn't slip past him, but he put little thought into the idea. Teachers were always coming and going. Some fit better here than others. It wasn't such an odd thing, right?

Ferdynand took the stage and Leo couldn't help but roll his head.

"What the hell, Ferdy. That's not the speech that was rehearsed. You can't just go and ad lib--"

The instructor facepalmed as Ferdynand freely expressed himself with foul language. Did he really expect anything different from the cut-and-dry man? Then again,

Dr. Ferdynand Hauer never really seemed like he would be head of anything except a science laboratory.

Once the ceremony was over, Leo couldn't help but express his relief with a sigh and a hand through his hair. Now was time for him to get away and mentally prepare himself before he started handing out letter grades every week. He watched as students already started to collect together, chatter, and makes friends. A faint smile spread across his lips. Fortunate enough, this place was filled with oddities. Surely everyone would find some sort of common interest. IGNITE Academy really was filled with potential and possibilities.



????????: GE01 || ???????: none || ????: raging a.k.a. normal

As the opening ceremony came to an end the students were fairly quick to clear the hall. En mass they migrated, filtering through doors and out into the open air of the vast campus. There were a few that remained behind, mostly to speak with one another or to wait for the mobbing to calm down, but most looked to be too excited to keep still enough for such a tactic. New year, new roommates and the possibility of new friends; the mantra that permeated the air along with the buzz of conversation. There were even new teachers on staff, which whipped up a flurry of talk with the returning students as they compared their favorites and theorized on who they had seen. Did this teacher return? Who was going to be the new Defense teacher? Was Suzy gonna finally tell Tyson that she liked him? What had been on the last episode of Ink Master: Left Field? Should a show continue to get new seasons when they'd resorted to everyone being left handed as their gimmick? The topics were as endless as the sea of students.

Through the groupings of kids a form cut right through. There was no swerving to move around, nor was there any regard to when they split conversations in two with their stride. This was the stride of one who believed their path was the true path, and those who dare to block it would get run over without remorse. Of course when one took the time to actually see who this person was it was all very understandable: Kevyn Outlaw. If the head of flaming red hair wasn't enough to give it away then the smoldering rumors that preceded her would be; this girl was a ticking time bomb. Even at the beginning of the year when nothing significant could have possibly happened, the look on her face was one of rage simmering beneath the surface - just waiting for a reason to trigger.

Then again, that was pretty much her normal face.

A feral growl resonated from deep within Kevyn's throat, her teeth clenched firmly together and bared behind partially snarled lips. Though her hands were stuffed into the pockets of her blazing red Fire Risk hoodie one held a piece of paper clenched tightly in her grip. The paper in specific was the one detailing her room assignment. Two years now; two years she had been applying for a single room for herself. Just a nice place to get away from all the fuckwits she had to deal with on a daily basis. That wasn't so much to ask for from the obviously most talented student in the populous, right? But no, the school appeared to be sadistically hellbent on making her absolutely miserable all year every year by forcing her to share with others. As if she didn't have enough of that back in the orphanage. Oh, just thinking about that place was making her blood boil.

"Asshats didn't even have the balls to give me a rejection letter this time."

Kevyn pulled one hand from within her pockets, instantly moving to her mouth as she began chewing on the tips of her gloves. Every three months she was given new ones, and each time they were absolutely covered in teeth marks from wrist to fingertip. She hated the damn things. They inhibited her from freely using her ability, and the lord only knew just how many people didn't deserve to have their faces anymore - at least in Kevyn's eyes. She growled again.

"I swear, the next time I see that damned fruity principal I'm gonna shove this bullshit down his throat...!"

The slough of insults continued on as she crossed the grounds and shoved her way into the Girls Dorm. Now usually every year there was at least one person asking her if she was lost when she got there. Thanks to her violent temperament and her lack of feminine curves, it was not unusual for at least one person to mistake her for a boy. A boy in the Girls Dorm? How scandalous! It was these people that tended to pay the first visit to the nurse's office that year. This time around though, Kevyn wasn't going to take none of it. She was already beyond pissed at everything. All she wanted to do was find her dorm, claim her spot and MAYBE get her fine ass to the Simulation Room. Relieving some stress by blowing up dummies was always a reliable outlet.

Upon opening the door to GE01 she found that she was the first to arrive, and to this she gave a scoff.

"Not like anyone deserves first dibs more than me anyways,"

she spoke aloud to herself as she began to inspect the place. Thanks to her living at IGNITE's sister school, all of Kevyn's things had been transferred over from her summer place to her new dorm by the beginning of the new school year. Her meager sets of clothing were folded neatly into two of the drawers of a dresser in one of the rooms, and her jackets and hoodies hung in the closet. They'd even gone so far as to set out her stuffed animals and replace the top cover of one of the beds with her personal blanket; one depicting a variety of explosions. If there was one thing that Kevyn wasn't it was modest. She gave the scene a smirk, then gathered up some of her stuffed animals and began tossing them onto the other bed.

Fuck the school. If they weren't going to give her the single room she wanted then she'd just take this one all for herself.

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↫Ɣøuƨuƙǝ ↭ Ħaṃaƙaẘa↬

Yousuke watched as the kid with sunglasses entered the room. 'His sunglasses are really cool...' he thought to himself again as the kid walked towards the corner of the room. Not wanting to be rude staring at him, he turned around to face the tank once again. 'Don't be too weird," he scolded himself mentally. The other boy looked nervous enough as it was.

