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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

@Yuuki of the Strata

Oops forgot to say

BW 02 is great!

You said three people right since YoYo's tank is sort of big?

I'd love to make him have roommates definitely lol

Or anything really haha

But that's the first so might as well take it~
Yep, its 4 to a dorm, but because Yoyo's fish tank, he only gets two other roommates.

BW02 for him~

Oh I can't wait to see what you do~

Everything in the rp is already so beautiful hehe
I think I have fixed Millie's bio, might tweak her sheet (little things) here and there, but... it's up for evaluation.

And speaking of dorms... What was it... GE... 05?

Or rather bunk in with Kevyn if we don't have that many girl chars yet.

On second thought, do have her bunk in with Kevyn!

I can see that girl exploding and Millie apologizing and then her exploding again.

And they both wear gloves to keep their things in check, they might even bond. :P
We keep a pet cat at our dads shop, and depending on if my parents will let me sleep over here (which i luv bcuz this cat is my pal and cats are amazing) I should have time to finish Janus! :D

If I can't though, they'll take my computer. ( * ^ * ) They're the sort of people who think two hours of electronics is too much.

I'll pray for Millie's well being.


@Genieva Von Bubbles

Guuuurl Trip is never gonna let Nico wear his shades if she can help it.

Casually snatch them off of him while in her class or when passing in the hall.

'cause hiding such
bellissimo eyes from the world is a sin!


Ahh~ The struggles of youth~

I don't miss them at all~


@Scribbly; I just wanna hug Millie she's so cute. ;;^;;

One thing though, I would mention how she transfers the poisons onto others. You mentioned in her bio through touch, so I would probably mention that in the strengths section.

Otherwise, Accepted.

I'm contemplating whether or not I should make another character once again, haha~

I want to make a female character who is just all sunshine and dasies

@Yuuki of the Strata

It depends on the poison, since when it's "gassy", and comes from her skin... it's not with touch. Uhmzzz. Let me see where to put it! :P
@Suzuki Mine

i cant wait for college... im planning on going somewhere out of state, so ill be able to have my computer whenever i want (*´▽`*)
@Scribbly; True, true. But explaining how she can transfer them to people may help.

Also, would it be alright if Leo was the one to find her and give influence to her being at the school? He probably wouldn't make it known to her that he's actually a teacher. xD But he would be able to withstand her poisons if something happened.

@Ghost; No rush~ I'm just excited. >w< //bouncing in seat

Aw man. Out of state college is gonna be expeeeeensive. But yees. College is fun. Except when you have to adult. OTL

Millie icon was just put up. Editing dorms now.
@Yuuki of the Strata

I have a question~

I was wondering if my new character could be the Nurse as I'm giving her some sort of ability to heal, though I'm thinking of the science behind it

As if using her own blood or something contained cells able to heal? Tears too like Fawkes maybe??

Also, I was wondering if she could have some history with Leo??

Childhood friends is what I have in mind, if your own history would permit it?

I'm still working out the kinks, but just pitching the idea out there~
@Yuuki of the Strata

xD I'm excited toooo

The one I'm most likely going to end up in is like just outside of my states border

Out of all the ones I'm looking at, it'll probably be the less expensive...

I think there's some sort of discount? I can't remember the details tho
@Yuuki of the Strata; Of course Leo could find her!

And I added some ways of transferring. I'm not sure if it's too much she could be able to do it in various ways?

Like if her tears were poisonous and she cried, it could drop on something/someone and passed on that way; it can evaporate from her skin; when it comes from her fingertips (from under her nails) as a liquid, she could touch someone with it, but maybe also mix it in a drink or whatever? Or is that too much...

And maybe her poison doesn't necessarily kill, but can also stun or make people unconscious? I'm thinking in ways for her to be an asset in future missions. :P I don't want her to be a mass-killing machine >.<
@Scribbly; I think if it were in liquid form, it would be like.. spit, sweat, tears, etc. Gas and solid could be from physical contact? Seems legit to me. xD

@Owlet; Hmmm... lemme look into some healing abilities to see if I can find something.

I kind of have some plots that limit Leo's availability for childhood friends, but definitely work something out over PMs if you like. =w= b

@Scribbly; It could be the degree of emotion she feels that dictates its effects and potency?
Thank you~! I'll look to, since you've been such a big help

Okie kay~!

I'll PM you then~

@Yuuki of the Strata
Oh man... there's better no boy out there that ever wants to kiss her. >.<

The nurse better gets to be a really good one!

She could probably put a whole classroom to sleep. Or herself for a very lengthy and unhealthy amount of time if she realizes and tries to re-absorb it all. xD

I'm gonna go sleep before my mind runs off with me and I'll never be able to fall asleep with it working overtime!

Hope to start verrry soon!

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