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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

@Sphear, I was kind of hoping you could answer me here so I can discuss it with you. xD

@Genieva Von Bubbles

I like him, but I do have a couple things I would like to address. Your power doesn't have a description. xD

Other than that, I think the power you are describing fits more into Instant Learning power. I would actually prefer that one instead of Amplified Brain Usage (considering from the recruit thread, I do expect someone to have an Enhanced Intelligence power coming in). ABU has soooo much more that contributes to it, I think it would be way off of what you're going for.

So yes, yes. I highly recommend changing it to Instant Learning instead. It could still send him into a catatonic state, even cause nosebleeds and incredible migraines because, yes, his brain is being worked a lot more than it should be. He would also be able to learn through reading and watching, however, putting it in practice could be quite different than knowing how to do something. His body doesn't automatically gain the muscle to be able to perfectly demonstrate judo moves, but he would know how to do them and how to do them perfectly. And I imagine it would take as long as it would take the person to show him.
Besides the obvious of Allan's mouth expanding and becoming monstrous, how does this effect him physically?

The mutagen only affects Allan's mouth, teeth, throat and stomach. Mouth is enlarged. Teeth are sharpened. Throat can stretch to accommodate bigger objects. Allan's stomach acid can digest almost anything in a short time. Do we need to talk about the excretory process? :0

You keep mentioning his "mutagen" form. Does his entire body change?

Just his mouth and his digestive tract. His digestive tract essentially digests like a snake, but faster.

How long does it takes for him to go into this form and go out of it?

The transformation happens when Allan wills it. It happens by default if Allan is emotionally distraught. It takes about 3~4 hours for him to revert back.

Does it hurt him at all?

It doesn't hurt! However he may feel drowsy after a transformation.

How does consuming and digesting effect his stomach?

While he's transformed, his stomach can take things that normal human could not. But if he reverts back to human during a consuming or digesting process, he can potentially die. For example, if he becomes human while his stomach is attempting digest a desk, he'll probably die, or at least have some kind of stomach-related problem. Fortunately, digestion, depending on what Allan is eating will take only a couple of minutes while he's transformed. During transformation his stomach acid is like a pit of lava if you will.

Does he gain an almost feral mind as he is in this state? Why?

The sudden changes to the body agitate Allan greatly. This state is exacerbated when Allan is emotional. So he can become quite feral. Repeated training can allow Allan to keep his senses during a transformation. Allan simply is not capable of that yet.

What's the name of this power?

"Consume." Haha..

@Yuuki of the Strata
@Sphear; hhhhhh <3

Okay I like. xD

If you could, add all of that into the description, strengths and weaknesses and we're golden. =w= b

Sorry if my tone of writing seemed short. I was on objective analytical mode. O_o

It happens sometimes. OTL

@Genieva Von Bubbles; yeeees~ Better! =w=

Congrats! You're the first officially accepted character!

Congratulations, Gen~! xD

Sorry I haven't really been responding, I've been working on Yousuke heh

Also, he's almost done, just need to work out the personality~

if you want you can start reviewing him, he's pretty much done besides personality eheh

Or not, whatever~!
Hi there! I finally finished my character sheet~ it only took me a whole day! xD Wow, this is definitely the hardest I've ever worked on a character. I'm pretty proud of my work, if I do say so myself! It just seems that the coding got a little messed up along the way, so there's that... But everything else is left for you to decide I guess! :D
@Clear Water; coding has been messing up for everyone, I suppose. xD Don't worry about that because I'll go in and fix it.

It might take me a few minutes to read over everything and give back commentary. I got my extra pages and I need to fill out the Q&A asap.


I'm quite proud, honestly~

You don't have to review him yet, though, as you're busy @Yuuki of the Strata

No rush, no rush!
Q&A is up.

If you have more questions that you feel should be put up, feel free to ask.