Nicholas Baldassare. You can call me Nico, if you want," came his voice just within Yousuke's range of hearing.

Yousuke heard Casey introduce himself and commented on his choice of a book. It seemed to be Poe whom Yousuke was familiar with. Poetry was one thing he enjoyed on occasion and had a mild appreciation for it. Rhymes and patterns were something Yousuke liked to find in things. When Casey was finished, Yousuke introduced himself.

Nice to meet you Nico. I hope we can get along this year. Also, there's no need for you to stay in the corner. I don't bite, hard at least, but I'm not sure about Casey," he responded, trying to keep his voice a bit friendly. Of course, it was a lot harder for him, knowing the monotone that often kept itself connected to every word. 'That was better. But biting probably isn't something I should've mention...,' Yousuke thought with a tiny upturn of his lips. Yousuke started climbing the ladder attached to the tank so he could enjoy some time in the water.

Holy shit, that's awesome! Are we getting a shark as a roommate or something!?" exclaimed Casey as Yousuke turned to see him extremely interested in his beloved tank. The redhead quickly made his way over towards the glass. Although he was quite near it, he didn't place a finger on the tank. Yousuke tilted his head to one side slightly and then made a noise sounding closest to a chuckle.

I don't think I would describe myself as a shark, but something like that. I'm more amphibious, but I do have gills if that's the question. If you're wondering what this baby does, it merely serves as a bed of sort. Water is kind of a necessity for me to live after all," Yousuke explained with an indifferent expression. 'Hopefully I don't come off as too weird. I'm a fish to them bascially...' he thought rubbing one of his hands unconsciously.

I'm gonna take a dip, if you don't mind. I like this wetsuit, yes, but I prefer the water itself. A pool would have been preferred, but this'll just have to do," he said suddenly, pressing a button on the side of the glass covering his gills. As soon as the water drained, he began breathing with his lungs. It was momentarily just so he could get into the tank. "I forgot how difficult it was to breathe with my flimsy lungs," he said with a glance towards the other two. He removed all the hoses connecting to his wetsuit and mask and placed the backpack on the small landing from the ladder that connected to the tank.
Location: Dorm Room BW 02

Status: Swimming in his fish tank

I.D.: Online

@Clear Water @Genieva Von Bubbles

I can still converse with you both, but give me a moment to see if the microphone still works," he added watching the other two closely for any sign of disapproval. Yousuke gave a tiny shrug and opened the glass door at the top. There was an area where he could enter that left a pocket of oxygen. 'Here goes nothing,' Yousuke thought jumping into the water. In the small moment before he hit the water, he began to breathe with his gills. He grasped the handle on the inside of the lid and pulled, tightly closing the tank,

Yousuke soon dove towards a speaker of sorts near where Casey stood. With a tiny nod towards him, Yousuke pressed a red button next to the speaker to turn the microphone on. "
Testing, testing. Ah it does work. Anyways, I hope you don't mind, Casey, Nico. You're also welcomed to come in for a dip anytime, but be aware there's not a lot of oxygen for you considering this tank is filled with water," Yousuke said with a tiny glimpse of a smile. "I can hear you just find, by the way."

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Hello 'Murica and Goodbye Finland.

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12:00PM August 11, 2057

After several hours being on an aircraft traveling from Finland to America, Amiya finally arrived within 5 hours before she got herself situated to stay with one of the trusted officers under the government and the one her father assigned to take care Amiya once she arrived. Once she was settled in, the remainder of her days before school begin was all dedicated to informing her what she needed to be prepared for once she enter IGNITE academy such as; the school rules, curfews, weapon usage, classes and etcera as well as supplying her with the necessary equipment she would need like the Interpersonal Device (I.D.) that she could use to communicate with other students and get updated on any news involving the school. While it was her own to keep, it was within government's property so her activities done on the I.D. would be watched constantly by the government especially since she was a daughter of one of their most trusted soldiers. Damages done to it will be dealt with severe consequences but they would spare her the price as her father had informed he would take care of any property damage done by Amiya.

A week flew by and the news came in that IGNITE academy would open tomorrow to welcome the new students and returning students onto campus. For young Amiya, this gave her time to prepare and reminisce on what she had learned by her caretaker.

10:10AM August 12, 2057

The day finally came and Amiya was dropped off at the gates as her caretaker explain that her belongings would be fine and arrive at her dorm room shortly, for now, she would only need to worry about attending the opening ceremony over at the Gathering Hall which she will be guided to by one of the staffs near the gates. Transferring the map of the campus into her I.D., her caretaker wished her the best of luck before waving her off to go before she was late. Reaching the entrance of the immense gates, she was greeted kindly by the welcoming staffs as she smiled brightly saying, "

Good morning!

" While being guided towards the Gathering Halls -- thankfully -- making it easier for her so she wouldn't get lost in this vast campus full of mazes, large buildings, and just all in all, the perfect place for Amiya to get lost within seconds.

Following the staff to a large room that was bustling with students of all grades and ages, she was informed that all first years were to be seated at the front of the stage. Examining the place, she honestly couldn't believe her eyes to see so many that are just like her in one room as she have never met anyone else besides her father and her siblings. Seeing all these students, she felt a bit nervous of what to come of this new country and meeting people just like herself with powers. Turning towards the staff after a minute of silence, she returned her bright smile once more to assure she was fine,"

Thank you.

