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Fantasy Cursed Blood

" tsk what are you going to say please eh? Or do you expect me to be scared of the 'big bad wolf that you are' ? " he asked, mocking her as he did. He could feel the the nick at his cheek but Fenris remembered being captured by damned when he was young. He was tortured and treated worse then a stray dog. It did influence him badly forming a blood thirst in him. He did kill half of the tormentors before escaping. So Fenris no longer feared death but welcomed it. " Go ahead slay me if you want, I do not fear you or the death you threaten me with ". Fenris was anticipating her giving up easily. He did not take Nova as someone smart enough to get understand what he feared. He feared the darkness, the shadows that engulfed him day after day as he was beaten to death and healed again so that the daily regime could follow. He could always see death but never get it, being tortured like that was his only fear, compared to that this was in fact fun. Maybe even a game. Fenris's thoughts made a giggle to exit his lips. He did feel sorry for Nova and her desperate attempt so he spoke, " If you fear your alpha just tell him that I was trying to escape and you shot me, he doesn't need to know about the exalts. " he did not look in her direction as he spoke. He felt a little confused why would he help a damned. Well this was more like a sacrifice what might the alpha do to him now.
Putting her needles away, Nova walked up to Fenris and squat down in front of him. She leaned in close to his face, almost kissing length apart, "You will not budge will you?" She spoke in a low voice, her eyes stared at him. She placed her fingertips on the end of the needle and took it out from the tree with ease. She leaned back and laid on the ground, letting out a sigh, her fingers still holding the end of the needle. "Yah. You're right. I can't do this. I can't torture someone.." Nova calmed down, letting her nice personality sink back to place. "I'll just face my punishment head on" she said, her voice was softer.
Lucian continued walking, this was all starting to be too bothersome. He paused, his eyes darting back behind him before looking a head. The noise sounded like it had come from the exact spot he was standing in but there was nothing around. Not a trace of anything out of the ordinary. A horrible feeling ran down his spine. Perhaps this was a diversion, a means to get him away from the village. But to what end? He doubted his sister had the gall to attack his pack being how strong they were. But, he had been surprised before. Clenching his jaw he thought out the possibilities of what could be happening. Or, perhaps his paranoia had finally gotten the best of him. He stalked towards the direction of the Exalted boarder. If he set foot anywhere near her territory she would know. He felt the need to get this done and over with. If the little princess wanted to play games then that was fine with him. "Tasha. Go back to Nova and the Exalted. Make sure he does not leave. I have some questions for him." He growled out, the noise from that morning obviously still troubling him.

"Leandros, make sure you keep up."

Wisps of black aura surrounded Lucian as he shifted quickly before charging down the forest path they came from. He was moving much faster and much more quieter than one would expect a wolf his size to be going. He weaved through trees with frightening accuracy before stopping just sort of the Dammed and Exalted border. When he shifted again, he kept one knee on the ground a blood-lust entering the look in his eyes before dissipating. Lucian's brown hair waved in the soft breeze looking almost green from the tint of the trees. Gold orbs glared up at the forest beyond that was Exalted territory.

"Come on, sister,

catch my sent.