I need to take a 5. x___x;;

My hands hurt from coding all day xD

@Clear Water; Jacob's age doesn't match in his basic info and bio. It says he's 18 in the last paragraph of his bio. If he's a second year, he would be 16-17 years old. Other than that, looks good! =w= b


@Owlet; NINGYO-NO-KO! ;;A;; omggg I love him so much. Lemme hug him. //grabby hands

@Genieva Von Bubbles @Clear Water @Owlet

Do you guys want to pick your dorms? I have them up in the second post of the Sign-Up page.

Awww sheeeeeeet.

Just rolled to see what dorm Leo gets.

You guys are gonna get to see a looooot of Love-Hate with this guy and his dormmate.
Found a good scientific explanation to Luvia's phasing ability, i hope that's okay.

Also, i haven't found a good image for her yet so i left out her appearance as empty for now.

@Yuuki of the Strata
@Yuuki of the Strata

Thank you~!

I love him toooo xD

Oh okie!

I have a question too

Can Yousuke have his big tank, hehehe

The idea kinda stuck~
@Owlet; Yes, bby. Yoyo can totally have his fish tank bed. xD

Totes gonna happen. xD

@too much idea; Molecular Vibrations, nice~

Though not all of her weaknesses relate to the power. My character Leo is another Molecular manipulator, so I recommend taking some of his weaknesses as well. Any kind of molecular disrupting device would make it so her power wouldn't work. Extreme cold would slow her down, maybe to the point of not being able to use her power.

Since she can't touch anything and goes through things while using her power, you could probably mention that she needs to be careful when going through solid objects. If she stops mid-way, she could get stuck in whatever she is going through and it could kill her. So it would be a good idea she knows what's on the other side of walls first, and maybe how thick the walls are. xD

I updated the list of taken powers under Rules on the Overview page. =w= b

I'll fix up all the completed cs's coding later tonight, so don't worry about that too much now.

@Spear; Yeee~<3 Accepted. =w= b

If you can update the bio to two paragraphs, that would be great, but that's just a minor detail now.
@Yuuki of the Strata


I was looking up images to get a feel and well


I think if he's going to have a water tank as a bed or a bubble, they would have to make more room for him. They would probably only have three students to his dorm instead of four.

That sounds fair

Please torture him and make him communicate and mess up


hhhhh I can't wait to start up the rp.

I need to get locations out, and then finish Leo's bio. >____<;;;

Though, technically his isn't really important to the students.

I can't wait to get the rp rolling. xD

@CaraTheMeow; I'm not very comfortable with your character's bio and the idea that she has "mild schizophrenia". Also, I don't quite understand her power. D;

First, I would like to address her bio. I'm not quite a fan that she pretty much consciously killed her family after they started abusing her for slapping around her sister. I'm not quite convinced that they would be alright with her killing a kid, but not be okay with her slapping her sister. To me, it would have made much more sense for her family to have sent her to an orphanage after the first incident, seeing as she was a potential threat to their "favorite" daughter. Also, after she killed her ex-friend and her entire family, I don't think she would be sent to IGNITE. Rather, she would be sent to an imprisonment facility instead, being deemed too harmful to be around other students. In the case of other characters with deaths in their bios that have been accepted, they were completely or near completely unconscious and it wasn't a reoccurring action.

Second, I am very uncomfortable with the fact that she is labeled mild schizophrenic. I am usually very hesitant on psychological disorders unless I know the player has either experienced it themselves or has done extensive research on it. Reading her bio, I didn't really get she is schizophrenic more than she just has anger and manic emotions--which is definitely not the same thing.

Third, I don't understand how her power is a "transformation." The body manipulation to enhance her senses, reflexes, and durability isn't really considered a transformation. Rather, it would be something more like Enhanced Condition. But seeing how..uh... trigger her temperament became, it might be closer to Feral Mind.

However, all and all, I will have to decline this character. The changes I would require would change the character so much that it wouldn't be the same character you applied with. You're welcome to try again, though.

Slowly working on Locations. You guys can see the main building. I'll organize it more when I get back from food. =w=
Ohhhh coooool!

I also can't wait until we start

I'm crying internally cause it really hurts

My anticipation is going to be the death of me haha

Anyways get something good to eat

Umma read the locations~



Umma read everything xD

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