" Amiya would say waving goodbye to the kind staff before descending down the aisle to the front where she made her way to a empty seat. Plopping herself in her seat, she eagerly awaited for the opening ceremony to begin as someone came on stage tapping on the microphone before they spoke.

As the School's Adviser spoke of the cafeteria incident, she felt a bit worry of what she had got herself into for the cafeteria to be rebuilt. It must have been a big fight to do such damage as she fiddled with her fingers,"

Instead of passing, I mostly hope I'll survive in this school.

" She thought wary of how her first year in IGNITE Academy will be like especially in a school full of powerful beings who are capable to damage a whole building but at the same time, she was overwhelmed with amazement and excitement to see what this school would bring to her. Snapping out of her thoughts, a man with luscious blonde tresses came onto the stage with the most fluffiest-looking mantle she had ever seen. Eying the fur cloak, she made a mental note to ask the Headmaster where he got it and if possible, if she could touch it or even better, have it -- like that would happen but it wouldn't hurt to try -- to be part of her collection.

Waiting patiently for the man to speak, she was shocked to hear his voice. She would have thought he would have a masculine voice but instead, it was almost feminine enough to believe he was a woman instead especially with his hair. She almost flipped out of her chair at his next line, covering her mouth to muffle her giggles at how this must be some joke for their Headmaster to be such an amazing guy. This school was truly something she would enjoy and homesickness was slowly wearing off to be replaced with thrilled.

??:??PM August 12, 2057

While the Headmaster went on and on, his tone soon lost touch of emotion to them until he came to his final announcement which was directed towards the first years among her as she gulped. His actions were weak but his words were powerful enough to get his point out that being in this school was not all games. With a wave of his hands, the opening ceremony was finished and today was all free for the students to explore and do whatever as long as it was within the school's rule. Getting up from her seat, she was about to leave when she felt something digging holes in her body like that feeling of someone staring intensively at you.

Looking around, she tried to spot what could be the cause of it until she looked to her side to see a girl shorter than her by a few inches. Their eyes met with hazel meeting blue ones as she tilted her head before her lips curled up to a smile,"

Hello! My name is Amiya Takala, what's your name?

" She introduced with a hint of Swedish accent to her voice and her eyes sparkling with life. Normally, people would have tried to stay away from someone who would only stare at them but for Amiya, this was the perfect opportunity to make her first friend in the school and the girl didn't look like someone who would do any harm to her. They were both first years as well so it was a possible chance they could be BFFs within the years.

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locationGathering Halls

interaction with@Scribbly

mission Try to make some friends so classes won't suck

ooc noteSkip the first paragraph, it's nothing special and only there to indicate her struggles coming to America.

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Her heart fluttered once more when the other girl caught her gaze. Yohay! Lips quickly mirroring Amiya's smile, Millie introduced herself in turn. "Hi, I'm Emily. Or well, everyone calls me Millie." the girl replied, her awkward hopeful stare now changed in an expression of relief that someone had had the guts to approach her, rather than that she had to step out of her comfort zone and introduce herself. "Do you know where we have to go next?" Millie wondered aloud, but quiet. Obviously the event was over and - even as a first year - they apparently had to figure things out by themselves. Even though Millie was a rather shy girl, she rather had some company to think along with her than be all on her own.

Soon enough, the girls decided to do like everyone else - or the majority at least - and go find their dorms. Digging out the key she'd gotten, Millie held it up for Amiya to see and read the tag out loud.
"I'm in... GE01." she stated, then looked over at the key Amiya was holding. The tag read the same! Millie chuckled. "What coincidence we happened to find one another." she mumbled with a small smile, "But it's a good thing. It would've sucked to meet a friend and then never see eachother." Being roommates, they would probably get to see a lot of each other. Somehow, that thought comforted Millie and she gave Amiya a more genuine smile.

"Where are you from?" Millie curiously asked while they were trailing after some older students. She'd heard the foreign accent in the other's voice but it was unfamiliar. Surely the girl was no American, at least. As everyone in this school had to have some ability, Millie wondered what the hazel-eyed could do. Was it considered rude to ask? She was so very new to this stuff! Not making friends, but the whole... mutagen thing. Up until a few weeks ago, it had just been something she occasionally saw on the news. It had not been something she actually was a part of! But now she was. She'd never felt good enough in her parents eyes and would probably never feel so. But this thing... This mutagen... Maybe it wasn't all that bad. Finally, she felt like maybe she'd found a place where she could belong. A brief glance sideways made her lighten her step. Maybe she'd in the process even had found a friend already. Well... If she wouldn't gas the girl in her sleep. Or make her sick by giving her a nudge. Millie's face fell a little and she tugged her sleeves further down over her hands.

After a little more smalltalk getting to know a bit more about her future roommate, Millie looked up when the group of students they'd been following seemed to have disappeared.
"Uhm... Where did they go?" she asked her new friend, casting a few looks around. They had just passed a building and Millie pointed at the door closest to them. "Maybe down there?" she suggested, a hesitating glance towards Amiya. "Or should we check our maps." Millie fumbled her I.D. out of her front hoodie pocket to do so. "If we're here... and the building is this..." she mumbled to Amiya while leaning closer, the device held up in between them, "Then this is where we have to go?" Millie tapped a spot on the I.D. and then twisted it around to - as she thought - make it match with the layout of the buildings surrounding them. "Let's just try."