It's about time for an over-due family chat."
Fenris took a deep breath, it was relief that he was right. She surely could not be brutal like her pack. Maybe a abnormality there but a good one indeed. Fenris could potentially make a escape back to the exalt territory but would it be any use? he is going to be killed there, here he might have some chance of survival. Fenris could push the needle causing it to puncture her finger and if he was lucky it might be the wolfsbane one. He sighed, for some reason the ruthless wolf could not hurt someone who had helped him even though he was the enemy. " What do you wish to know ? " he asked sighing. He might tell Nova a few things but not the other damned, not at all and specially not the girl who was a self proclaimed owner of Fenris now and branded him as a toy. Fenris would even resist telling the alpha about this but he knew that his former head's brother was not that kind and patient and would surely take out the information he needs.
Nova sat up, her face lit up with an excited cheerful expression. "Really? You'll tell me?" She said with a delighted smile. "Tell me anything that might save help us. Any future attacks that are planned against us Damned" she said putting away all her weapons and sitting in front of Fenris. 'Hopefully some of this information will help us in the near long future' she thought.
" You have to keep all that i say as a secret " he said in a low tone as he glared around looking out for anyone. " Well you have no idea why i have been exiled do you? As you know the alpha of both the packs are siblings and their father resided as the head of the exalt until his murder, do you wish to know who did it? " he asked with a nasty grin. As he remembered the past fenris could no longer crontrol but feel a blood thirst charging through him. he was almost tempted to kill Nova at the moment but was maintaining his calm.
Nova nodded, she promised to keep all that he told her a secret, but what he told her was shocking to her. She honestly didn't know that they were siblings but now she knew. The village also does not know about this news. Seeing Fenris' grin scared her a bit but she held her ground. "W-who. Who killed him? They must have been very strong or very stupid.." She muttered the last sentence.
" Or maybe having a lust for blood " he commented. before looking into her eyes, moving his face closer. " They say only his burnt body was formed and a wolf drenched in the alpha's blood. The wolf is known as the Hellhound by the exalts. Do you know his first name? Do you know why I have been exiled? Do you know why I had to leave my old territory? " he gave out a laugh that sounded very sinister. " I have been sentenced as the murder of the old alpha. Fenris could no longer feel the pain, in fact he could not feel anything but darkness. His vision was being consumed slowly. all he could remember was a bitch black night with a missing moon. He could not see a thing nor could he hear any noise. Fenris began to transform into a wolf a little larger this time.
Nova hopped to her feet as Fenris began transforming. She couldn't screw up again and he obviously wouldn't listen to her. She quickly took out a needle, this time it had red leather attached to the end of it. Throwing 4 black leather ended needles at the wolf, she gave him no mercy. She knew doing this would only injure him more but he gave her no choice, he was going to attack and she couldn't fight him off. Hopefully, this would take him down quickly.
As Fenris gazed at the needles, their leather seemed to have caught fire. only one needled reached Fenris's giant body others were nothing more then molten silver that now rested on the ground. He gave a whine as it punctured through, a low tone sound could be hears, " help...". Fenris could no longer see anything but darkness that had engulfed him completely. He opened his fangs and howled loudly at nova's face, maybe he still did not wish to hurt her, maybe he was trying make make her run away in time.

( have approval for the fire thingy by wolfwolf ^^ )
(Sorry I'm at the doctor's. I'll reply in a little bit)