Moving to the door, Millie pulled it open for Amiya to pass through first. If they'd taken just a few steps more back, they would have spotted the sign with an arrow pointing down the direction they were going.
TEACHER DORMS, it read in big lettering. But Millie was already headed after the Swedish girl.


location: Gathering Hall > outside > Teacher dorms - tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata, @Suzuki Mine (Teachers)

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As if it was anything abnormal, Wick sat through the opening ceremony with a nearly unchanging face. Sure, it was somewhat different from last year, and one of the teachers swore, but as mentioned previously, it wasn't anything too drastically different. He had taken his time to look over the information given, whereas the only thing that was actually important to him was his new room. Class schedule could come later. BW06. He read off all the names, seeing that he knew none of these people. Not even their names were familiar.

But the thing about the dorm rooms, at least in Wick's experience, isn't getting used to peoples' attitudes- because he could deal with people no matter how they acted- but getting used to them using their powers was something else. Personality is kind of an attribute to the frequency that people use their powers, but even then. All powers have annoyances. Hell, Wick uses his own to mimic people often. That, or show them up in some activity by watching professional videos of people doing it before actually challenging them. Ask him to do it again in a day and he'll just look at you and pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about.

Anyway, after the entire speech was done and he was incredibly bored, Wick got up, grabbed his few things, and headed towards the dormitories. BW06. He repeated the code in his head. It was a habit, repeating numbers until they were burned into his subconscious. He'll probably annoy some of his roommates over the next few days by quietly whispering the room code. Long term habits are hard to break.

As he walked down the hallway towards the room, the sound of a string instrument echoed down the hall. As he got closer to the room, the music grows louder. As he stands outside his dorm, he looks around with a quizzical look on his face, thinking that maybe if he's lucky that the music is coming from some other room nearby. But that wasn't the case.

As he entered his pass and opened the door, he tried to do it as quietly as possible. And it wasn't very quiet, honestly, but it wasn't very easy to be heard over the music. As much as he liked the classical music of it all, it was kind of a nuisance to come into a brand new room in which you will have to live in for the rest of the year to find this scene.

But enough about the music. He just decided to bring in all of his things. His previous action of trying to quietly enter was now in vain as he picked up his small bag which held nothing but his school uniform and some casual clothing and sunglasses, and just walked immediately in, saying nothing to the other student and walking in to one of the bedrooms and began putting his stuff in a dresser.

And with that, he just laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He could guess that the other person might come in to see who he even is, and the best way to make first impressions is to find him staring at the ceiling as if it was something interesting.
Location: Room BW06

Mood: *mario voice* here we goooo

Tagged: @Noah

Welcome to IGNITE, students.


Location: Dorm Room- BW06

Tags: @Impysh @Noah

Janus entered the school grounds and followed the staff's instruction to move to the Gathering Hall, wrinkling up his face as he went. While the simple mask helped filter the air, it only did so much. Odors were dampened, but still there.Normally it wasn't so bad when bodies were spread out across the campus, or even collected in the dorms but as it was the first day everyone was being gathered to the same place, the same room. Some of the mutagen kids smelled like strange chemicals, a few were sick, a handful people had been smoking sometime recently, some of the girls had strong perfume, and so on and so forth. The people in the packed crowd closest to him assailed him with a bombardment of smells. Worst of all was the nervous, sweaty, and scared first years.

As he was beginning his second year, Janus was sat behind their row. Out of all the age groups here, the first years smelled the most of fear. It was an unpleasant, pungent smell, and he'd have to stay there for the entire welcoming and speeches. Although he wanted to tell the younger students it'd be fine and they'd adapt okay just like he did (partly because of the smell and partly because of sympathy) it would be impossible to comfort each and every one of them. So instead before it even began he waited for it to be over, casually turning his head about to observe how many seats still had to be filled in. Upon seeing it was quite a few he returned it to a forward position to glance down at and pick at small bits of dirt caught beneath his nails. Staring could be interpreted as rudeness, so Janus kept his eyes pointed down at his hands and eventually his thoughts began to distract him.

What would his roommates be like, for starters? One thumbnail curved into the other. Many mutagens had a bad past, and their attitudes naturally reflected it. Janus frowned at the darker corner of the nail that hadn't changed. Although he himself was evidence to refute stereotypes like "all mutagens are troubled," there was a bit of truth in that statement. Maybe that wasn't dirt, but just a shadow? Janus exhaled through his nose in a sigh, and gave up on cleaning his nails. If it was dirt at all, there was only a small amount. Hopefully whoever they were, they would be better than the ones he had in his third year in the academies system. He spread his hands apart and rested them on his knees and leaned up against the back of the chair, unfolding from the hunched over posture that'd helped with the tiny hygiene inspection to sit straight.

Second of all, this was year number two. If his previous experience told him anything, the first year in a academy was like a warm up for the next ones. Basics are taught the first year for preparation, and the difficulty level grew exponentially. Janus tapped the fingers of his right hand against his leg.

'I'll be fine. I'm A-rank,' is what he reminded himself of in an attempt of self-reassurance, although it didn't do much to help. Expectations could be higher for him than they would be for a knight, right?

Luckily the sound of tapping against a live microphone served as another distraction and the red-head lifted his eyes to see a staff member had appeared on stage- recognizing the Advisor, he was glad for the ceremony to begin.

The Advisor's speech was short, consisting of a welcome, announcements about new staff- Janus was curious- and a finally re-built cafeteria, and ended with an introduction of the Headmaster.

Ferdynand Hauer was a strange looking man and didn't fit the image of a headmaster at all. Neither did his speech, which was completely devoid of emotion and even containing an F-bomb.

'What a weird guy.' Janus wasn't quite sure what to think about him, but the fact that he didn't seem to be good pick at a first glance must mean that he was very, very good at the other aspects of his job.

With everything finally ended, Janus bent over to reach beneath his chair and pick up the packet that he'd set there earlier. Eager to escape the first years, who generally seemed to be even more nervous now, he opened it and removed the key. Room BW06. Dropping the key back in, he stood to leave the Gathering Hall. Now that he could be on his way, he increased his speed to a slow jog as he weaved his way out through the slowly dispersing crowd and onto the grounds.

The boy's building was an easy find as he'd spent 9 months of his life there already, and his room came shortly after. There was no way he could make a mistake with his room number either, as he'd pulled out the key to look at two or three times on his way up the stairs.

Throughout the halls, Janus had heard some sort of string instrument playing. 'Today's full of strange things,' he mused as he walked, before it occurred to him that maybe it was more strange that he hadn't ever heard anyone playing an instrument in the academies before. Either way, he was also curious about what sort of person would be playing. Judging from how the loudness was increasing as he approached his room, he'd have a good chance of finding out whether it was dormmates or neighbors.

BW06's door was already unlocked, and hadn't been closed right away. Janus put out his hand and pushed it open softly with his fingers. Yup, the musician was definitely inside. When it was open enough he stepped in gently, then began to close the door. In order to make it quiet he twisted the knob before the small metal piece that stuck out could hit the frame, only letting go when they were lined up.

Clearly not wanting to disturb the black-haired boy but also wanting to watch, Janus stood quietly in the doorway with his packet in hand.

?Nicholas Baldassare?

"Hi Nico, I'm Casey. Nice to meet you." was the introduction Nico received from the bright haired boy, or rather, Casey. "Good choice of a read. Romantic yet twisted," Casey said, gesturing to the book Nico kept close to him. A grunt was the only response Nico gave. He was right in assuming that Casey was a bubbly person but the gentle tone he took with Nico put him on edge. He guessed that shoving himself into a corner had given him an air of shyness, which he really hadn't meant to do. Nico wasn't shy, just quiet. He didn't like wasting air on flowery words and good impressions although he supposed with the impressions he was currently making he would have to talk a little more.

"Nice to meet you Nico. I hope we can get along this year. Also, there's no need for you to stay in the corner. I don't bite, hard at least, but I'm not sure about Casey," Yousuke was speaking and Nico had only turned his eyes towards him before realizing that nobody could actually see him do that so he turned his body and stepped up next to Casey who was admiring the tank of water. When Yousuke's words finally sunk in, Nico huffed out a laugh, a breathy little thing as though he wasn't used to making that noise.

"Holy shit, that's awesome! Are we getting a shark as a roommate or something!?" To say Casey was excited was most likely an understatement so Nico reappraised his companion. Casey looked stoked like there was nothing cooler than the prospect of having a shark roommate. It was almost endearing, seeing a near adult act like a ten year old child. However, despite being amused Nico's facial expression remained neutral, lips pulled into a tight line.

He wasn't quite sure when he had adopted stoicism but when he became aware of it, it had already become so engraved into his being that he couldn't just drop it. He listened closely as Yousuke explained that this was his tank and was somewhat if not mostly amphibious. This wasn't too surprising considering he had gills but it was still very interesting considering Nico had never met anyone who could survive better in water.

He heard Yousuke say that his lungs were flimsy and Nico raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Yousuke couldn't breathe as well with his lungs and it was sort of concerning. Nico decided to keep an eye on that as he stepped forward and peered into the tank. The water was very entrancing and he lost himself for a moment before stepping back. He ran a pale hand through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead and letting his hand rest on the back of his neck, his other hand resting in his pocket with the book still tucked under his arm.

"So Casey, Yousuke what are-" He faltered for a moment. Was it impolite to ask what others abilities were? Almost like asking a woman her age or asking an inmate how they were incarcerated. He decided on no and continued as if he had never paused. "-what are your abilities, if you don't mind my asking." Nico would certainly mind their asking but if they were going to be living together for the next year, they might as well get to know each other a little. It wasn't the most personal question but it was as close as he could get.

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Noah A. Reid

Location: Dormitory - BW-06

Status: Meeting Dorm-mates

Tags: @Ghost


As Noah progressed through the suite on his cello, he could hear footsteps down the hall. Perhaps it was a student that was passing through, or maybe one of his room-mates. Noah heard a key unlock the door and the person came in and promptly walked to his bedroom. Noah caught a glimpse of the student. His room-mate was rather tall looking and dressed quite nicely. Noah slowly stopped playing and listened into the other room. Using his echo-location, Noah could tell that the student was just lying on his bed.

How rude...
Noah thought in his head. He doesn't even introduce himself....perhaps he is tired? Noah heard another student enter the dorm. It was obvious his attempts to enter were quieter but Noah could hear it none the less.

"Oh, Hello there." Noah stated as he got up and turned around to the person who just walked in. Noah leaned his instrument against a wall and placed the bow down before walking to the new student. "I'm Noah." he said while extending his hand. "Are you another one of my dorm-mates?" Noah inquired. After meeting with this one, he should introduce himself to the other student lying down in the other room.