Nova took a step back, her heart was racing but she wouldn't run away. Taking out another 4 needles, all 4 had red leather strap at the ends instead of black. The red ones were coated in wolfsbane. She stayed in human form for as long as she could but she didn't know how long she could stay in her human form before it got dangerous.
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(sorry I wasn't getting alerts for whatever reason O_o Thanks divyansh for letting me know)Tasha looks up at Lucian as he orders her to go back, she didn't want to lose her chance at getting some personal time in with Lucian but didn't dare complain out loud. She changes into her wolf form with a growl before taking off back towards where she had left Nova. She sniffs around once reaching the spot and finding they were not there. She soon catches their scent as well as hearing the ungodly howl and takes off yet again, slowing when she sees them in her sights. Her teeth immediately bared as an agitated growl emitted from her throat. She caught the glint of one of Nova's needles in Fenris and quickly makes her way over, looking quite contrasted with the two white wolves. It was a bit ironic actually, Nova was kind and sweet where she was ruthless and aggressive, it seemed their coat colors suited them. She changes back into her human form looking dangerously over at Nova. "What have you done to him!? You were to heal and watch over him, not injure him further!" She makes her way over to Fenris, pulling out the needle before it further injured him, tossing it away. She eyes the piles of melted metal for a moment before making sure Fenris was still alive.
Fenris was quite large nearly the height of tasha. "grr..." he spoke just next to her ear, baring his fangs open at her before snapping his jaws. he howled at her moving retreating a little. Fenris himself could not see a thing, nor smell. ' It is happening again ' he thought. The wolf howled at Tasha's face trying to intimidate the girl. Maybe he was oblivious to the fact that he might have just angered her.
Tasha didn't even flinch at his snapping jaws and her glare turns dangerous at he howls in her face. It was quite loud and it did not make her ears feel pleasant. "I don't think so big guy. You are mine now. I will have none of this!" She states, her voice full of venom. She had no fear being in her human or wolf form. The only thing she feared was Lucian's wrath, he was the only wolf who could make her cower if he wished. She changes into her wolf form, grabbing a hold of his injured ear and yanks him down to the ground with it, snarling with her teeth still clamped closed on it.
"I haven't done a thing! Tasha! You must get back!" Nova yelled, taking another step back. 'God damn it Tasha! We might die because of you!' She thought, Tasha came at the wrong time and did the wrong move. But seeing what she did next was very surprising. The wolf was on the ground, nova was frozen. She didn't know what to do next, does she approach or does she help Fenris?
"tsk grr...." He spoke as if a wild beast. Fenris tried to struggle out but he could now feel pain in his ear. it was still a fresh wound and a hurtful one for that. The helpless wolf snapped his and howled in his helpless attempt to escape. He gazed over at the tree causing it to incinerate. His eyes were bleeding red. On the other hand fenris could mind himself in the desolation of his mind. Darkness all around soon he could hear dripping. He could see droplets of blood raining over at him. The to bite the paw that held his ear. He punctered his fangs deep. "grrr !" he said as he came into a aggressive stance moving back from the black wolf, maybe he feared her.
Tasha let go of his ear as he bit her paw, a gasp escaping her throat but no yelp. She wouldn't allow that. She made a mental note to have him pay for that, or perhaps he already had with the needles. Tasha turns her attention towards the white wolf, he was acting as if he was possessed. She stalks towards him, her posturing aggressive and very similar to an alpha because for this white wolf, she was above him in rank. "Stand down exiled one" She commands, baring her teeth as her golden eyes bore into him.
Fenris barked at her. "grr..tsk", he bore his fangs out but slowly retreating. A wild beast can be tamed indeed. His fangs went back in. He looked at her and bowed her, still growling a little. He could not fight someone higher ranked them him now could he? Tasha intimidated him and so he just kept his head down in both fear and respect. Fenris could now see a vivid ray of light though nothing more then that. ' Why is this happening ' he thought.
Nova slowly approached the two when Fenris finally calmed down. "Tasha. I have bad news, but where is Lucian? I have to report this to him also.." She spoke hesitantly. Nova a little frightened to tell Tasha since she would give no mercy to her, than again neither would Lucian. 'Who should I tell first..?' Nova thought, 'Maybe it would be better if I told them together..'
Tasha stopped her snarling and her teeth were no longer bared. She lifts her head up, looking quite pleased with herself. "Now there's a good pet." She states as she circles him, a small test if you will before turning her attention to Nova. "That's how you keep control" She changes into her human form as Tasha states bad news. "Lucian sent me back to make sure you had the exiled one under control. Seems I came back in the nick of time. What is this bad news?"
Fenris could see everything clearly now but could no longer hear. Last he remembered was telling something to Nova before it all happened. Fenris glared at Tasha, he could not look at her clearly. His vision was tainted red. He was surely oblivious to the fact that his eyes were bleeding prior to this. Fenris could see Tasha's attention turning away. He howled before dashing towards Tasha. He could only see blood all around, the lust he had for it grew stronger. He indeed wished to bath in blood right now. He was charging to ram into her.
"I shall tell you the news once Lucian has returned. I feel that he also needs to hear this news" Nova spoke calmly, she was full of doubt when she saw Tasha control Fenris with ease while she, herself, couldn't even get a bit of useful information out of him. Compared to everyone else, Nova was weak as a new born pup. She had to change, to become more ruthless, to be stronger. From the corner of her eye, she could see Fenris about to pounce on Tasha. 'What do I do? What do I do?' She though before pushing both Tasha and her away from his aim.
Tasha was expecting something along these lines from him. It was not an easy thing to bow down to one you just met, but he would learn his place in time. She shifts from human to wolf, leaping back as she did. Barely missing Fenris' tackle at the last second and snarls in his direction wanting his attention. Her weight shifted from leg to leg, even though her foot was killing her, she continued to act like it was not bothering her at all; she was prepared to move in a split second. She would tend to her paw later. It made her slower but didn't hinder her to the point of wanting to call it quits. She watches him closely, waiting for his next move, she liked that he had a bit of fight in him.
He glared at her and howled his mouth open baring her fangs he charged again at her but paused shortly. Fenris had been working on controlling his lust for blood. He was breathing heavily. His paw rubbing over his eye in an attempt to wipe it off. Blood kept dripping down his cheeks. " Grr..What do you want? " he yelled in a hard and rough voice. He spoke like a possessed rouge. His eyes staring at Nova too, he knew that she had a needle still in her hand maybe the one with the red strap. " Grrr....ANSWER!" he yelled. Fenris grew impatience by the second, the pain had began to come back.

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