Mood: Why can't I breathe underwater?


If Casey had died right then and there, it would be truthful to say that he would have no regrets. He accomplished having a merman as a roommate, and who wouldn't want that?

"So he's, like, a frog or something...?" Casey thought to himself, automatically identifying the word 'amphibious' with 'frog'.

Maybe he's like Poseidon. Does he have a trident? Maybe I should ask. No, you dipshit, that's the stupidest thing you could say!" Casey's internal war was rather unnecessary, considering Yousuke had upright explained that he simply just had gills and lungs, the latter being weaker than the former.

"So Casey, Yousuke what are...what are your abilities, if you don't mind my asking."

Nico had questioned, possibly being unsure with the question due to the brief pause mid-sentence. Casey thought for a moment, wondering what he should say. He never liked going in to much detail about things, or really talking about himself in general, but they would be roommates, so it was fair of Nico to ask.

"Well, I guess I'm strong," Casey had said, trying to keep his explanation dry. He never admired his ability much, because who really needed to lift up a car on a daily basis? Certainly not Casey. He gave Nico a smile, trying to keep things lighthearted. It was uncanny, really, how all Casey wanted was to know about other people, but how much he hated talking about himself. You would think it would be a give and take, as if Casey would share facts and memories about himself in return for facts and memories about the people he would meet in his life. But it would never work like that of course, and all Casey was left with would be burdens and secrets that belonged to other people. Call it bad habit, but it was lonely for Casey, having to know everything about people but never having anyone to tell his troubles to. But then again, it was his choice to keep personal details to himself.

Casey leaned in toward the fish tank, this time spreading both his hands on it. "Maybe I should try an open up more. Don't they say that it's not good to keep secrets? If I told people secrets, then wouldn't that make me a bad friend? Betraying someone's trust like that, Isn't that worse than keeping secrets?" Casey furrowed his brow, unhappy about the contradicting predicament. Which one was worse? He glanced up to Yousuke who was submerged in his fish bowl, seeming so comfortable in the water. His dark hair was swirling with the motion of the liquid, reminding Casey of melted chocolate in the dry heat of Australia. But, he supposed if Yousuke really did go to the sweltering outback, he would just dry up underneath the hot sun. That part seemed rather unfortunate. Casey's hazel eyes darted between Nico and Yousuke. Who was more interesting? The quiet teen who covered himself up with his sunglasses (Although they were pretty rad) and read good poetry? Or the floating merman with the chocolate hair? Did it matter?

Casey wondered some more, staring back in to the tank, lost in the heaps of questions he had in his own mind. His eyes glazed over, not looking at one thing in particular, and not thinking about one thing in particular either. He felt a sort of resonance with these people, which he was fond of. Connection with other people is very important. Quickly snapping out of his critical thinking time, Casey once again peered at Yousuke and gave a toothy grin. He was already quite fond of his roomies.


Mentions: @Owlet @Genieva Von Bubbles


????????: outside || ???????: @Yuuki of the Strata || ????: embarrassed (flustered)

Being around so many new faces was a bit of a thrill. It was one of the small pleasures that she indulged in during her missions abroad; taking in the looks and attitudes of people from various corners of the world. The delicate painted features of the Japanese. The hearty features of Russians. The humble and deep features of Egyptians. To be in a place where all of these meshed together was like watching the water colors that made up the world cascade across the same canvas. Some blended together to create another. Some separated. Some dominated. And then there were those that harmonized - not giving up their identity nor engulfing one another - to create the most exquisite patterns. One of those beautiful places was the campus of IGNITE, where on top of the cultural diversity was the overarching union of metahuman capabilities. Ah, such a spice!

Too bad it wasn't in Italy.

Since the students had begun to stream onto the campus, one Teresa Taricani had kept a rather low profile. A little strange, as anyone who knew the woman was very aware of her social butterfly tendencies and love of entertaining. But this was a place that by majority lacked such things. It was better this way when stepping onto foreign grounds. A lady like herself preferred not to be noticed until she had all the pieces in place. Already she had taken her time in scouting around the campus while it was still vacant, taking the time to trace the edges of each door, desk and tile to commit it to memory. After that - as much as it pained her - she made herself less outstanding to others as she went about greeting them. She dulled her colors, grew her hair long, dark and tied back, drained the beautiful olive tone from her skin, kept her body language close and conserved, spoke in a more casual tone and suppressed her accent as she greeted students. All of this was to leave an image that was very much forgettable. And all the while she would be soaking in everything she could about those she came into contact with. Such was the nature of a huntress.

Soon the students and faculty were gathered together for the opening ceremony, and in the draw of attention Trip was able to stalk more freely. Then dull blue eyes swept across the rows and rows of heads and shoulders, then briefly to the stage before turning to those that lined the walls. Her quarry would certainly be there. She had not done so in too many years for her to willingly wish to recall, but despite not seeing them yet she could at least


one of them; mature like the deep thrum of a cello. Even through the speech it pierced through to her - calling out. All she needed to do was follow it until she found the center of the solo.

She had been about halfway through her sweep of the back of the room when she suddenly stopped, locking onto the form of a man. Now it wasn't like she hadn't seen him in years. Since she gained her footing in the government and spread her fingers out to make allies amongst the ranks, she had discretely allocated efforts into finding and keeping her updated on the status of her dearest treasures; one being Leo De Luca. Pictures and the very rare video footage had been fed to her, but none of those compared to laying eyes on him from across the room. The mixture of feeling that rose in her chest was nigh overwhelming. Nevertheless she maintained her poise; keeping her swelling emotions in check with sheer professionalism. In time and with the right steps, she would double them over and make them that much sweeter.

As everyone had begun to exit the hall Trip stepped forward, her small form moving through the bodies with an almost unnatural grace. She wasn't going to leave time for him to sense that he might be being followed. Instead she moved ahead of him, and with map in hand she took up a place at a junction on the way to the Teachers Dorm. It was but a heartbeat needed for her to slip into character once more, taking on a more confused looking state as she consulted her map.

"Maybe I was suppose to go this way... or... perhaps..."

Her eyes glanced up briefly to survey her surroundings, the uncertainty lightening up as she spotted Leo approaching.


With a slight bit of hesitation she opened her mouth to speak, paused, then took in a breath to appear to build her confidence before moving quickly towards him.

"Excuse me!"

Her stride slowed as she came to be at his side, her gaze lifting to meet his. Ah, his pictures did him no justice! Goosebumps threatened to ripple across her skin, but as before she forced them back.

"You're heading to the Teachers Dorm, right? Would you mind if I accompanied you?"

She held her up map to draw attention to it, a sheepish smile crossing her lips.

"I've never been really good at reading these things."

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My first friend on the first day but now we're lost... Crap.

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??:??PM August 12, 2057

Observing the girl's expression, Amiya could tell that her action had made the girl pleased as her lagoon-blue eyes could match to her own while she introduced herself as Emily but shorten to '


'. Smiling down at Millie, she felt she could jump in joy and hug her on the spot to express how happy she was to have a friend so soon but she held back the strong urge seeing that it would only maybe make Millie uncomfortable as well as seeing their relationship was not yet close to being huggle buddies. To retain herself from doing so, she placed her hands behind her back, her right hand holding onto her left wrist so it wouldn't look weird,"

Nice to meet you Millie, you can shorten my name however you see fits.

" Amiya said seeing no care what nickname would be given to her as long as it wasn't put in a rude way. While tilting her head to the side with a finger placed on her chin, she pondered on Millie's question not sure exactly what to do next though the Headmaster did say they were free to do whatever they wanted Amiya didn't know what to do nor where everything was; where was allowed for students to enter and not to enter, staff members and so many other things she had yet to learn along with Millie.

Coming to a conclusion, they just went with what the crowd were doing and that was going to their dorm rooms. Looking over at Millie's dorm room key, she also fished out her own key card and to their surprise, they both were assigned in the same room which meant that they were destined to be bffs! Or so this was what Amiya hope for as she gave a toothy grin,"

It is and nice to meet you dormmate, please treat me well.

" She chimed putting her card back into her jacket's pocket. Now knowing what room they were in, all was left was to find their room in this maze-like campus. Luckily, they had a group of girls ahead of them walking to their dorms so it gave the both of them little to worry about just as long as they don't lose sight of them.

Following behind the group, they decided to do some small talk as Millie bought up the topic of where she was from,"

Oh, I'm from Kuusumo, Finland. It's a chilly place but a nice home.

" She answered with a somewhat distant gaze as she reminisced on her home but shook off the feeling of homesickness. It wasn't the time for her to get emotional and shrugging it off, they just went on over other random topics though at one point, Millie became awfully quiet with a serious face making Amiya worry what could be bothering her but Amiya dismissed the thought of asking and continued on talking about how the school was amazing to be this huge, etc.

During their stroll chatting over many subjects, their journey to the dorms soon came to an end when Millie pointed out that the group were gone with a worry glance around the place to find the group. Amiya was also wary of their situation now that the group they were following was gone leaving them lost to where they were exactly,"

Crap... we lost them.

" Amiya murmured, her eyes following where Millie pointed at to see a door but that couldn't be it. Amiya didn't remember hearing the door open but then again, they were distracted in their own world so their ears were mostly blocked out on what was going on outside.

Getting closer to Millie, she examined the holographic map and tilted her head from one side to another with a puzzled expression. First of all, she couldn't even read a map even if she tried so following Millie's lead was the only best option she got while she shrugged,"

It looks like a dormitory and if we get lost, we could maybe ask someone nearby.

" She said backing away and following Millie to the door they suggested to go through earlier. Thanking Millie for opening the door for her, she went through with ease not knowing that just behind them was a sign with big, bold letters clearly saying that where they were headed was the teacher's dorms but it was too late to turn back, their decisions were made.

Walking around, Amiya tried to look for their room number but looking at the doors with their room number reflected on the templates, all she could see were N's and S's. Her worries grew more as she turned back at Millie,"

I think we're in the wrong place. I can't seem to find any GE's.

" Amiya said now whipping out her own I.D. to check the map again while letting Millie see as well,"

There's another turn up ahead. Maybe the GE rooms are there?.

" Amiya said but she honestly had no confidence in her tone. They had walked for a long while through these corridors and the only rooms they found were not theirs. Maybe they should turn back and consult a staff somewhere nearby? Amiya wasn't sure and waited for Millie's own input in their sticky situation that just seemed to grow ever more if they continue to take random turns like this.

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locationGathering Halls ➤ Teacher's Dormitory

interaction with@Scribbly

mission Find Room GE01 and don't get lost (FAILED)

ooc noteAmiya is Finnish-Italian but in some parts of Finland, some people have a Swedish accent then one of Finnish though their accents are not too far apart but don't worry, I should have said Finnish accent instead.


↫Ɣøuƨuƙǝ ↭ Ħaṃaƙaẘa↬

Yousuke floated around in the water, twisting and turning to feel the flow of the water. It was a nice cool yet comfortable temperature that made Yousuke wanted to just stay in his tank and not be forced to walk in the dreadful heat of August outside. 'Summer is good for swimming at least, but it's so dreadfully hot,' he thought watching his two new roommates. Both were equally intriguing and made Yousuke curious. It was nice at the least they didn't find him cool and on the contrary, interesting.

Nico approached the tank, moving away from his seemingly cozy spot in the corner. Yousuke watched, his eyes following a bit, as the other stared entranced by the water it seemed. '
I wonder if he thinks ithe tank is intriguing or extremely abnormal,' He thought suddenly with a sighing like motion. Nico then stepped back and moved into a more relaxed pose with his book still tucked snugly under his arm.

So Casey, Yousuke what are...what are your abilities, if you don't mind my asking," Nico said suddenly with a brief pause as if he were hesitant in his question.

Yousuke merely nodded briefly in response. There was nothing wrong in asking about his abilities as he was already used to being asked. It was sort of obvious, but other students were more interested in his anatomy than his actual skill. After all, he wasn't exactly subtle in his presence considering he always wore his water suit and breathing device. Having gills and webbed fingers didn't help his desire to stay hidden either.

Well, I guess I'm strong," stated Casey giving a very subtle reply to what his abilities even were. Yousuke's eyes narrowed slightly as he was interested as what exactly Casey was capable of.

Curious... I shouldn't pry though. He may hate opening up, but yes I am curious...' Yousuke thought with a near indifferent expression, but he felt immense curiosity. They did say curiosity killed the cat, but rather the fish in his circumstance. "Interesting. How so, if you don't mind me asking, Casey. Anyways, I have an Aquatic Adaptation therefore being able to breath in the water. My strength is also enhanced with water, as I'm faster. Heat is a no no without my equipment too. Let's see what else.. Ah, I have webbed hands and feet as well," Yousuke responded to Nico's question after Casey was finished his. For affect, Yoyo spread his fingers and toes. 'Hope it isn't too weird, yikes..' he thought flexing his hands. "If you're comfortable with answering my question, what is your ability, Nico?" said Yousuke suddenly, with a raised eyebrow.

Location: Dorm Room BW 02

Status: Actually smiling and floating like a merman

I.D.: Online

@Clear Water @Genieva Von Bubbles

While waiting for Nico's response, Yousuke moved around in his fish tank, taking in its feel. It was nice being able to swim again, but it wasn't like he didn't spend the entirety of his summer vacation in the pool or at the beach. With wandering eyes, Yousuke noticed toothy grin sent his way by Casey. One, Yoyo wasn't sure how to react. Two, he had never been smiled at like that before (at least often). And Three, he still wasn't sure what to do. '
What do I do!' Yousuke exclaimed in his head although his face didn't betray the sudden turbulent thoughts. Doing the only thing he could, he gave a half-smile in response. 'Shit. Did I mess up?' he thought as his little smile grew a bit awkward. He waved again and looked towards Nico.

Aha, so anyways. Might I ask what you plan on doing this year? I for one hope to make it as a Queen, but that may be pretty hard. I also hope to practice for knife throwing as well as working with my stupid lungs," Yousuke said in an attempt to get the conversation going again. "I also hope I can make friends this year which appears to already inching towards completion." He smiled again, which was incredibly rare although not today. This year was already starting to look promising.

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Though they weren't there just yet, Millie would soon grow accustomed to calling Amiya 'Mimi'. For now, it was still Amiya though, as they walked and got lost together. Finland, Millie had never been or particularly heard of, and she was curious to find out what living there was like. The distant gaze Amiya showed made her bite her tongue and kept the conversation to a much safer subject, the school and the adventure they were about to start here.

"It looks like a dormitory and if we get lost, we could maybe ask someone nearby." Amiya said with a shrug before they headed to the door. Millie nodded. Sure Amiya could ask someone. Milly herself was superhappy she was talking to this one person already and found herself unkeen to meet lots of other new people.

As Amiya pointed out how the rooms did not read GE as they were supposed to at the girl dorms, Millie furrowed her brows slightly, looking up and down the corridor, and then checked the map Amiya held up.
"Could be." Millie agreed but with the same lack of confidence when Amiya suggested to check out the turn up ahead. Honestly, it didn't look like these were the dorms they were supposed to be. Shouldn't there be lots of other students trying to find their rooms? Why were they all on their own here? Everything around seemed quiet and deserted. "Or we could just turn back?" Millie asked hesitantly. By now, she didn't know whether or not she'd be able to find the door they had entered the building through.

Returning on their steps, Millie stopped at the top of a staircase.
"Did we climb up the stairs?" she wondered, glancing at the other girl. Scratching the side of her neck, Millie - for the love of God - really could not remember. "Or should we knock on the doors? Maybe there is someone here, but we just don't know." the black haired girl suddenly whispered, suspiciously eying the door across the hallway and stairs.


location: Teacher Dorms - tagged: @Yuuki of the Strata, @Suzuki Mine

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